My savior (Five Hargreeves) (...

By Avengergirl99

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"Meeting you was a choice, becoming your friend and gain your trust was my mission, but falling in love with... More

Cast of act One
0. Introduction
1. The mission
2. Five Hargreeves
3. The worlds ends in eight days
4. Academy
5. The eye and Delores
6. Panic attack
7. Drunk and voices in the head
8. Hypnotize
9. Probability map
10. An anchor
11. Who is Harold Jenkins
12. Telling the truth
13. I heard a rumor
14. Where is Vanya?
15. Beautiful scars
16. Mind control
17. Broken trust
18. Super Star Lanes Bowling
19. Stopping Vanya
Cast of act two
0. Introduction
20. Right back where we started
22. Finding Diego and Luther
23. The Footage
24. Promise me
25. Love is weakness
26. Majestic Twelve
27. The gala
28. Hargreeves siblings reunion
29. We have until Monday
30. A light supper
31. Seconds, not decades
32. Γ–ga FΓΆr Γ–ga
33. Break his heart
34. The seven stages
35. Vanya kills the president?
36. 743
37. Saving Vanya
38. New you
39. Y/n VS Five
40. The power of love
41. I love you too

21. Waking up

231 6 4
By Avengergirl99

"Sometimes a hug is all you need to make you feel better"


The first thing you heard when you woke up was faint snoring next to you.

When you opened your eyes, a white florescent lights nearly blinded you, forcing you to close your eyes again.

After adjusting your eyes to the bright light, they moved around to see where you were.

As reality crept back into your memory, you whipped your head around the room you were in, trying to figure out why you were in a hospital room that looked like it came straight out from the 60's.

The last thing you remember was that you were in the musical theater, trying to save the world from an apocalypse, you were helping Five and his siblings, trying to stop Vanya.

Had you succeed? Or did you fail and you were dead? Or maybe you were injured doing the fight? But who brought you here? It couldn't be Five, 'cause he was furious at you.

You moved your head to the left and your eyes widened when you saw a familiar figure of a boy. It was Five. He was asleep on a chair that was sat next to the bed. His head was rested on his left hand.

You let out a smile, it was a quite rare sight, considering that he never got a good rest.

But why was he here? He hated you, was furious at you, 'cause what you did to him and you don't blame him. He said that he never wanted to see you again and the next time he sees you, he will kill you, so why was he here?

You moved a little bit in the bed, trying not to wake Five up, but the plan didn't work out very well, as it turns out he's a light sleeper.

He rubbed his eyes before he sat up straight and his eyes widened when he saw that you were awake.

"You're awake" he said with a smile and a surprised voice

Why would he be surprised that you were awake?

"Hey" you said and he stood up before he wrapped his arms around you.

The way he was hugging you, it was a relief and happy hug, like someone that is reunited after not seeing each other for a long time.

"Hey" you said again and a small chuckled was heard from him as he pulled away "Hey" he said.

"Oh, shit....I'm so sorry for passing out on you guys in the middle of that...But did our plan work? Did we saved the world?" you asked and his expression changed which confused you even more.

"What's wrong?" you asked "Y/n...You've been asleep for a year" he said, a look of guilty appeared on his face.

"" you asked and he sat down by the edge of the bed "After you passed out, we found out that we failed in saving the world. So to fix this, I time traveled you and my siblings back in time. I was only trying to go back to a few days before, so we could stop Vanya. But....I failed and I stranded everyone in the 60's on accident. Y/n, we're in the year 1963. And we are in Dallas Texas" he explain.

"I don't undertand. We didn't stop the apocalypse?" you asked "No. In fact, we brought it with us. When I got here, I saw my family fighting off another apocalypse, dying in it. One that didn't happen in 1963 before we came here. Hazel then came and traveled me back to yesterday with 11 days to save the world. I found out you were here and I have being here the whole night. So now we only have 10 days to stop the apocalypse. And the rest of my family are scattered across Dallas and I have no idea how to find them. I only know where Diego is. But I was going to get you first" he said.

"Shit" you mumbled as you looked down.

"I know, it sounds bad, but I need your help. I may not have been able to be alive right now if it weren't for you, Y/n. We need to find the others and stop the apocalypse and then we need a way to return to our original timeline" he said.

"Where is Hazel?" you asked as you looked back at him "You told me that Hazel brought you back so you also didn't die in the apocalypse. So where is he?" you asked "I'm sorry, but Hazel was killed before he could explain more to me" he said and a single tear felled from your eyes "I'm sorry Y/n, I knew that you cared about him" he said.

"Wait, if I've been in a coma for a year, why am I all of the sudden awake now when you get here?" you asked "I don't know. It might have something to do with that we have some strong connection between us and I feel that too" he said "Maybe the bond and connection between us is much more than that, maybe it has something with that love really does transcend time and space" you said with a smile before you looked back at him and his face looked shocked but in a good way.

"Uh--that was a joke! I mean---unless you don't want it to that case" you said as you looked down "So, you finally said it, huh?" he asked and you looked back up at him.

"I guess...but this won't changed anything right? I can still help stop the apocalypse and everything will go back to normal" you said and he nodded "I need your help anyway" he said with a smile "So you don't hate me? 'Cause I know that I used you, betrayed you and you said that the next time you saw me, you will kill me" you said.

"Maybe that would be the case if I didn't feel the same way, Y/n. I've grown found of your company and despite that, I'd probably be dead, if it weren't for you saving my ass. And yeah, I trusted you and you betrayed me, but after the talk with your aunt. She mention something that made me realize that I should have listen to you and believe in you when you told me that you didn't had a choice. So I forgive you and I don't hate you" he said.

"Wait, I don't understand. So you don't hate me? And you're not gonna kill me for betraying you and using you---" you said and he shook his head.

"You know, you confuse the shit out of me" you said "What are you talking about?" he asked "You are so bipolar. One moment you're like my best friend, then the next you want me gone and hate me" you said "Don't blame me for feeling betrayed. I thought we had something, and you stab me in the back, broke my heart, use me, tried to kill me" he said "You are right. Back at 2019, I realized that you seems more like family than my aunt ever have. I came back for your family, Five. For you" you said "I want to hate you for what you did...But it's a lie when I say I do" he said "You don't hate me?" you asked "I don't. Something in me is overpowering my hate for you...I don't know what it is because I've ever felt this way before. And it's driving me really crazy" he said "I know that feeling. I wish I could tell you what it is, but I don't even know" you said "We'll figure it out together. But in order to do that, you need to stay with me" he said and you nodded.

"I'm so sorry for not believing in you and for getting so mad. And I forgive you" he said as he looked down on the floor "Can you forgive me, Y/n/n?" he asked "I forgive you, even so you have nothing to apologize for, you had the right to be mad. I betrayed you, used you" you said "Yeah, but I got too angry and didn't let you talk. I almost killed you. So I carry some of the blame" he said as he scratched the back of his head.

"So what now?" you asked "We have to find the others" he said "And if we don't find them? We just what? Sit around until the apocalypse comes?" you asked "We're going to find them and stop this. Don't worry. We'll figure it out once we're all together" he said "Alright, then let's get out of here. We're wasting our time sitting here in this hospital" you said and you were about to get up, but he stopped you.

"Not so fast Y/n. You need rest, you just woke up from a coma. We still have ten days, and I know that's not enough, but if my calculations is correct, we should wait for another hour or so before we try and go anywhere" he said before he put his hand on yours "Don't worry, we will figure this one out. Okay?" he asked and you nodded "Okay" you said.

You smiled to each before Five leaned closer and you smiled as he put a finger on your chin.

Your lips was inches from each other as you both smiled.

But then you were interrupted by the door that opened causing you both to quickly pull away.

"Oh my god. You're awake" a nurse said as she enter the room "That's wonderful" the nurse said as she walked over to the monitor next to your bed.

"I will be right back" Five said as he jumped off the bed "Where are you going?" you asked "I just need to go to the restroom, I will be right back" h said before leaving the room.

"He is so into you" the nurse said and you looked at her "What?" you asked "Your boyfriend, he refuse to leave your side even so we ask him to, but he wouldn't even get out for just two minutes. When we examined you, he was standing over in the corner, just watching us like a protective husband, just watching, making sure that nothing went wrong. It was actually little creepy and scared the way he sent us glances. The doctor had to call security to dragged him out of the room 'cause the doctor was scared that he would do something to us and because we almost lost focus. After we were done, he rushed back into the room and he stayed the whole night, we even ask him if he wanted a bed to sleep in, but he refused to leave you out of his sight. He is so crazy about you" the nurse said and you smiled.

"I know this sound crazy but I think he is the reason you woke up. I think you and him shared a strong bond and connection which might be the reason you woke up, cause your mind and heart could feel him near you" the nurse said.

Herb said that you had to share a real and strong bond and connection to someone to have the strength to get that chip out of you.

Was Five that person? Was he your anchor? Was he your savior?

"Now when I'm awake, when I be discharged?" you asked "Easy now, you just woke up from a coma. You have to rest. But I can see your results look better than I expected from a girl that just woke up from a coma after being in it for a year. In a few hours you can go home, we just need an adult to sign the papers so you can be discharged" the woman said before she walked out of the room just as Five enter.

"So what did she say?" he asked "She told me that my results look better than she expected for someone who just woke up from a coma and she told me that I need to stay for a few hours and then they need an adult to sign the papers so I can be discharged" you said "Well, don't worry about that. I can find Diego or Klaus, or anyone else of my siblings and then they can sign the paper" Five said and you nodded "But first you need to rest" Five said "But I don't have time for rest" you said "Yes, you do" he said "No, I don't" you said as you slowly got up.

But then Five blinked before he appeared on the bed. He push you back down on the bed again as he had his hands on your wrists while your legs was between his.

"You stay down and rest. It's only six in the morning, so just rest for a few hours and then we can find a way to stop the apocalypse, okay?" he asked as the two of you were staring at each other.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna leave you again. I will be sitting right on the chair, watching you" he said "That's not creepy at all" you said sarcastically and he let out a smile.

"Okay, I will rest, but in one condition" you said "And that is?" he asked "You also need sleep, 'cause I don't think you had a very good sleep on that chair and I also don't believe you had a good night sleep for a long time" you said "That's not true, I had a good sleep that day with you" he said "I'm not gonna sleep unless you do too" you said "Alright" he said before he let go of you "There is a hospital bed right next to mine that is empty. You can sleep in that" you said and he jumped off the bed.

You turned around so your back was facing his, but suddenly you felt the mattress of your bed sank lower and you felt some arms around yours "Don't flatter yourself Y/n. So just shut up and rest" he said and you blushed a bit as you let out a smile before closing your eyes.


Five woke up before you and he slowly, gently and without waking you up, got out of the bed.

"Five" you mumbled as you opened your eyes before you sat up "Shit. Sorry that I woke you" he said "It's okay, I'm not a heavily sleeper and when you have spend most of your life in The Commission, you feel the smallest things around you" you said and he nodded "I will get some coffee to wake us up. I will be right back" he said before he blinked away.

After a few minutes nurse enter "Hello Miss, how are you feelings?" she asked "I'm feelings good. A lot better actually" you replied "That's good. I had gotten your result back and they look fine" the nurse "So I can go be discharged now?" you asked "Yeah, you can. Someone is going to sign your paper and take you home" the nurse said "It must be Five, the guy that was here" you said "No. It's an adult" the nurse said and you looked at her.

"Who?" you asked "A woman, she claimed to be your mom, she came here asking for you and she had sign the papers and she then told us that she would sent someone to pick you up" the nurse said and your eyes widened "No" you mumbled, knowing that it was your aunt.

"I will be right back" the nurse said before leaving just as Five enter with some coffee in each hand, he looked at you whose eyes was widened "You okay?" he asked.

"It's her, Five. She had found me" you said, freaking out as you were gasping and Five put the two coffee down before he blinked over to you.

"What?" he asked "My aunt, she found me Five" you said, freaking out while you were panicking as your whole body was shaking.

You began gasping while your breath was shaky "Hey, hey" he said as he put your face in his hands "Breathe" he said and you took a deep breath.

"The nurse told me that my aunt was here to sign the paper and she would sent someone to pick me up. I can't. I can't go back to her. The chip. The chip is still in me. I can't. She will find out...She will.....I will...." you said while gasping.

"Okay, we're getting you out of here. I will steal the paper that she sign and then sign it with a fake name. You just stay right here, okay. 'Cause you are still weak and exhausted after what happen to you" he said and you nodded.

He then let go before he blinked away.

You looked down at your hands and you turned your right wrist around to look at the spot where the chip was. Herb said that in a few days the chip can get activated again, but since you have being in a coma, the chip couldn't be activated since your body was shut down. But now when you are awake is only a matter of time and you remember that you still had your powers but if you use them, you will get weak and it will give the chip more power, making it go faster until it will reset again. And you knew as soon as it is reset, the voices will return and the chip will take over you which mean you will turn into a killer robot.

Then a male nurse enter the room "Hello Miss" he said "You're new" you said "Yeah, the nurse that took care of you went home sick" he answered as he was messing with the IV bag "Weird. She didn't look sick" you said "Well, sometimes it just come" he said before he pulled up a needle, putting the edge of the needle by the IV bag.

"What are you doing?" you asked as he stuck the needle into the IV bag "Just some morphine for the pain" he said "But I'm not in any pain" you said confused "It's a different kind of morphine" he said as the liquid from the needle was mix with the liquid in the IV and it went through your tube before going in your body.

As soon as the liquid reach your body, you suddenly felt your head getting fussy while you felt like you were losing consciousness.

"Why am I feeling like this?" you asked "It's part of it, Miss" the man said "No, it's not supposed to feel like that" you said "It's part of it, just calm down, Miss Smith" the man said.

"How do you know my last name. I never told you?" you said before your eyes widened "You are not a nurse, my aunt sent you" you said and the man nodded "She will be very happy in getting you back" he said and you felt like your vision got more blurry as your eyes got heavier.

"No" you said before you lost consciousness, your eyes closed and your head fell back into the pillow.

"Okay, that was easy" the man said before he walked closer to the bed, pulling the sheet off you.

He was about to grab you but then someone knock him out from behind and the man fell down on the floor.

Five looked down at the man that was laying unconscious on the floor.

He then looked at you "Okay, we're getting you out of here" he said but then another man enter the room "Not gonna happen boy" the man said and Five looked at him as the man closed the door behind him.

The man had short light hair and yellow eyes, he had a scar over his left eye where he was wearing a eye patch.

"That girl is coming with us, her aunt has sent out a big reward for anyone who brings her back" the man said and Five turned to the man "Why does The Handler wants her back?" Five asked "Let's just say that it has something to do with a chip in her arm. So just give us the girl and I wouldn't hurt you" the man said and Five let out a scoff "I know you" he said as he took a quick glanced at the unconscious man that was laying on the floor by his feet.

"You are the blood brothers. Harry and Henry" he said as he looked at the man in front of him "One of the best, deadliest and dangerous assassins in The Commission" he said "So you know who we are" Henry said "Yeah, I do" Five said with a sarcastic smile "Then you know why we're called blood brothers, so unless you want to be one of our many mutilated victimes, I suggest you move and let us take the girl" Henry said.

"No. Not gonna happen" Five said "Are you stupid or something. Get out of the way. You don't stand a change against us" Henry said "I don't think you know who I am" Five said "I don't care. Move kid" Henry said "I'm not a kid and the name is Five Hargreeves" Five said and Henry's eyes widened "You" he said "Yeah, me. The most dangerous assassin in the space-time continuum. So if you know me, I would just walk away" Five said as he tilted his head a little bit "Listen, my brother and I are not here for you. We are here for Y/n. So one assassin to another, let us do our job" Henry said before he took a step forward.

"So I'm gonna say this for the last time. Move aside or you will react it" he said "And I'm gonna say this one last time. Touch her and I will kill you" Five said threated through his gritted teeth.

"Okay, last warning" Henry said as he pulled out a knife "Give us the girl" he said "Over my dead body" Five said "Fine by me, but don't say I didn't warn you" Henry said as he took a step closer to Five.

"You will be my 100 victim I will be mutilated this week" he said with an evil smile "The worst part for you, is that you will still be alive while I'm cutting you up and then I'm mutilating you which I love" he said "Bring it on" Five said before he blinked over to him.

'Cause Henry knew Five, he also knew about his powers, so it was not easy for Five to take him out cause Henry was incredible fast.

Henry pushed the knife towards Five's stomach but he reach to jump back before the blade could hit him.

Henry spun around before he swung a kick at Five's chest causing him to stumble back.

Henry then swung the knife towards his face but he reach to ducked down before he got up and punched him right in the face causing his head to fall back a bit.

Five then spotted a small tray laying by a small desk.

He grabbe the tray with both hands before he put it between himself and Henry, using it as a shield as Henry swung the knife towards him.

Henry lifted the knife up over his head before moving it towards Five's face but he put the tray between which cause the knife to hit the tray making half of the blade to go through the tray causing the metal make a creaks sound.

Both Henry and Five was grunting and gritting their teeth as they both was pressing the knife and the tray towards each other.

Five cried out as he push the tray closer towards Henry before he managed to push the tray away so the knife and the tray landed on the floor.

Five threw a punch at Henry but he moved his head to side, dodging his fist.

Five threw another fist at him but he blocked it with his hand before he with his other hand push Five's arm away.

Henry threw a punch at Five but he grabbed his arm before he threw a punch at him but he blocked it.

Henry swung his arm towards Five but he ducked down before he got up and kicked Henry in the waist.

Five then threw a punch at him but Henry blocked the punch with his arm before giving him a knee in the stomach.

Five ducked when Henry swung another punch at him before he got up and blocked his arm with his arms.

He then spun around, going behind Henry before he gave him an elbow in the back making him stumbled forward.

Five jumped up in air, swinging two kicks at Henry's face, but he bent backwards, dodging his legs.

Five spun around again, swinging a kick at Henry, hitting him in the face.

He swung his fist at him just as he swung his fist at her and they started punching each other.

Five threw a punch at him but he ducked down before he grabbed his shoulder and he give Five a knee in the face.

He threw another punch at Henry but he swung a kick at him, hitting him in the face.

Five put his hand on the floor and swung his leg towards Henry, trying to hit his knee, but he dodged it.

He got up and swung a punch at Henry but he block it with his arm but then he kicked Five in the stomach causing them both to stumble backwards.

Henry then swung a kick at Five but he block it with his arms before he quickly ducked down, swinging his legs under Henry's, causing him to let out a grunt as he landed on his back making him cry out.

Five approached Henry before he put his foot on his throat and Henry put his hands on his shoe.

"Now, tell me what does the chip do since The Handler want Y/n back so badly?" Five asked "I will never talk" Henry said and Five pressed his foot more against his throat causing him to chock as he lost more oxygen.

But then Henry pushed Five away causing him to fall to the floor.

Then Harry opened his eyes and he saw his brother Henry fighting against Five.

Harry then got up before he glanced at you who was still unconscious.

The Handler told them that she most want you back alive, but if they couldn't do that, they bring you back dead. 'Cause The Handler might be able to do something special with you, no matter if you were dead or not, as long as the brain wasn't hurt. She could do it.

Harry then grabbed a pillow from under your head and he put it on top of your face before he press the pillow against your face, suffocating you.

"Y/n" Five shouted before he blinked on Harry's back "DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER" Five said as he wrapped his arms around Harry's neck, trying to snap his neck.

But then Henry grabbed Five's feet, pulling his feet off Harry but because Five had a good grip on Harry, he started strangle him causing Harry to start gasping as he felt he was losing oxygen.

But since Harry and Henry was one of the best assassin of The Commission, and they were the worst of them. They felt no pain.

"Let fucking go of her" Five said, through his gritted teeth, his voice was straning.

"Let fucking go, you little shit" Henry said as he tried to pull Five off Harry.

Henry finally mangaged to get Five off Harry and he wrapped his arms around Five's throat, holding him in a headlock position.

"Now you got to see your little girlfriend die" Henry whispered to Five as he tried to get out of Henry's grip.

Five watched as Harry kept pressing the pillow against your face causing your hands to shake a bit and Five looked at the monitor next to the bed that kept beeping slower, meaning that you were losing oxygen and was slowly dying.

"No" Five said "There is nothing you can do now, little guy" Henry said.

But then Five took a deep breath before he blinked out of Henry's grip, appearing in front of them, between him and Harry.

Henry pulled up another knife before he threw it at Five, but he blinked away making the knife to hit Harry right at the side of the head causing him to fell dead on the floor.

"No" Henry cried out and Five appeared behind him before he grabbed Henry's jaw and the back of her head "Burn in hell" he said before he snapped his neck and Henry fell dead on the floor.

"Y/n" Five shouted before he blinked over to the bed and took the pillow off your face.

He then put two of his fingers on your neck to find a pulse and he let out a sigh in relief when he felt a pulse.

Five glanced at the two dead bodies while he was panting. He knew that sooner or later someone will walk in and see the bodies.

So he had two choices: Hide the bodies or take you and get out of here.

Even so you were not completely healthy and ready, he still had to get you out of here, 'cause more people from The Commission will come.

Then the monitor said a beeping noise and Five looked at it to see that your heartbeat was slowing down.

"What" he said as he walked closer to the monitor.

It didn't make sense, the nurse said that you were getting better, why are you suddenly getting weaker.

Five then looked at IV and that's when he noticed something, the liquid in the IV bag had a different color than before and he now realized that Harry must have put something in the IV bag.

Five could call for help but then they will see the bodies. So he turned to the tube that lead from the IV bag and to a needle that was stuck in the middle of your left hand.

"Okay. We're getting out of here" he said before he took the tape that was over the needle off. He then gently and slowly took the needle out of your hand causing the monitor to keep beeping.

Five turned off the monitor so no nurse or doctor would come rushing into the room.

He then put one arm under your legs while he put his other behind your back "Let's get you out of here and if you die Y/n Smith, I'm never gonna to forgive you or myself" he said before he lifted you up in his arms.

"Don't worry, I promise I will fix you, so you can finally be free" he said before he blinked away.

"When you are sad or upset, always remember these points: Pain is part of growing. Everything in life is temporary. Worrying and complaining changes nothing. Your scars are symbols of your strength. Every little struggle is a step forward. Other people's negativity is not your problem. The best thing you can do is keep going"

A/N: This is actually one of my favorite chapters in this book. Spend a lot of time writing it.

Hope you guys like it.

Vote or comment if you did.

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