Nightly Holo Calls of Djarin...

By pockedbook

1.9K 14 23

After the Battle of Mandalore and the fall of the Empire, Din Djarin and Bo-Katan Kryze find themselves facin... More

how it all began (with a touch of dramatis personae)
oh, Kaia
about Kaia-Vosk
first son and first daughter
little hours
Aric-Xar, the first of his name
welcoming Kel-Skarn
reflecting light
here comes the sun

we are not jealous, well, but sometimes...

189 1 0
By pockedbook

As the family stood together, the image painted a scene of unity and love, but beneath the surface, there simmered a hint of jealousy in the hearts of Kaia and Aric. The bond between their father, Din, and their eldest brother, Grogu, was undeniable. It was a connection forged in the depths of the galaxy, strengthened through shared experiences and the unique bond of the Force.

As Kaia and Aric watched Din carry Grogu up the ramp of his ship, a pang of longing tugged at their hearts. They yearned for that same closeness, the special moments and adventures shared between father and son. They admired the way Din and Grogu seemed to understand each other without words, their connection deep and profound.

Kaia, at five years old, possessed a keen awareness of the world around her. She was intelligent and perceptive, quick to notice the bond between Din and Grogu. As she clung tightly to her mother's hand, a mix of emotions swirled within her. Pride for her father and younger brother, but also a twinge of jealousy that she longed to suppress.

Aric, just one year younger than Kaia, mirrored her sentiments. His eyes followed the figures of Din and Grogu until they disappeared into the ship. He glanced up at his sister, a spark of curiosity and yearning in his gaze. Like Kaia, he too wanted that special connection, that unspoken understanding between a father and his child.

Bo, the ever-attentive mother, sensed the stirrings of jealousy in her children's hearts. She tightened her grip on Aric's hand, feeling his tiny fingers clutching hers. With a gentle smile, she leaned down to Kaia, her voice soft and reassuring. "Don't worry, my love. Each bond is unique and special. You and Aric have a bond with each other that no one else shares. And your bond with your father is just as strong, even if it may be different."

She spoke with love and wisdom, planting the seeds of understanding within their young hearts. Bo knew that the dynamics of family relationships were complex and ever-evolving, even for young ones. She wanted Kaia and Aric to cherish the bonds they had with each other, nurturing their sibling connection and finding solace and joy in the shared experiences they would forge together.

As they watched Din's ship take off into the sky, Kaia and Aric squeezed each other's hands a little tighter, finding comfort in the presence of their sibling. They knew that despite the differences in their relationships with their father and Grogu, the love within their family was unwavering and boundless.


The day was filled with anticipation and excitement as Din prepared for another journey, another adventure beyond the stars. Kaia, now a spirited eight-year-old with a fiery spirit, watched with a mixture of longing and determination. She had seen her father and Grogu embark on countless missions, their bond strengthening with each passing voyage. But this time, she wanted to be a part of it too.

As Din gathered his gear and made final preparations, Kaia's impatience grew. She couldn't contain her desire to join the journey any longer. With a determined look in her eyes, she approached her father, her voice filled with both defiance and desperation.

"Dad, I want to come with you," she declared, her small hands resting firmly on her hips. Her voice was filled with a mixture of frustration and yearning.

Din paused, his gaze shifting from his daughter to the ship and back again. He understood her desire, her longing to be by his side, to experience the thrill and danger of their adventures firsthand. But he also knew the importance of keeping her safe, of allowing her to grow and learn at her own pace.

"Kaia, you know that some journeys are not suitable for someone your age," Din responded, his voice gentle but firm. "There are dangers out there that I need to protect you from."

Kaia's eyes welled up with tears, her disappointment and frustration bubbling to the surface. "But I can handle it! I can be brave, just like you and Grogu," she pleaded, her voice quivering.

Din knelt down to her level, his eyes meeting hers with a mix of understanding and love. "I know you're brave, Kaia. But bravery isn't just about facing danger head-on. It's also about knowing when to stay behind, to keep yourself safe."

Kaia's lower lip quivered as she struggled to find the right words. "But I want to be a Mandalorian too," she whispered, her voice filled with a mix of determination and vulnerability.

Din's heart swelled with pride at his daughter's words. He knew that she had inherited the warrior spirit of their people, the spirit that burned within him. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, a reassuring touch.

"Kaia, being a Mandalorian isn't just about going on dangerous missions. It's about honor, strength, and protecting those we care about. Right now, your journey is to grow, to learn, and to become the incredible Mandalorian warrior I know you will be. There will be plenty of adventures for us to share in the future," he said, his voice filled with love and conviction.

Kaia's tears slowly subsided, replaced by a mix of understanding and acceptance. She knew that her father was right, that there was wisdom in his words. She took a deep breath, her spirit reignited with a newfound determination.

"Okay, Dad," she said, her voice steady. "I'll wait for my turn. But promise me, when the time is right, I'll be there with you."

Din smiled, his heart swelling with love for his daughter. "I promise, Kaia. When the time is right, we'll embark on our own incredible journey together."


In time, as they grew older and forged their own paths, Kaia and Aric would come to understand the intricacies of their family's dynamics. They would appreciate the individual connections they held with their parents and siblings, knowing that each bond was unique and held its own beauty.

As the years unfolded, jealousy would give way to admiration, and Kaia and Aric would find their own special moments and connections with their father, their mother, and their siblings. Through love, patience, and the bonds that tied them together, their family would continue to grow and flourish, embracing the complexity of their relationships and the unwavering love that held them all together.


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