Down The Summer Memory Lane

Galing kay jirubywrites

35.5K 615 225

It was a normal day in Danville. Suddenly, the Flynn-Fletchers and their friends were invited to join the scr... Higit pa

Chapter 2 - Part 1 | Rollercoaster And Crushes - The Show Begins
Chapter 2 - Part 2 | Rollercoaster - Cover Blown
Chapter 2.5 - Interlude
Chapter 3 - Candace's Birthday
Chapter 4 - The Fast, The Phineas, And The Burning Treads
Chapter 5 - A Hot Beach Party With A Slight Chance Of Lawn Gnomes
Chapter 6 - Cattle Against The City

Chapter 1 - An Invitation

3.9K 60 16
Galing kay jirubywrites

Part 1

"But Mom, you've got to believe me!" A very upset Candace yelled across the dining table.

Earlier that day, her brothers, Phineas, and Ferb, built an elevator to Mars, but before their mom could see it, a random green ray from the sky zapped it, and it turned to flour, which the wind completely blew away.

Linda sighed in annoyance. "Candace, don't you think this is getting old?"

Much to Candace's annoyance, her mother still didn't believe after so many attempts.

"But mom, it was true!" Backed up Phineas in a jovial manner, not knowing Candace's intent on busting him and Ferb.

"We did make an elevator to Mars! We don't know why it turned into flour, but luckily it didn't make a huge mess."

Linda merely shook her head in amusement. "Oh you boys and your imaginations."

Candance pouted as she ate her dinner, knowing it was pointless to argue any further.

A moment later, Lawrence Fletcher stepped into the dining room with an envelope.

"Hey Dad. What's with the envelope?" Asked Phineas, and everyone, but Candace turned to look. She was too exhausted to even show any interest.

"Well, funny you should ask. Apparently it's addressed to all of us. It was put into our mailbox some time after your mom and I got home from the antique shop."

Linda beamed with interest. "All of us?"

"I thought they don't deliver mail around this time." Asked a very curious Phineas.

"That's what I thought. I looked around, and saw no one. Who ever delivered this must've left in a hurry."

"Is there a sender?" Asked Linda?

Lawrence flipped the letter so that the back was now facing them.

"Yes, it doesn't really help that much. It's just signed by someone who goes by "Double P. F.C."

Linda let out a hum as she thought about it. "So an alias."

"What does it say dad?" Asked Phineas, even more curious.

"I haven't read it yet. Figured since it's addressed to all of us, we should all be present for this."

"Well, go ahead dear."

Lawrence opened the enveloped, and pulled out what appears to be a letter written in thick, vellum paper. He unfolded the letter, cleared his throat, and began to read the letter aloud.

"'Dear Flynn-Fletcher Family,

You have been invited to join a very special screening for a very special show, that has secretly been in the works. We were hoping, that you could give us an input on what goes on in the show, and we guarantee you that it'll be worth your time. This would help us immensely, as we wish to bring smiles with our show, and have to put in a lot of effort to deliver the best for our audience. 

The screening will take place in the movie theatre in downtown Danville at 9am, completely free of charge. Several other people have also been invited, so rest assured you won't be alone in this. We do humbly request that, should you do accept this invite, you keep what's shown amongst yourselves, as any leaks would cause a lot of problems. They may even come back to bite you. We hope you understand.

We look forward to you reply.


Double P.F.C'"

After Lawrence finished reading the letter, Phineas turned to Ferb in excitement. "A special screening? How cool is that?!"

Ferb gave him a thumbs up in agreement.

"So like a preview?" Linda asked, a little wary at the sudden request.

"I suppose so, except that it's a show, not a movie." Said Lawrence.

"Well we have to go! We don't want to let the producers down." Said Phineas.

"I don't know." Said Linda, a little worried. "It's a too sudden request. I don't want to take the risk, in the event that they're trying to get something out of us."

Phineas seemed a little taken aback, not understanding that something like his can very well be a trick.

After a while, Candace finally spoke up. "I'm with mom on this one. There's a lot of weirdos out there you guys."

"Well, can't we just, I don't know, check it out at least? If it is legit, then we're letting down someone's hopes and dreams to make people happy."

"Phineas, honey. "Linda said. "It's like what Candace said, - and I for one am in agreement."

Candace rolled her eyes. "Woohoo. Small victories, Candace. Small victories." She mumbled under her breath.

"But come on, Mom, and Dad. They chose us for this. I'd feel really bad for being a no-show."

Listening to his son argue with them, he started to falter.

"Well... I suppose that we can at least drive by the movie theatre. That shouldn't hurt anyone." He then turned to Linda. "What do you think, darling?"

She thought about it for a moment, then gave an answer. "Well, I suppose nothing bad will come out of it if we just stay in the car."

She sighed.

"Okay, we'll go."

Phineas, and Ferb both clenched their hands and pumped them into the air. 

"Yes! Ferb, I know what we're gonna do tomorrow!"

Ferb then said his first line of the day. "Correction. You know what someone else has planned for us tomorrow."

Phineas chuckled in response.

Candace rolled her eyes, already going through multiple scenarios in her head what her brothers could possibly build tomorrow. As she did that, her eyes were now set on the empty small bed, where Perry usually sleeps.

"Hey, where's Perry?" She asked, in a, deadpanned tone.

On the second floor of the house, Perry stood on his hind legs, put on his fedora, and made his way into Candace's room.

Upon entering, he swiftly closed the door behind him, opened the wardrobe, entered, and closed it from behind.

He trudged through mountains of clothes, opened a small hatch from the back, entered, and slid down a slide to his chair in his lair.

Major Francis Monogram noticed him, and greeted.

"Good evening Agent P. We apologize for calling you in for the second time today, but we just received an anonymous tip, that members of L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. are planning to melt a large chunk of Antartica."

L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N has really stepped it up recently. Perhaps their biggest plot was the whole getting rid of summer thing, that even Heinz couldn't approve of.

"At first we questioned the validity of this information, so we had Doofenshmirtz conduct an investigation."

It's been a while since Heinz turned a new leaf, and joined the O.W.C.A. While he can be a pain to work with, he's had his moments, and Perry was glad to see him turn his life around.

Just then, the screen switched, showing Doofenshmirtz. He too was wearing his fedora, but no longer wore his signature labcoat.

"Ah, Perry the Platypus! It's good you're here." Heinz greeted.

Perry tipped his hat, swirled his right paw, telling Heinz to proceed.

"Yes, of course. Well for some reason they never revoked my account on their evil scientist site. I got a notification about this huge scheme they were pulling off. The gist of it was that they were gonna raise the sea levels so that they can move everyone onto a single artificial land mass, and rule over them. You know. Kinda like creating a new Pangaea."

Perry raised an eyebrow in confusion. Doofenshmirtz crossed his arms smugly.

"It's a word. It was the name of the original super continent. Did you know Earth was once one a large chunk of land, and that all the continents were once one? If you look at a picture of the Earth closely, it's like all the continents can be fitted together like a jigsaw-"

Major Monogram cut him off.

"Oh for crying out loud Heinz! Get to the point!"

"Okay, sheesh. You're a grumpy one. Just sharing some trivia over here. Anyway, I haven't caught word about them making an artificial continent. They probably hid it from our radar, but Doctor Coconut's been on the case."

Does he mean Carl? Perry wondered.

The screen switched back to Major Monogram as Doofenshmirtz finished explaining.

"Agent P, as you can see, this problem is serious. We need you to head over to Antartica immediately, and put a stop to them. Doctor Doofenshmirtz will be joining you, as he has inside knowledge of L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N."

"Alright!" Cheered Heinz. "The dynamic duo is on the case!"

Perry rolled his eyes, already knowing it was gonna be a long mission.

"Agent P, Doctor Doofenshmirtz will be waiting for you in his building. You will head on over to Antartica together. Don't worry about your host family, we'll cover for you."

Perry knew that the Flynn-Fletchers would be watching a private screening, so he didn't worry too much.

"On your way Agent P, and Agent O. We're all counting on you!"

Perry gave the man a salute, and flew on his hoverjet towards-

'Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated!'

When Perry arrived, Heinz was berating his band.

"What? No, no, no! You're singing the wrong lyrics."

Doofenshmirtz then hands them the new one.


"But Sir," Said the blonde boy. "the old logo is still on your building."

"Yes, well hiring someone to remove it after that whole incident isn't cheap. I still haven't gotten my paycheck, nor my alimony check. Until then, I'll probably just cover it up with tarp."

The band looked at each other confused.

"Uh... Couldn't you like, just do it yourself?"

Heinz opened his mouth, but couldn't form any words. It took him a minute, but

"Huh. Why didn't I think of that?"

Perry facepalmed upon hearing this. For someone so smart, he's an equally a bigger idiot.

Not wanting to waste any more time, he chattered, getting Heinz's attention.

Heinz turned around, and saw him.

"Oh Perry the Platypus. You got here fast. Just gimme a sec. I need to correct my new jingle."

Perry crossed his arms, and gave him an indignant look.

"Don't look at me like that. This is important. I can't be soiling OWCA with my old evile jingle. I also have a reputation to live up to."

Perry raised an eyebrow, at him, remembering all his mishaps as an agent, including the incident at his house.

Heinz turned around, back to his band.

"Alright fellas. Let's try this again."

"Oh. Well okay."

"Alright fellas. In a one. In a two. In a one, two, three, go!"

Together, the band sang his new jingle.

"Professor Time's Do Good Industries!"

Heinz clapped his hands. "Well done fellas! We'll leave it at that for today."

"Finally" They said in unison.

As soon as they made their way out the door, Heinz pulled out a remote. He pressed it, and a section of the balcony retracted. From below, a platform rose. On it was a hovercraft.

"Pretty sweet eh?"

Perry rolled his eyes, before pausing, and observed the craft.

"Don't worry, OWCA provided it to us for this mission."

Perry let out a sigh of relief.

"Of course, I did add a self destruct button. You know, for old time's sake."

Perry facepalmed hard at this. He then chattered angrily at his former nemesis.

"It's just a button; a decorative piece. It doesn't actually work."

Perry calmed down again. Relieved that Heinz wasn't being a complete idiot.

"Aright, let's go. I already have everything we need packed up."

They entered the hovercraft, and soon took off.

"You know what would make this trip even better? Some tunes!"

He pulled out a CD from a compartment.

"Carl prepared some songs for us to listen to while we travel."

He inserted the CD, and the first song began to play, and it was-

'I'm not Roxanne, I'm not Eileen, I'm not Sharon-a,

And I don't wanna study, work or stay home-a,

(She's Lindana...)

I'm Lindana and I wanna have fun!-'

Heinz immediately hit mute.

"Yeah... let's just ah... Wait for the song to finish playing, muted."

Perry slowly nodded his head in agreement.

"Also uh..." Heinz continued, rubbing the back of his neck. "just ignore what I said about having been on a date with... well you know..."

After joining OWCA, both Heinz and Perry found it awkward that the former evil scientist went on a date with the matriarch of Perry's household.

Both agreed never to speak of it moving forward. Once the estimated length of the song was done, Heinz turned the volume back on, and Gitchee Gitchee Goo started playing.

Part 2

After the boys woke up at 7 am, they noticed that Perry was gone. They ran downstairs in hopes of finding him. Instead, they were greeted by their mother.

"Good morning boys." She said, placing a plate full of pancakes on the table.

"Good morning mom. Uh, have you seen Perry by any chance?"

"Well yes, actually. He's out in the backyard."

She pointed towards the big pine tree. Beneath it lay Perry, sound asleep.

"Oh." Said Phineas. "Well what do you know. Guess we were worrying over nothing."

Unbeknownst to the Flynn-Fletchers however, the "Perry" in their backyard was just a robot - an improved version after the fiasco in Africa - controlled by Carl.

When Phineas, and Ferb went out to greet him, they saw that the fake Perry had already noved up the tree.

"How did you think he got up there, Ferb?"

Ferb shrugged.

"Yeah. I guess he has been to crazier spaces. Looks like he wants to keep napping, so we'll leave him be."

Both boys returned to their house, and resumed their normal routine, at least until they could go to the theatre.

When the clock hit 9, the Flynn Fletchers made their way to the theatre. When they arrived, they can see some of their friends waiting to be let in.

Seeing as they were not alone, they assumed they were safe.

"Hi Phineas." Isabella approached the boy as he and his family got out of the car.

"Hey Isabella." Phineas greeted back.

"Watcha doin'?"

"We got invited to a private screening."

"Wow! Us too!" She replied excitingly, gesturing over to the Fireside girls, who gave them a wave.

"Hey Dinnerbell." Buford approached them.

"Hey Buford, hey Baljeet. Did you get invited to the screening too?"

"It would appear so." Replied Baljeet.

"Cool! Wanna sit with us?" Invited Phineas to his friends.

"Sure. The more the merrier." Replied Isabella.

"Hey Candace." Candace turned her head to see her boyfriend approach her.

"Hey Jeremy." Candace greeted back dreamily.

"Looks like we both got invited to the same screening."

"Oh, uh- YEAH! He he he he! You know me. I love me some movies!"

"Stacy was here just a while ago. She went to get some popcorn and soda for her and Ginger. I was gonna buy some myself, but then I saw your Mom's car pull up. You wanna go grab some food together?"

"Of course!" Candace turned towards her mom.

"Mom! Jeremy and I are going to get some food."

"Oh, good idea."

Lawrence then handed Candace over some money.

"Here darling. Would mind getting some for us and the boys as well?"

Candace accepted the money in her hand.

"Sure. I'll be right back."

As Candace left, Charlene Doofenshmirtz came up to greet Linda.

"Linda, good morning. You too Lawrence."

"Good morning." They both greeted back.

"I was beginning to think that I was thr only adult around here. Good to see you." Said Charlene.

"Are there really no other adults around?"  Asked Linda, confused.

"Well my ex husband was also invited, but he couldn't make it, because of a business trip. Other than us though, no one." Charlene answer with a shrug.

"Perhaps it has something to do with their chosen demographic, and they simply wished to have us make sure the kids have proper adult supervision." Lawrence speculated.

"Hmm...  Perhaps."

"I take it your daughter is with you?"

"Why yes. Vanessa's getting popcorn with her boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? Where did this come from?" asked Linda, hoping to get the tea.

Charlene chuckled. "Well, they met at Vanessa's internship. He's actually the son of Heinz's former work rival, so they kept it a secret from us. When Heinz and his work rival were all good, they decided to make it public."

"Ah, the good 'ol forbidden love. How exciting." Said Lawrence.

"Anyway, he's sweet kid. I know Vanessa's in good hands."

Over at the concession stand, Candace and Jeremy met up with Stacy. They discussed about what might be showing. As they talked, Vanessa and Monty appeared with some popcorn and soda in hand.

"Candace, Stacy, Jeremy." Greeted Vanessa.

"Hey Vanessa! Great to see you." Candace greeted back. "Ooh, and this would be?"

She spun her hand around, motioning Vanessa to introduce her guy.

Vanessa chuckled amusingly. "Guys, this Monty. He's my boyfriend."

"Hey." Monty greeted them with a wave.

"Hey. I'm Candace, this is Stacy-"

"Hello." Stacy greeted.

"And my boyfriend Jeremy."

"Hey, how's it going?"

"Nice to meet you guys." Said Monty.

'More like officially' he thought to himself, aware of who the Flynn-Fletchers, and their friends are due to being Agent P's host family.

"Oh, you dressed as the Scarlet Pimpernel back at Vanessa's castle party." Stacy pointed out.

"Yeah, I did. Thanks again for covering for me by the way. My dad would've killed me if he found out."

"And I wouldn't be able to go anywhere without my dad supervising me."

"No problemo. All in the day's work of-"

Stacy struck a pose. "The Scarlet Pimpernel."

"Do your dads not like you dating each other?" Asked Candace.

"Hmm... It's more like they're work rivals." Vanessa said. "But, their rivalry runs a little deeper. So much so they couldn't stand each other at the time."

"Wow, that sucks. I can't imagine how hard it would be if my folks didn't like Candace."

'Oh you have no idea.' Thought Candace, shuddering at the image of Suzy.

"They're good now." Vanessa explained. "Although they aren't necessarily friends, they have moved past the animosity."

"So keeping our relationship a secret was no longer needed." Monty continued for her.

"That's great. I'm glad for you guys."

Before they could continue their conversation, they were approached by a member of staff, and everyone was ushered into the empty theater.

After finding their seats, Candace noticed something odd with this whole arrangement. She turned to her boyfriend.

"Hey, Jeremy?" She whispered.

"What is it, Candace?" Jeremy answered in a similar volume.

"Don't you think it's odd how we're the only who got invited, and everyone who did get an invite happens to be someone we know?"

When Jeremy looked around, he too found it odd.

"You know what, you're right."

The Flynn-Fletcher brothers didn't noticed anything odd. They were just excited to watch whatever it was they were gonna watch.

"I wish Perry could've been here."

"Do they even allow pets inside the theater?" Asked Baljeet.

"Probably not, but maybe they could make an exception since he's part of the family."

"I get what you mean. I wish I could've brought Pinky too."

"Is he at home?" Asked Gretchen.

Isabella sighed. "Yeah."

"Did your mom not get invited, Isabella?" Asked Phineas.

"She did receive an invite, but she didn't want to leave the restaurant when it was short on staff. A lot of them actually caught the flu."

"Well that's unfortunate." Said Phineas, sympathetically. "For what it's worth, I wish your mom could've been here too. Afterall, you two are like family."

"Really?" Isabella asked dreamily, and blushing, though it was too dark to notice how red her face was.

"Of course."

Suddenly, the scenery around her changed, and now they were suddenly on top of the Eiffel Tower, the sun setting in the background. Phineas was now wearing a suit and bowtie, and she was now in a pink dress.

"But like family isn't enough for me. Isabella."

He got down on one knee before her, and pulled out a small box. The wind blew, causing their hair, and clothes to sway. Doves following the wind current, as a church bell rings.

Phineas opened the box, and she gasped at the sight of a bright, pink diamond embedded on a ring.

"Will you allow me to call you my Isabella Flynn, so we could finally be a true family?"

Isabella clasped her hands, and closed her eyes happily.

"Oh Phineas, of course!"

"Great! In fact, I think as all of you guys as family too!"

Isabella's eyes snapped open, and suddenly she was back in the theater.

"Wait what?" She let out.

Ginger cleared her throat, getting her attention. She leaned over, and whispered into her ear.

"You were in Phineas Land again."

"Ugh!" Isabella said, sadly.

"You are so corny Phineas." Said Baljeet.

"Boy, I'll say." Said Buford in agreement.

"Shhh." Said Gretchen. "The show's about to start." Pointing to the screen.

A disclaimer appeared, and a voice came through the intercom.

"Before we begin, you're going to learn things, that you wouldn't expect, but we need you to please remain calm."

"Huh,that's odd." Said Phineas. "Maybe it's like a documentary?"

"Ding ding ding! Righty-o Phineas!" The voice said over the intercom.

"Wow. Can't believe I got that."

"It's more than just a documentary though. You'll see what I mean once you watch the show, and please remember  our non-disclosure agreement. Thank you!"

The person finished his disclaimer, and now everyone was even more curious. Isabella's mind on the other hand was thinking of something else.

'What's with the voice changer, and why did that guy sound so... familiar?' She asked, herself.

No one could ask any further, as the screen lit up, showing a calendar.

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