The Butterfly Dynasty

By Rouge_Renegade

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Follow Star and Marco's journey in this new world with difficulty along the way. But fate was always inevitab... More

Chapter One: Together At Last, Except.....
Chapter Two: New Beginnings
Chapter Three: Loose Ends
Chapter Four: A Day At Echo Creek Academy
Chapter Five: Ludo Vs The Forces Of Evil
Chapter Six: Parallel Beginnings
Chapter Seven: The ''Earthni'' Players
Chapter Eight: The Imperfect Date
Chapter Nine: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Eleven: Bittersweet Alliances
Chapter Twelve: The Forces Of Evil?
Chapter Thirteen: The Butterfly........
Chapter Fourteen: .........And The Dragon
Chapter Fifteen: Battle of The Star-Crossed Lovers Part One
Chapter Sixteen: Battle of The Star-Crossed Lovers Part Two

Chapter Ten: Rebirth

76 1 0
By Rouge_Renegade

Previously on The Butterfly Dynasty..........

Mom, Eclipsa, your back, did you find anything.

Well, we did, alot actually, but...........

But what, Mom.

Well it might be best if we just show you.

Show me?

Why did you want to show me this? 

Just take a look at it, what do you see

It looks like.......Me Fighting..............Marco. Mom, Eclipsa, What is this?????














What do you mean WHAT'S YET TO COME, Star questioned.

Well, in our search for a cure or solution to Marco's 'recent developments' we stumbled across this, we didn't believe it at first but the rest of the carvings seemed to prove that this one here is an event that has yet to transpire, Moon replied.

I'm sorry what carvings, Star asked.

Moon, maybe it's best if we show her the carvings, Eclipsa added.

Your right, Star come with us now, it's important that you must know, Moon said to her daughter.

No Mom, Marco needs me, I can't leave him now, not when he's like this, Star said sternly.

Star, I know how much Marco means to you, but leaving him for a little bit won't hurt him, there are others that will keep an eye on him, but please, you must know what your facing, Moon replied.

*Sigh* Alright then, I guess leaving Marco for a while won't hurt anyone, okay Mom, Eclipsa, show me these carvings, Star replied.






Okay, I am at complete loss, I mean I knew about carvings about Glossaryck and how the first Mewmans were actually humans, but the rest seem very creepy, knowing that everything I did, all us Butterflies did was pre determined and was destined to happen, did we not have the free will to make any choice at all, was everything a lie, was Mine and Marco's relationship always destined to happen, was "destroying" magic meant to be, *gaaahh* I don't know what's real, all this is too surreal to think about, Star said.

Star I know all this maybe new stuff, and believe me all this also questioned our understanding, but it's not all determined, I mean you were supposed to be the next queen of Mewni, ushering the same old kind of peace we were taught to bring to all the people of the land, but you wanted change, change that can benefit all beings, no matter what they look like, you defied what future you would have, Moon consoled Star.

Star looked at her mother, her eyes filled with a mix of confusion, frustration, and determination. But, Mom, if everything is already predetermined, then what's the point? What's the point of fighting, of making choices, if we're just following a script?

Moon placed a comforting hand on Star's shoulder, I understand why you feel that way, Star. It's true that seeing these carvings challenges our perception of free will. But remember, even if there are hints of the future, it doesn't mean we're powerless. We still have the ability to shape our own destiny.

Eclipsa chimed in, her voice steady and reassuring. The carvings show possibilities, not certainties. They give us a glimpse of what could happen, but it's up to us to determine which path we take. Our choices still matter, Star. Even though most of those moments already transpired, we can still change what's yet to come,.

Star took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts. So, you're saying that even if these carvings hint at a future where I fight Marco, it doesn't mean it's the only future. We can still change things?

Moon nodded. Exactly, Star. These carvings might be warnings or visions, but they don't dictate our actions. We have the power to defy expectations, to forge our own path. That's what this new world you and Marco created and sure, I used to accept destiny in my youth, never having the freedom of choice to decide for myself, having to be queen with repeating the same old propaganda to the Mewmans of Mewni, but after what you wanted for the kingdom and to make change, proper change that would benefit both Mewmans and Monsters, even when Eclipsa became queen, you still pushed for a better tomorrow with Eclipsa being face of it all, while a fragile situation, you still did it with good intentions, can't say the same for myself.

Star looked down at the carvings once more, her gaze lingering on the image of her and Marco in conflict. I don't want to fight Marco. I want to heal him, to find a way to bring him back to who he is, to who he was. And I won't let these carvings scare me or make me doubt myself.

Eclipsa smiled warmly. That's the spirit, Star. Trust in yourself, in your love for Marco, your desire for a better future and in the choices you make, we'll face whatever challenges come our way together.

Star nodded, a newfound determination in her eyes. Let's find a way to change the future, then let's find a way to save Marco and make sure these carvings never become a reality.\

Good Star, but you know now that magic is back and with you and Marco being the only two to wield it's power now, you must retrain and rediscover who you are, and I know you must hate the fact that magic's back when you wanted it gone to solve Mina's attack, Moon replied.

Mom, I never hated magic to begin with, I just hated that our family used its power to cause chaos and more problems, we abused that power and as much as I hate myself for being the only one to now wield its power again, I have to use it to protect the people of this world, but my only fear is that I'll turn out like my ancestors who did nothing good with its power and caused pain and suffering, Star replied.

Star I know our family never used magic for better causes, I mean our people weren't the brightest, would easily listen to whatever we had to say, they never had the freedom to think for themselves, while we had ourselves sorted, it took me and your Father living in a yurt for weeks to realise that even though Eclipsa ignored those people's needs, I also ignored  their needs, I spent so much time as queen to keep thing in order and to train you to be a proper princess that I neglected the necessary changes our people needed to thrive better, Moon replied.

But you can avoid the mistakes our descendants used, you can make better change, Moon said.

Moon and Eclipsa exchanged a proud glance before turning their attention back to Star. They knew that their journey ahead would be filled with uncertainties and dangers, but they also knew that as a family, a dysfunctional one at that, they were stronger than ever.

With renewed hope and a strong resolve, Star, Moon and Eclipsa set off to train Star and hope they can change destiny once again.







Marco suddenly woke up, but he wasn't home, all he could see was a black void of nothingness. Hello is anyone here, Tom......Janna.......Jackie.........Star, Marco called out.

But no one responded, Is anyone here, Marco continued to call out.

Yet again, no response, this was concerning Marco, he wasn't sure where he was now and was all alone. Suddenly shaking occurred, What's happening, Marco asked himself. Just then an all too familiar figure approached Marco.

No, it can't be, Star blasted you into nothing but bones and green goop, how are you here!!!! Marco answered.

Hello Marco, Toffee answered back.

That's impossible I saw you die, Marco shouted.

Well your right, I did die, what your seeing isn't really the real Toffee,  Fake Toffee replied.

So who are you then, Marco asked.

Well, we have many names but that's not important to you, what's important is why we are here and why we are using your body as a vessel, Fake Toffee replied.

Wait, so I'm still back home?? Marco asked.

Not exactly, you are the inner self, that part of you that makes, your body is still in your home dimension, currently in what you humans call a hospital bed, Fake Toffee answered back.

Wait what, what happened to me, I mean my body?? Marco asked.

While your friends and family may assume its the stab wound in your stomach, it's actually being taken over as we speak, Fake Toffee replied.

By who? Marco asked.

By ME!!! Fake Toffee replied.

Wait why are you doing this, what do you have to gain, Marco asked.

Funny, your a smart guy, haven't figured it out, we are all the lost and unfortunate souls that perished throughout the reign of The Butterfly Dynasty, Fake Toffee answered.

To further prove their motives to Marco, they shifted into various other individuals, none of which Marco recognized, all individuals that perished under the rule of the Butterfly Family in it's 500+ year reign. It then eventually shifted back into Toffee

Why do this, why use my body as a puppet, Marco shouted.

Because, we still have some butterflies left to catch and your little girlfriend of yours is the only one that's in our way, Fake Toffee replied.

What do you want with Star!!! Marco angrily shouted.

While Eclipsa and Moon will be easy to defeat now they are powerless, it's your Girlfriend that will pose a challenge, when the two of you embraced each other in the Realm of Magic as it collapsed, *you fused both your worlds together, you didn't only create a new world, but a new kind of magic, one in which we had the chance to finally end the rule of the Butterflies, since you two were the cause of both instances, you both possess the ability wield this new magic, but sadly neither of you won't make it to see that happen, Fake Toffee said.

Wait, what do you mean new magic? Marco questioned.

Well, you did deduce that magic was back, but what you didn't account for was, if it was the same kind as before, but now you know, Fake Toffee replied.

Now, I've been here longer than I should have, cause of my monologuing to you that is, now I better get back, Fake Toffee replied.

Back to where? Marco demanded.

Back to taking over your body completely, Fake Toffee said.

Wait?  I thought you would  have already done that, are you seriously that weak, Marco smugly said.

ENOUGH!!!! No, we aren't weak, your body is putting up more of a fight than we expected, you're really fighting for your life as we speak, impressive I'll admit, but it will only be a matter of time til you give up control and soon we'll end The Butterfly Dynasty once and for all, Fake Toffee replied.

Now we better get going, good luck spending eternity in here, Fake Toffee said as they disappeared from Marco's sight.

Marco floated there, not knowing what to do, he couldn't do anything, all he could do was hope Star could put an end to this "foe".






Meanwhile at Monster Temple.......

Moon and Eclipsa, along with Tom, River and Janna were aiding Star in her training to defeat the coming storm, both with physical attacks and also to help Star tap into her new.......well old powers?

Moon and Eclipsa had set up a makeshift training ground in the courtyard of the Monster Temple. They knew that Star needed to tap into her full potential and unlock her new powers to stand a chance against Marco. Star stood in the center of the courtyard, her eyes focused and determined.

Alright, Star, Moon began, to access your new powers, you need to let go of any doubts or fears. Embrace the magic within you and trust in your abilities.

Eclipsa added, Remember, this is not just about defeating an enemy, but about protecting the ones you love and the future you believe in. Let that drive you. 

Just then, Janna, Tom, and River entered the training ground. They had been observing from a distance, waiting for the right moment to join in.

Janna smirked. Well, well, well, look who's back, if it isn't our favorite magical princess. Mind if we crash the party?

Star grinned at her friends and her Father. Of course not! The more, the merrier. We could use all the help we can get.

Tom stepped forward, flames dancing around his hands. Alright, Star, let's see what you're made of. Don't hold back!

With a nod, Star attempted to conjure magic, but was fizzing out for her, after a few months of no magic, Star was struggling to active them, if only Glossaryck was here to help her, but she was on her own, so she improvised on.

River joined in, wielding his trusty staff. I've seen you in action before, Star, and I know you're capable of great things. Show me what you've got!

Star twirled around, creating a a small fizz of magic that was able to lift River into the air, but just barely, similar to how Ludo learned the Levitato spell.

Okay, very good Star, but how exactly were you able to conjure it, Moon asked.

Well, I don't know, I tried to use Glossaryck's teachings, but they seem to produce minimal results, Star replied.

Hmm, I guess not everything is the same as before, so this might be more difficult than expected, but we'll have to try, Moon insisted.

Ugh, I get that I have to relearn everything about magic, but this is ridiculous, I'm now expected to fight the love of my life in a matter of days.......weeks, I don't know, and I'm getting now where with relearning everything, Star replied. 

Star was getting frustrated, she was getting nowhere, but Star made an impulsive move by unintentionally doing a karate chop (yes, during those months Star learnt some karate move from Marco).

Just then, that karate chop Star did, produced something, and it wasn't a fizzle like before, it was actually a decent spell?

Everyone in the courtyard was in shock.

What, what is everyone looking at, Star asked.

Star, look at your hand, Tom replied.

Star looked and saw her hand, it was encased in a yellow hard light like projection of a cannon (envision a fusion of Green Lantern's projections and MCU Ms. Marvel's powers).

Star aimed away from everyone and shot from the cannon and a narwhal came blasting, it then soon turned into a dust like shards and returned to Star's encased arm.

Star, you casted something, that's good, really good, Eclipsa replied.

Yeah, that was something, huh really brings me back to the day when Marco and I first met, he wasn't into the idea of helping adjust to Earth at first, but after a run in with Ludo, Marco and I teamed up and beat them easily, I guess he saw something in me that I didn't even see in myself on the first day, Star said.

And what was that, Janna asked.

I don't know exactly, but it prompted him to let me stay with him and his parents and help me adjust to Earth life while I learnt how to train with the Butterfly Wand, I don't know what it was exactly, but I'm glad he saw it within me, cause without him, I wouldn't be where I am now, Star replied.

And with that Star continued to discover more about this new magic, from various acrobatic, karate and other unique body movement. (Think a fusion of body movement used in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Karate and other various Earth fighting styles) which produced  different spells, some of Star's old spells were present, but not all of them and were executed very differently than before again, all this was all new and all different to Star, it was hard getting used to all this once again, but if it means to use it responsibly to protect her loved ones and her people, then so be it.

The training continued for hours, with Star pushing her limits and honing her skills. Her friends cheered her on, providing encouragement and feedback along the way. They knew that they were preparing her for the ultimate battle to come.

As the sun began to set, Star collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily. Her friends rushed to her side, concern etched on their faces.

Star, are you okay? Janna asked, offering her a water bottle.

Star sat up, wiping the sweat from her brow. I'm exhausted, but I feel stronger than ever. Thank you, all of you, for believing in me and helping me.

Tom grinned. Hey, what are friends for? We've got your back, Star. No matter what happens, we're here with you.

River placed a hand on Star's shoulder, his voice filled with pride. You've grown into an incredible young woman, Star. I've seen your determination and bravery firsthand, and I have no doubt that you'll triumph over whatever comes your way.

I agree with your Father also Star, you have come a long way from being the Rebel princess you once were and I couldn't be more prouder, you made more impactful choices that no one in a long line of rulers couldn't do in their lifetime. You may no longer be a princess, but you have a fierce determination of a strong leader, Moon replied.

Thanks Mom, Dad, truly, your the best parents a daughter could ask for, and also I still have some rebel princess energy left in me, Star replied.

Moon and River chuckled at Star's response as the three of them embraced a hug, as one unique family. 

Star smiled gratefully at her friends and family. I'm so lucky to have all of you by my side. Together, we can face anything. Soon, we'll save Marco and put an end to this threat once and for all.

With renewed determination and the support of her loved ones, Star, Moon, Eclipsa, Janna, Tom, and River prepared themselves for the final battle ahead. They knew that the journey wouldn't be easy, but they were ready to face whatever came their way. Together, they would fight for the future they believed in and protect the ones they loved. The Butterfly Dynasty may have been plagued by its dark past, but they were determined to create a new legacy—one of love, unity, and the power to shape their own destinies.














Inside of Marco's Room, with just him, no visitors, doctors or nurses, his unconscious body slowly starts to form purple vein like markings near his eyes..









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