Loki's Family

By Irish_Wolves

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By: darkoraclegirl Published with permission Five year old Harry is running from his cousin and friends when... More

New friends and new problems
The trials p1
Trial of Albus Dumbledore
Thr Calm before the storm
The grand Asgardian ball p1
The Grand Asgardian Ball p2
A heart is a heart, regardless of colour
On the way to Hoggywarts
A look into things on Asgard
First day and a song
Problems in Asgard are a family matter
Personal history problems for teacher
History and stuff that matters
Asgard the realm of strife
Nundu in the garden
Musical Hoggy Warts
A smashing ball part one
Stormfront brewing
A smashing ball part 2
Trials and Quirrelmort
Coronation and banishment
Coronation and banishment p2
The road to redemption
Surprise, you have family!
Family and chaos

New faces and planning

754 33 13
By Irish_Wolves

~Earth, Puente Antiguo Outskirts~

It was bound to happen sooner or later with five pure Asgardians in the RV, and that thing was their stomachs demanding food, glorious food. Harry had also gotten a bit hungry but he still had some of the pumpkin pasties from school to eat. But since that wouldn't be enough for the five hungry Asgardians the gang found themselves pulling into a gas station/diner rest stop. Grabbing a booth at the back the group placed their orders and talked about where they should go on their road trip, looking at the map to see if there were any interesting stops along the way.

However Thor, thinking he was being sneaky did try to suggest a path that would take them by where his hammer was said to have landed, to which he was shot down...hard...and given hell about it, but awarded some points for trying to actually use his brain in such a way that was unusual for him. Sadly though, Thor couldn't help himself with some of the suggested locations to visit after Darcy took out her tablet to look up some places, and when he learned of a small war museum he tried to grab the tablet to look at it and ended up spilling the pot of coffee on the waitress that had been waiting on them and all over the table, with it spilling into peoples laps.

"Thor!" Harry shouted aggravated tone as he grabbed some napkins and began dabbing them against his now coffee soaked thighs, thankfully the pot was an old one, and thus not too hot for him.

"I am sorry Harry," Thor said as he gave everyone an apologetic look.

"All in favor of sending Thor to the counter for the remainder of the meal?" Runa sighed tiredly.

Harry, Runa, Godiva, Ari, Jarl, Darcy, and even Erik raised their hands.

"Thor go take your plate and cup and go sit at the counter," Harry ordered before turning to the waitress, "Really sorry about him."

"No worries dear, I have a moron of my own at home," she said as she shot a glare at Thor and then went to get a towel to clean the table with, as well as more napkins for the customers.

"Harry," Thor began but was cut off by a glare from said person and a pointed finger to the counter. Thor sighed, grabbed his things and moved to the counter. "It's like being a child with Loki all over again," he grumbled as he recalled the number of times that he was banished from the table by Loki when the two would eat together while their parents were busy.

Thor gave a nod to the man in the suit at the counter next to an empty seat. "May I?" Thor asked as he waved to the stool.

"By all means," The man said as he gave Thor a friendly smile. "Trouble at your table?" He questioned as Thor sat down.

"I fear in my excitement over a possible stop in our trip, I caused a mess. Therefore I have been banished for now," Thor chuckled with a guilty look.

The man shook his head with an amused smile. "Well stuff like that happens. Travelling with family?"

"My brother's grandson, his friends, and some new friends of mine actually, though I don't know where exactly we're going to go. I'm not from around here after all," Thor told the man, making sure not to mention being from somewhere other than Midgard as Harry and the others had warned him against it.

The man thought for a moment, "Oh yeah, it's summer vacation for most kids, right?" He then looked over at the table and raised a brow in surprise before shaking his head. "Looks like the adults are out matched," He joked.

Thor laughed, "You don't know the half of it my friend."

"So, which ones your great nephew?" The man in the suit asked Thor as he found it hard to believe that a man who looked as young as Thor did, could be a great uncle to one of the kids.

"The one with the green eyes and black hair, his name is Harry and he is one of the greatest young men I know," Thor said proudly.

"A fine looking young man, his grandfather must be proud of him," The man nodded.

Thor nodded, "That my brother is. Harry has done so much for our family and everyone he's come in contact with. We are all proud of him," Thor said as he thought about everything that Harry had done since arriving in Asgard. "Are you travelling as well sir?" Thor asked the man, realizing that he knew nothing about the man he'd been talking with.

"Travelling for work actually. Since I'm close to where I'm going, I thought I would stop in for a little lunch before I have to get to work," the man answered. "And speaking of," He said as he checked his watch. "I should finish up my coffee and get to where I'm supposed to be."

When the man downed the rest of his coffee and stood, Thor held his hand out to him. "It was pleasure speaking to you, and I wish you well in your work."

The man shook Thor's hand. "Hope you have a good trip. Say, what's your name?"

"Thor," Thor answered, "And yours?"

"Phil Coulson, take care Thor." With that said, the man, Phil, went to pay his bill before leaving the diner.

About fifteen minutes after Phil left, a tall, red haired man with blue eyes and wearing armor similar to an early suit of Thor's armor walked in. He looked around before spotting Harry's table, and scowled. "Loki!" the man growled as he pulled out his hammer, something that immediately drew the attention of everyone in the diner, most notably being Harry, Runa, and Thor who were all facing the door, the other three Asgardians having their backs to the doors.

Sensing danger and not wanting a fight inside the diner Harry got to his feet slowly, making sure to keep his hands in the man's sight at all time. "Sir, I'm going to ask that you put that away before you hurt someone. No one here wants a fight, but if you refuse, then a fight you will get!" Harry warned, hoping his friends wouldn't jump the gun and start a fight before Harry could try to talk the man down.

"I don't know what you did to bring me here, Loki, but I will make you pay for destroying Earth and treating humans like garbage!" he spat, "Ready your sceptre, I will not fight you unarmed, even if you do have your filthy magic!"

Harry couldn't help but roll his eyes. "What is it with people hating magic?" He questioned. "Also, my name is Harry, I'm not Loki."

"Also, also, what drugs is this guy on? What's he talking about destroying the Earth?" Darcy questioned. "I mean this might not be the prettiest place in the world but it's not a complete dump!"

Darcy was not the only person confused by the 'destorying the Earth' comment the man had said, as most in the diner were looking to one and other, some questioning if the guy was some environmentalist type or something.

Harry turned to Runa with a raised brow and whispered, "What sceptre is he talking about? Have you ever seen grampy use one?" To which she just shrugged her shoulders.

The red headed man growled, "I am Magni, son of Thor and Amora the Enchantress," he said, getting a shocked look from Thor at hearing that, "And you are Loki, the shape changing god of Evil!" he said as he began to channel his father's powers and channeling a thunderstorm to form.

Harry stared at the guy, Magni, as if he had two heads. "Son of Thor and Amora?" Then he turned to Thor and said. "Care to explain this?"

Thor got to his feet, looking confused as well as concerned. "I assure you I have no child with Amora, at least none that I can recall." He told Harry before turning to Magni, who was currently glaring at Thor now. "I don't know why you claim to be my son, but I ask that you stay your hand from battle. That is not my brother, but my brother's grandson. You have no enemies here." Thor knew he wasn't the best person when it comes to talking someone down from a fight, but he at least was going to try. "Why don't we step outside, away from these people, and speak out there?" He suggested as he took a few slow steps towards Magni.

"You claim to be Thor Odinson?" Magni scoffed, "Please, father would never allow himself to wear human clothes!" Then Magni turned back to Harry, "And you, you think I would fall for such a pathetic lie, all of Loki's children were locked up so he has no Grandchildren!"

Harry sighed and shook his head. "This is why I hate talking to most of the noble class of Asgard. Always so stuck up and full of themselves, that they think they know everything." Harry then glared at Magni, "Well I know for a fact that Thor doesn't have any children and he most certainly wouldn't have any with that blond bimbo unless she was using magic on him. So, why don't we just say we're both full of shit and calm the fuck down?"

"Harry, please, let me take care of this," Thor insisted. "Harry is correct in that I have no children with Amora," he then gave a small nervous smile, "If I did, she would've forced me to marry her years ago," The smile then fell. "And I don't know what my brother has done to earn such hatred from you, but please just stay your hand and let's talk about this. You don't want to drag these people into this, do you?" Thor questioned as he waved to the people around them, most of which were either watching with great interested or, like Darcy was, recording what was happening on their phones.

Magni looked around, and sighed, "Fine, Loki, but, I still don't trust you, either of you," he said as he put his hammer away, the storm over head dissipating slowly, "If you are my father, where's your armor and weapon?" he spat at Thor.

Jane coughed loudly, "Um, maybe we should take this to the camper, we are sorta drawing a crowd..." she suggested.

"Or at the very least outside where it isn't starting to get cramped," Runa offered.

"Right, Jane, Erik, one of you pay for the food while we take, Magni, outside to talk and try to explain things," Harry said as his friends got their feet. "Darcy, stop with the phone please," Harry said as he passed her, making sure to block her camera with his hand along the way.

"Not cool Hare-bear!" Darcy protested as she got up, phone still recording as she followed them outside.

Thor was next to follow, hating how he would have to, again, tell the story of his banishment from Asgard but knowing it would be better than whatever might happen if he doesn't explain things to this man claiming to be his son.

~Ten minutes later, inside the RV cruising down the interstate~

When Magni had entered the RV, he had not expected to be inside a magically expaneded interior of an RV, "Ok, I know of no magic that can do this..." he said loudly.

Harry set his wand on the table before him. "That's clearly because you don't know about the magical communities of Earth. Which I happen to be a student of in one of them." He then waved to the wand. "This is the closest I have to a 'sceptre' and it's got some restrictions on it since I'm just a first year at Hogwarts. Thankfully I was able to clear it with the ministry to be able to do some minor spells like enlarging the interior of this camper," He explained.

Magni looked at Harry suspiciously, "So, you really are Loki's grandson?" he questioned.

Harry threw his hands up into the air with an annoyed look. "Why is that what proves who I say I am?" He questioned. "I don't remember aunt Hela having magic or hearing about any of my uncles having it! So why does me having it prove I'm grampy's grandson?" He questioned.

"Because it's an Asgard racial thing?" Darcy suggested helpfully.

Ari rolled his eyes, "I wouldn't be surprised, but no one in Asgard made that connection, so hard to say if that's true or not."

Magni sighed, "Loki, or at least, the one I know, has never shown abilities to make a space larger, if he had, he could have finished rebuilding Asgard on Earth in no time after it was destroyed," he said, his words were met with silence, "What?" he asked confusedly.

"What do you mean by 'Asgard was destroyed'?" Thor asked, now very worried for his home.

"Well, the destruction of Asgard happened about twenty years before I was born, but, I know that with Loki's help, my father enslaved humanity and destroyed Earth's heroes. For a long time, I helped my father and Loki's schemes, believing it to be the right thing to do, but eventually, thanks to Jane Foster and her band of rebels, I saw how the Warriors Three and the other Asgardians had ravaged the Earth, making it their hunting grounds," he explained, "I...admit...I killed my fair share of humans too, but I eventually fought against my father and Loki," he finished.

"Wait, I was working with a band of rebels?" Jane asked in shock.

"Damn Jane, didn't know you had it in you to team up with rebels," Darcy commented with a grin. "You got a hidden side to you girl. You should let that Jane out to play some times."

Thor, ignoring what Darcy was saying frowned, "Magni, Asgard has not been destroyed, least not as far as I know. I may have been banished by my father for my actions the but last I heard Asgard was still standing."

"How is that possible?" Magni asked, deeply confused now, "I mean, time travel is, technically, possible, but my father, and Loki, had all the research made by humanity burned. Not to mention that I was in the middle of a battle with Loki and father when I ended up near…I think it's called a 'gas station', whatever the hell that is," he continued to explain, "Anyway, what do you mean you were banished?" he asked Thor with concern.

Ari was more than happy to answer that one. "His coronation was interrupted by Frost Giants so he led Sif, the warriors three, and Loki to Jotunheim where he pretty much restarted the old war with them before calling the Allfather a fool, and as punishment for doing that, he was banished to Midgard. That about sums it up I think," Ari said smugly.

Thor sighed, a look of shame on his face. "Yes, I fear that is what happened."

"Then where is your hammer, father?" Magni asked confusedly, "I mean, even if you were banished, you should still be able to call it, right?" he asked.

"Knowing the Allfather, he would have placed a seal to further punish Thor by preventing him from being able to summon or use Mjolnir," Godiva spoke up, "Which is why he doesn't have it, even though it's here on Midgard too."

"She is right, Mjolnir will not answer my calls," Thor nodded, "We believe I may first have to redeem myself before I regain the right to hold it once again."

Harry gave Thor an unimpressed look. "Excuse me? We? I'm sorry but I recall us having to pretty much beat it into your head that you weren't going to get that hammer back by just going over to it and trying to pick it up, which, by the way, was your whole plan. We," Harry waved to everyone but Thor and Magni, "Allagreed that that plan would fail, and thus suggested that you had to redeem yourself before it would return to you. Don't try to pretend like you were with our plan all along."

"Huh," Magni said, "In my time, Odin was dead," he said, "On top of that I have my own Mjolnir, it found my father unworthy after he killed his alter ego Jake Olson," Magni explained, "Though, I don't think this one would work any better than yours father," he explained before looking up and seeing the shocked and somewhat confused looks on everyone's faces. "What?" he asked intelligently.

"Thor, you killed someone?" Jane questioned with great amounts of concern.

"Hold up, what's all this alter ego talk? Thor's always been Thor as far as we've known him," Darcy pointed out.

Thor shook his head, "I don't know anyone named Jake Olson, nor do I have this 'alter ego' that Magni speaks of."

"Sounds like a lot of what's happened in Magni's time doesn't match up with what's currently happening," Runa pointed out before turning back to Magni. "You said Loki doesn't have any grandchildren, correct?"

"Correct," Magni said, "Granted, Hela was released from Hel so as to fight on the side of New Asgard against the humans and rebels led by Jane Foster," he said, his words profoundly shocking everyone since it was now clear that Jane hadn't just been part of a group of rebels, but its leader! Magni smiled, "It is nice to see you when you're not covered in blood Miss Foster, I know my father raged quite a bit that you were no longer at his side and had turned against him."

Jane's eyes went huge at that. "Covered in blood? Just what the hell did I do in your time?!" She just couldn't imagine herself leading rebels in any way that would get her soaked with blood.

"Alright everyone just hold it for a moment," Runa called as she banged her fist against the table. "Magni just confirmed that Harry doesn't exist in his time, which would be impossible given that it would mean that Loki never had Harry's mother nor met Harry's grandmother. So I don't think this is a simple matter of time travel anymore," Runa pointed out.

"If not time travel, then what could it be?" Ari asked in confusion.

"I think I know what Runa is suggesting," Godiva spoke up. "You believe that Magni is from another reality, one in which Harry was not born in and thus that reality underwent different events to the one we are in, correct?"

Runa nodded. "Yeah, it sounds to me like Magni is from a completely different version of our world, which is why things aren't adding up for us."

Darcy pouted a little. "Aw, no bad ass Jane then…" She grumbled, making said woman sigh in disbelief as she lightly smacked Darcy on the back of the head with a muttered 'idiot'.

Magni, meanwhile, frowned, "So...I'm not on my Earth anymore?" he asked Runa and Godiva with a good deal of confusion and curiosity that clearly marked him as a son of Thor.

"So far, it's looking like that's what has happened. After all you've spoken of, Thor being responsible for destroying the world and killing a great many people on Earth, but this Thor," Runa pointed at Thor, "He gets threatened by Harry to no longer be considered family, and he practically becomes submissive. Does that sound like your father, even his past self, who you undoubtedly heard about over the years of your life?" Runa questioned, making a point to ignore Thor's denial about having gone 'submissive' towards Harry after the threat.

Magni frowned, "No, it does not, in fact, my father was responsible for killing most of Earth's mightiest heroes for being threats to his rule and the other New Asgardians," he replied, shocking those sitting in the RV listening to what was going on.

"Yeah…that just doesn't fit our Thor in the slightest. He might have an ego, but over the years we've managed to chip away at it so he couldn't go off on a tantrum that badly," Harry sighed.

"I do not throw tantrums. Harry, I am a grown man, not some whiney child!" Thor commented as he crossed his arms and gave a small, childish pout.

"Man Child!" Ari pretended to cough into his fist, making the young Asgardians in the RV, not including Magni, chuckle in amusement.

Magni sighed, "So, if Asgard is still around, do you think Grandfather Odin has become aware of me yet?" he asked, little knowing that Odin was in the Odinsleep, but had noticed a new presence in his sleep.

Harry gave a shrug, "Hard to tell. After all, last we heard from Aunt Hela, Great Grampy had fallen into the Odinsleep and I really don't know just how aware of things he is while he's resting. So he might know about you," He answered.

"Even if he does know, there's very little he can do about it right now. I just wonder if Prince Loki knows about Magni, after all he is ruling Asgard at this moment."

Magni growled. "If Loki is already ruling Asgard, then they are already doomed. Those that stand against him will be cut down and others will be fooled into doing what he wants them to."

Harry glared at Magni, "Hey, just cause your Loki is evil, doesn't mean ours is, he may lie, cheat, and may have pulled pranks that could hurt people in the past, but he has a good heart and has changed a great deal since he took me in, ok?" he said threateningly.

"Loki is a vile person no matter when, or where, he is! I will not believe he is any different until I see it with my own eyes!" Magni snapped stubbornly.

Darcy, who had been about to throw her two cent into the mix stopped as she noticed something outside the window. "Hey guys? Did someone order a skateboarding grim reaper with hot pink star shaped shades? Cause there's one outside the RV waving at me..."

Ari swallowed, "What's a grim reaper?" he asked confusedly. Being Asgardian, he had not heard that term/name before. And looking to Jarl, Runa, and Godiva, he saw their shared looks of confusion.

Harry merely face palmed at his friends in response to Ari's question. But before he could even try to answer the question, a knock sounded at the door. "Is that?" Harry half asked Darcy.

"Yep, he's now knocking on the door. Oh and he has a golden golf club in his hand," She answered.

"Um, should we answer the door?" Thor asked as he looked from said door to Harry.

"Cowards..." Jane said as she sighed and rolled her eyes, already starting to see things like this as normal, before going to the door to answer it.

"Thanks for letting me in," the grim reaper guy said as he stepped inside, his skateboard disappearing in a cloud of smoke once he stepped off it. "Now then, which one is..." He trailed off as his eyes fell on Harry. "Senpai! You have no idea how happy I am to finally meet you!" He cheered as he walked over to Harry, ignoring the Asgardians asking each other what a 'Senpai' is.

"Huh?" Harry questioned in confusion before focusing. "Who are you, and what do you want?" he asked suspiciously.

"Ah that's right, you don't know me yet. Well, my name is Uncle Death, and I have the pleasure of working as Lady Hela's right hand man," The grim reaper looking man answered cheerfully.

"Got him in your world?" Runa asked Magni pointedly.

"I didn't know something as strange as that could exist," Magni answered with horror in his tone.

"Aunt Hela sent you? Why?" Harry questioned with genuine shock.

"Given the unrest in Asgard, she felt that it would best for me to serve as messenger for both you and Prince Loki. Allowing the both of you to communicate and know something about what's happening in the realms. And so here I am, to provide that service for my lady's family," Uncle Death answered, "And most of all, her favorite nephew," he added cheekily, causing Harry to blush.

"I'm her only nephew," Harry responded flatly, though he was blushing cause it was his aunt, who Ari had commented the other day was 'hot as balls', or something like that.

"Doesn't mean you can't be her favorite, Senpai," Uncle Death waved off. "Anyway, I am here to both deliver a message and to gather information as to what is going on with you and Thor. Now then...What was that message again?" Uncle Death mumbled the last part to himself but was clearly heard by everyone.

"Are we certain this 'thing' works for...Hela? I remember her being a lot smarter," Magni commented with a touch of disgust in his voice.

"Oh right! He wrote letters! Now where did I put them?" Uncle Death began searching his robe, dumping out a large number of random objects to the floor that included several different pairs of novelty glasses, a couple golf balls, what appeared to be a dried up heart, a shrunken head that appeared to be from a woman, and a large pile of colorful candy wrappers, amongst a few other questionable items, before finally pulling out a couple letters and handing them to Harry. "Knew I had them somewhere," He said proudly that he had found them.

"So, your name is Uncle Death, and you serve Hela?" Ari asked curiously, only to be smacked upside the back of the head by Runa, when he turned towards her with a questioning hurt look, she sighed.

"You were about to make a dumbass remark," she said simply, "I just beat you to the punch," she then turned to Uncle Death, "Out of curiosity, how come we have never met you, or heard of you for that matter, before?" Ari meanwhile merely grumbled about the humor of a Goddess of Death having a servant named Uncle Death, when she herself was aunty to a boy.

"I don't get out to the other realms much. Lady Hela likes to keep me close since she'd be lost without me!" Uncle Death explained excitedly failing to see the looks of disbelief on everyone's faces. "But since her father and nephew need a way to communicate with one another, so they don't go bat shit crazy worrying about each other, she forced herself to let me go and help them."

Darcy leaned over to Runa and whispered, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's a lot better in his head, then it actually is in reality," to which Runa nodded.

Harry meanwhile was looking over the letters Loki had sent with a strong feeling of sudden dread. "Great, seems Sif was trying to start a rebellion on Asgard before great grampy Odin was more than five minutes into his long overdue Odinsleep. She claimed that grampy attacked great grampy, and that that's what caused it, and that grampy forced himself onto the throne rather than great grandma giving him the job because she wanted to stay by great grampy's side. Both grampy and Freya fear that this won't be the end of trouble in Asgard, though he has hope to end any possible war with the Jotunns before it even starts with some peace offerings. Here's hoping that goes well at least."

Thor's eyes widen slightly at that. "Just what does my brother plan to offer them that would prevent war?" He asked.

Harry shrugged, "The letters don't say. Just that he has somethings that he believes will help smooth things over."

Magni sighed, "He will doom us all..." he said, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

Harry was silent for a moment as he put away the letters, then he turned to Darcy and asked, "Got any rope? I suddenly have the urge to see Magni dragging along behind the RV while we're going full speed over jagged rocks."

"Harry..." Jane said in warning with a glare.

"Oh come on! He's the one being an arsehole when he knows for a fact this isn't his world!" Ari pointed out, "He doesn't have a clue about anything regarding our Loki and yet he's treating him like he knows for a fact that our Loki is the same as his!"

"Yep, he really is Thor's son. Just as thick headed as him, only Magni's got his head more up his arse then Thor ever did," Runa sighed, wondering if she was doomed to have idoit guys around her for the rest of her life, well, excluding Harry and Jarl of course.

Jarl walked over to Magni and glared at him. "Don't talk about things in this world that you know nothing about!" He said warningly before walking over to Harry and taking up a position beside him, ready to stop any future fights from breaking out while the RV is moving.

"Oh! Such tension over Loki...interesting, though I gotta ask one thing," Uncle Death spoke up before slowly turning to Magni. "Just what is up with the carrot top Thor wannabe?"

"That would be Magni," Harry began, "Son of Thor, and Amora the Enchantress, and every bit as dumb as his mother!" Harry said bitingly, "He comes from another world, timeline, universe?" he added questioningly, "Not really sure which of those three applies here, but, it's all the same in the end, he arrived here, assumed I was grampy, and tried to pick a fight, just like his father in that regards," he finished bluntly.

Magni meanwhile, was growing angrier and angrier as he heard Harry's brutally honest description of him, "My mother isn't dumb!" he shouted angrily, causing a distant roll of thunder to be heard from outside. "Andthat, is not my father!" he added, pointing a finger at Thor angrily, completely ignoring the fact he did tend to pick fights more often than nought.

"I do not pick fights...that often!" Thor protested after a little thought.

"No, just when you feel slighted, don't get your way, or are just plain bored while armed with your kiddy hammer. Yep, totally don't pick fights that often," Runa said dismissively with a roll of her eyes.

Darcy let out a small snort. "Totally shouldn't have thought of it, but the line 'He's playing with his kiddy hammer' just came to me and it sounds dirty as hell!" Darcy managed to get out before snickering like crazy.

Ari, who'd somehow missed Darcy's little dirty moment, turned to Magni. "Your mother was easily tricked by Sif into keeping us busy while she took Harry, who Odin himself forbid her from going near, to the training grounds so she could beat him without mercy while using real weapons and leaving Harry with only a dull training sword and no actual training to defend hismelf. Your mother believed Sif's very pathetic lie. If that doesn't scream stupid then I'm the Allfather!"

Magni growled, "While I was raised to distrust Sif, I know she was part of the resistance against Loki and my father," He began, "I highly doubt the Honorable Lady Sif would beat a child!" he said.

Harry had heard enough. "This isn't your world! We are not talking about your versions of Sif and my grandfather! We are talking about our versions of them! Get that through your thick fucking skull already!" Harry snapped, some patches of his skin turning light blue as the spell covering them faded a little due to Harry's anger.

Thor carefully placed himself between Harry and Magni before turning to Magni. "What they say is true. Sif did attack Harry after ensuring they would be alone and she has done many things to try to turn the people of Asgard against him. What is more, Sif is only doing these things because she believes that Harry is only Loki's student. Only those most trusted by my family are to know the truth about Harry's relation to Loki." He then took a breath before continuing, "What is more, Sif was stripped of her title for her crimes. She proved herself to lack all honor when she attacked Harry under the lie of training him and this has done nothing to make her see reason. She has even tried to get my sister to turn against Harry and aid her in destroying Harry's life in Asgard. It is only because Harry has proven himself to be a kind boy with the best of intensions for everyone that he gained the support of our people!" Thor replied heatedly.

"Wait, Thor has a sister?" Magni said intelligently, completely forgetting his anger at Harry's disrespectful blunt honesty, "When did Odin and Frigga have another child?" he asked with genuine confusion.

At the mention of Thorina, and how she came to be, Harry and his friends couldn't help the smiles that spread amongst them.

"Well, let's just say that we got Odin to approve of a ball, and for reasons known only to the long list of couples that ended up with a new addition to their homes, there were a lot of babies born nine months after the ball," Harry answered proudly. "And we regret nothing!"

"Little princess Thorina is a sweet girl, and her whole family loves her dearly. Hell, I think all of Asgard has fallen in love with her," Ari commented a wry smile.

"Only the ones that can't use her against Harry and Loki seem to dislike her," Jarl pointed out flatly.

"Sif really hates her because Thorina starts screaming every time she gets near her," Godiva added with a smile.

"Yep, Thorina is the best member of the family, next to Grampy and great grandma that is," Harry smiled.

"Where am I on the list of your favorites?" Thor asked hopefully.

Harry narrowed his eyes at Thor. "Given that you triggered a war just recently, one that makes it impossible for me to go home, I have placed you currently on the bottom of the list," Harry replied in a cold, but neutral tone.

Thor deflated at that. "Right," He sighed.

Magni meanwhile, was curious, "What of Frigga, my grandmother, what is she like?" he asked interestedly.

Harry perked up at the mention of his great grandmother. "She's one of the best people in Asgard, so kind and wise and open. When I first met her, I was scared I would be rejected cause that's how Grampy felt, but the moment I met her, all that fear went away and I felt welcomed and loved by her within minutes of our meeting." Harry's mood then fell a little, "I never knew my mother, but, I like to think she was every bit as warm and loving as great grandma Frigga."

"Queen Frigga is truly a great woman, as skilled in magic and combat, as she is a loving and just queen. Asgard is fortunate to have her," Jarl smiled. He had always liked Queen Frigga, given that, while others looked down at him for what his father had done, she did not, and in fact, had welcomed him with open arms.

"Huh," Magni said thoughtfully as he sat back in his seat as they continued their journey.


~Asgard, Palace private quarters~

It had been a while since they had met up, and now, they had it confirmed in that time individually, now, the Warriors Three were meeting in Thorina's room after being summoned by her.

Thorina paced before the three famous warriors. "So, the former Lady Sif is behind bars, where she belongs," she began, "Now, I know that everyone says she can't escape, but, let's be honest, Sif is devious, she is not an honorable warrior at all anymore," she paused as she looked at Fandral, "When she gets free, we're going to need someone in her good graces to inform on her!" she finished.

Fandral groaned, "Please don't make me go back to her! She'll be expecting me to crawl back and beg for forgiveness for abandoning her!" He really didn't want to pretend to be on her side anymore after the shit show she'd put on before her arrest. "I'm also only just getting my reputation back to where it was now! I can't be seen working with her again or else I might never recover from it!" he whined.

"Sif knows that we are not on her side, nor will we ever be. You, however, have already shown to be willing to work with her despite all that's happened," Hogun pointed out.

"That's right. Therefore it must be you who is our spy amongst her people," Volstagg wouldn't say it out loud, but he was enjoying the hole that Fandral had dug for himself. After all, it's because Fandral foolishly thought he could get in bed with Sif if he pretended to be on her side, that he was now being forced to go back to her to spy on her for the royal family.

It was at that moment Freya burst into the room.

"Freya?" Thorina said, "What are you doing here?" she asked, looking confused.

"I need to speak to the Warrior's Three, dear," Freya sighed before shoving a cookie in Thorina's mouth, "Now eat your cookie like a good girl, and leave the adults to talk," she replied.

Thorina choked for a bit before her saliva softened the cookie and she managed to swallow the mushy cookie whole. After she managed the feat, she gasped, "Oi, if you're going to be talking about Sif, and fucking her up, I want in!" she demanded. She didn't care she just swore in front of the Warrior's Three, she was glaring at Freya.

Freya chuckled, "I am assuming, of course, that you have Harry to thank for learning such words..." she said, causing Thorina to blush in embarrassment and mumble something quietly. "What was that? Didn't quite catch that," she said meaningfully.

Thorina glared at the ground and sighed, "Yes, he said them as I was coming around the corner once from behind him to surprize him only to hear him talking about that bitch, Sif," she said, her words causing the Warrior's Three to gasp. "Anyway, he called Sif a cow faced big breasted bitch of a...I think he called her a princess wanna-be?" she replied.

Freya smirked, "And just what had Sif done to earn such scorn?" she asked.

"Well," Thorina began, "I heard him talking with Ari and Jarl, about how they had been monitoring Sif, and that Sif had called me a 'disgrace to the family', needless to say, that's why Sif had that 'run of bad luck' just before Harry left for the Hoggy Warted place," Thorina replied with a shrug of her shoulders. "And I've heard all about what she's been saying about Loki and how he attacked daddy and that's why daddy sleeping now. About how she's trying to make things worse for Loki and blame him for Thor being sent away even though it's all her fault!"

Fandral leaned over to the other two and whispered, "This is the main reason I gave up on Sif. Our princess never fails to terrify me with her wrath!"

Volstagg nodded, "You at least missed her seemingly never ending demands for chocolate and honey treats. We had to learn to make it just to keep her from unleashing her full rage on us."

"For one so small, the princess is, without doubt, the most fearsome foe any will ever face," Hogun nodded.

"I fear for her future suitors," Fandral said.

"Save that fear for yourselves if you keep talking like that..." Thorina growled, making the three men jump as they remembered she was still there.

"And that, gentlemen, is why you never talk about a Lady when she is in the room," Freya said smugly, she then turned to Thorina, "If you are to be here for his conversation, then you must swear an oath of secrecy, am I understood princess?" Freya replied seriously.

"If it means taking down Sif, then of course I'll swear an oath of secrecy! She's done nothing but hurt my family, and I want her gone from all our lives!" Thorina agreed happily.

"Very well," Freya began, "Gentlemen, as Hogun is no doubt aware, when it comes to Sif, it's not a question of if she will break free of her confinement, but when," Freya paused, "Look, what I am suggesting will not be easy, but, someone will have to take her out if she breaks free," she said simply by seriously, getting looks of shock from Volstagg and looks of fear from Fandral. Hogun meanwhile, looked thoughtful. "I mean this in the sense that, if she does break free, she will be an enemy of Asgard, and having broken out of lawful imprisonment, so goes some of her freedoms!"

Thorina smiled up at Freya. "Well, we were just talking about Fandral pretending to get back in her good graces so that we can use him as our spy. So it seems like we already have our man for the job!" She announced proudly.

Fandral however, was anything but alright with this idea. "What? No! I am willing to be a spy for you, but to expect me to be able to take Sif out as well is too much! I am barely a spy, let alone an assassin!" He protested loudly.

"But you are the only one of us that she will believe is on her side," Hogun pointed out. "And with how her mind seems to be spiraling out of control lately, it is possible she will let her guard down easily enough around you," He added.

"She's still a deadly warrior, and she's looking for enemies everywhere now! There must be someone else better suited for this task!" Fandral complaine.

Thorina smirked, "Well then you have a choice. You can either do this for us and redeem yourself fully, or, you can retire your sword and spend the rest of your days dressing up as a girl in bright pretty colors and patrolling the lower city areas of Asgard where all the drunks are, under the belief you're a five coppers whore, I will even get Freya to help me rework your mind..." she finished devilishly.

"Who has been teaching the princess such things?" Hogun questioned fearfully.

Volstagg shrugged, also confused and afraid as to how she learned of such things.

Fandral sighed heavily, knowing better then to think she wouldn't do such a thing. Sometimes he wondered how no one had caught on yet that the princess had more cruel punishments for those that crossed her then Loki ever could. "Fine, I'll do it!" The risk of being caught by Sif and killed was a far kinder fate then what he would face if he tried to fight this matter anymore.

Thorina grinned in victory, "Oh, and for the record Fandral, its thanks to you and your habit of inviting bar maids to the palace late at night that I know some of what I do!" she said, looking at him with a smirk, "I do believe the words 'Whose a naughty boy!' ring a bell?" she said innocently, then added more devilishly, "You really need silencing wards on your rooms Fandral..." she said as the other two of three shot angry glares at Fandral.

"Oh ho ho! Is that so? Someone should alert the queen that her sweet little innocent baby girl is being corrupted by such a pervert," Freya chuckled meaningfully.

Fandral grumbled under his breath. "Sweet and innocent my arse..."

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