The Cheated Good Son (Depress...

By LittleClayishIce

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Arata Atsuko, a 18 year old 2nd year highschool student was living a normal happy life, having a loving famil... More

Chapter 1: The Horrid Truth
Chapter 2: New Friend
Chapter 3: The Three's Worries
Chapter 4: The Break-Up
Chapter 5: Regret? Maybe
Chapter 6: Absolute Teasing And Too Much Teasing
Chapter 7: Motivations
Chapter 8: A Body's Natural Reaction
Chapter 9: Letting Anger Out
Chapter 10: The Nostalgic Past
Chapter 11: Anger Limits
Chapter 12: LET THE RAGE OUT!!!
Chapter 13: 2 Fights, 2 Knockouts
Chapter 14: I Hate You
Chapter 15: Advances
Chapter 16: Kidnapping
Chapter 17: Training
Chapter 18: Training Pt2
Chapter 20: All Out War
Chapter 21: All Out War (2)
Chapter 22: Winning Team
Chapter 23: Back to Normal...and to School
Chapter 24: School Drama
Chapter 25: Problems In School
Chapter 26: Back To School Problems
Chapter 27: Back To School Problems Pt.2

Chapter 19: The Crazy Flasher

4.1K 90 6
By LittleClayishIce

" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
Hiromi's pov:

Hiromi:"Haaah~ Haaah~ Just a few feet more." I said as I jog through the park.

It's currently 4:59 am. The sun wasn't up yet and I'm taking a circle jog around the park. I like to keep myself healthy even if it's just jogging and not going to the gym. But what worries me is Arata and Sachiko.

It's been almost a week since I've seen Arata and Sachiko, and Arata was at the hospital before he suddenly was discharged and disappeared out of nowhere. I'm worried something might've happened them.

But what's more confusing is the fact that, after one day that we contacted the police to report both of them missing, the cops all said that Arata was still around, seemingly taking jogs at 4 am on the dot, so this jog also has a ulterior motive.

Hiromi:"I hope you two are okay." I voiced my worry for the two siblings.

And so, I continued on my daily jog as after a while and another circle a round the park, I finally stopped and sat down on a nearby bench where I placed my water bottle to cool off.

I look up to see the sunlight starting to appear from the horizon as I remember what Arata said to me when we did our first hang out, when he suggested to relax and enjoy the view of the sunrise at the boardwalk.

Hiromi:’ really is beautiful.' I admired the view as I grabbed my water bottle.

As I was about to open my bottle for a drink, a man suddenly ran past me and accidently hit my water bottle, making me drop it into the ground but thankfully not spilling any.

???:"Oh! Sorry." The man apologized as he grabs and offers back my water bottle.

Hiromi:"Oh no! It's quite fi..."I stopped myself as I recognize who was the man infront of me.

The man infront of me was one of the sibling I had been worried about. It was Arata as he noticed that I managed to get a glimpse of his face as he gives me a smile.

Arata:"It's been a while. Well, nearly a week or so." He said as he sat down next me.

Hiromi:"'s been a while since you disappeared. Just where were you?" I asked him.

Arata:"...Working I guess. I have something I want to do." He answered.

Hiromi:"Oh really? Is it a career choice?" I asked.

Arata:"N-no. Something personal. It's for Sachiko." He answered in a low toned manner.

This is weird. After the first time we met, he was usually all bubbly and always smiled when we hung out. Heck, he even smiles when I just visit or we meet by coincidence, but those eyes of's the same as before, the same one's when we met.

Hiromi:"Arata...are you okay? Is something bothering you?" I asked in a worried tone.

Arata:"Nope. Nothing's bothering me. I'm actually quite fine." He lied blatantly.

This was quite shocking, he never lied to me once when we met. I don't know what's going Arata, but I will get to the bottom of it and help him. So, I stood up and got on top of him, as he look's shocked but not it does seem weird.

Arata:"What are you doing? Get off me." He requested.

Hiromi:"Arata, there's clearly something wrong and you're not telling me. Just tell me what it is so I can help." I pleaded.

Arata, who now had a bit of a guilty expression, look's away from my eyes in shame as he let's out a sad and forced smile.

Arata:"I really am okay. Just let go of me, please." He requested.

Arata lied again. This is getting nowhere and even if I ask again, I'm sure he won't answer. He'd rather suffer alone than let the people he cares about suffer along with him. So, I let him go and got off of him as we see multiple people looking ang staring at us, making me flustered but not Arata.

Hiromi:"Ca-can I atleast know where you've been? Akeno was worried, as well as someone named Andy." I asked him.

Arata:"Andy-senpai got involved too...But sorry, I can't tell you where I'm staying. I...just can't." He dodged my question.

Hearing Arata lie to me broke my heart. I know that he must have a valid reason but to lie to me, who I thought was now my close friend, still hurts. But those expressions and his way of sitting, something is obviously bugging him, but he just wont tell me.

Hiromi:"...Fine. I guess it's fine then. We...were just worried is all." I stopped my advances.

Arata:"'s better that way." He said as he stood up and began to walk away.

He then waved bye to me behind his back as his left hand was inserted onto his hoodie's left pocket.

Arata:"I promise I'll make it all up to you after I'm done. Bye bye." He said to me as I looked at him with worry.

Arata has changed. He wasn't the shy and naive person I once knew. His getting...more and more cold and serious. As, surely Sachiko is safe...right?

Now that I began to think about it. Sachiko wasn't even around his house when I visited to look for him when he disappeared. Also, the weird attack on the donut shop where Arata was encountered in critical condition and when I watched the news, the cashier that was interviewed said that a small girl was kidnapped.

Hiromi:"No has to be coincidence...right? Sachiko wouldn't actually be kidnapped, right?" I asked myself, rejecting the possibility.

But the coincidences were too perfect. Arata in the shop, all bloodied, the cashier's interview on news. Arata's new personality, his tiredness...his trying to rescue Sachiko.

But why didn't he tell the police? And why didn't he tell me and Akeno of all people?! Does he not trust us?...No, I'm sure there's another reason. So, to atleast try and lessee the burden on Arata's shoulders. I pull out my phone and called Akeno.

Akeno:"Hello!" Akeno said through the phone.

Hiromi:"Akeno...I've met up with Arata-kun." I informed her.

Akeno:"Senpai's with you?! Where are you right now?!" She shouted.

Hiromi:"City Park near where the flagpole. Arata's already left." I informed her.

Akeno:"What!? Why didn't you stop him!?Grrrr! Stay right there! I'm coming over!" She shouted as she hung up on the phone.

With the call ended, I put my phone away and sat back down in the bench. The sun was already starting to rise so a few more minutes here shouldn't be dangerous.


Andy's pov:

After the call that Akeno had with her friend, who I happen to meet a 2 days ago, Akeno was all runny as we ran all the way outside of her house, now running towards the park.

Andy:"Akeno! Slow down!" I pleaded.

Akeno:"I can't! Now that I know senpai is safe, I gotta bring him back!" She replied.

Filled with determination to help and probably save Arata, she runs a little more faster as I lag behind. Honestly, now that we know Arata is safe, we shouldn't worry, but I guess not knowing where he went to is something to be worried now thay I think about it.

And so, Akeno ran a few feet infront of me as she takes a turn. I lagged behind as I take the same turn, only to see her being pinned down by a large man.

Man:"Huh? Aren't you gonna apologize for this mess?" She asked Akeno.

I look at the thug's clothes and saw a coffee stain on his all white dress shirt. The man's shirt looked like it could rip out at any moment by how big his body is.

Andy:"Si-sir. Can we please just calm down and have a reasonable chat?" I asked the man.

Man:"Huh? Who are ya?" He asked me.

Andy:"I'm the girl's senpai. I just wish for you to drop her and have a reasonable chat." I offered.

Man:"Huh? I only asked for her to apologize and she just refused." He explained the situation.

As he explained on the situation unfolding and why he has Akeno in the air by holding on her collar, Akeno squirmed and accidently kicked the man in the jaw, which made him go on his knees.

Akeno:"I'll do it later! I gotta go!" She shouted as she got back to running.

I immediately went beside the man who she just kicked in the jaw as he rubbed it in pain. Apparently, it wasn't just the jaw, but the chin also as he rubbed it, with a bruise now visible.

Andy:"So-sorry for my kouhai's behavior sir!" I apologized.

Man:"...Don't worry about it. Just don't let this happen again if we met again. Damn my jaw hurts." He said as he stood up.

Andy:"I will! I really am sorry!" I said as I ran and waved goodbye.

I was now back on my way to catch up with Akeno. Seriously, that kid really does some stupid stuff when she's in a rush, Aaah! So, I ran much faster than before.

I was now on a full sprint to catch up to Akeno. My breathing was still steady. I mean, my routine consists of Karate, the forms are exhausting so I developed quite the stamina. As I ran, I caught up with Akeno at the park as I saw her along with the friend.

She wore a regular attire for a quick jog early in the morning. Luckily, Akeno wanted me to sleep over since she asked me to tutor her in science. The couch looks more comfortable now that I'm wide awake.

Akeno:"Hiromi! Where did Arata go!?" She asked the friend.

Hiromi:"Calm down. He already left. I don't where to, but he left." She answered.

In response, Akeno grabbed Hiromi by the collar as she pulled her closer to herself.

Akeno:"Why didn't you stop him!? We could've had him back by now!" She shouted at Hiromi.

Seeing this, I immediately went between the two females. I push them away frim each other with a force equivalent to a slight nudge. This was effective as Akeno let's go of Hiromi.

Andy:"Enough! We don't need to fight! Atleast now we know that Arata's safe." I said to the both of them.

Hiromi:"He might be safe, but..." He sounded suspicious.

Andy:"He was exhausted, wasn't he?" I asked as Hiromi gained a shocked expression.

Hiromi:"Ye-yes! How'd you know?" She asked me.

Akeno:"Again!? Ughhh! Why won't you let us help you, senpai!" She shouted.

Hiromi:"Huh? What do you mean?" She asked Akeno.

Andy:"This isn't the first time Arata was like this. Although, disappearing was not one of them." I a brief explanation to Hiromi.

But as I was about to explain further, I suddenly see a group of thugs coming towards our way as they stared their predatory eyes at both Hiromi and Akeno.

Andy:"Okay, how about we just continue to talk back at home, huh?" I offered.

Akeno:"....Fine" She reluctantly agreed as Hiromi nods in agreement as well.

And so, both me and the two girls decided to all go home, well Akeno's home as the sun was already fully visible. As we began to walk away, I see the thugs all following us as I decided to just stay behind for now.

Andy:"How about you girls go ahead. I gotta buy something first." I said to them.

Akeno:"Okay! Be back before sunset!" She said as they both began to walk home.

Andy:"The sun barely just risen..." I said in confusion.

After my goodbyes with Akeno and Hiromi, I turn around to see the thugs all gang up on me and surround me from all sides. Boy, this city sure has alot of thugs. I wonder if it's because if poverty or poor family problems?

Thug#1:"Yo, give us them girls's address." He ordered me.

Andy:"Sorry, I can't do that." I refused.

Thug#2:"Huh!? You courting death, dude. We'll kill ya!" He threatened.

Andy:"Still a no." I refused.

Thug#3:"Goddamn bastard!" He said as he took a swing at me.

Seeing the thug throw an actual punch, I grabbed the other one's face and dragged him infront me. This made his face feel the full impact of the fist as it manages to make his nosebleed.

Andy:"Don't underestimate. I've had my few scuffles in the past." I said. heart was starting to race. It was a long time since I was 16 years old. That was my prime. The age where I was at my peak and one of my times I hated myself. But seeing this...

Seeing that a simple drip of blood from a nosebleed is making my heart race. I defended myself and I retaliated. This was an opportunity to finally fight. Fight like I did back in my 16 years old years.

So, after the thug was just punched, I threw him out of the way. And as if my body moved on it's own. My hands made a claw like figure as my nails scratched the other thug's face, with a smile beginning to form on my mouth.

Then a flash of my past self appeared infront of me....or should I say...A crazy flash appeared. After all, that's what they used to call me, someone who killed for money...Andy Law...The Crazy Flasher.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, stay tuned for chapter 20.


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