Where Winter Meets Summer (Ru...

By OnyxxCrow

1.2M 33.3K 106K

THE DISCOVERY A fundamentally lonesome person, Russia believed he could survive the Academy all on his own bu... More

Prologue: Lifeless Land of Winter
Welcome Back to the Academy(Russia POV)
The Maiden and Her Bear (Canada POV)
As Normal As It Gets (Russia POV) *intense swearing?*
The CAS (Germany POV)
Rise Little Underdog! Pt 1 (Germany POV)
Rise Little Underdog! Pt 2 (Germany and Russia POV)
Weekend (Canada POV)
The Returning Star (Russia POV)
First Impressions? (Pt 1) (Nobody POV)
First Impressions Pt 2
The Experiment (America POV)
Frozen in Time (A glimpse into Russia's past)
Invitation of Doubt (Russia POV)
Prepare! Before the Fourth (Russia POV)
The Time is Now
Let's Start Over... (America Pov)
Things Won't Go Wrong. Right? (Canada POV)
Trapped in Burning Ice (Russia POV)
Prelude of Winter: The Story Before the Tempest
The Compromise (America POV)
The Compromise (continued)
On One Condition... (NobodyPOV)
The Very First Failure (Nobody POV)
The Last Gate To Earth (NATO POV)
Good Luck My Dear Brother
Earthbound(America POV)
Forced or Not, Here They Come
The Special Trial For a Special Case
There Are Things Better Left Unsaid
Fight or Flight
Breaking Through
Reaching the End of a Star
Falling Apart But Holding Together
Back to Where We Came From
Redirected Hope
A Burden
The Art of Healing or Hurting?
Cold Relapse
Another Step Forward
A Thing of the Past
Rubbing Salt in a Wound
Frozen in Time: Roses in the Snow
Washing Salt From a Wound
Uncertain Fates
Tales Untold
Lessons to be Relearned
Breaking the Silent Night
Waiting for Explainations
Disarray on the Final Day
To Love and To be Loved
In the One We Trust
No Turning Back
The Challengers Rise
A New Perspective
Forgotten Wishes Hidden in the Deep
Against the Clock: SIX
Shadow Dance/Strife In the Dead of Night: FIVE
Herald from the Grave: FOUR
Diamond Eyes: THREE
The Final Call: TWO
Forsakened: ONE
Prelude of Winter: His Pipedream
On Thin Ice
How the Robin Stole Fire
Truths from a Liar
Appeals for the Unmended
In the Face of Adversity
Untethered Shadow
By Your Side
Tears For Better Tomorrows
When Omens Stir
The Final Hour
Evening Interlude
The Sun Sets
The Underground Blues
The Underground Blues Pt. 2
Divided, We Fall
The Observer's Promise
Silent Silver Linings

Momentary Peace

8.3K 221 718
By OnyxxCrow


"How... how are you here?" Russia's chilling grey eyes wandered over my face, searching aimlessly for answers, ones that he would not find as I buried my inner giddiness. "We already defeated-"

"We already defeated you and South Korea! There's no way you could have recovered so quickly, certainly not enough to best America in a fight!" I folded my arms casually as I stole the words right from his mouth. "Does that sound about right?"


I couldn't help but snicker to myself in my head as I watched the Russian's face cycle through an array of confusion, denial, fury, and perhaps, intrigue. Just what was it that made so many believe in the Superpower's capabilities, I never quite understood.

"It was actually pretty simple; I mostly relied on the element of surprise and a little bit of luck. Nothing else. I didn't even need much of my Awakening to pull it off, haha!"

I caught myself midsentence and cleared my throat, forcing my mind to quiet down again as I collected my thoughts. He folded his arms and waited for me to clarify.

"You see, a little while ago, I stumbled into a special little trial, and with a little testing, I figured a couple of nifty tricks out," I explained slowly, doing my absolute best to ignore the other's petrifying glare. "The challenges are all presets and cycle through the entire area. They're all interconnected in some way, like a train and the stations they visit. Except with this analogy, the train forcibly boots you off once they reach the end of its loop. But what if one was able to stay aboard this train? Thankfully, there was a 'stop' near the door and the swarm of puppets helped push him right into the trap."

"You... you ambushed him from within a trial subspace?" Russia muttered slowly as if he couldn't remember the meaning of those words. "You are insane. Who in their right mind would try something as risky as gambling with space? Even America isn't that dumb."

He furrowed his brows before adding a quick, "I think," onto the end of his sentence.

I nodded in agreement– it was indeed a wild and unconventional thing to be thinking about. These games ran on systems that were built by the Powers, ASEAN, specifically but after getting to know our sly Branchmaster, these were natural things to wonder about.

"Ahhhya, give me a little more credit, would you? I have common sense, you know..." I finished the rest of my sentence in my head just to be safe and avoid any offense. "No, this is where my Awakening played its minor part. I kept one of my summons in the space while I was returned to the arena. There, it lay in wait for the remaining duration of the game while making small adjustments to fulfill my requirements should I need it later."

"So, that's why you were hiding behind South Korea this whole time? Because your pets were busy elsewhere?"

"Uh... sure, more or less..."

Russia turned away, sinking deep in thought as he began to fervently pace around like a caged animal. The ascended chamber held only the two of us, just like how a treasure box would hold its gleaming gems. 

In exchange for this ridiculous number of points, we would be held in here until the end of the game, completely unconcerned and helpless to the other events happening around us– a prison of ignorance, in its own right.

The awkward silence hung over our heads like thick drapes as we waited for the games to end but despite Russia's frantic pacing, I knew that America would have been just fine. I smiled to myself, unable to help myself.

"Why do you look so worried? Russia, don't tell me you of all people are worried about that American."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I could swear that his pupils sharpened into dangerous slits, "You know damn well why I'm worried."

"Hey, don't look at me like that. If I didn't fight back, there wouldn't be any point in this Tournament," I huffed, unapologetically lifting my nose into the air. "Look, I mean no offense to you or anyone personally but just wait a little longer and you'll see."

I never wanted to eliminate America from the games. No, that would have been too lackluster, even for someone like me so I left him a way back in, one that he could use if what he boasted held water.

The chimes that signaled the end of the games rang clear and bright outside as a small hiss escaped the room as if all the air was being sucked out. The shimmering galactic walls finally dematerialized around us. Russia and I found ourselves upon an iridescent platform of light, hovering high above the treetops and standing with the beautiful firework display. It was a podium, a pedestal for the champions of the first game. The grandiose announcement blared over the thunder of applause as the scores began to shuffle, tallying and rearranging themselves to form the leaderboard.

"Congratulations to all contestants, the first game has concluded. Please make your way back to the stage to receive your results and instructions for later tonight."

I dared myself to peek down from our platform.

"Haha, wow the view up here is great! This breeze is a bit annoying though, don't you think– hey wait!"

I glanced back to see Russia with one foot already out Olympia's transport ring. Damn, this guy was such a fusser. He didn't even stop to admire his first victory. "Leaving already? Are you seriously that concerned???"

"It's none of your business," he replied matter of factly. As expected, conversing with him would be like talking to a wall. "Congratulations and all that. I'm leaving now."

"Okay, fine but before you go, allow me a question please," I proposed hopefully, and he barely peeked over his shoulder in response.

"Do you really remember nothing at all? From before, I mean."

"...I don't."

He disappeared in a flash of light, without another word or glance of acknowledgment which truly astounded me. I thought he would have been infinitely more interested in my implication but no, his priority lay elsewhere.

Either way, it didn't matter since he marched to the beat of his own drum. He would find out sooner or later if that was what he wanted.

I gave one last wave to the cheering crowds below before following the Russian off the platform in the sky, all the while wondering to myself. If what Russia has said was true, if the whole truth had yet to be revealed to him, America was walking a fine line right now.

But Russia wasn't completely in the dark, it seemed and yet here they were, being all buddy-buddy with one another.

"Unless he knew he would change," I exclaimed out loud, not that it mattered since my words were drowned out by the hammering sounds of the fireworks. And thank the heavens that he did, or was this simply the calm before the storm? Perhaps the worst had yet to come, just like it had for the USSR.


The stage that I returned to was loud and lively with countries returning from the medical bay and playful, after-battle banter and congratulations. My teammates, India and Pakistan seemed far closer than before as both consoled the weary South Korea, lamenting about his shortcomings. Unsurprisingly, the other two from my branch didn't bother to show up.

"Ahhh, if only I was more careful and conserved energy in the early game! Maybe then, I could have at least escaped!" He tugged at his stripped monotone bangs in shame. I could only offer an awkward smile and a few words.

"It's good to reflect! Next time, you'll just have to remember to improve on these failures and weaknesses and you'll be golden."

"You really are horrible at sugarcoating things," India smirked, her newly brushed hair tied in a flowering bun. "A softer touch once in a while wouldn't hurt."

Pakistan nodded timidly behind her, fresh bandages wrapped over her healing skin.

"Congratulations, China. Our branch was able to stay in because of you," she murmured. India hummed dismissively, "Yes, yes. Our hero or whatever."

I rolled my eyes with a complacent smile on my face as I went to take another look around.

The Southern Branch members were deep in quiet discussion with Mexico as the only exception. He was fast asleep, curled up in a ball of scales and feathers while the others reflected on their performance. I decided it would be better to leave them alone and continued through the milling staff members.

"Hello there, China," Red Cross zipped by with her first-aid kit in hand. "How are you feeling? Is there anything you need me to look at?" I politely declined and she nodded goodbye. A small bubble of commotion piqued my interest as the Central Branch group was excused by COE.

"You only got away with it since India and Pakistan were willing to disregard it. Otherwise, you may have gotten penalty deductions from more than just Amazon."

America's face was knit into a perpetual frown as he grumbled, "Well, I still think that's stupid. They were barely sparks! They wouldn't have ignited even if I wanted them to."

He stopped in his tracks when he saw me and his lips twitched as he struggled to hold his tongue from saying something rude. The others behind him had also quieted down as the mood suddenly went from amiable to suffocatingly stiff. No one was sure what to say so I decided to go first.

"Uh, good game, guys. You all did really well out there," I beamed enthusiastically– a softer touch, as India had put it. "That was a really tiring game though. I can't wait to just get back and rest!"

The Superpower's face stayed as blank as his companions, not a single inch betrayed any emotion as he walked past me with only a single, "Yeah," as any indication that he had heard what I had said. Well, I guess it was warranted.

"Hah, sorry about him. He's still a bit numb from that upset at the very last second," Germany explained as he trailed behind a little.

"It's fine. If I were him, I would react the exact same way," I replied though I was sure to let my dejection show. "Admittedly, it was a very underhanded move; I must have been the devil in your eyes..."

"In the moment, maybe, but you are more honorable than what you give yourself credit for. After all, you could have left him without a way out if it were what you wanted."

"Wow, you noticed?"

The other's knowing gaze lingered for just a moment longer before he turned to catch up with his comrades and I couldn't help but smile as I returned to mine.

"Well someone's in a good mood," South Korea joked when I returned. "And Ame didn't punch you in the face, that's a bonus! Pakistan was right, India."

India sighed and handed a couple of candies, which Red Crescent had been handing out, to Pakistan, who eagerly stashed it away. They had been betting on behalf of my face caving in or not, which was always a welcoming thing to see.

Shortly after, Olympia, COE, and the rest of the staff gathered our attention to the front as the ground began to rumble. As the tiny rainforest deity hummed and swayed, the rainforest which had hosted the first challenge, now littered with scrap metal and half-burnt to the ground, responded and slowly withdrew back into the ground until smooth, flat land stood in its place once more.

Another short round of congratulation speeches were given and a shower of applause rumbled through the seats as the final tallies of each Branch and player were displayed.




I glanced over as a joyful cheer erupted from the Latin American countries which startled the poor Mexican out of his slumber.

I was impressed, to say the least. They must have annihilated at least half of the population each in the final round to gain that many points. When the individual ranks filtered onto the display, it only confirmed my amazement.

I was in first with a hefty total of 1555 points with Russia following with only a mere 5-point difference. Mexico and Peru followed with an insane 790 and 765 points respectively. They had probably diverted all their energy to hunting down the last of the puppets after the doors were sealed. Of course, America came next with his 380 points, transferred from their benevolent Hunters, while the rest were disqualified and stripped of all their points.

"I must admit, all of you did far better than I had expected," Olympia shrugged as he sifted down the columns. "It also seems each Branch kept their boxes safe, though one Branch was cutting it quite close."

A soft cough could be heard from somewhere off to the side as the silvery organization cleared his throat and continued, "Speaking of the boxes, why don't you open them up now? I'm sure you're all wondering what is locked within them?"

With a snap of his fingers, three sharp pops sounded as the seal on the boxes shattered. The smooth, refined wood pressed heavily against our palms as we unlatched the lid and lifted it.

"Well? What is it?" South Korea urged as he tried to peer over India's shoulder. The inside was lined with soft red velvet that cupped gently around a shiny coin. I plucked it out of its case and held it up to show my group and they stared at it, just as confused as before.

"What are we supposed to do with dice?" Poland scratched his head as Ame jiggled their two crystal cubes in his hand, each side marked with a number of golden dots.

"Huh, we got a spinner," Colombia remarked as they held up a shiny plate with an arrow anchored to the center. The sections, however, were blank. All of our items seemed to be pieces of a game and each held a faint, mystical aura.

Olympia nodded as we placed the items back and he locked the boxes up again, "These items are for the next event, which will be announced this evening. They will be very useful later which means that you would have had a much harder time in the next round if you had lost them."

"In any case, you are all free to go and recuperate back at the hotel or however else you plan on spending your downtime," COE announced, tapping the end of her sheathed scale against the ground to signal the overhead screen. A humongous holographic Horologium began to tick, counting down the hours 'til evening fell.

"Please hand your boxes to the staff before leaving, we wouldn't want them to get lost. The next event will begin at 6 so until then, enjoy yourselves and stay safe."

With a swish of her long, starry hair, the Masters of Ceremonies and Events disappeared under the arch of the Colosseum to prepare for the next game. Right on cue, the intermission performances and musical numbers were lined up to entertain those who decided to stay but personally, I was hoping to wash up back at the hotel. I felt filthy.

"Are you leaving now?" Pakistan asked as I walked past her. "Do you want to go say hi to our classmates first?"

She gestured toward the stands where a large group of students from the Eastern Branch had gathered but I shook my head, "No it's alright. You can give them my regards for me if you would like."

Truth be told, I didn't think that anyone there would have really cared. Those who might have were nowhere to be seen.

With a final half-hearted praise, I waved goodbye and made my silent, lonesome journey back to my room for some much-needed rest but unfortunately, fate seemed to have something else in mind.

Before I even made it all the way up the stairs, I could feel the sweltering aura pouring from the floor my room was on. I sighed, bracing myself to receive a... difficult guest.

"Well hello again, Phil. May I ask why you're standing in front of my door?" I called out as I approached ASEAN's headache #2. They were leaning motionlessly against my door and only cracked open their eyes when I got there as if they had just awoken from an upright nap.

"China, how was the event?" Phil asked, clearly forcing themselves to engage in small talk. "I heard about your victory. Congratulations."

"That's very nice of you to ask but no need to push it," I crossed my arms. "I know you hate saying more than what's necessary with me." Phil's rigid expression relaxed upon hearing this.

"Oh thank heavens, I still don't know what you mortals do with all these stupid pleasantries," Phil said, clearing their throat and straightening up. "The Powers have agreed to an audience with you so if you'll follow me..."

Phil paused when I began to sigh, "Could this... wait a moment? I'm dead tired and crave a shower so badly that-" Phil responded only with an incredulous stare that sent shivers down my neck. Finally, they cranked out an almighty eye roll and stepped aside begrudgingly.

"Fine, but make it quick. No more than 10 minutes or I'm going to drag you out. Naked or otherwise."

The corridor was just as silent as before, though it did feel different entering with an invitation than just barging in like I had that morning.

"So what's with the sudden change of heart?" I snickered as we rounded the billionth corner. "A few hours ago, you guys were so adamant about keeping me out."

"Since the Powers wish it so, we have no right to stand in your way anymore," Phil replied haughtily but I could still feel the annoyance pouring out of them. "But whatever you have to say, it better be worth all this trouble or I'll punch you."

"Not the first time I've heard that."

A hidden gap in the walls took us into a large chamber where ASEAN's headache #1 and #3 were waiting. Their quiet conversation came to a stop as soon as we entered and Malaysia melted back into the long, stripped shadow that slithered up the walls. As creepy as always, that one.

Indonesia's eyes darkened at the sight of me and demanded, "That took more time than planned. What happened?"

"He just wanted to take a shower. Lay off," Phil replied dismissively. "Over here, China. Mal will escort you to the Chamber doors. Please mind your manners while you're there."

I quickly shimmied past the glaring warrior and slipped into the opening that appeared before my eyes. A narrow walkway stood in the middle of the surrounding darkness, illuminated only by the light that escaped from behind me. It was far from promising; one misstep may send me tumbling into the abyss below, who knew? 

I was about to ask for a flashlight or something when a chilling lurch pushed me forward as if an invisible force was trying to lead the way. 

Before I could get a word in, the passageway shut and drowned me in darkness.


The event parade that pounded through the streets earlier had finally dispersed enough so that foot traffic up to the hotel wasn't a complete nightmare. So after they had broken through the crowds in the stadium, the Central Branch members decided to take the scenic route back and rendezvous with their other two auxiliary members.

"OMG YOU GUYYYYYS!" they heard as someone came barreling towards them. It was the Japans and Canada, each with about a million things to say and a million more to scream.

"Anyway, what we're trying to say is that you guys were phenomenal down there," Japan's brother helpfully summarized and the other blushed, sheepishly.

"Thanks, you guys," Germany smiled before gesturing towards the concerning number of bruises and bloodstains that they failed to hide under clean clothes. "So... uh... how did your training go? Honestly, I'm a bit afraid to even ask."

"Oh, no. It actually went quite well, despite... all this," Japan proudly declared. "After I cooled off a bit and got some more guidance, things got a lot better."

They continued to chat for a little while until a rumbling growl interrupted them mid-sentence. They immediately whipped around to look for the source, perhaps a monster or some other threat was lurking in the shadows nearby but ultimately, their search led them right back to where they began.

"AAAARGH I'M STARRRVINGGGG!" complained America, too tired to even bother with the embarrassment of his audible demand for food. Russia, who normally would have scoffed or ignored him couldn't help but agree when his stomach seconded that complaint. Neither had a decent breakfast that morning since they had been so pissed at one another but now, they found themselves marching on their stomachs. It didn't help that the streets were lined with food stalls and snack bars, wafting savory smells into the wind.

"There's a pretty good selection up ahead," Japan suggested, generously, pointing toward the stalls that teemed with customers. "There's also a pretty good crêpe place and hotcake stand if dessert is more what you're feeling right now."

"Ah yes, you all must be exhausted from such a long game. Sorry about that, you all deserve a break!" Chrysanthemum Japan apologized, his gaze darting toward the hangry Superpower as a sliver of information resurfaced in his mind; his main energy came from sustenance consumed so no wonder he would make a fuss over it.

America waved off the apology or rather, completely ignored it because he was already marching off toward the stalls with Russia in tow.

"Wait, how are we going to pay for the food? Did you bring your wallet?"

"Shush. Eat first, think later."

"No, seriously. Robbing the food stand is a new low for you."

The rest of the group chortled at the lighthearted shenaniganry that was happening before their eyes. To think that they had been quarreling just a few hours ago.

"They just can't make up their minds on how to feel, can they," Germany shook his head with a smile on his face but when he looked back, his smile faltered a bit. "Canada? You've been really quiet for a while now, is everything alright?"

The Canadian glanced up from his phone when Germany had addressed him but despite his best efforts, his nervous frown wouldn't leave his face. With a sigh, he shrugged, "I'm just a little on edge. It's been nearly three days since Ukraine last responded or even saw my messages and I can't help but feel that something's wrong."

"You said she accompanied Afghanistan back to her earthly territory a few days ago, right?"

"Yeah," Canada ran his fingers through his hair, which was already ruffled from the countless other times he had done that. "Night should have fallen for them hours ago so I was hoping she would have had time to respond but I've gotten nothing."

He shook his head and smiled nervously, "Or maybe I'm just being paranoid and everything is fine. Hopefully, they'll both be back soon."

Mexico bounded up the steps after letting out a wide yawn and a big stretch. A warm, little nap was exactly what he needed after nearly freezing his tail off during that confrontation with Russia. He shivered just thinking about it.

"Well isn't that embarrassing? The others figured out your Awakening in no time since you were careless!" Colombia teased the other girl with a crooked smirk. "Should we tell Chile when we get back?"

"NO! Stop teasing me like that, how was I supposed to know-"

"-that other countries have functional eyes?" Venezuela finished and they burst into a peel of giggles. Peru's red cheeks puffed out and somehow turned even redder as she stamped her feet in a mock tantrum.

"Haha, settle down guys, what's done is done," a voice chucked from atop the stairs as a spring-green figure stepped into view. Behind him, a smiling little girl peered out and waved jovially. "You guys did wonderfully in the first game. You should be proud that you held so well against the other monsters out there."

Venezuela mimicked Ame's flaming hair to clarify what was just said, which prompted another round of giggles.

"Hmph, it's not a laughing matter! That boy demolished at least a quarter of the forest in the game on his own!" Amazon protested, her ivy curls swishing along. "I liked him better when he was buying flowers."

Brazil patted her head to calm the little one down before inviting the members for a bite to eat. "You all must be famished! I would be too," he remarked as they found a nice, quiet spot to enjoy a meal.

The Southern Branch crew was grateful for a chance to unwind and picked their plates clean before continuing with their conversations.

"Honestly, things would have gone way smoother if you competed," Peru noted between sips of her drink. Brazil grimaced as he leaned his chin against his hand as he braced himself for this whole spiel again.

"Guys, you know I have to look after little Amazon first and foremost. If I expend too much energy, we'll both be in trouble," he chided as he hoisted the young girl into his lap, who began to elegantly attack the desserts on the table. "Besides, you guys are doing great! You don't need me."

"Okay fair, you gotta babysit," Mexico folded his arms and leaned back onto his chair, "But what about Argentina, what's her excuse? We never even heard back from her."

"Argentina... has her own duties to carry out. She won't tell me what these duties are but it's still her choice in the end. In any case, it's good to have someone looking after the rest of our classmates while we're gone."

"Yeah about that," Colombia piped in after dusting off a glass of juice, "I heard from some friends that she and a few others disappeared from campus grounds again just this morning."

"What!?" Brazil's eyes went wide as he whipped around. This wasn't too unusual of a situation, it was actually a pretty normal occurrence but come on. "She said that she would hold down the fort where did she go? Ugh, of all times... I guess I'll have to go back then."

Brazil looked visibly upset that he couldn't stay to watch 'til the end of the Tournament and the others could only pity him. Peru tilted back her head wistfully, "All this stress from responsibility and managing all the others, I don't know how you manage it. Though sometimes, I wish we had a Branchmaster to take care of us like the others. Y'know since we are the Branch with the absentee Branchmaster."

She wasn't wrong. The Southern Branch was the only Branch of the Academy that had a completely self-governing student body. Though there were records of a time when an authority figure did exist, that time was already long gone. They had simply... vanished one day and was never to be seen again.

Brazil only responded in silence and after Amazon had finished her dessert, they excused themselves from the table and bid the group good luck and farewell.

"Absentee Branchmaster, huh?" Amazon echoed after they had walked out of earshot and Brazil shook his head, letting his beaded braid sway with the motion.

"I'm sure they didn't mean it like that. C'mon. We can't keep the others waiting." He gently took her hand and guided her into the incoming crowd, holding on tight to ensure that she wouldn't be swept away. 


Ah yes, a slightly shorter chapter this time since there are a couple other things I need to finish hmmmm but either way, a little bit of downtime is nice. 

Exam and finals season is once more approaching, hopefully one more chapter can be published before I'm riddled with nonstop studying. Thanks for your patience and have a nice day <3

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