xii. roses

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BIWEEKLY UPDATE IS CRAZYY gotta spoil ygs frl

BIWEEKLY UPDATE IS CRAZYY gotta spoil ygs frl

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y/n's pov

around 6:50 early in the evening, i wait for kafka by the campus fountain. the sun is about to set so it is about to be dark. i hope she comes soon.

a couple minutes elapse and i just sit on the edge of the marble fountain, swinging my legs before setting them down on the brick pathing.

i hear a set of footsteps and look up in the direction expecting to see kafka, but no, i see danheng.

my heart begins to beat more. i haven't been with him alone ever since yesterday night.

this morning, i had woken up early to go to the coffee shop with kafka, leaving danheng to wake up alone. i didn't know what to say anyway because i'm still so confused.

danheng connects my gaze and once again those grey toned eyes hold stars and light in them again, and it puts me in a state of awe. i'm suspended from actions and words.

because, how do you talk to a friend after you've shared a sweet kiss with them?

i don't have to, because danheng does first. "y/n? what are you doing here? its a bit late."

he brushes his hand through his dark, soft hair and i just watch how it falls back on his face so naturally and elegantly.

"oh, i'm waiting for a friend of mine, kafka," i respond, not knowing what else to add. i want to avoid talking about what had happened between danheng and i because i don't know how to approach it, but i'll talk about it if he leads it into the conversation.

"when are they coming?" danheng tilts his head and sits down next to me, closer than he usually does. i have my hands in my lap and look down.

"she said seven, by the fountain," i answer, and he pauses for a bit like he recognizes the words. but after a second, he just nods, and we are left with silence.

eventually, my phone buzzes twice. it is the first noise we hear in awhile besides the running water.

you have two messages from @kaffytaffy

kaffytaffy: talk it out with him !!

kaffytaffy: i got you two alone, so say what you need to say y/n


i see what she's doing. kafka somehow led danheng and i to the same place and time just so i could make things clear with him. that's why she asked for his name this morning after she was so fed up with me being presumably dense.

but i don't think i'm dense. i just want to make sure.

but i don't even know how to start. the only thing that comes to my mind is 'so what's crackalackin? how that kiss got u feeling bout us 😳😳😳??'

"y/n," he says unexpectedly, breaking my thoughts. "if anything does happen tonight, please don't think any less of me." danheng's posture is tense and he looks elsewhere, but his voice is stern.

"huh? what do you mean?" i question, not understanding what he's trying to say.

he shifts a bit. "...i got anonymously challenged for you, right here and at this time. i assume that it was from your friend kafka and she wanted you to watch. i don't mean to fight her because she's your friend. but in the case that something escalates, i will have to take further action."

things take time to process in my mind and i connect that kafka had challenged danheng to a fight for me and had invited me in the same location, but it was just a setup so he and i would be together alone.

but poor danheng genuinely thought he would have to fight. ):

yet he was willing, and that touches me.

"you would fight for me? isn't that more of a romantic gesture?" i ask to progress what kafka had wanted me to do in the first place. i feel my face heating up and just keep looking down to avoid his stare.

"????" danheng muses.


"of course i would fight for you. you mean the world to me, if it wasn't obvious from yesterday."

i feel even more flustered and think back to how sweet and soft the kiss was. that was my first, but it all happened so perfectly that it didn't feel like my first. doesn't feel like my last either ;)

"i mean that much to you?" i straighten my posture and keep looking at the brick material that makes up the campus ground, listening more intently to the gushing water of the fountain.

in my peripheral vision, he nods. he's so sweet, but i still can't tell if this is to the highest point of platonicism or not. i need him to confirm more. so i keep talking.

"...but why me?"

"why not you?"

at this time i am brave enough to look at danheng again. he meets my gaze and it feels so comforting, like this is where i belong, and this is who i belong to.

"y/n," he continues, and the way he says my name is to die for, "i've loved you for years."

he said it; he said he loves me.

"you have?" is all i can say because i am in disbelief. he is so perfect and is worth everything, i'm not sure how it's possible that he ever caught interest in me.

"how could i not?" danheng returns. "you're heaven's entity collapsed into a single tangible figure, something sent by stars to anchor me back to life. you are the zenith of my life."

he extends his hand to carress the side of my face, and i can't help but smile.

my eyes are a bit wet. his words are so beautiful and i have been attracted to him for so long and now it seems like i don't have to wait anymore, that what i've been longing for is finally in my reach.

"oh, don't cry, my sweet," danheng brushes a stray tear away from my face. the feeling of his hand against my face is so comforting.

"but there's so many better people out there than me," i say softly. "are you sure i'm the right one?"

"loving you will always be the best and most beautiful thing i'll ever do. you are my right one," danheng smiles reassuringly. i smile back, overwhelmed with dopamine.

"so, let's stop this fake dating thing," he continues, "and why don't we really be together?"

"so, let's stop this fake dating thing," he continues, "and why don't we really be together?"

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oml to my readers AND ESP MY COMMENTERS ygs make me soso happy i appreciate ygs sm

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