For The Love Of Nicki & Hassan


38.5K 2.1K 2.1K

david is an up and coming New York rapper who has a thing for a well known Hairstylist. Of course she doesn't... More

1- 2019
2- special
3. whole 100
4. shot clock
5. ex for a reason
6. cupid
7. dilema
8. fallin
9. im so into you
10. come over
11. secret love
12. bitter baby momma
14. fallin 4 u
15. pink birthday
16. goated
17. street runner
18. tell him
19. perfect
20. let me calm down
new characters
21. handle it
22. beg for it
23. whole world against me
24. bleeding in love
25. fumble
26. hope you do
27. please dont go
28. anything
29. cancelled
30. dfmu
31. love language
32. baby shower special
33. favorite mistake
34. shake it off
35. hopeless romantic

13. losing my cool

1K 63 38

May 16, 2021– Queens

I lose my cool, I lose my cool sometimes

"awww your man posted you" tori shoved her phone into my face. once my eyes dilated and my vision was clear i looked at the picture and nearly turned red in the face.

I literally just sent this to him no longer than 10 minutes ago and it was already posted. That and it was cute he was posting me to all his groupie ass bitches.

"i take good pictures" tori pulled her phone back.

"y'all cool?" ari asked. Tori and i just filled momo and ari both in on what took place at the salon.

"i mean in all reality he wasn't aware his baby momma was off her meds and since this bitch baby daddy was clearly on drugs they even" Tori explained and i nodded in agreement.

we were all in my bed laid in different directions. somehow managing to face each other.

"besides he paid me for my time AND i still charged that hoe card and got my full amount and some" i gloated and ari smirked

"now had you added an ass whooping on top of it this would've been a perfect ending" she laughed "but i'll take this great ending"

"and he's in the clear with the whole smelling like another woman?" moriah questioned with her head resting in her hand.

"i'm assuming so since ari haven't said shit" i looked at ari

"yeah, he was just in the studio and a few girls took some pictures with him and besides that i ain't find shit"

"good, i'm starting to like him" tori nodded which was shocking.

"good good" i leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

my sisters and i found ourselves going out to eat just to relax and then we ended up at the damn outlet mall. Hassan was with my dad and lord knows when he'd wanna come home. Whenever he was with my dad it meant he'd be shopping or spending money in general.

of course whenever i got the chance to be talking to my man i did. We were on facetime while my sisters was roaming around neimans looking to spend whatever.

I already went over my limit of spending on myself and hassan and the number was quite high so David was a good distraction.

"Before i forget i'm inviting you and your sisters to the album release party next weekend" he was focused on the road but the side view of his face was all i really needed to see.

His beard was growing in and his skin was so clear and soft. If i could i would just lick him up.

"ok, what time is it? i might have to clear my bookings"

"it's gone be at like 10 or 11" he cleared his throat and i nodded

"well i should be fine then so i'll come-"

"you was coming anyways" he finally looked into the camera with a grin.

"oh really?" i chuckled and he nodded


"what's the attire like?" i rubbed my lips together

"you do yo usual dressing up so whatever you think is best" he was back focused on the road.

"ooh nicki look at this motherfucking bag" tori scurried her way to where i was sitting.

"uh un" i turned my head away before getting a good glance. "every time you tell me to look at something i end up buying it and i done already spent 10,000 or more on me and hassan just in the couple hours i been with you bitches" i continued to hold my head in a different direction.

she sucked her teeth "all of a sudden bitches wanna save" i eventually turned to see her walking away.

"what yo ass get for 10 bands?" david chuckled into the phone

"mainly shoes, clothes and important stuff" i informed him causing him to suck his teeth

"you should've waited till this weekend i could've handled that for you" he looked into the camera again.

"boy i'll go return all this shit right now" i replied jokingly.

"nah, we can just double it" he broke out into laughter.

"mm, i did pass up on a few things" i smiled softly

"i bet you did"

"since the album is done does this mean you aren't busy later?" i changed the subject instantly being that this was something i've been meaning to ask

"we going on a date tonight" he looked into the camera before it looked like he was getting out of the car.

it was confirmed once the door shut and the sky was his background.

"really? this a first im hearing of this"

"cause i gotta put my foot down or yo little anti social ass would be ina crib sleep"

"ok whatever" my eyes rolled

"man look who in here" david quickly flipped his camera. "hassan what the hell you doing here at the smoke shop?" david's focus was no longer on me but his question raised a few concerns.

i hated he couldn't keep the phone still because i couldn't see much but hassan sitting on top of a glass casing.

why was my 9 year old in a damn smoke shop when he was supposed to be with my dad.

"man, my grandpa be coming here to get his box of cigars and he be going in the back to handle business while i stay here and run the place" hassan explained which raised more concerns. why was my 9 year old running a damn smoke shop?! "what the fuck you doing here? what you want? a backwood or a swisher sweet?"

"Hassan what the fuck are you doing?" i finally spoke up in an aggressive and loud tone.

"mom?!" he sounded shock and unsure

"yeah, it's yo moms" david confirmed handing the phone over.

when the phone was in his hands he flipped the camera.

he had on a pair of cartier buffs and like 10 gold chains.

"hassan..." i rubbed my temples and took a deep breath. "what the fuck are you doing?"

"well, i'm with my papa you know that you dropped me off-"

"ok but where is he?!" i was getting irritated and about to leave these bitches to go snatch my son up and cuss my dad out.

"he in the back room him and Pedro go talk business and i make sure i count the money ppl bring in here to shop with right" he explained "papa say it helps me with my math and i'm getting better with it"

"boy, your fucking 9? this why i don't like you going with them" i was so frustrated

"so i'm in trouble?" he sounded down

"no, but your papa? yes ima cuss his black ass out and you not going with him no more"

"you want me to take him?" david finally had the phone back. "i gotta drive by yo spot anyways"

"uh yeah, please and thank you"

"wait! he gone drop me off alone?" he asked curiously in the background

"yeah scary! that's yo punishment i hope the boogieman grab yo ankles and snatch you under the bed" i started to gather my things from around me. i needed to get my sisters so we could go.

david chuckled

"man" he sucked his teeth.


I got hassan and took him home but he insisted i stay with him. Him being scared to be alone was the last thing i expected.

"so what you scared of?" i asked sitting on the couch next to him.

"my mom won't tell me where the gun is incase somebody come in here and rob us and ion know how to use a knife" he had a bowl of cut mangos and tajin seasoning.

"so you think somebody gone come break in?" i asked and he nodded.


"maybe you need to be in boxing lessons" i suggested and he turned his face up at me.

"man....somebody come in here with a gun i'm supposed to box em out?" he asked with an unserious expression. he seemed irritated i suggested that shit but it made me chuckle.

"plus i can fight" he covered his mango chunk in tajin.

"boxing better, it's a career too" i shrugged

"you know what...." he nodded "you right"

"i'm getting kairi some lessons so maybe you wanna come? get you in there and let you take some anger out"

"yeaaaah" he got excited and nodded "i then can whoop my moms baby daddy ass for sure instead of a maybe"

"maannn" i bust out laughing "i ain't say all that"

"you should be i heard you almost beat him up at the shop" he shrugged and stuffed his mouth full of mango pieces.

"and where you hear that from?" i asked curiously. i know his moms ain't tell him.

"my papa tell me everything" he spoke with his mouthful.

"well that ain't true" i assured him and he sucked his teeth.

the door clicked causing both of us to look in the direction of it. seconds later it was pushing open.

It was Tori and Moriah coming in first and following after was Nicki and Ari.

Nicki was on the phone and walked past everyone to go to her room with the bags she had in hand.

"he's fucking 9 boy or girl it don't matter" she was going off i'm assuming on her dad.

"hey tt cutie pie" tori came in with her bags in hand and went straight behind the couch to lean over and kiss him on the cheek "i got you some versace drawls and t-shirts" she told him and his face lit it.

this nigga was beyond spoiled.

"hey lil man" ari came behind the couch as well kissing him on the other cheek "we got matching burberry swimsuits and the cologne and perfume" 

"and i got the gucci slides in white this time" moriah told him and she dropped the bag next to him.

"thank you, i gladly appreciate it" he nodded with a grin "the swimsuit go with my slides i already got?" he looked over at ari who was now in the kitchen.

"no, your mom got you new ones" she replied looking into the fridge.

"hey brother in law" tori sat next to me with her arms folded. "i was gone ask you some but we got kids around" she shook her head

"where?" hassan scanned the room

"boy" moriah chuckled now sitting next to him.

"you ain't got a PG version?" i asked her and she shook her head no.

i chuckled and before i knew it nicki was coming down the hall. she still looked upset but didn't say much.

"hassan come here" she signaled for him only to turn back around and head back to her room.

"oh my god" hassan uttered to hisself and slouched in his seat.

"you finna get yo ass whooped!" tori mocked and ari laughed

"ooooo" ari added in

"shut up before i tell my nana" hassan got up from the couch with a pout.

"ooh i'm shaking in my boots" ari continued laughing from the kitchen

"my momma ain't do shit to me when i was a kid you think she gone start now?" tori questioned as we all watched him do his walk of shame down the hall.


i was beyond irritated with hassan but pissed with my dad. it's like i'm the only one who sees a problem in the shit that they do when it comes to him.

Their favorite excuse is he's a boy but he's still a child and certain things i don't expose to him.

"hassan, you won't be going back with your papa" i cleared my throat and he sucked his teeth. he flopped down on the edge of the bed and he looked upset "at least not alone" i continued

"but that's not fair so i can't just see him no more?" he asked in a confused tone.

"no, you can see him you just can't be alone with him" i assured him and he sighed

"that's not fair i can't be around nobody but y'all no more" he pouted and i scoffed

"maybe because everyone else is a bad ass influence on yo-"

"that's not true they always help me in different ways" he came to the defense of his uncles and grandpa.

"hassan they help you? doing what? your uncle can't help you do shit cause he ain't shit and your grandpa? he's a borderline deadbeat hypocritical ass crimi-"

"they teach me to be my own person and stand up for myself and what i believe in" he was somewhat turning red in the face but it was normal when ever he felt passionate about something.

"hassan they aren't no good for you and they aren't leading you in the right direction because if they were they'd be encouraging you not to do shit that'll get you into trouble at school or at ho-"

"mom they don't that-"

my gentle parenting was officially out of the window. this probably his third time cutting me off.

"hassan shut the fuck up!" i raised my voice and at this point i didn't care who heard because he wasn't getting the point "you got one more fucking time to interrupt me when i'm speaking and ima slap the fuck out of you"

he took a deep breath and looked down.

"im tired of being labeled the bad person when you don't get your fucking way in situations like this!" i continued

"imagine if the fucking police came and saw a fucking 9 year old running a liquor store." i paused and folded my arms across my chest

"yo little ass would be taken from me and in the system! wouldn't shit your grandpa, uncle, or I could do to change that"

"now you wanna sit here and make it seem like im just punishing you just because?" my voice cracked because in most situations this is the case.

i always have to be the bad guy until he finally sees the truth. same thing with his dad i was made out to be a villain until he finally caught on.

"you think i don't want you to have a relationship with your uncles? or your grandpa? no that's not the fucking case i would just prefer for my child to be the complete opposite of a criminal especially as a black man growing up in america so please spare me with the fucking bullshit"

i quickly wiped my face and turned to go into the bathroom.

having children wasn't no walk in the park. like why am i the one crying and emotional?

i should be beating his little ass but instead i'm all sad and shit.

"mom i'm sorry" he followed me into the bathroom

"hassan get out of my room" i sat down at my vanity

"i didn't mean to upset y-"

"go to your room and don't even think about turning on a game- don't even turn on a fucking light" i continued and he sighed

"can i get under the covers?-" i turned and gave him an evil death glare. "ok" he backed up and left out.

after my little breakdown I text david and told him he could come in my room if he was still here and he was which made my day a little more.

"you good?" he asked and i nodded "i heard you going off"

"yeah, cause he don't fucking listen" my eyes rolled

"i used to be just like that" he chuckled "he gone learn the hard way whether you like it or not"

"i just want him to be different than what he's around or was around" i sighed lowly

"he gone appreciate it sooner than later for sure don't even stress about it" david grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug.

"mom" hassan knocked on my door with his head already halfway in. "i know you said to go to my room but im sad and depressed" he let himself him.

david chuckled and unwrapped his arms from around me.

i twisted my mouth to the side and looked at hassan

"why?" i asked knowing he'd give a bullshit answer.

"because you mad at me" he stood up against the wall. "i wanna hug you but you said you'd slap the bleep outta me"

"oh now you can't cuss?" i asked turning my head to the side.

"i just basically said you would slap me in the face so why would i incriminate myself even more?" he raised an eyebrow and hung his head out.

"i'm sorry for talking back and making you be the bad person..and you right my uncles ain't shi- nothing cause they always get me in trouble with you" he apologized and seemed sincere. it was the first time he ever put the blame on his uncles.

Pigs would probably fly before he blames his grandpa as well but baby steps are fine.

"and if you want you can kiss on me and stuff and call me them names you like" he blankly stared at me and i couldn't help but to smile.

"awwww you wanna be my stinky man?" i asked and he nodded fast "ok" i opened my arms and he rushed over to hug me.

"you still in trouble which means no PS5 for the next week" i kissed him on the forehead.

"i'll take it i guess" he shrugged

"you gone be good?" i asked and he nodded.


"if you don't figure out how you want your hair done you going to school tomorrow just like that" i pointed at the fluffy blown out hair of his.

he sucked his teeth and continued to scroll on pinterest.

"they just got girls" he had a frown across his face the whole time he was scrolling.

"umm maybe because you ain't filter it out but it doesn't matter any style can be turned into a boy style" i explained and he sighed

"alright just these" he held up his ipad and showed me his screen. it was literally just knotless braids and i wasn't gone complain or ask questions.

"no beads and no edges" he pointed out causing me to chuckle

"big or small?" i questioned and he shrugged

"we can do medium because i need to be able to eat dinner in peace-"

"oh?" i was taken back "you want me to cook too?" i asked and his face screwed up at the question.

it was as if it was required. i should've known better my bad.

"i want steak and potatoes but smothered" he nodded

"ok, so i'm supposed to do your h-" i paused and picked my phone up from the kitchen counter to check the time.

it was 3:57

"do your hair and cook before bedtime?" i asked and he nodded. bedtime was 9:30 so i had 5 hours.

not even that i really had 4 hours because he also had to shower and eat.

"i think you can do it" he sat down in a barstool and got ready to get his hair done.

to my surprise i got his hair done in 2 hours and the food was done in under an hour. Mainly because Moriah prepped everything for me so all i had to really do was season and cook everything.

while i did that he took his shower.

Once i was done david had found his way over so all four of us sat down and ate together.

"i like having you over, east" hassan spoke with his mouthful of food as he laid across my bed.

his mouth area was nearly covered in gravy.

"word?" david with his hands just as messy as hassan's responded with his mouthful as well.

i scrunched my face up at the two. i was in more ways than one disgusted.

"yeah, my mom never let me eat in here" hassan sat up on his bottom and extended his arm out to me. "my drink" he pointed at his drink that was next to me on the nightstand.

my eyes rolled and i reached over to grab it.

david chuckled "she be tripping bout her little white sheets huh?"

i handed him his drink and he smirked before nodding and taking the cup.

"it must be wash day?" david looked over at me.

"i don't wash my bed sets i get new ones" i sized him before looking back at hassan who was downing his drink and making slurping sounds. "they fade and turn off white after washing" i continued

"shit? ain't these like versace or so-"

"dior" i corrected him causing him to nod.

"you got money" he chuckled

"yeah, and i hope you do too cause you getting gravy all over it" i pointed to the spot next to him.

"here mom" hassan handed his drink back over to me.

before i could grab it it slipped from his greasy ass fingers and splattered red fruit punch all over my white covers.

my mouth fell open and i gasped.

"i-" hassan was stuck and immediately jumped off of the bed "mom i'm sorry" he held his hand over his mouth.

i remained in a stuck position. mouth to the floor.

"go put some shoes on" david told hassan "we gotta go get her some new" he told him but hassan didn't wait for the explanation he was already out of the room.

"i see why youn let butterfingers eat in here" he chuckled and i slowly turned my head to look at him.

i glared at him before taking a deep breath.

"come on" david grabbed his plate and mine before standing up "you gotta pick you some out"

"you paying?" i asked before climbing out of bed. he smirked and nodded.

"yeah, so hurry up before it's too late" he warned and i couldn't help but smile.


the three of us ended up at neiman's before they closed.

"you gotta get white?" david asked analyzing what i picked and settled for.

"yea, it's her thing" hassan was laid out on the floor with his eyes to the ceiling.

he was over all of this and not to mention i said he couldn't get shit because he was in trouble still.

"alright ma'am your total will be $876.87" the cashier politely smiled in which i turned to look at david.

he was already counting the money out and bill by bill he started to lay it on the counter.

he laid out 9 100 hundred dollar bills.

"thank you baby" i smiled and watched her count the money and check each bill.

"we could've been at target for $900" hassan hissed from the sidelines.

"word to" david agreed and nodded.

"target doesn't have quality" i assured them. i watched her count the change back and place it into my hands along with the receipt.

"have a nice night" she told me and i nodded

"same to you my love" i assured her as i grabbed my bag from the counter.

"come on hassan" i led the way

hassan groaned as if we weren't here because of him. he finally got up and followed.

"mom i already suffered enough why i gotta make this bed up" hassan walked around my King sized bed to get the fitted sheet placed on the other side.

"cause yo ass fucked it up" i reminded him.

"you almost done just get the sheet down and that's it" david encouraged him and in reality i wanted his ass to put the whole set together but i guess since we were just gonna lay down this was fine.

hassan sucked his teeth and continued to fix the sheet.

he was finally done and relieved. he fell to the floor and was breathing heavy like he just put in so much work.

"alright, get in the shower and get to bed" i told him and he sighed.

"mom, we not watching no movies?" he looked up at me.

"hell no? i'm going to bed"

"that's boring" hassan stood to his feet "east you wanna play the game?"

"nah, i'm tired" david shook his head "we getting old sani" he chuckled

"y'all lame and need medication" hassan walked around the bed. he stopped in front of me and looked up. "can i order some games-"

"your in trouble...meaning no game system..." i reminded him "and if i hear it or go in that room tonight and it's hot yo ass gone-"

"ok ok ok" he nodded "i get it"

i leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. "goodnight poohbutt" i smiled and he groaned

"goodnight" he uttered and made his way on out. "goodnight east"

"goodnight man" david smirked and we both watched him leave.

do you think nicki should be cautious of david potentially messing around?

should nicki put a stop to hassan being around her family? the guys at least or is she doing too much?

did she have the right to be upset?

is it good she finally put him in her place?

do you think david should step in and help with hassan as well as far as being another parent to him or is it too soon?

vote & comment please 🩷

i'll be updating all of the books today 🩷

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