Helping Gwen 10

By AnimeEagleScout

211K 5.1K 2.5K

Ben is driving a while after the final battle in Ultimate Alien and ends up in a portal to another world. Ben... More

Random Portal
Family and Smoothies
Home and Work
Play with Fire
Wrinkle Brain thinking
I thought of it First
Null and Void
don't fuck with Terra [maybe a chapter?]
Grampa Proud
Human Race
Noticable Difference
it's a placeholder title
Malling About
What Grey-Matters
Galvin's Life
Kevin's Reward
Helping Out
Draining Work
Plastic Straws
The Think Tank
The Big Think
start running now. [not canon]
back on the grind.
After Shock
Week Off part 1
Week Off part 2
Week Off Part 3
Week Off Part 4
Week Off Part 5
Week Off Part 6
Week Off Part 7
Week Off Part 8
Week Off Part 9
Week Off Part 10
Week Off Part 11
Week Off Part 12
Week Off Part 13
Week Off Part 14
Back Home
This is it Part 1
This is It Part 2
Incomprehension[what if]
turtle soup
Time slipping
Birthday Part 2
Birthday Part 3
Birthday part 4
Chapter Title
Ultimate Omniverse Pilot
Jade-s Christ-al
My Greatest Enemy
Ultra's End Goal [Not a Chapter]


1.3K 49 26
By AnimeEagleScout

December 22ed some Desert

The trip there was short.

Ben having told Max the truth about this place and his previous times here had brought Magister Tennyson and Xylene.

"So this 'Charmcaster' isn't just luring us into a trap?" Xylene asked.

"Nay, the Witch speaks true of the Tyrent." Sir George said in his unarmored form with the sword sheathed.

"I can personally vouch for being there last time Ben was." Sugalite said, shifted into his humanoid form "Addwaitya is very real, very dangerous and very much an issue that requires intervention."

"Should I even be surprised you resurrected Sugalite just to bring him on this mission?" Gwen asked.

"To be fair Ben was planning on waiting to create your Crystalsapian form BEFORE going in there." Trixie said.

"Which we should." Omni commented.

"How did you even get the Forever Knights on your side?" Gwen asked.

"I'd like to know that information as well Benjamin." Max said.

"Sir Ben has shown me his memory's of fighting with me against Dagon." Sir George said "After my death he had finished the job as well as drained Dagons power from the one called Vilgax. This man has earned the favor of my Knights."

"And I'll be helping out with Dagon in this world too." Ben said "Permanently."

"Wanna explain THAT?" Xylene asked.

"Dagon is a multidimensional creature." Ben started,

"There isn't, A Dagon in every realm, there's 1 Dagon...with his reach in all worlds." George said "Tho slain in Sir Ben's realm he remains living in ours."

"We intend to deal with that." Ben said.

The Rustbucket had gotten quiet till Albeta asked "So Sir George, that is Ascalon correct?"

"Yes, the Sword of Azmuth was given to me centuries ago to push back The Dagon." Sir George said.

"That blade is said to be one of the greatest magical weapons in the universe." Charmcaster said.

"Do not be mistaken," George said "The sword is powerful yes but the actual magic is done by myself, not the sword."

"That blade is said to control the fundamental forces of the universe." Charmcaster said dead faced.

"Yes and it does this by matching the frequency of the energy of things around it." Ben said "Yes magic does the same thing only that is limit, a talented magic user could replicate the effects to a far better degree."

"You said Ben has used the sword before." Gwen said.

"Once." Ben said, looking out the window "I had Dagons power absorbed into it...I held the power over the universe, the whole thing was at my fingertips..."

"Ben had the power of a Celestialsapien with none of the drawback or restrictions." Omni said "He could have done...literally anything with it."

"And what did you do?" Sugalite asked.

"I gave the power to the universe, and all the freedom it came with." Ben said.

"And what would you do if you held it again?" Sir George asked.

"The same thing." Ben said, "But there is something I would do with it if I could."

"And that is?" Charmcaster asked.

"Something stupid." Ben said.

"We're here." Charmcaster said as they approached a massive door.

Walking out the door was up a large staircase.

"Alright..." Ben said "Suit up gentlemen."

"Trix...I think we need a conqueror for this one."

Ben had sent the last time he set foot in Ledgerdomain.

"I've taken too many L's in this place."

Trixie nodded making the dial pop up.

Charmcaster and Gwen watched amazed as the sword constructed armor around George and seeming to age him backwards.

Xylene was horrified when she saw Omnigax.

Albeta was looking at the floating purple Crystalsapian as the official name in Primus was designated.

"Vilgax!" Xylene shouted reaching for a discarded pillar.

"Wrong answer, Grandma Lizard." Ben said as the pillar was cut in half with an eye laser.

"Why him?" Gwen and Xylene asked.

"Sugalite?" Ben asked pulling the sword from his back and holding it out.

"Oh yeah...this...this could work." Charmcaster said "You remember the password?"

"Yawatacsip." Ben said.

"Great...anyone need to prepare anything?" Charmcaster asked.

"Gwen, your Omnitrix." Ben said holding out his hand.

Gwen held out her arm and Ben reached his hand out.

"Whatever your doing please use the robot arm." Omni said as Omnigax organic hand was reaching towards her.

A blue energy burst shot out but Omnigax didn't flinch.

"Suck it up at least you aren't driving with it." Trixie said.

"Please clean me after this." Omni said to Gwen as Ben tapped the dial.

Another burst of blue energy and Gwen changed.

Gwen suddenly turned in a towering form.

"Saph-Fire!" Gwen roared out as Xylene and Albeta reeled back.

"Seriously?! She can do that too?!" Charmcaster shouted.

Ben smirked as Albeta's Rig blinked and she was also turned.

"Your dragon forms are set to the default." Ben said "The Draconian species is Highly resistant to energy of all kind-

"-along with the ability to shake off mind control." Charmcaster said "Smart thinking."

"Omni, set the time out to 5 minutes for all Gwen's other transformations. The shorter run time should compensate incase of Gwen succumbing to any mind control and allow a instant recharge." Ben said.

"If these two are resistant to everything in there why not just activate the lifeform lock?" Xylene said.

"Because the ability to change forms for them is a requirement." Omnigax said "Grandfather will be protected by Chromastone's form but both of these two lack the one alien that will crack this turtle open."

"What about him?" Xylene pointed to Sir George.

"The Sword of Azmuth protects my mind from external control." Sir George said.

"And Ben's brain is sealed." Trixie said.

"Addwaitya will either meet us at the gate, either in a projection or himself. Send waves of disposable minions at us. Or try and manipulate out minds." Charmcaster said.

"If we're lucky it's all three." Omnigax said "Superior numbers can be overcome by superior tactics."

Max walked to the Rustbucket and said "KITT...I need my loadout."

The side of the Rustbucket flipped out a rack of every weapon Max kept in it.

"Grandfather." Ben said walking over. The dial was formed and held out to him.

"One second." Max said turning to the Vulpimancers. "You two stay here."

They let out the signature noise and a snarf as they leaned into Max's hand.

KITT shape shifted their dog beds out along with a heater. "You three watch out for each other." They curled up in the warm bed and KITT let out a few beeps.

"You we will return," Omnigax said patting the side of the Rustbucket "I've been itching for this rematch."

"Caroline." Omnigax said "How long can you sustain your Draconian form?"

"10 minutes if I'm lucky casting during a fight but I could lock it if I had time to meditate." Charmcaster said.

"And your magic?" Omnigax asked.

"Completely impossible in dragon form." She said.

"And if you are slain in that form?" Omnigax asked.

"Back to human but just hitting me hard enough could break focus on the damn thing." Charmcaster said.

"That sucks." Gwen said.

"Yeah well It's supposed to be my last stance not my main method of attacking." Charmcaster said rubbing her temples "Sir George may I see your blade?"

George held it out blade down "See only, the blade is not easy to weild and Ben has informed me of your...history."

"Daw does your boyfriend know how to handle you?" Saph-Fire joked getting a blush from Charmcaster before she went on to what she was doing.

Charmcaster started chanting drawing runes along the blade.

"You got a knife?" Charmcaster asked Omnigax and Max.

Max, Ben and Xylene pulled one out their boots. She decided to use Max's since she could sense 'A Paladin's Blade'.

Charmcaster got a good length away before pulling out the twelve Rock Monsters that were bound to her.

"For the love of My domain please let this work." Charmcaster said.

The 12 formed a circle around her joining hand chanting in a hum as she cut her finger and drew a Rune.

Charmcaster was stretching and was taking deep breaths to actually get use to the form.

The next hour was spent as everyone was going over their own rituals.

George speaking in Latin. Seeming to be a prayer.

Max going through motions of spinning his weapon as he went though a mantra. "This is my Weapon, there are many like it but this one is mine."

Charmcaster was also speaking a mix of Latin/Norse/Greek as multiple runes dances around her seeming to brand to her skin to lock her transformation in.

Gwen's eyes widened as she saw Ben had walked behind a pillar and muttering to himself. The only thing she picked up was "Leaving this shit out here where it belongs."

Gwen had read the graffiti: 'I am the Famous, Awesome, Great Ben Tennyson, I've saved the universe like a hundred times. I stopped the hybrid.'

The whole thing sound like if be said it himself she'd think he was an airheaded Doofus like...

Her cousin.

Gwen realized how much Ben was actually scared of this.

"Omni, on a scale of 1 to 10..." Saph-Fire start.

"10,000." Omni said.

"I didn't even finish." Gwen said "I was gonna ask-"

"Angry, Scared and Worried." Omni said "And the answer is 10,000 to all of it. Ben DIED the last time he fucked around in this place. Trixie is telling me Ultra's close to shouting fuck it and turning on the Master Control. Trixie is worried enough to accept him doing it too."

"How powerful is this guy?" Gwen asked.

"Remember Aggregor in Ben's memory?" Omni asked.

"Fused 5 aliens into himself and nothing ben did to him worked." Gwen said.

"The only reason the 4 of Ben, Gwendolyn, Kevin and Charmcaster actually Beat him was because 'that guy' weakened him." 

Saph-Fire gulped.

Grampa Max was fully kitted out with whatever weapons were on the Rustbucket and was turned into Chromastone.

"We walk into a dimension with the express purpose to kill a monster who took it's entire inhabitants down and is being locked in by the soul of its protector." Omnigax said "He holds the heart of Ledgerdomain in his hand and knows how to weild it better then anyone. If anyone here wants to back out."

"Anyone who is willing to stand against Dagon has my blade." Sir George says.

"My planet breaths because of you." Sugalite said "I was made by men to prevent the same Tyrents from rising again. Today I repay your debt. Today I choose violence."

"You're my grandson and a Plumber." Max said "Tennyson's are like a bunch of wild dogs, fuck with one-"

"You get the whole pack." Gwen said.

"If it's this important for Max you have my aid." Xylene said wearing a bandelier of gear.

"You've show me the Omnitrix is something earned." Albeta said "You've proven maybe I need to earn mine."

Omnitrix stood shoulder to shoulder with Sir George and Max. Sugalite had been the one to break some of the tension.

"Well this is awkward." Sugalite said floating near Omnigax.

Ben gave a smirk "Yes."


The 4 humanoids walked into a land of pink and purple sky's and floating pathways.

"George." Ben shouted.


An impressive trick." A spectral form appeared and just started blasting George.

"I'm sorry I came for a fight."

A the last swing got sent right back at Addwaitya.

Addwaitya waved his hand sending back to Sugalite but he sent it back.

"You fall today Addwaitya." Omnigax shouted behind the Shield.

"It would appear you've made a few new minions Child." Addwaitya said to Charmcaster.

"There my friends." Charmcaster said letting out a massive cone of energy.

Addwaitya teleported away.

"Push forward! The beast shall not gain a foot of rest!" Sir George shouted.

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