Ace of Spades βœ…

By Ferdeausee_

28.3K 5.5K 971

Copyright Β© 2023. All Rights Reserved. She exudes chaos, drawing it in like a moth to a flame. Everywhere sh... More

Author's Note + Aesthetics + Copyright
1; Cypher.
2; Hold the applause.
3; Things she never said.
4; Through the eyes of a child.
5; I was bored.
6; Mount Everest ain't got shit on me.
7; Little Miss Chaebol.
8; Beer, and bruised egos.
9; Ciao. Te Amo.
10; It's a siblings thing.
11; Black Diamond.
12; You Don't Know What It's Like.
13; You Follow the Rules. I make them.
14; With, or without you.
15; Baggage from the past.
16; Hate At First.
17; A sudden twist.
18; Who is she really?
19; You should see me in a crown.
20; Don't talk to me.
21; Don't do that.
22; Love to hate you.
23; That's Not How this Works.
24; Tears of Gold.
25; Denial is a river in Egypt.
26; Something called love.
28; My plea to you.
29; Wicked.
30; Broken Hearts & Shattered Souls.
31; Too good to be true.
32; Power Over Me.
33; Love, a soul that cares.
34; Fall in love alone.
35; Finale: De Una Vez.
Final Author's Note

27; Partners for life.

534 132 27
By Ferdeausee_

Four Years Ago.

Random Apartment, Bauchi State.

The insistent, sleep depriving sound of a phone ringing had Inaya stirring from her sleep with a groan. Turning her head to the side, she extended her hand out in search for the device. The action went on for a few seconds before her fingers touched it, and in a swift action, she had picked it up and brought it to her ear.

"Hello?" She groggily answered, her heavy lids still shut. She could barely make sense of her surrounding, or even the call to be honest. It felt like a dream or something.

"Come out. I'm outside your apartment."

"Who is this..." She brought the phone away from her ear, and peeled her eyes open with great effort. When her eyes fell on the caller ID, she found herself springing to a sitting position instantly—sleep packing its Ghana must go and sprinting off. "Aadil?"

"You coming out or not?"

"Wait, are you seriously outside my apartment?" She pushed herself off the bed, using her free hand to try and tame her unruly, stubborn curls. It looks like some shrunk bird's nest. The night dress she has on, or more like a shirt that reached just a bit below her knee rumbled as she got on her feet.

She ignored it, and waddled all the way to the window, before pulling the curtains open slightly and peeking out. True to his words, Aadil stood outside his car, the same steel colored Toyota from the night before—looking ravishing might she add.

"You seriously are outside." She mumbled, her eyes giving his appearance a onceover. Sleep no longer was in her dictionary—in his stead, she was overly aware of the dashing man looking like he's ready for a commercial shoot.

"You know; I still haven't gotten my answer." He looked up, his eyes falling right where she stood as if knowing which exact one is her apartment. Holding her gaze through the slight curtain opening she was peeking from, he repeated. "You coming down or what?"

Inaya drew her lower lip between her teeth, to hold back her smile. "And what if I don't?" She teased.

He shrugged. "Then I'd take the information I come bearing back to where I came from." He stated simply. "Plus," His voice suddenly came again, his voice dropping slightly. "I'll make a mental note to not spare any time for you in the future."

She snorted, rolling her eyes in the process. "As if you'd dare, Lieutenant."

"Try me, Captain."

Instantly, her brow quirked, wondering whether she actually heard him right. She couldn't recall a single moment he addressed her with her title. And even though they weren't in the division or in uniform then, she would be lying if she said it didn't make her stomach flip.

Unable to help herself, her lips slanted into a wide smile; making the corner of her eyes squint slightly. Nonetheless, her gaze was still pinned on him when she voiced out in a low tone unknowingly. "Give me fifteen minutes." She declared, the excitement in her tone hard to miss. When she spoke, her voice came out a bit lower than earlier—her gaze never leaving his. "I'll be down asap."

He nodded slowly, and then emphasized. "Fifteen minutes it is." He gave a look that showed he doesn't exactly believe she will get ready in just fifteen minutes but well, whatever sails her boat.

With a slight giggle, Inaya ended the call and all but sprinted to the bathroom, after throwing her phone somewhere on the bed. She ended up taking a shower that lasted over seven minutes—already taking up half the time she just stated.

A sight left past her lips when she realized, but she still didn't stand around to lag. Instead, she was quick on her feet, trying to rush as much as she can while trying to cover everything she usually does in the morning. Thankfully, makeup was never her forte so she didn't have to worry about anything.

By the time she was done, she had already spent about twenty-five minutes, ten more than she asked for. On her way out, she spotted the sight of a particular clothing article that had her lips stretching into a grin; and without realizing, she was quick to don it and then rush out—locking the apartment behind her.

When Inaya stepped out, one thing struck out to Aadil instantly. His eyes narrowed slightly, giving her a onceover before meeting her eyes that held a mischievous glint, lips curled into a similar grin.

"What?" She inquired the minute she was within earshot, her perfectly arched brow quirked. "Spot anything familiar?"

His head tilted to the side slightly, his expression hard to read. "You're wearing my jacket." He states as a matter of fact.

If possible, her grin widened even more. "Do you want it back now or something?" She knew she was supposed to return it that day, at least that was what she thought his words implied the night before.

'Keep it'. He said, when she attempted to hand it over to him after waking up from her two-hour nap.

So, she did. She would be frankly honest, it reeked heavily of his cologne and she loved it a bit more than she'd like to admit it. She didn't want to give it back.

He didn't reply immediately, but when he did, she didn't expect his response. His eyes gave her another quick onceover, not making it creepy in the slightest. "Keep it." He breathed out, straightening his spine. "It looks better on you anyway." He didn't wait for her response as he turned around and got into the car, gesturing for her to do the same.

Inaya grinned, and quietly did just that. Getting into the passenger seat, she found herself vocalizing. "So, where are we headed to this fine morning?"

"I'm taking you out for breakfast." He stated simply, revving the car back to life.

"Really?" Her brows drew in, disbelief masking her features. She hadn't expected that in the slightest. Anything but that. It didn't sound like something he would do. "Breakfast?"

He hummed, not wanting to seem bothered by it. Truth be told, he felt a bit embarrassed to be doing that, but he couldn't help it. "You're fond of missing your meals so someone has to start making you take them." He grumbled out. "Missing your meals isn't a good thing."

Her lips instantly curled upwards on hearing him say that. "Do I smell worry from you, Kari?" She turned her head around to look at him in a teasing manner.


Her eyes dilated slightly, not expecting that answer. Well, that's something. In an attempt to mask her brewing blush, she added while turning around in her chair to look at him. "Well, I should say, caring is a good color on you, Lieutenant." She wanted to pull his legs.

"And so is that blush creeping." He spared her a knowing glance that had her stomach in knots. It didn't last for long though because he soon started driving out of the apartment parking lot and off to their destination. Wherever it is.

Inaya sank in her seat, unable to say anything again. It seemed Aadil wasn't there to kid around, and she wasn't sure if her poor heart can handle it. She was used to being the one pulling his legs—in fact, she's good at pulling everyone's legs and was good and keeping up with it.

But Aadil...he's making it impossible for her to do so. Weirdly enough, he stood out different.

Breakfast though wasn't as she expected. It turned out to be much better much to her surprise. Maybe because she hadn't been in Bauchi for long, but she hadn't expected them to have an eatery that good. It wasn't big, it was pretty small but cute. And the food is nice as well.

Aadil admitted he found the place through his brother who recently came to visit. Weirdly enough by just spending a few weeks there, the man knew his way around the state more than he did.

Much to her piling list of surprise as well, they had a pretty much good moment together, simply conversing away with so little tension unlike before. At least, the fact that Aadil no longer seemed to be on her throat made everything so much easier.

They got along well, and she couldn't help but wonder what changed. Just a few weeks back he wasn't even interested in seeing her face, and yet there they were, having a moment together.

"...I want to visit some of Rasheed's victims." Those words brought her back to reality, yet again plunged right back into their conversation.

They had started discussing how to deal with the Rasheed issue, but truth be told, her attention was barely there. She was only able to catch and make sense of that statement.

She sat up straight, pretending as if she hadn't been lost in the conversation. There was something he said that piqued her attention though. "His victims?" She repeated, earning a nod from him. She then shook her head slightly. "I don't think that's possible."

"Why not?" Aadil's brows formed a crease.

"I tried." She simply stated, shrugging her shoulders slightly. "It's an impossible task—almost as if someone did something to get rid of them."

"Rid of them?" He repeated, the underlying meaning hard to miss.

Inaya sighed, leaning back in her chair. "Not 'rid' as in 'killed' or something. But, they're off the grid, hidden way too well."

"Then we have to look even harder." He pressed. "If we want to get to the bottom of this all, and really put an end to it, then so be it. It will help us quite a lot."

She nodded in agreement. "If that's what you believe then I'll try to look in even further. Seek help from acquaintances and check the systems." She offered. "I'm certain something will pop up."

"Speaking of which," He pointed out, brows drawn in. "how did you learn so much about computers?" From what he knows about her so far, she's good at it. Even more than he expects really.

Her lips stretch into a slight grin. "Someone I know." She shrugged. "He's good at practically everything. Computers are kids play to him."

Aadil could only hum, his mind thinking of the worst. "A boyfriend someone?"

Inaya chuckled almost immediately, shaking her head in the process. "Is that jealousy I hear, Kari?"

"Maybe." He breathed out, his gaze still pinned on her. "So, boyfriend?" That's the answer he wants to hear from her. He could guess, but with Inaya, it seems she derives joy from leaving people awestruck by doing the unimaginable.

Besides, someone of her caliber must have a lot of men lining up for her, right?

As much as she enjoys getting under his skin, she wasn't up for that then. So, she shook her head; though her lips still spotted a small, amused smile before giving him an answer. "No." She thought that was pretty much obvious. "What? You think I've been pursuing you while I have a boyfriend?"

"Why have you been doing so though?" He couldn't understand why she was suddenly after him, he couldn't think of a single reason why.

She shrugged. "Told you, I just like you." She doesn't have any other reason, at least none that she wants to admit. To hide the emotion that flicked then, she plastered a smile across her features. "Plus, you've been so nice to me lately as well," Her voice came out low, and thick with emotions. "It truly feels good to have someone that cares."

The emotions heavy in her tone was hard to miss, and it had his heart squeezing. Damn it, who knew he had a soft spot for women in distress? Inaya is the exact opposite, but in that exact moment, it's like he could see right through her.

He could see the vulnerable side she didn't bother to hide then.

So, he found himself saying in a determined tone. "I'll always be here." It was a silent promise. One that he intends to keep. "When you need someone, I'm here for you." Since the realization of his feelings for her dawned, he had started to accept it knowing it's pointless to deny it anyway.

"Promise?" She suddenly whispered out, her voice low and bare of all those jokes it had in it earlier. Her eyes were pinned on him, not shielding any emotion in it whatsoever. "You promise to always be there? That's an awful amount of time, you know?"

Aadil looked up, his hand stopping midway as his gaze held hers—his expressionless gaze cracking for a bit—emotion gushing out like a broken faucet. He could see it in her eyes, the sincerity and the vulnerable side Inaya Sa'id never shows anyone. It was all there, like an open book for him to read.

He found himself taking in a deep, long breath as he held onto her gaze; the gravity of her words and the intensity making his heart heavy. His lips parted, uttering words he couldn't fight himself against any long. "I'd have to wife you first for that to happen," He started, his voice low, but loud enough for her ears.

Inaya sucked in a breath, her entire world feeling as though it had been stilled. She waited with baited breath for him to take back the words—it wasn't something she expected from him.

Not him. She craved the words really, but knowing him, she never expected to actually hear it. At least, not that early.

As if he could tell what was running through her mind, he did nothing to take back his words. Instead, he shrugged slightly, his gaze never leaving hers as he vocalized words of affirmation. "—but that can be arranged." His words were a deep grumbled, laced with a promise he was determined to keep.

Inaya released the breath shakily, blinking a couple of times repeatedly. Weirdly enough, she thought hearing those words from him would make her heart leap with joy but it didn't. If anything, it only made it heavier, like a weight added on it.

Instead of feeling elation that the man she has feelings on outright admitted it like that, she could only think pessimistically. She couldn't help it, there was a lot on her mind, especially now that it seemed Aadil just has some affection towards her.

Looking down for a moment, she found herself muttering in a small voice. "You don't want me though." She admitted in a vulnerable tone, something she hadn't done to anyone in years. With Aadil though, she felt as though she could show him the skeletons in her closet without any fear. "I'm broken." She added, her voice thick with emotion.

Those words were supposed to have Aadil running for his life, or at least, sprinting away from her. She expected that really.

But, he didn't waver. His gaze didn't leave hers for a split second, choosing to keep his determined gaze on her despite her still having her head hung low. "Then I'm going to spend the rest of my life putting you back together."

Unable to help herself, Inaya found herself letting out a bitter chuckle as she shook her head. Lifting her head to meet his gaze, she vocalized. "You don't even know what I went through." She pointed out. "If you do, you wouldn't have said that."

"Who gives you the right to doubt my feelings then?"

"I'm doing the same thing you did to me."

He arched a brow, or more like tried to do it like she does only to fail. "Feel free to get back at me then." He couldn't dare say a thing again. "But really, that's up to me to decide. And if I say I'll be with you still, then I mean it."

"But?" She felt there's a 'but' to follow.

"But I'll need you to be honest with me as well." He didn't want to ask for much, he just want earnestness. "As weird as it sounds, I trust you. Regardless of what people say, I trust you came here for a good reason and that you wouldn't be of harm to anyone. As long as you don't break my trust in you, it'll be you and I against the world."

"And if I do?" She inquired with baited breath, thumbnail digging into her index finger. She was dreading his answer, knowing she wouldn't like it.

His narrowed eyes bore into hers, as if wanting to see past her façade. There were bits of doubt in his eyes, but he eliminated it as fast as it came. "Would you?" Yet again, his voice was low.

Inaya didn't reply, she couldn't. She didn't want to lie to him because she's been doing that from the beginning already—so she could see all this crashing right before it even starts.

Swallowing thickly, she offered him a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

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