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By iiamsimp

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During high school, you would always get a love interest. You'll want them to love you back, want them to sho... More

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224 7 0
By iiamsimp

❝𝑌𝑎𝒍𝑙 𝑏𝒆 𝑏𝒖𝑟𝑛𝒊𝑛𝑔 𝒎𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝒕.❞

𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐘 was currently now getting her nails done at the local nailery, the people whoever did her nails would tell her the latest gossip.

Today Tiffany got a young girl, that spoke English very well. She understood everyone else there, sometimes they'll say a word wrong or Tiffany wouldn't understand them.

"One of my clients before you, their husband cheated on them with their neighbor and dog." Tiffany eyes slightly widen, as her mouth agape.

"A dog though? Ugh, disgusting." Tiffany shook her head, having her attention on her now nails. "They're so pretty!" Tiffany smiled at the girl.

"Discount, you're my favorite client." The young lady told her. "No, I'll pay full price. I even got rhinestones on my nails, I'll pay full price."

She stood up from the chair walking towards the front desk, while she took out a fifty then three tens. "It's not that expensive love, don't worry about it." She reassured her winking, she put the money on the counter then quickly left towards the exit.

The young lady quickly grabbed the money, jogging towards Tiffany. "Thank you, see you in two weeks!" She quickly says closing the door, basically running to her car knowing the just a bit older girl would chase her down.

𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐘 was now dragged by Aisha and October to a karate class, oh boy was she mad.

She wanted to spend her weekend near HER own pool, not at a karate class. Tiffany trailed behind the two girls, not expecting to be here.

October was dragged by Aisha, then who dragged Tiffany along with her. Tiffany knew Aisha for a while now, they would talk every now and then but it would be rarely.

Tiffany knew what Yasmine put Aisha through, she recently found out what they did to Aisha so she been giving Yasmine the quiet treatment but also knowing it wouldn't do nothing.

Anywho, as the trio walked inside the karate dojo heading a DING from the bell as they opened the door. Aisha became nervous, while October started biting her nails.

"No yoga till five." They heard a male say, Tiffany took her attention away from her two friends to see Johnny and Miguel.

"Johnny? I should've known." Tiffany mumbled shaking her head crossing her arms. Miguel looked at the two girls next to Tiffany, before looking at her.

His eyes slightly widen, surprise to even see the girl at his dojo. No, he was surprise to see all three of the girls there.

"No matter how bad you need it." Johnny added walking towards the entrance. "Um, I'm actually here for karate. I say your website. It said that there was supposed to be a session today." Aisha informs the man.

"I appreciate you coming in, but there are no girls in Cobra Kai." Johnny tells the three girls. "Why not?" October asks, pulling Tiffany back next to her. Who was trying to walk out after Johnny said his sentence.

"Same reason there aren't women in the army. Doesn't make sense." He says. Tiffany blinked at him before scoffing. "Do you know women actually been in the army? Or in war?" Tiffany asks.

"How did you even pass high school?" She then adds, confusingly. Johnny looked at the girl, furrowing his eyebrows. "Okay, Miguel control your 'friend'." Johnny says pointing at Tiffany.

"Uh, Sensei can I talk to you in the office?" Miguel asks Johnny, as they started to walk towards Johnny's office.

"Is he dumb?" Tiffany questions looking towards her two friends, who shrugged their shoulders.

"If I do learn karate, I don't wanna learn to him." Tiffany shakes her head turning on her heels to walk out again. October and Aisha both pulling her back, making her groan.

"Y'all know y'all forcing me right?" Tiffany asks, the two girls looked at each other then back at Tiffany before shaking their head yes.

"I should blow up Aisha car, that's something we both don't want to happen or do right now." Tiffany smiled, as it quickly faded a second later.

"What's taking them this long? I thought I would've been out of here." Tiffany complained. "Tiff, we wasn't here no longer than fifteen minutes. Just wait a little longer?" Aisha pleaded.

Tiffany sighed, crossing her arms. "Okay, thirty more minutes and we're leaving." She says looking down at the ground.

"Ok, take off your shoes. Hop on the mat." He informed the girls. Aisha and October did just that, while Tiffany just stood there.

"What are you just standing there, take off your shoes and hop on the mat." Johnny repeated specifically to Tiffany. "I'm not here to join, I'm here to watch my friends."

"If your not joining then get out—"

"Tiff, come on." "Yeah Tiff, please."

Miguel, October, and Aisha had pleaded for the girl to at least try. She wouldn't budged until she felt like a vein was about to pop.

"Fucking hate all of y'all." She grumbled, taking off her shoes aggressively then hopping onto the mat.

"Isn't she a firecracker." Johnny joked to Miguel, who only shook his head at his Sensei. "Okay, after further review, I've decided to allow female students. But if you wanna be in Cobra Kai, you can't act like a girl." Johnny tells them.

"What do you mean? How do girls act?" Aisha asks. "Don't give me that. You know, all emotional, loud, complain-y. Never letting you finish a sentence." Johnny explained.

"Well, I know a few guys who act just—" Aisha was about to continue until Johnny yelled quiet. Making all three girls flinch from the sudden outburst.

"My student tells me you've been harassed at school. You being bullied. And you— he never said anything about actually."

Tiffany gaze went towards Miguel. "Really? You think I don't get bullied?" She asks him. "I mean— I never seen you do— I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions—"

"Miguel, I was fucking with you." Tiffany smirks, as she looked back at Johnny leaving a slightly flustered Miguel.

"Mines is mostly online." Aisha tells Johnny., while he walked back and forth in front of the girls. "Um, I get mean texts and e-mails sent to me. Makes me not wanna go." She adds.

"And who sends you theses messages?" Johnny questions, looking down onto the mat. "Well, they're mostly anonymous. These kids create fake accounts, and they tell me things like I'm ugly and that I should kill myself." Aisha explains.

"Oh my god. What a bunch of pussies." Johnny says in disbelief. "They are pussies." Tiffany said shrugging her shoulders.

"Back in my day, if you wanted to tease someone, you did it to their face. There was honor, respect. These geeks hiding behind their computers, what a bunch of spineless losers. You're not afraid of those losers, are you?"


"You're gonna take shit from these losers?"


"Good, because when I'm done with you, you're gonna be sending a message back. Only it's not gonna be with your keyboard. It's gonna be with your fists."

Johnny put his fists up in his stance, making Aisha smirk. "Alright let's have you and Miguel spare." He stated. Tiffany and October exchanged a confused looks.

Miguel looked at his Sensei confused, making his way onto the mat. Miguel and Aisha stood on the mat, while Johnny, Tiffany, and October stood off to the side, observing.

"Alright let's see what you go, Ms. Robinson. Face me. Bow. Face each other. Bow. Mr. Diaz, show her everything you've learned." Johhny instructed. "Wait, wait, I don't think this is right, Sensei," Miguel said, glancing at Johnny. "You don't think what's right?" Johhny asked.

"She's a girl, shouldn't she be fighting October or Tiffany?"

"And? I thought you said women were equal to men." Johhny retorted smugly. Tiffany and October had to suppress their laugher as they watched Miguel struggle for the right words. "I did say that. I didn't mean it like that. I meant—"

"Then show her women are equal and give her everything you got.." Johhny stated. Aisha's eyes widened. "Wait. I just want to remind everyone this is my first day. Your enemies don't care what day it is. They pray on weakness. If you wanna beat them, you gotta conquer your fears and jump face-first into the fire." Johhny said harshly. "Are you ready, Ms. Robinson?"

"I guess." Aisha replied hesitantly. "You got this." Tiffany encourages the girl. "Beat his ass for me." She joked winking at Aisha, making the girl slightly smile. Miguel looked at her in disbelief, while she held up her hands in defense.

"Fight!" Johnny shouted, making the teenagers jump. Aisha and Miguel didn't move and just stared at each other. "Don't just stand there. Fight!" Johhny shouted again. Miguel got into his stance and stared at Aisha apologetically. "I'm sorry." He said before kicking her in the chest, sending her backward.

October winced as Aisha laid on the ground in pain. Tiffany had a hand over her mouth, mostly trying to not show her laughter nor shock.

"Oh my God! Aisha, are you ok?" Miguel asked frantically. Miguel reached his hand out to help her up and she looked up at him with a grin. She pushed herself off the ground and grabbed Miguel by his waist, flinging him to the ground. She then got up and jumped on top of him, bring her elbow into his stomach

"Ooh." Tiffany said as she watched, now October is trying to hide her laughter now. "My ribs." Miguel wheezed, rolling around on the ground. Aisha stood up shrugging her shoulders.

October and Tiffany looked at each other busting out laughing. "Girls a natural Cobra," Johhny stated, while Miguel still laid on the ground in pain. "Someone help me please." He moaned.

Tiffany walked over to him, still laughing as she helped him up. "Let's get you some ice, is it in Johnny's office?" Tiffany asks, while Miguel nodded his head.

"Okay, fine minute break then Miguel is fighting this girl standing next to me." Johnny announced. "It's October." October says rolling her eyes.

Miguel grumbled, while Tiffany wrapped her arms around his waist as Miguel wrapped his arm around the girl. Both walking towards Johnny office.

"𝐎𝐊𝐀𝐘 Ms.Campbell, show me what you got to see if you're a natural. Face me. Bow. Face each other. Bow." Johnny paused then looked at both teenagers. "Fight!" He shouted again.

October was the first to strike, swept Miguel's leg. The second Miguel hit the ground, October went to go slam her foot into his stomach but Miguel quickly dodged by rolling the other way.

He hopped back up, getting into stance. The two waited, to see who would strike first. "Don't just wait, fight!" Johnny yells at them.

October went to go punch Miguel, but Miguel caught her fist then kicking her in the stomach. She groaned flying backwards.

She held onto her stomach bent over, Miguel not letting his guard down. October breathe heavily, slowly sitting up from being bent over.

Miguel went to go hit her again, making October dodge him then kicking him in the balls.

Tiffany gasped, while Johnny eyes slightly widen. Miguel held onto his area, before falling onto his knees.

"I didn't see that coming." Johnny tells Tiffany. "I didn't neither." She mumbled. "Why there?" Miguel groaned, falling onto his shoulder.

"Sorry." October shrugged her shoulders walking towards the sidelines where Aisha, Tiffany, and Johnny stood.

"Twenty minute break for Diaz, then he can fight this firecracker." Johnny announced once again, walking towards Miguel.

"Okay, buddy we're going to get you some more ice." Johnny assured him. "Holy shit October—" Aisha started.

"I knew I didn't have a chance against him, I had to do it." October tells the two teenager girls.

𝐈𝐓 took longer than twenty minutes, Miguel didn't even wanna fight anymore but Johnny convinced him to fight one more time.

Now it was Miguel versus Tiffany, the two just stood there staring at each other awkwardly. "Why can't Aisha or October fight her?" Miguel asks his Sensei.

Tiffany furrowed her eyes brows. "Why don't you wanna fight me?" She asks crossing her arms. "Yeah, why don't you wanna fight her?" Johnny asks Miguel.

Miguel sighed, looking towards Tiffany. "Okay." He mumbled. "Firecracker, don't disappoint me. Face me. Bow. Face each other. Bow. Don't embarrass me Diaz."

Miguel got in stance, while Tiffany just stood there. "Sorry." He whispered only loud enough for Tiffany to hear, Miguel went to go hit Tiffany in her torso.

"Ouch! I can't believe y'all dragged me here, and I just got my nails done." Tiffany groaned holding onto her side.

"Come on firecracker, fight!" Johnny yelled out. Tiffany glared at him, trying to hold back from giving him the finger.

"Fuck it." She grumbled holding up her fist. Miguel went to go hit her again, but she ducked it then slamming her fist right into Miguel's jaw.

When Miguel went to go touch his jaw, Tiffany quickly went behind Miguel kicking the back of his knee. Miguel fell on one of his knees, while him being a bit distracted Tiffany put him in a headlock.

Miguel begin to cough tapping out, Tiffany let go of him. Miguel was gasping for air, holding onto his neck.

"Come on Diaz, you did this long enough." Johnny shook his head. Tiffany went in front of Miguel, giving him a hand.

Miguel took it before pulling her down onto the ground, it made a thud as Miguel quickly got on top of her. "Looks who's the winner." Miguel says out of breath with a smirk.

"Not you." Tiffany quickly changed their position, Miguel was between her legs. "You made me hit my head." Tiffany frowned, grabbing onto Miguel wrists holding them above his head.

"But that was okay Miggy, you did good." Tiffany teased, giving Miguel a peck on the cheek. "That's your award for almost getting me."

"Okay, point Tiffany." Johnny said disappointingly. "I'm working your ass off later, Diaz."

"One of my nails broke, Aisha you're paying for my next appointment." Tiffany says letting go of Miguel, standing up.

"Come on y'all, I'm hungry and tired now." Tiffany groaned getting off the mat, quickly putting on her shoes.

"Does this mean we're in?" Aisha asks Johnny. "I mean.." Johnny trailed off looking at a flustered but disappointed Miguel on the mat.

"Yep, practice tomorrow after school." Johnny told the three girls, as they continued to get ready to head out. "Can we like, stop by McDonald's I'm hungry." October asks.

The three girls left the dojo, leaving Johnny to work Miguel ass off for loosing to girls.

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