My Female Alpha

By badroommate

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a thick-skinned alpha persevering in a male-dominated society. a wandering shy girl with stars in her eyes. _... More

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1.3K 79 18
By badroommate


After hours of sitting in the car, watching the Jeep fly over the pavement, we finally pull into Lemley.

It's mid-afternoon now and feels like nap time. Maybe I can take one once we get back to the pack house.

I stretch my sore muscles as Lenora parks out front of my building. Bella pulls into the space beside us and we all climb out.

Lenora stretches her arm over her head, causing her black tee to slip up. A sliver of tanned abs momentarily dazes me.

Bella elbows me with a snort. "Come on, shrimp," she playfully scolds. "You can eye fuck her all you want later. Show me your place."

Blushing, I nod and start towards my door. I take my spare from its hiding place and unlock the handle. The air smells stale as we enter.

"Haven't slept here in a while, so sorry about the dust," I say.

Bella shrugs, looking over everything. "It's pretty nice. I can clean it up."

While I give her a tour, Lenora stands in the foyer and talks to someone on the phone. Based on her tone, it sounds like Denver.

"Who's she talking to?" asks Bella.

Only then do I realize I've been staring at Lenora again like some creeper on the street.
I can't help it, though. She's so aesthetically pleasing to look at.

I can all too easily imagine the feel of her hands sliding over my skin and immediately shiver.

Yeah, we need to get the fuck outta here.

I shrug at my sister's questions. "Probably one of her friends. So when you need groceries, there's a Food City down the road. There's a park where you can run, I know you like to. It's a small town but there're a few businesses that might be hiring."

She nods and rubs her arms with both hands. "How far away will you be?"

"About fifteen minutes. Call if you need anything, okay?"

Wetting her lips, she nods. Then she lunges forward to grab me in a hug.

"Thank you," she breathes into my hair.

"Hey, it's no problem." I squeeze her tightly before pulling away. "I hope you like everything and settle in. We can get coffee or something tomorrow if you want."

"Sounds good."

"Okay. I love you. See ya later."

"Love you."

I place the key in her hand, smile at her once more, and then lead Lenora out of the apartment. She ends her call and tucks her phone into her pocket.

"Denver?" I ask.

She nods but doesn't say anything until we're in the car.

"Our neighboring pack is having some issues," she tells me, directing the Jeep onto the highway. "The Lemley city council is trying to get a permit approved for building a new government building on their pack lands."

"Sounds problematic," I note.

"Yes. Their alpha is an anxiety-riddled old man. I have no idea how he hasn't been challenged for his position yet." Sighing, she shakes her head. "One of my pack members and I have to go get things sorted. I'm going to drop you at the pack house, okay?"

"Okay," I cede. "But I expect a thorough cuddling when you get back."

She smirks with that familiar wicked gleam in her glacial blue eyes. "Of course, princess. Someone is feeling eager, hm?"

"Just upholding my end of the deal," I tut, biting back a smile.

We get to the pack house after a few minutes.

Lenora kisses me and then sends me on my way. Just before I reach the front door, it swings open and an older blonde woman steps out dressed in jeans with a nice blouse with sandals.

Seeing me, she holds the door and bows her head slightly.

"Good afternoon, Luna," she says. "I'm glad you and Alpha made it home safely."

I smile. "Thank you, Candace. That's very kind of you."

"Of course. I hope you had a pleasant trip."

After I step inside, she slips out and I watch her go to Lenora's Jeep. She must be the one going with Lenora to handle things.

For the briefest of moments, I feel a stab of envy through the chest. The thought of my mate alone in the car with another woman. An older woman—and werewolf, no less.

I recognize the absurdity of my jealousy and roll my eyes at myself.

Still, as I pad into the house, I can't help but glance behind me. Candace yanks the passenger door shut and Lenora directs the Jeep down the driveway until it disappears into the thick canopy.

Has she ever fucked one of her pack members?

I never thought about it before and I wish I didn't now.

Shaking off the offensive ideas, I pad into the kitchen. The sight of the two lovebirds seated at the dining table brought a smile to my face.

"Desiree, Caden," I greet them with a nod. They look up and smile back at me. "How are you two?"

"Good," Desiree says. "We just got off the morning shift. I was starving." She groaned. "But how was your trip, Luna?"

I chuckle as I walk over to the cabinet where I know the loaves of bread are stored.

"It went really well," I tell her. "Lenora got to meet my family. Kind of a big deal for humans, you know. What about you, Caden?"

"Oh, I'm good, Luna. Just tired."

We chat for a few minutes about their shift and other things going on in the pack while I eat a sandwich.

After some time, the back door opens and a sweaty, shirtless Denver steps in. His face is solemn, as usual, but he smiles faintly when our eyes lock.

"Luna," he greets, nodding. I don't know how I'm already used to this. "Glad to see you've returned. I take it Alpha and Candace have left?"

I nod, sighing at the thought of Lenora and that woman riding along together in the car.

"Yep," I say and stand up. "Any idea when they'll be back?"

He walks over to the fridge and pulls out a bottle of Gatorade, shaking his head. "A couple of hours, probably. They're meeting with the council director to negotiate. They usually have to visit the property and Candace has to find a reason to reject their bid on the property."

"I'm sure you're glad you got to stay behind today," I tease him.

"I don't mind either way," he says, shrugging.

He tilts his head back and pours the blue drink down his throat. He smells like sweat and the forest.

My nose wrinkles. Stinky boys.

"Well, I'm going to be taking a nap if anyone needs me," I declared.

When I move to pass Denver, he stiffens. I glance at him, thinking nothing of it, until I catch the look on his face. His eyes narrow on me as he draws a large breath into his nose.

Then, I'm shoved into the wall.

"Denver!" I yelp.

His fists tremble where they're curled into my sweatshirt. He breathes through quick, short sniffs. He sounds like a wild pig or something.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I hiss, trying to shrug his hands off of me.

He's fucking strong, though, and I'm instantly reminded of my comparative weakness as a simple human.

Before Desiree and Caden grab him, he looks me in the eye. "I smell my mate on you. Who is this?"

"What? I have no idea! Let go of me, you damn brute!"

Desiree and Caden manage to wrestle him off of me. They both huff with the effort it takes but he seems to boil with pent aggression. I've never seen him like this.

I straighten my clothes and leer up at him. "Can we have a civilized conversation or are you going to act unhinged?"

"I just need to know who you've been around, Luna," he whines. "I smell her all over you. I can't fucking believe it. My mate! I have a mate!"

It hits me then who he must smell.

My sister. That's the only plausible option. She's the only unfamiliar smell to him that I've been around recently.

"Shit," I curse as I turn away, raking a hand through my hair.

"Please, Luna," he pleads. "I've been searching for her so long . . . I have to know!"

My head starts to pound. This can't be right.

Bella is mated to one of my best friends?

There's no way. She'll have a literal heart attack on the spot if she finds out werewolves are real.

When she finds out, as I realize now it's only a matter of time.

But Lenora made me promise not to tell her anything or bring her anywhere near the pack.

What the hell are we going to do?

"She's human," I tell Denver. "I'll take you to her, but I swear to god you have to keep your cool. I promised Lenora I wouldn't do any dumb shit."

"I just need to meet her. I don't care if she's human or wolf or a fucking alien."

Alien? Well, that's ironic. Maybe I shouldn't have made that joke.

"Release him," I command.

Caden and Desiree release him instantly.

I feel a shiver of delight run through me. Wow, power feels kinda nice. I've never had a sense of authority like this before.

Denver steadies himself and looks directly at me. His body quivers with energy. I may not be a wolf or have wolfy instincts, but I can tell this man needs to meet Bella.

"I'll drive," he volunteers.

I sigh and nod. We start for the front door. "Are you sure you can handle that? I'd hate for you to shit yourself before you meet your soul mate."

He just rolls his eyes. Once we're in the car, he glances nervously between me and the road.

"So, who is she?" she asks.

"My sister. Her name is Bella."

His mouth curls back. "Bella," he repeats.

"Right, so you promise to keep your cool? I can't have you wolfing out on me here."

"I will control myself, Luna. I would never risk harming you or my mate."

I nod, glad for that at least.

"What's she like?" he presses.

"Well." I scratch at my eyebrow. "She's very smart and very passionate."

His smile grows.

"I should probably tell you that she is in the process of healing from a pretty serious relationship," I add, my palms sweaty. "I don't know how willing she'll be to jump into something right away, so just have some patience. Lenora had a hard time understanding that humans don't process the mate bond the same way you guys do. We still have to fall in love."

Still, I don't want him to expect my sister to just take him in. It's hard for us humans to come to terms with the whole soulmate thing. Plus, she's recovering from leaving law school, disrupting a marriage, and breaking her heart in the process.

I just don't want Denver to feel hurt if she doesn't react to him the way he expects.

"Okay." He nods. "How do I make her fall in love with me?"

"You have to romance her."

He nods again, more slowly now.

"Bella and I have never been super tight, so I don't have that much wisdom to bestow on you. But you're destined for each other, so I know you'll figure her out."

We arrive at my apartment building within minutes and get out of the car. I stare up at the door and rub my arms.

"What is it?" Denver asks.

He's all but bouncing between his feet now. The man is one giant mass of barely contained energy.

"I have to think of an excuse," I say. "She's going to wonder why I'm back already."

"There's a leaky faucet? Broken window?"

I bite my lip and think hard. Then an idea comes to me and I head up the stairs. Denver stays close to me the entire time.

When we reach the door, I knock even though it feels weird to do at my own apartment. Her footfalls approach the door. Denver's breathing sharpens. I glance worriedly at him.

The door opens and Bella appears in its wake. Smirking at me, she presses her hip to the door.

"Back already?" she says.

Her eyes flit to the figure beside me as she steals a double-take at Denver. She straightens. Her gaze lands anywhere but on him.

"Yeah, I just remembered that the water's been off," I tell her. "I brought Denver to help me turn it back on. Bella, meet Denver. He's Lenora's bet—best friend."

Sweat droplets beads on my brow. Shit, that was close.

Denver extends a hand to her. "Pleasure to meet you, Bella."

She eyes him but places her palm in his. "You, too."

For a moment, they stare directly into each other's eyes. It's super freaking cute.

Then, out of absolutely nowhere, Bella jumps back. She rubs her hand on her pants and looks away.

Denver's disappointment and confusion cloud the air between us with tension.

"You know, I just remembered that I, uh, checked the water for the toilet and it was fine," she blabs. She retreats a step back into the apartment and turns her body away from us. "I think it must still be on. It's all good."

I frown at her odd behavior. "Are you sure? We can check just in case. While we're here."

"I'm sure! Thanks, sis!"

The door slams. I blink at it and then turn to Denver. His body is rigid, jaw clenched.

"You okay?" I ask.

He doesn't remove his gaze from the ground. Then he sighs, shaking his head.

"We need to get back," he says and heads down the stairs.

My heart sinks. Poor Denver.

I have a bad feeling this wouldn't go well. Even so, her reaction was strange. She seemed entranced by him at first.

"She just doesn't understand what she's experiencing," I tell him once we're in the car. "You just have to be patient."

"I've waited for her this long." He takes a deep breath. "I can wait on her a little longer."

I pat his shoulder. "It'll work out," I assure him. "You both deserve to be happy, Denver."

He nods.

How we'll get Bella on board? No idea.

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