𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦 ! danheng x...

qingxintea_ द्वारा

14.9K 642 2.4K

two college student friends start fake dating to see how long they can fool a couple's therapist for the shit... अधिक

i. lily of the valley
ii. asphodels
iii. bellflowers
v. hellebore
vi. honeysuckles
vii. chrysanthemums
viii. magnolia
x. sunflowers
xi. cosmos
xii. roses
xiii. poppies
xiv. river
xv. descent

iv. sweet pea

1.2K 63 208
qingxintea_ द्वारा


first person present tense <3

i took a slow pause, processing what danheng said.

in return to my silence, he looks at me knowingly and his dark irises send a tantalizing chill down my spine.

he is waiting for me to play along.

i nod after awhile and collect myself. "oh danheng, you're so cute!!" i gush, grazing my fingertips against his arm. "but i prefer the term 'dingle.'"

he sends me a quizzical look, "...right. you're my dingle."

himeko shakes her head at me, giggling slightly. she then places her index finger under my chin and guides it towards her face, her body leaning forward against her desk. her lips gently touch the tip of my nose and she receded back to her regular seated position.

"i wonder what your 'dingle' is gonna do about that," himeko smirks slightly, looking at danheng straight in his eyes.

i turn back my head and blink, stunned at the shit himeko just pulled but GOD DAMN. THAT WAS...

danheng looks a bit disturbed, holding a hard gaze towards himeko. he is about to say something, i can tell, but then sampo starts hysterically laughing and tries to go for a kiss with danheng. but he lightly pushes sampo away, weirded out, and finally says something.

"to kiss y/n is a privilege that only i should take advantage of."

i almost explode, if he wasn't there then i literally would combust. combust or bust? i don't know. probably both LMFAO, danheng is too smooth for his own good.

i look at himeko and she seems to approve of his words, satisfied that she got to push him around a bit. sampo looks dejected after being pushed away from danheng. i laugh at his expense.

the room simmers a bit in silence except for the professor speaking on about his tragedy of a life, so i say something random to fill the air.

"my dick is very huge, like wtf? ive tried the largest size of boxers available and they still do not hold my penis in place, so my solution to that is i dont wear anything. i have to drag it down the hallways of the only girls school that i attend, and everyone looks at me with either a confused or disgusted face.

i just wanted to clarify that my huge dong is 24 feet, and if anyone could help id be so pleased. ty for reading, and i know this might be very sensitive and concerning, so i do apologize. bye for another 2 mnths or smthn."

the class falls into a silence, even the professor stops talking about his hellhole life. he stares at me and says, "that's so cool, would you like to show the whole class?"

i start sweating. if i show the whole class, they will know my huge dong is not a huge dong. but if i refuse, it will hint at that either way.

i have to opt for something in between.

i stand up, pretend to gasp in shock and look down. "HOLY SHIT IT FELL OFF. IT IS MUTATING. IT IS BECOMING AN AIRBORNE VIRUS EVERYONE EVACUATE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🚨‼️‼️🚨🚨🚨‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️"

the professor starts screaming and pulls the fire alarm, the repetitive noise ringing in my ears. himeko slaps her forehead and sampo starts screaming along. danheng watches everything happen, confused by the commotion. he looks up at me. "are you sure this is necessary?"

i nod my head pridefully. "gotta protect the dong from unworthy eyes."

most of the university classes hurry out in a rush. it happens in pretty much a blur, and i'm not able to process much about what is happening even though i literally started it. it was meant to be a joke and i did not intend for my professor to actually pull the fire alarm. he is so silly!!

danheng stands up and then takes my hand abruptly, pulling me close as he exits the room so we don't get separated within the large masses. i don't know if its just for show or if he is genuinely compelled to protect me like that. i hope it's the latter.

he leads me out to a less loud place than here. a small secluded little zen garden area on the outside built by our mental health club. probably a sign that i need to check up on mine.

he still holds onto my hand despite being able to let go now. his nimble fingers are soft to the touch as they interlace with mine.

"u good bro?" i ask gently, knowing he doesn't really like commotion.

"yes," he responds breathily, "i just don't think it'd be nice to be caught up with them.  but furthermore i just wanted to ask, were you okay with me telling sampo?"

i think back to the original sequence of events, when danheng claimed in front of sampo and himeko that we were dating. i thought it was funny, as if we were actually for realsies on god no takesies backsies dating. i wish.

but for now we are just homie dating.

"oh— that," i begin, looking to meet anywhere but his eyes to avoid deluding into my fantasies. "that's fine. i don't mind at all. i just don't know how sampo would know," i start sweating a bit.

danheng nods understandingly, knowing how erratic sampo can act sometimes. he's a little high. a little cunty.

"i recently found out that march, our therapist, is actually a popular choice as a therapist among young college students here. but i believe sampo is harmless. i don't think he would tell anyone else," he softly smiles at me. "i can always tell him to keep it silent between us, too. you would do the same with himeko."

i nod, comforted by his words. i am about to express my gratitude until i hear a large voice come from the school roof.


immediately, i can recognize sampo's tone of voice. i blink and stay silent out of shock. what a ruthless display of irony. it was like my life was being written by some sort of sadistic author whos only intention is to make me suffer.

(thats not true i love u guys i will keep feeding u danheng content <3)

danheng hears this and sighs, "i doubt anyone would believe him without our clarification."

i then get around 1000 notifications a second, and i check. its all tags and mentions for both danheng and i about people messaging me to congratulate us on our relationship. the alarm still rings on and im not too sure what to focus on here. danheng frowns and holds my hand tighter to console me.

(it just makes me more confused because i actually like him LMFAO)

"we can call it off if you want. i understand this was supposed to be reserved with march," danheng gently comforts me. i shake my head, appreciative of his kind words.

"oh no, i'm fine, even if we did, we'd still be grilled about it," i tap my fingers against his palm and he doesn't seem to mind. "just don't want to be mauled by your fans..."

"fans?" he questions, tilting his head to the side. i chuckle a bit.

"yes danheng, you have fans," i confirm. "because you're so understanding and generally such a great person, wether it'd be to confide in or befriend on the surface. you'd be the last person to be a vulgar little maggot."

danheng is confused by my choice of words, but nods understandably. "thank you, y/n. you truly are an amazing person as well. i believe that i could quell some of the more impulsive people here. i wouldn't let anyone hurt you."


"wanna kiss bro?"


"jk dude," i take back my request almost immediately. it was an intuitive thing to say because DAMN BRO the things he says has me so WHIPPED.

but before i can shift the topic in order to dismiss my strange query, danheng raises my hand to his lips and plants the gentlest kiss ever. his soft lips linger on my knuckles for awhile before he lets my hand down and blinks softly.

"please feel better. i understand this is stressful."

i stare and almost malfunction in front of him, trying to process what just happened. his eyes linger on my unresponsive face. my lips open but thats about it, i cannot really voice any words to express how i'm thinking. i just know what i feel and that's all.

but he starts getting a bit concerned and asks if i'm okay. i simply nod with my flushed face and grin widely. finally, i respond.

"i'm only ever okay when i'm with you."

stop ygs are actually SO CUTE THANKU SM FOR SUPPORTING MY STORY AGAIN i love receiving your comments jkdfj THEY MAKE ME SO HAPPY U DONT UNDERSTAND THANK U MLS <3333

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