Daisy | The Walking Dead

By Miss_SunshineHD

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In the grand tapestry of fate, some kids are destined for a tragic existence, their very essence infused with... More

1. Neighbors
2. Days gone bye
3. Gas Station Adventure
4. Guts
5. Tell it to the frogs Ⅰ
6. Tell it to the frogs Ⅱ
7. Memories Ⅱ
8. Vatos Ⅰ
9. Vatos Ⅱ
10. Vatos Ⅲ
11. Wildfire Ⅰ
12. Wildfire II
13. wildfire Ⅲ
15. Cranky
16. TS-19
17. TS-19 Ⅱ
18. Treasure Trove Ⅰ
19. Treasure Trove Ⅱ
Potential Hiatus
20. TS-19 Ⅲ

14. Baby Bear

1K 32 2
By Miss_SunshineHD

~Day sixty-two~

For Daisy, chaos felt like home. The outbreak, with its relentless turmoil, had intertwined its malevolent tendrils into the very essence of disarray. And yet, amidst the cacophony of destruction, Daisy had surprisingly discovered a sense of equilibrium, a stark contrast to her former self in a not so distant era.

The weight of her crippling anxiety, a pitiful affliction for a child of her age to bear, loomed over her every step like an everlasting specter. Its presence remained unwavering, but it was no creation of the apocalypse's cruel symphony.

Strangely, the end of the world had bestowed upon her an extraordinary sense of confidence and belonging, foreign notions she had failed to recognize as absent from her life until now. 

Even in the tranquil embrace of seemingly serene moments at the quarry, the notion that safety could vanish with a mere whisper haunted her ceaselessly—a fear that ultimately proved all too justified.

So, in a realm ruled by pandemonium, discovering serenity amidst the meandering roads felt like a cruel irony. Yet, for Daisy, the absence of imminent peril was a disquieting yet cherished respite from the reign of anarchy.

For movement was her companion, and to linger too long meant to jeopardize everything she held dear.

Peering through the window of the Cherokee, Daisy's gaze fixated on the ever-changing world unfolding before her as they cruised down the desolate highway. The sight was nothing short of surreal—a tableau with abandoned cars and overturned trucks strewn across the road, reminiscent of a scene ripped straight from a horror flick.

Amidst the relentless journey, Daisy's mind couldn't help but wander to the unknown that awaited them. The CDC, their supposed sanctuary, held promises of answers and, with any luck, a cure. But doubt lingered like a shadow in her thoughts. What if their destination turned out to be a futile endeavor? What if the once-determined scientists had succumbed to hopelessness?

With a determined shake of her head, Daisy fought to cast aside those pessimistic musings. There was no room for dwelling on the negative. She needed to maintain focus, to propel herself forward.

Her fingertips brushed against the cool surface of the window, and in her imagination, they transformed into a swift figure—running tirelessly alongside the speeding car, an embodiment of lightning itself. Like the Flash. 

A fleeting moment of joy bloomed within her as she watched her fingers gracefully dance in sync with the passing landscape. It was a meager pleasure, but in a world where darkness and danger reigned, even the slightest semblance of happiness was a treasured gem.

But soon, her thoughts once again gravitated towards the future, brimming with uncertainty and possibilities yet to be revealed.

With each passing mile, an amalgamation of excitement and trepidation surged within Daisy, intertwining like a tangled web of emotions. 

The CDC beckoned as a beacon of hope, a sanctuary where survival could be transformed into something more profound. Yet, it carried an unyielding burden of uncertainty, the lingering fear that their efforts might prove futile after all.

Carl had told her and Sophia that Shane wanted to go to Fort Benning, not the CDC. What if his instincts were right?

Restless, Daisy squirmed in her seat, her petite legs swinging aimlessly, inches above the car's floor. Silence enveloped the vehicle, punctuated only by the gentle hum of the engine and the occasional jolt as they navigated the uneven road.

Her gaze wandered to Sophia, absorbed in playing with the small doll that had been gifted to her by Eliza, lost in her own contemplation, and then up front, where Carl sat with Lori, occupying her lap. 

As the car executed a sharp turn, Daisy's stomach lurched within her, an unwelcome plummeting sensation. Clutching the edge of her seat, she squeezed her eyes shut tightly, seeking refuge from the disorienting motion. These sudden movements, necessary to evade potential obstacles strewn across their path, were the singular aspect she despised about being on the road.

Motion sickness, an unwelcome companion, tainted her journey, standing as the sole aspect she loathed amidst their turbulent odyssey.

"Ooh! Ooh!" Carl's exclamation pierced the air, interrupting the tranquility that had settled within the car. Pointing fervently out of his window, he directed everyone's attention to a wondrous sight, "baby bear!"

Daisy's eyes snapped open, her earlier discomfort and thoughts momentarily forgotten, as she followed Carl's outstretched finger. Leaning forward eagerly, her frame pressed against the back of her seat, she strained to catch a glimpse of the spectacle.

And there it was, as if conjured by their collective excitement—a delicate black baby bear cub, stumbling along the road's edge. Daisy's heart swelled, overcome by a harmonious blend of awe and tenderness.

But accompanying the precious cub emerged its guardian—a protective mama bear, ever watchful and vigilant.

"Mama!" Sophia tugged at Carol's shirt, her voice tinged with genuine astonishment. "There really is a bear!"

Carol's face lit up with a warm smile. "Well, there sure is."

Lori, glancing over at Daisy and Sophia, caught the spark of exhilaration in their eyes. "Did you see it, sweetie? The cub?"

Daisy nodded eagerly, her gaze brimming with wonder.

"It's so adorable!" Sophia chimed in, her voice filled with sheer delight, "I wish I could just cuddle it!"

Rick, the orchestrator of their journey, joined in the conversation with a chuckle dancing in his voice. "Sounds like quite the sighting, Carl. Did you catch a glimpse of the mama bear too?"

Carl nodded vigorously, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, Dad! She was massive and protective. It was so awesome!"

Lori's laughter danced in the air, her eyes briefly connecting with Rick's in a shared appreciation for the wonders of nature. "Nature truly is extraordinary, isn't it?" she remarked. 

 Daisy, captivated by the enchanting scene that unfolded before them, couldn't help but chime in with a hint of awe. "It's like they're still living their lives, like nothing happened."

Rick nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Animals adapt, just like we do. They find a way to survive, to find their own sense of balance."

His words carried a wisdom reminiscent of Dale's. 

Daisy pondered Rick's words, realizing that even in the midst of chaos, there was a natural order that prevailed - a testament to life's inherent resilience.

"But we're different from animals, right?" Daisy ventured, her voice laced with a blend of curiosity and uncertainty.

Sophia turned towards her, her brows furrowing. "What do you mean?"

"Well," Daisy started, her words hesitant, "we have feelings and thoughts. We worry about things, and we make plans for the future. Animals just... live."

Sophia pondered for a moment, her fingers absentmindedly twisting the doll's hair. "I guess you're right. We're different. We have to think about things, make choices."

Rick glanced at Lori, sharing a silent understanding. "That's true, Miss Daisy. We have the ability to think and plan, to protect each other. But it also means we have to face the challenges that come with it."

"We have to learn to thrive, instead of just survive," Carol added wistfully, her words carrying a sense of introspection, as if she was momentarily lost in deep contemplation.

Daisy's young mind absorbed their collective wisdom, the notion of thriving resonating within her being. It appeared both formidable and inspiring, a concept that beckoned her to explore its depths. Her gaze wandered back to the ever-changing landscape outside, where the bear cub and its watchful mother had disappeared from view. Yet, their essence lingered within her thoughts.

With unwavering determination, Daisy voiced her aspirations. "I - I want to thrive," she declared, her voice resolute. "I don't want to be scared all the time. I want to find joy and make the most of what we have."

Carl looked at Daisy with admiration in his eyes. "Yeah, Daisy! We'll find a way to thrive, I know it. Just like the mama bear and her cub."

Sophia's smile radiated warmth. "We'll figure it out, together. Remember, we have our survival pact?"

Chaos had become Daisy's abode, but she refused to be defined by it. She was determined to carve her own path through the tumult, to claim it as her own.

To unearth peace amidst anarchy and vanquish the intrusive thoughts that plagued her spirit.


As the sun descended, painting the desolate landscape with an eerie orange glow, the group's convoy approached the CDC, a foreboding glass structure standing as a somber sentinel. Daisy's heart sank within her chest as she beheld the scene before her. The once-promising haven now loomed with a haunting aura, a macabre reflection of the world they now inhabited.

The ground was strewn with bodies, a chilling tapestry of life that had been extinguished. 

Among the fallen, a tragic collage emerged - civilians and soldiers, both human and undead, their lifeless forms scattered like discarded marionettes. They slumped over sandbags, lay sprawled in the grass, and littered the driveway in silent testimony to the horrors that had unfolded.

A putrid miasma of decay clung to the air, assaulting the survivors senses as they cautiously emerged from their respective vehicles. With a firm grip on their weapons, they stepped forward, their movements slow and deliberate.

Daisy veered away from the Grimes and Peletiers, seeking solace in the presence of Glenn. Reaching out, her hand instinctively sought his.

It was a stark contrast to the hope that had illuminated their journey, a jarring reminder of the fragility of their aspirations in the face of an unforgiving reality.

"Alright, everybody," Shane whispered urgently, his voice hardly above a breath. "Keep moving. Stay quiet, c'mon."

Shane, Rick, and Daryl took charge at the front, leading the way, while T-Dog remained vigilant at the rear.

With each step, Daisy could hear the disconcerting symphony of coughs and gags reverberating through the air, an opus of distress echoing from the weary survivors. Shane's repeated instruction to "keep moving" served as a mantra, urging them forward.

Daisy's free hand instinctively covered her nose and mouth, desperately trying to shield herself from the suffocating atmosphere. Her grip on Glenn's hand tightened, seeking reassurance amidst the encroaching unease. She fought against the urge to squeeze her eyes shut and tug at her fingers.

After what felt like an eternity, but in reality was only a few harrowing moments, the group finally reached the foreboding doors of the CDC. Shane and Rick immediately began their relentless attempts to force the entrance open, their desperate banging echoing through the silent surroundings.

No response came, only empty echoes rebounding from a once-thriving structure. Daisy's gaze fixated on a solitary camera mounted above the door, its lifeless lens capturing the desolation.

"There's nobody here," T-dog muttered, his voice heavy with disappointment.

Daisy's heart sank into the depths of her stomach, her complexion growing pale with growing fear.

"Then why are these shutters down?" Rick questioned, a hint of frustration lacing his words.

Before anyone could respond, Daryl's voice pierced through the tension, sharp and urgent. "Walkers!" he yelled, his crossbow poised for action.

As chaos unfolded around them, Glenn swiftly pushed Daisy protectively behind him, his rifle poised and ready to defend against the stumbling corpses. Sophia and Carl whimpered in fear, their small, shaking hands gripping tightly onto their mothers'.

"You led us into a graveyard!" Daryl's anger seeped through his words, his voice laced with frustration.

Dale, ever composed, calmly interjected, "He made a call."

"It was the wrong damn call!" Daryl retorted, his frustration finding release as he shot off a bolt, piercing the eye of a relentless walker.

"Shut up! Shut up!" Shane's voice rose sharply as he jabbed at Daryl, his eyes scanning the area before he turned to Rick, "This is a dead end."

Carol's cry of despair pierced the tense air as she clutched Sophia closer, her terror palpable. "Where are we going to go?"

Lori's desperation echoed through her voice as she added, "She's right. We can't stay here, this close to the city after dark."

Daisy's breath hitched as T-dog stepped forward, his presence shielding them from the ever-looming crowd of the undead. The distinct click of his magazine reloading made her flinch, her mind involuntarily replaying the night Amy died, and she felt herself freeze, overwhelmed.


Her eyes widened in disbelief as she turned towards the source of the phantom gunshot, her mind struggling to distinguish between what was real and what was a figment of her imagination. The chaos that surrounded her seemed to momentarily recede, replaced by the terrifying memories of loss and violence that lingered within her.

"It's not real, Lady Linette," a familiar voice whispered, the ethereal presence of her imaginary friend cutting through the disarray. "None of this is real."

The arguing voices of the adults morphed into distant echoes, their words fading into the background as Daisy's focus narrowed. Gripping onto Glenn's shirt, she sought solace and grounding amidst the swirling confusion.

"Daisy," Glenn's voice was a soft murmur, barely audible above the overwhelming fear and desperation that permeated the air. "It's okay."

His words acted as an anchor, pulling her back into the present moment. Daisy nodded, her voice momentarily eluding her in the face of such turmoil. Taking a deep breath, she attempted to regain her composure and push aside the overwhelming flood of emotions.

A heavy silence settled upon the group as the weight of their predicament sank in. The CDC, their beacon of hope, had turned out to be a dead end, a cruel twist of fate in their desperate quest for safety and answers.

They stood there, adrift once again, confronted by the harsh reality of their journey.

"Everybody back to the cars!" Shane's authoritative voice pierced through the air, commanding their attention.

"The camera!" Rick's voice cut through urgently "It moved!"

Daisy's eyes widened in astonishment, her gaze following Rick's pointed finger. The camera, a silent observer, had indeed shifted position. In that moment, the weight of panic dissolved, overshadowed by a flicker of intrigue.

It was a small observation, but one that held significance. 

Dale's voice interjected, his tone dismissive and skeptical. "You imagined it," he murmured, his doubt evident.

"It moved," Rick reiterated, his gaze unwavering as he took a determined step toward the camera. "It moved."

Shane, pleading with urgency, attempted to reason with Rick. "Rick, man, it's just an automated device. Its gears are winding down. We need to move on."

Unyielding to Shane's pleas, Rick's desperation drove him forward. He threw himself at the door, unleashing a flurry of kicks and punches in a desperate attempt to gain entry.

Shane's voice rose once more, a mix of frustration and concern. "Rick, you have to listen. Look around you. This place is dead, okay? It's dead. You need to let it go."

Amidst the charged atmosphere, Daisy found her voice, her newfound confidence pushing through the fear. With a gentle tug at Glenn's shirt, she directed his attention towards her, determination gleaming in her eyes. "It moved," she whispered, her words barely audible but filled with conviction.

"It was in a different place before, it looked at us."

Daisy's words lingered in the air like a forgotten melody, unheard amidst the turmoil of fear and frustration. Glenn, however, caught the significance of her statement, his brows furrowing with concern as he looked down at her.

"What do you mean, Daisy? Are you sure?"

Glenn's brows furrowed, and he glanced back at the camera, contemplating Daisy's words. He had learned to trust her instincts, her keen observation skills, and the way she seemed to notice the smallest details.

Daisy responded with a fervent nod, her conviction unwavering.

Yet, their voices seemed to dissipate, drowned out by the escalating arguments and desperate pleas of the group. Rick's impassioned appeal to the ghosts of the CDC, Lori's heartbreaking cry for him to stop, and the screams of the other frightened children consumed everyone's attention.

Reluctantly, Glenn and Daisy fell in line with the rest of the group, their gazes never straying far from the camera's watchful lens. In the midst of the cacophony of voices and the looming threat, the opportunity to bring attention to Daisy's revelation slipped through their fingers.

Rick's desperate plea continued, directed towards the silent walls of the CDC, "I know you're in there! Please, we're desperate! We have women, children, no food, hardly any gas left."

The poignant silence persisted, punctuated only by the hollowness of their own voices reverberating through the empty air. Lori's voice broke the stillness, a tinge of sadness and resignation tainting her words. "There's nobody there, Rick." The truth hung heavy, an anchor of desolation that fueled their dejection.

The tension hung thick in the air, suffocating the group as Shane's impatience reached its boiling point. His commanding voice echoed, demanding, once more, everyone's immediate retreat to the safety of the cars. 

"You're killing us!" Rick's voice reverberated through the surroundings, his words a desperate plea for a breakthrough - for anything.

Rick's assault on the unyielding door continued unabated, his determination unwavering. Shane, his fear for their lives driving his actions, intervened, forcefully grasping Rick's arm and pulling him away from the futile endeavor.

"You're killing us!" Rick pleaded.

"Come on, buddy," Shane implored, attempting to reason with Rick, a mixture of sympathy and exasperation coloring his tone.

But Rick's resolve remained unbroken. "You're killing us!"

Just as despair threatened to engulf the group, a glimmer of hope pierced through the darkness. The shuttered doors of the CDC stirred to life, slowly and ominously ascending. The grinding sound of their movement sliced through the heavy silence, capturing the undivided attention of all those present.

 Daisy's eyes widened, a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins as a blend of excitement and uncertainty washed over her. She cast a fleeting glance at Glenn, her small hand still clutching his shirt, a triumphant gleam in her eyes.

"I told you so."

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