The summer of the exchange...

By HoldenGrey0

611 41 32

I'm pretty sure these are all gonna be very mature so over 18s only. *** Book one *** Summer romance - enemie... More

*** BOOK ONE ***
Mud fiasco
Wet shirts and dirty words
Party bathrooms
Where will this go?
Chow mein
*** BOOK TWO ***
- 1
- 2

Meet and greet

103 8 7
By HoldenGrey0

Today is the day the Rogers family has been waiting months for. It's the first day of summer, and their Russian exchange student should be arriving from the airport any minute now.

Steve quickly finishes making the second bed in his room, ensuring there are plenty of pillows and the sheets are fresh and clean.

He really hopes this student, James his name is, isn't horrible. The family down the street had an exchange student a few summers ago when he was fourteen that beat the crap outta him. He's bigger now so that probably won't be an issue, but it would suck to get stuck with someone like that for the summer.

He's wiping the creases from the bed when he can hear the front door open and his name being called. He rushes out the room and past his sister's before realising she has her headphones in.

"Amelia", he shouts and throws a shoe in her direction. "Come on! He's here".

"I hope we got a cute one", she whispers as they walk down the hallway and down the stairs.

"You can't say that, you're sixteen".

"You're only 17, Steve". She retorts. "And I know you agree with me", she quickly adds as they round the corner into the living room, not leaving enough time for him to reply.

He doesn't have enough time to feel embarrassed or roll his eyes at his sisters comment, because they're met with a tall, dark haired teenager.

Their parents are greeting him as he shakes their hand, a big duffel bag at his feet.

"Steve, Amelia, come and meet James".

She's the first one there, pushing Steve out the way and shaking the boys hand.

"Hi, my name's Amelia. It's really good to meet you".

Now Steve does roll his eyes as he nudges her out the way and shakes his hand. He can't help but notice the dark blue of his eyes or how strong he looks, standing there in his all black outfit.

He's pretty's sure he shook his hand for too long and stepped back awkwardly. Luckily his parents didn't notice, too excited about this new arrival.

"James", the boy said in his accent.

"It's so nice to meet you James. I think we are going to have a great summer", Amelia smiled before his parents decided to show him around the house.

"Get the bags please Steven".

He bent down to pick them up and hung back a few steps to talk to his sister.

"Being a bit obvious aren't we?" He snarked.

"I could say the same thing. Did you get lost in his eyes?" She teased.

He told her to be quiet and glanced towards his parents as they showed James the dining room.

"Just tell them, they'll be fine with it", she nudged him.

"I know, but I want to wait until the end of the summer because... otherwise they'll make me sleep on the sofa and it's uncomfortable".

"Yea right. That is the reason. It's definitely not because you want to share a room with a hot Russian as the air starts getting sweaty at night from the summer sun".

"I'm walking away", he said with bright red cheeks.

Luckily for him, they'd just about finished with the tour and dropped James off outside his room.

"Hi", he said again. "This is your bed here, that's mine over there. Oh, here's your stuff", he handed over the duffel.

Steve stood their awkwardly, waiting for James to say something as he shuffled through his stuff. It wasn't until Amelia came in a moment later that he lifted his head up.

"Hey, there's a party at the beach in a couple of hours if you wanted to go. Not you Steve".

"I've already been invited", he huffed back.

James looked between them before nodding and shrugging.

"Da. Sure".

He moved his stuff and patted the end of his bed.

"Come. Sit".

She gave Steve a smug glance as he had to roll a desk chair over and sit beside them.

"So, James. How old are you?" She asked.

"Old? Seventeen", he replied in broken English.

They chatted for a while, Steve slouched in his chair, swinging side to side as his sister took over the conversation. They learnt he also has a sister Amelia's age and his favourite food is some sort of Russian pancake.

"What are we telling mum?" Amelia turned to ask Steve, even though he wasn't listening. "Steven! When we go to the party, what are we telling mum?"

"Uhh, tell her we're all going to Nat's for a movie night. She likes her so won't question it".

"Get ready for a beach party James!" She said happily before running off to her room.

Neither of the boys said anything and Steve wasn't in the mood to talk after his sister and this new guy basically flirted the last hour. But he did peek over when James took his shirt off and got changed right there in the room.

He had a good body, with muscly arms and V lines leading down... stop it Steve. He tried to get himself under control and focused on finding an outfit for himself instead. Everyone seemed to wear Hawaiian shirts or something colourful, so he threw one on over a plain white T-shirt and decided that was enough.

"Me too?"

He jumped when someone spoke in his ear. He turned to see James, not even realising he'd walked across the room.

"Uhh, what?"

"Me too?" He questioned again and tugged at Steve's shirt.

"Oh, you wanna borrow one? I have another one here, it's orange?"

He held it up and James took it, putting it over a white tank top and almost matching Steve. They put on jumpers to hide their outfits and met Amelia in the kitchen.

"Yea, so Nat invited all of us round. She said she would teach me a cool new hairstyle and she can speak Russian with James".

"That sounds like fun. I'll change your curfew to one am because I want James to have a good first day. But I want you all to walk home together".

"Got it, mum. See you later".

They quickly rushed out and headed down to the beach where loads of other people were already scattered around dancing or playing volleyball.

"Don't wander off and don't kiss the exchange student. Or anyone actually!" Steve told his sister.

"You're just jealous. I bet I can get to him before you?"

"No. You are sixteen, and I'm not joining your game".

She smirked and walked off to a small group of people, dragging James with her. Steve went straight to Nat who was sat by herself and sat down with a sigh.

"Millie stole him already?" She joked.

"Why can't we ever get any gay exchanges?"

"They should start up a company for that".

Steve chuckled and they watched more girls flock around the man, touching his shoulder and laughing stupidly.

"What's he like?" Nat asked.

"I'm not really sure. Him and Mills mostly spoke. His English isn't great, but enough to get by. Could be good for you to speak to him?".

"Yea. That would be good, I don't get to practice my Russian all that much".

They spent a few hours talking to people and drinking. Someone brought enough beers for three parties so Steve had a few and found himself dancing. His feet slid in the sand as he jumped around with Nat.

A huge crowd of people were doing the same in the middle of the beach and Steve was surrounded by others. A guy or two would sometimes come along and dance with him, getting close and rubbing their bodies together.

He kept seeing James dancing with different people. He'd taken his white shirt off at some point and was now jumping around with the open Hawaiian shirt, showing off his abs. Steve shook his head and muttered something about being a show off.

As the sun started to lower and the sky turned bright orange, everyone was most definitely drunk. (Except Amelia, because Steve was strict about that). Steve decided he'd had enough dancing for the night and sat down in the sand to watch instead.

James was a hit with the ladies as they danced around him. Occasionally he would hold their waists as they twirled around and obsessed over him.

Normally, people would have gone home by now, it was pretty dark after all, but the girls stayed to gawp James and the boys stayed to gawp at the girls.

"You like him?" Nat said as more of a statement.

He could barely see her in the shadow of where he sat, but her orange hair stood out a little in the darkness.

"Don't be ridiculous", he muttered.

She let out a small laugh but let it go... for around ten seconds.

"You know, I think you're right", she suddenly said.


"I don't think you're going to like him".

"And what what made you finally believe me?" Steve huffed.

"Because I'm watching him dance with your sister".

Steve's head snapped up right before he ran over and practically pushed the kid away from Amelia.

"W's just danc'n", he slurred.

"Oh great, you're drunk! How are we meant to sneak inside with you like this?" Steve shouted, getting a few glances from others.

"Back off Steve, I'm not a kid", Amelia huffed at him. "It's not even illegal!"

"Don't even start", he hissed. "First of all, you are a kid, second, it is actually illegal to drink. So you better not have had any, and you need to help me drag him home".

Neither of them said anything as Steve and Nat each put an arm under James's and dragged him back. They dropped Nat off on the way back and Steve and Amelia had to struggle the rest of the way.

Thankfully, their parents weren't up by the time they got home so they could take the drunk boy straight upstairs, wincing every time they made a noise.

"Just throw him on the bed", Steve said.

They did just that and the boy was instantly asleep. Amelia went to her room and Steve got changed before sliding into the bed opposite James.

"Y'r so hot", the boy mumbled almost incoherently to no one.

Steve rolled his eyes and went to sleep.

This was going to be the worst summer ever.

If you like the idea of the story, I'd appreciate it if you could vote so i know! :)

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