love (free de la Hoya x reade...

By FireFistFan

6.4K 268 1.3K

What if shu had a sister and she falls In love with the number 1 blader. Would the original story change comp... More

1.New Home
3.first Crush!?
4.Drawing Session
Ch 6-Distracted
Ch 7-sorry
Ch 8-Focus


351 14 11
By FireFistFan

Y/n's pov

We had arrived at BC SOL and were greeted by the guards after the identification. Inside there was a girl with pink hair and blue eyes waiting for us together with a guy with curly hair and a tablet in his hands.

"Hello, I'm kristina kurudo, the owner of BC SOL, welcome you both to BC SOL." she said as she extended her hand for a handshake which I accepted.

"hello ma'am, I'm y/n kurenai and he's rantaro kiyama. Thank you for inviting us." I said.

Her eye twitch at the sound of ma'am but she remain her smile and replied
"Please call me Kris, ma'am doesn't sound good for me."

"Ok, Kris?" I confusedly said.

"y/n kurenai with the bey x Athena, here to join the team and rantaro kiyama with the bey berserk roktavor, here to tryout for the team."
Said the curly haired guy.

" Yep, that's us and you are?" Honcho asked.

"he's trad Vasquez, our team's professional trainer." replied Kris.

"nice to meet you sir...trad?I guess?cause I think you also like Kris? " I asked.

Honcho starts laughing which earned a little punch to his shoulder by me. Kris also let out a little chuckle while trad sighs.

"now if you're done with your laughter, follow me kiyama."trad said.

" yes trad. " Honcho replied while still laughing.

Trad guides Honcho to his room while Kris guides me. The place was a lot bigger than I thought it was and it was
definitely beautiful.I had a room all to myself along with a bathroom attached to it.

After the tour of my room, I was met with two girls outside of my room. Must be my neighbors I thought.

"hey, I'm shasa and this is honey, we're going to be neighbors , so let's get along." said the older girl.

"hey, I'm y/n kurenai."I replied.

" wait kurenai? Like shu kurenai?" shasa asked.

" yeah, he's my brother."I replied.

" no way! You're shu kurenai's sister!"
Honey yelled.

" then you must be strong too, right?" shasa questioned .

" well I am rank fifth in Japan." I replied

" alright you're fifth, lui shirosagi
is obviously first and the newcomer, valt aoi, is second. Shu kurenai is third and Xander shakadera is fourth.
Meaning you beat Zac to become fifth?"shasa questioned.

" yeah, it was a real challenge beating him."I replied.


Arthor's pov

Y/n's eyes widen with shock as Athena
is sent flying out of the stadium.zac earns a one point but she's determine to win. She pick up Athena and her stance again.

" Ready





let it rip! "

Their beys land in the stadium, Athena goes to the center while Zeus immediately attacks it.Athena is in defense mode so it manages to block most attacks but it's stamina started to
run out.Y/n was in total concentration
and yelled out : "now, do it Athena!"

Athena left the center and did a big curve along the wall, as it came rushing down Zac used his special move. Both bey clash and after a struggle athena managed to burst Zeus.

"with a burst finish, y/n kurenai win with a score of 2-1!"

Flashback ends

"How about Xander shakadera? Did you get the chance to battle him?" shasa questioned.

"I did battle him, I tried using the same move that I used on Zac but it wasn't enough" I said.


Arthor's pov

Y/n and Xander are both sweating after their previous clash. The score was 1-1 as they both burst the exact moment in the third match. The first Xander got a ring out while in the second y/n got a ring out.

"let's do this y/n!" Xander shouted.

"yeah!" I yelled.

You both took your stance and launch
their beys in the stadium.Athena took the center while xcalus comes with it's monstrous attacks. Y/n tried doing the same move that ended zac but Xander's double sabers knocked both of them in the air.Both burst at almost the same moment but Athena burst a split second earlier.

"with a burst finish!Xander shakadera wins with a score of 3-1!"

Flashback ends
Y/n's pov

"that's still impressive. He almost beat two of the supreme four members." shasa said.

" yeah but this time I'll beat Xander at the championship."I said with confidence.

" well how about battling me? "shasa asked.

"would love to but I have to meet with someone.See you girls around."I said.

I left the room and decide to go to the forest first and then meet up with rantaro.

" you think I'll find something interesting to draw?" I thought.

" maybe but don't hang around for too long. The forest seems pretty large and seems difficult to navigate in." athena replied.

"yeah, I'm just going to have a look around." I thought.


Y/n's pov

I have been walking for half an hour and to be honest I'm actually having fun. The beautiful scenery and sounds
of birds chirping does calm my mind.

I'm thinking about what to draw while walking when suddenly I heard
rustling coming from behind me. I took a few steps back and mentally prepared myself for what's coming.

The rustling stopped but my heartbeat continued to increase.I tried to remained calm and slowly back away when suddenly...

a deer came out!?

It slowly walked towards me and when It was in front of me, it tilted its head to the left.

"cute!" I thought.

"no need to yell." athena said.

Y/n started slowly walking towards it and the deer surprisingly didn't run away.

"I don't think that's a good idea." athena said.

"come on, deers aren't aggressive. I think?" I thought.

I drew closer and petted it. It didn't ran away and just stood there accepting the touch of my hand through his fluffy fur.

"we should get going, Honcho is probably waiting for us." athena reminded me.

"ok, nearly forgot." I thought.

"alright bud I need to go now." I said.

The deer gave her sad eyes and I blushed at this sight.

"don't worry bud, I'm part of the team so I'm sure I will meet again soon enough." I said.

Arthor's pov

Y/n leaves the deer and starts making her way out of the forest without knowing that someone was observing her every moves.

As she reached BC SOL, Honcho was already waiting for her and dicided to talk while having a battle.Y/n set athena in attack mode.Both took their stance and yelled

"Ready! Set!




Let it rip!"

Roktavor took the center and Athena spung around the wall. Athena rushed
towards Roktavor and gives a fiery of attacks which Roktavor defends.

"so did valt come yet?" I asked.

"nope.He's still not here, I bet he got into some trouble somewhere. "Honcho answered.

" well it's valt, of course he's in some kind of trouble. "I replied.

" anyways, roktavor zone!"Honcho grinned as he yelled.

Roktavor gains a burst of speed and knocks Athena close to the wall. I smiled and then yelled:" come on Athena, x spear!"

" bring it on! " Honcho yelled.

Athena appears with its spear and charges towards roktavor. It's spear glows a golden colour as it goes for the blow. At the same time roktavor creates a big fireball above itself and launches it towards athena who rushes right through it.

Roktavor glows an orange color at the center while Athena glows a golden color while it rushes to the center.
Their clash emits a bright light and roktavor is seen flying out of the stadium before bursting.

"great battle Honcho, sorry but I need to go, bye! (picks Athena) " y/n said.

"yeah, bye. (pick and reassemble roktavor)" Honcho said.

"I need to get stronger if I'm gonna secure my spot on the team." rantaro thought.


Y/n's pov

It was now time to sleep.I took my cloth and started to clean her.Shu was far away from me and I could feel the impact of his absence.

"still sad about shu?" athena asked.

"yeah...i wished I could talk you him right now."

"let's get stronger if he see that we didn't change,he'll be disappointed " athena replied.

" yeah we should.Anyways I think tomorrow is gonna be an exciting day, right athena? "

"yeah! So replace that sad face with the smiling face I know of." athena said.

" (smiles) ok, thanks for the advice."

"anytime!" athena said.

I then took a piece of paper from my drawer, I opened it and looked at the near identical shu drawing I made. I smiled at it, thinking of shu.I placed Athena on the side table and started to drift to sleep. Don't worry shu, I'm gonna make you proud here at BC SOL.

Excited for the prince charming'entry.
Read the next part hope you all like it.

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