BLOODLUST - A BFB Fanfiction.

بواسطة DeanIsCookie

5.5K 75 750

BFB is over, and all the contestants have been freed from the clutches of the EXIT. After two years of endles... المزيد

an unknown place. - prolouge
little miss alliance. - chapter 2
what's wrong? - prolouge no.2
why do you wanna know? - chapter 3
my very best friend. - chapter 4
the hotel. - chapter 5
a bad dream. - chapter 6
escapism. - chapter 7
maison de la mort. - chapter 8
intertwined. - chapter 9
plus one. - chapter 10
a second chance. - chapter 11
lies and deceit. - chapter 12
wipe those tears. - chapter 13
hopeful. - chapter 14
fireflies. - chapter 15
just a waste. - chapter 16
world building. - chapter 17
bullet rebuttal. - chapter 18
temporary escape. - chapter 19

that's a great idea. - chapter 1

475 8 10
بواسطة DeanIsCookie

The sun beamed down on the road, illuminating everything in its warm glow. The sky above was a clear, vivid blue, not a cloud in sight. It was a peaceful and quiet street, the only sounds being occasional chatter from the birds. Everything was at peace... That was until the serenity was abruptly shattered as a large, red bus thundered down the road, followed by the stamping and heavy breathing of a Golf Ball. Startled by the sudden commotion, the birds took flight in a flurry of wings, their peaceful coexistence momentarily interrupted.

"WAIT UP! WAIT UP!" Golf Ball huffed, running as fast as she could.

Golf Ball's voice echoed through the street, her frantic plea cutting through the air. Her legs pumped with determination as she chased after the departing bus, her breaths coming in short gasps. She had to catch up, had to board that bus before it disappeared from sight.

To her luck, the bus halted at a nearby stop, giving her enough time to catch up and board on.

"Finally..", GB huffed as she got on the bus, still panting from all the running earlier.

She climbed onto a seat, her heart thumping from all the running earlier. Golf Ball let out a sigh of relief and stared at the view from outside the window. She felt herself unwind and zone out as she stared at the luscious, evergreen trees blowing softly in the wind, the newly growing petals blossoming from the leaves. She then directed her vision toward the houses. She couldn't really capture the precise details, but she admired how beautifully sculpted they were, how it took time to build... As Golf Ball was zoned out, her phone suddenly vibrated, making her heart jump.

Who could possibly be texting me right now? She pondered, grabbing her phone to look at the sudden notification.

TENNIS BALL: Come to the Grasslands ASAP!

Golf Ball rolled her eyes and let out a slight chuckle. Of course it was TB. He was always sending her messages at the most unexpected times...

YOU: Okay.

She sighed once again and stared back at the window to pass the time.


"The Grasslands".

That must be my stop... Golf Ball thought to herself as she stood up and headed towards the door.

GB headed towards the door, humming to herself in boredom, while not paying attention to her surroundings.

She was walking calmly until suddenly...


GB bashed into someone, causing them both to tumble face first onto the floor.

"Ouch..." She groaned while regaining her composure.

As she pushed herself up from the ground she scoffed, frustrated.

"Hey, watch it next time!" She yelled angrily without second thoughts, not even taking a look at the person she bumped into.

"Excuse me...?" The person said with such grace and etiquette that Golf Ball felt her mouth forcefully shut.

As the person turned around, GB couldn't help but stare. The girl was a tall, brown makeup brush, her bristles a soft, dark grey colour with a slight pink ombré on the tips.

GB felt such familiarity looking into her eyes. She remembered this girl from somewhere but she just couldn't put her finger on it.

"Um... are you just gonna stand there...?" The girl said, snapping GB out of her trance.

GB suddenly felt flushed with embarrassment.

"Oh! Uh... I..."

Blushing, she hurriedly ran off of the bus without turning back.

Gosh... that was so embarassing... She thought to herself while running.

That girl was so oddly familiar... why do I feel like I've seen her before... Y'know what, whatever. Don't be stupid. You've probably never even seen her before. You probably don't even know who she is. Your mind is just messing with y-


Golf Ball felt herself crash into someone... again.

"OH, WHY DO I KEEP BUMPING INTO PEOPLE TODAY!" She yelled angrily, while gritting her teeth.

"Golf Ball?!"


Upon hearing the voice, Golf Ball lifted her gaze to see that it was none other than her best friend, Tennis Ball.

"Oh... it's just you..." Golf Ball chuckled calmly while getting back onto her feet and dusting herself off.

Tennis Ball let out a chuckle and smiled at the sight of his best friend.

"I'm so glad you're here! But, what took you so long?"

Golf Ball remembered what happened at the bus just a few minutes ago and began to sweat nervously at the thought.

"Oh.. haha.. it's nothing, just traffic!" She said hesitantly while putting on a poker face.

Tennis Ball raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

"Oh... whatever you say GB!"

GB let out a sigh.

"So anyways TB, why did you call me to come in such a hurry?"

TB's eyes widened excitedly at the question.

"It's because I want to show you something I made! Follow me!"

"Oh, okay then..." Golf Ball followed along, curious as to what TB had possibly made.

Tennis Ball stopped and stood proudly next to his new invention.

"Behold... the Voice Changer Device! ! It's kinda self explanatory but just speak into it and your audio recording will come out in a different pitch! There's also settings at the back to change how high or deep the voice goes! And when the audio is ready, it'll make a beeping sound to let you know!"

Golf Ball took a good look at the machine. It looked a bit simplistic and boring, the colour choice was tacky, and parts were a bit wonky, but she didn't want to upset her best friend.

"It.. It looks great...!" She said while holding a smile, sweat trickling down her face.

"Thanks..." The Tennis Ball replied, flattered by the response.

"Yay! Grassy can't wait to try this invention!" Grassy said, coming out of nowhere.

"Wait, what's the stupid piece of unmowed grass doing here?" GB said with disgust, making Grassy frown.

"Golf Ball! Be nice! He's my test dummy."

"Grassy's a test dummy....?" The young child said with innocent confusion.

"Tester, I mean tester.." TB corrected himself nervously.

GB rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, take it away Grassy."

"Yayyyy!" Grassy exclaimed while clearing his throat.

"Hm, hm...."

Tennis Ball gritted his teeth and squinted his eyes fearfully while Golf Ball stayed idle.

"I'M GRASSYYYYY!!!" He yelled, at the top of his lungs.

"O-OKAY GRASSY! I THINK THAT'S ENOUGH!" Tennis Ball yelled, trying to make himself heard through the noise.

Grassy quickly paused and smiled angelically.

"You can go now, Grassy."

"Yayyy!!.........." The child yelled happily while running off into the distance, never to be seen again.

"So Tennis Ball, I was meaning to ask you something.." GB said, turning back to her best friend.

"What is it?" Tennis Ball replied nervously, his heart thumping with anticipation.

"I still want to know why you wanted me to come so quickly, I mean, other than the machine, I feel like there's something else you want to tell me..."

"Well... y'know..." Tennis Ball looked to the side nervously, taking a deep breath before continuing.

Golf Ball looked at Tennis Ball, puzzled by his somewhat slow response.

Sighing, he gave in and started to speak.

"So you know how BFB ended just a few weeks ago, and we along with all the other contestants just got released from the EXIT?"

"Yeah...?" GB replied, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Don't you think we deserve a break from all that eternal maths torture?"

Golf Ball looked at Tennis Ball, a shocked expression painted on her face.

"But the math was fun! We got to do square roots, and algebraic equations, a-and we-"


The sudden loud noise made GB halt in fear.

"Oh, that means the audio is ready, I'll just go check on it and..."

"OOH! What does this button do?" Gelatin said in curiosity as he peered towards the large, flashing green button, which enticed him.

Alarmed, TB quickly ran towards Gelatin.


"Oops." He said, his hand already on the button, pushing it down.

"Oh no..." Tennis Ball muttered, expecting the worse to happen.

Suddenly, the machine started to beep loudly before it let out an ear-piercing, deafening and horrible screech. A sound so powerful that even the strongest contestant couldn't withstand.


"Hey! How come you won tic tac toe 72 times in a row!" Firey grunted.

Leafy chuckled.

"Oh I guess it's just l-"



A sound so powerful that Leafy was blown away.


"Hey Icy! Wanna see the new treehouse that me and Saw made?" Book asked, excitedly.

"I'd love t-"



A sound so powerful that it could instantly shatter Ice Cube.


"HOW DO I STOP THIS!!" TB yelled through the ear-splitting noise.

"WAIT! I KNOW!!" Gelatin shouted in response as he ran back towards the machine, pressing the button, making the noise come to a halt.

"Oh. That actually worked!" He laughed.

"Well, I'm gonna go now, let's forget this ever happened, okay TB!" Gelatin said before running off into the distance.

Tennis Ball sighed.

"I should probably just keep this machine somewhere else for now..."

He powered off the machine and walked back to Golf Ball, a bit sad after what happened but brushing it off.

"Sorry about that GB! I didn't expect that to be so loud!" He chuckled, trying to laugh off the chaotic situation that happened just a few seconds ago.

"It's okay.." GB replied quietly.

"So... what did you want to tell me TB?"

"Oh! Right. So, I figured that everyone wants a break from the EXIT and the endless piles of math... So I was wondering..."


Tennis Ball smiled proudly.

"Why don't we invite them to a hotel!"

Golf Ball gasped, her eyes widening with excitement.

"That's a great idea!"


Hey guys! So that's chapter one! Pretty short, I know😭😭, but I hope you enjoyed it! And don't forget to tell me what you think in the comments!!

I will aim to release chapter 2 on June 10th, so make sure to stay tuned!! Anyways, Dean out!!

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