Killer's Desire (HxH x BNHA)

By fluffytheferretlord

13.3K 480 328

This place is weak. Overly restricting laws and a corrupt government. People who call themselves "heroes" who... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Quick Announcement
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

1.4K 62 31
By fluffytheferretlord


3rd Person POV

All Killua could see was darkness.

He was surrounded by the purple-ish black fog that had consumed his felt like he was floating in nothing.

This is kinda surreal, he thought.

The darkness was oddly warm, and Killua found himself drifting in and out of a comfortable sleep.

He didn't know how long he was peacefully floating there. It could've been hours.



All he knew was that after a time, he felt a sudden tug on his body.

An area of the fog far in front of him started swirling, forming what looked like a sort of portal. Yet, he couldn't see what was on the other side.

He felt another jerk, and his body started rushing towards the black circle. He braced himself for impact as he drew closer and closer.

At the USJ

Aizawa's POV

A purple-ish black substance began forming in the center of the USJ. It expanded and took the shape of a circle with jagged, wispy edges.

People started filing out of the portal, all shapes, sizes, and most importantly, abilities.

What the hell?

I was immediately on edge. My body tensed, already preparing for a fight.

The person leading the advance was a tall lanky man with shaggy pale blue hair. The most interesting feature about him was the disembodied hand covering his face.

Immediately after him followed a huge beast with black skin wearing nothing but some tan pants. It had a bird-like beak lined with razor-sharp teeth, and it had an exposed brain atop its head with bulging eyeballs.

Its body looked like it was ready to burst at the seams, and I cringed. It was pretty obvious who these guys were. As my students wondered what was happening, I yelled,

"Stay back, those are real villains!"

After a few more exchanged words, I leapt into action, taking down villains left and right.

Fast forward one crazy teleporting fiasco and one hell of a beating later, the rest of the UA staff showed up and forced the villains to retreat.

Snipe managed to get one more shot in before Shigaraki was teleported away.

Before I could be taken out of the building, the air a few meters away from the bottom of the stairs started to warp.

A few of my students noticed my attention was drawn back to the floor and turned around. They gasped when another portal started to form, and I internally groaned.

Aw, shit. Here we go again.

They set me down and got into battle stances, preparing for the worst. All I could really do was watch, much to my displeasure.

The portal flickered and seemed to grow in size a little before it spat out a person head first.

He let out a short yell, but was cut off as he hit the ground. While he still had momentum, he put his hands above his head to catch himself and quickly twisted his body in a fashion that flipped him back to his feet.

Getting a good look at him, he didn't seem too extraordinary. He had fluffy white hair, light blue eyes, and couldn't have been older than my own students.

Everyone was frozen staring at this kid. It admittedly started getting a little awkward.

Then he spoke.


Mic was the first to respond, "Who are you?"

He gave him an offended look. "Who am I? Who the hell are you? Where are am I?" He retorted, pointing at Mic.

All Might, who miraculously found the energy to retain his buff form for a little bit longer, came out from behind Cementoss's wall. "That's no way to speak to your elders, young man. Or a pro hero, for that matter."

Killua's POV

I deadpanned. This bitch.

What does that even mean? Pro hero?

"Dude, I don't even know you."

"Even so," He said back.

I don't have time to argue with this guy. I have to get out of here and find out where I am. Maybe grab some sweets.

"Well, it was nice talking to ya. Later."

I attempted to leave, but the big buff blondie grabbed me.

"Oh, no you don't. We need to know if you're associated with the League of Villains. You're coming with us for questioning, young man."

I could easily sever this guy's head if I wanted to, but decided against it. Best not to make enemies so quick, just until I figure this out.

I looked up at him confused. "First, stop calling me that. Second, the League of what now?"

"The League of Villains. You just came out of a portal that is one of the villains' quirk. Suspicious, if you ask me."

Is that what that was?

"Okay, fine. Just get off." I shrugged off bunny boy's hands and walked away.

He looked surprised, but I didn't care. I shoved my hands in my pockets and made my way to the entrance of this place.

I let them put handcuffs on me and escort me to a police car, then we drove to the station.

All Might's POV

What the...

Just who is this kid? He has to be a villain.

I was in my...bigger form, and he just shrugged my hands off like it was nothing.

I was legitimately trying to restrain him, there's no way.

He's probably really No, that can't be right. I'm just tired, there was a big fight today. Yeah. Yeah, that has to be it.

I'm No.1 after all. There's no way he's stronger than me...


Time Skip

3rd Person POV

Killua was alone in an interrogation room. He was restrained to a metal table in a chair with quirk-cancelling handcuffs on. There was a one-way mirror on the wall he was facing.

There was a heavy metal door on the wall to his left. The brick walls and tile floors were a plain off-white.

Man I'm bored, he thought as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. He was keeping tabs on everyone in and around the station with his En.

He snickered when he felt an officer trip and spill his coffee on an old man. Said old man was now beating the officer over the head with his cane.

A few seconds later, he felt someone approaching the room. He faced the door and waited until it opened.

A man that looked like he came straight out of a 50s mafia movie entered. He took the seat across from Killua and sat down with with fingers intertwined together.

He was wearing a suit with a light tan trench coat over it. He removed his matching hat and Killua noticed he had black hair and eyes.

Tsukauchi's POV

"Alright, let's get started. My name is detective Tsukauchi Naomasa, and I'll be questioning you today. My quirk enables me to tell when someone is lying, so don't even think about it."

He gave me a thumbs up.

"What's your name?"

"Call me K."


I raised an eyebrow, but decided to shrug it off for now.

"Last name?"

He gave me a nasty look. "Look kid, I'm gonna need you to tell me your real name."

He just huffed and sat back in his chair, crossing his arms. I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

I don't get paid enough for this shit.

"How old are you?"



"What is your involvement with the League of Villains?"

"For the second time, I don't even know who they are."


"Okay, so we can rule that out..." I mumbled.

"How did you get into the USJ?"

"I dunno."


"Where are your parents?"

He seemed to consider it before answering my question.

"My parents are dead."


"Ha ha, very funny. Try again."

"My parents are dead to me."


I choked on my spit.

"O-oh well that'*cough* alrighty then. Are you okay?" I sputtered. The kid looked pretty amused, but didn't answer my question.

The awkward air was suffocating. I cleared my throat, more than ready to leave.

"One last question. What's your quirk?"

K immediately looked confused. "The hell's a quirk?"

I looked at this kid like he had two heads. "How do you not know what a quirk is? You been living under a rock your whole life?"

He shrugged. "Sorta."

I deadpanned before lifting a hand to rub my eyes for the second time. "A quirk is like a power you have. Something that makes you...extraordinary? I don't really know how to put it."

He paused for a minute before answering, "Electricity, I guess?" He shrugged again.

"Can you show me?" He deadpanned at me before shaking his hands...

That were restrained in quirk-cancelling cuffs.

I stared with dotted eyes, swaying a little bit. "Oh...right. Well, I'm going to look you up. Don't go anywhere."

With that, I got up and left the room.

Killua's POV

I may not know where I am, but I'm not stupid. The people that brought me in here told me what these things do.

Bunny boy was nowhere to be found, and no one I saw at that USJ place was here either.

Just where am I?

This place is real strange. I even saw a dude with snail eyes on the way here.

Maybe I'm in the future and the Chimera Ants overran the world?

I shook my head. No, they're all supposed to be dead. Maybe I'm on an alien planet?

I scrunched my eyes closed as I thought.

Different theories ran around in my head while I sat there.

Maybe I'm in a futuristic version of Earth where 80% of the Earth's people have special abilities called quirks and no one uses Nen.

I dismissed that idea. But that would be ridiculous.

Tsukauchi soon reentered the room and sat back down.

"So, this is kinda strange. You were nowhere in our database." He set down the files in his hands.

"We can try to look at other foreign databases, see if you're in one of them. Where are you from?

I hesitated for a minute. It would be foolish to tell him where I'm from, but he can tell if I'm lying. If I don't tell the truth, he'll never leave me alone.

Let's get this over with.

"Republic of Padokea, Kukuroo Mountain." Now he definitely knows I'm a Zoldyck.

I scanned Tsukauchi's face for any sort of reaction, but he only showed confusion. "Republic of Padokea? Kukuroo Mountain? Yeah, never heard of the place." He stood up.

"Worth checking out, nonetheless." He left again, but not without shooting me a suspicious glance.

As soon as I was alone, I shot a small bolt of electricity at the camera above the door, disabling it. I broke out of my handcuffs and stood up.

He's onto me, I gotta get outta here.

Once Tsukauchi looks up Kukuroo Mountain and finds nothing, he'll probably think I'm one of those villains these people always seem to be talking about. If he takes me to a more secure location or something, it'll be harder to get information.

Not that that's a challenge for me.

There was no one on the other side of the one-way mirror, but there was a security guard in the camera room. He wasn't paying close attention, but I still need to put him out of commission if I wanna get out of here easy.

That gives me about a minute before he notices my camera's out and I have the entire station on my ass.

I concealed my presence with Zetsu and opened the door, creeping down the long hall quickly and silently.

I peeked my head around the left corner at the end of the hall to see an officer at a water fountain on the opposite wall. I rushed behind her, quickly putting her in a chokehold. She let out a strangled yelp and her hands immediately flew to my arms, trying to pry me off.

I dragged her into the hall I was previously in. She flailed and kicked, trying to escape. She elbowed me in the side, but I didn't flinch.

I lifted a hand and chopped the side of her neck. Her grip on my arms slackened, and she fell limp. I dropped her unconscious body and rounded the corner.

27 seconds left...

I picked up the pace a little, carefully making sure I wasn't seen nor heard. I looked around another corner to my right this time. There was the door that led to the camera room.


I shot another lightning bolt at the camera outside the security room and quietly opened the door, quickly blending into a dark corner. The security guard sat in front of the cameras, a hand on his cheek and looking bored out of his mind.

I rushed forward before he could notice the blacked-out screens, chopping the back of his neck. He fell forward, his head hitting the keyboard.

I turned around to leave, but noticed a red light on one of the screens. I stepped closer, trying to see what it was about.

I couldn't read whatever language was on the screen, but there was a bright flashing symbol of a triangle with an exclamation point in the middle. I got a pretty good idea of what would happen if I didn't get my sweet ass out of this place in the next 30 seconds.

I sighed. God fucking dammit.

I dragged the unconscious security guard out of his swivel chair and made quick work of stripping him of his uniform. I slipped it on over my clothes and opened the door, leaving the man in a tank top and a pair of white boxers with pink hearts on them.

I would've never fit in those clothes if I didn't go through a growth spurt. It's kind of astonishing how short I was and how fast I grew.

I went from 5'2" to 5'8" in 3 and a half years. Damn, I love myself.

I traversed the halls, keeping my head down. I pulled the hat down further over my hair when I noticed I was about to run into another officer.

She ran around the corner, noticing me. She hurried over to me, taking hold of my shoulders. "Takada! What happened, you set off an alarm! Are you okay?!" I nodded, shrugging her hands off and proceeding down the hall again.

Except, she put a hand on my shoulder again. "Now hold on. I'm not letting you leave without telling me what's going on."

I was starting to get a little ticked. I turned around to meet her eyes and she gasped, retracting her hand. Before she could scream, I slit her throat with a sharpened hand.

She immediately clasped her throat with both hands, falling to her knees. She slowly looked back up at me with fear in her eyes, blood dribbling out of her mouth and between her fingers.

I inspected my nails, which were clean of blood. I bent over, wiping my hand on the shoulder of the dying woman's uniform, just in case.

I turned around and left, hearing her body falling to the floor behind me. I started speed walking, feeling a sense of urgency.

I made it to the main lobby, and everything was just in disarray. There were people running around and past me, yelling about a "villain infiltration".

There were a bunch of people trying to contact heroes, and there was even a small squad of officers in body armor that ran past me.

I kept my head down and quickly walked past. Once I got outside, there were several heroes surrounding the building and even a news helicopter hovering above.

A bit of an overreaction, don'tcha think?

I turned to the right and attempted to leave the building undisturbed. Key word: attempted.

"You there! Where are you going?" One of the heroes shouted out.

"There's no one allowed in or out of the building until it's secure. I'm gonna have to ask you to head back inside." That same hero walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

Why do people keep doing that today?

I sighed. "I have somewhere to be. Now if you'll excuse me..." I pushed his hand off my shoulder and kept going. Until he grabbed my wrist.

"Hold on! You can't go anywhere yet!"

I froze deathly still. Slowly turning around, bloodlust emitted from my being. I met his widened eyes, and his grip faltered.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be. Get your hand off of me right now."

He looked scared, but still didn't let go. He put on a false bravado and retorted, "O-or what?" He couldn't hide the stutter in his meek voice. I raised a hand in front of me.

"Or you won't have a hand."

He didn't let up. "You can't threaten me! That would make you a-"

I swiped my now sharpened hand so fast he couldn't see it. Just as fast as it happened, my hand returned to normal and fell back at my side. Hero dude took a small step back, intending to remove his hand from my wrist.

But it didn't go with the rest of his arm.

I slapped his now severed hand that was still gripping my wrist off and turned my whole body to face him. "Can't say I didn't warn you."

He screamed when he noticed his missing hand, catching the attention of the rest of the heroes. He turned over his shoulder and yelled, "Help me!"

They turned around just in time to see me plunge my fingers directly into his temple, killing him instantly.

One of the other heroes yelled into an earpiece, "The villain is outside the building!" Then he turned to the other heroes outside. "Apprehend him immediately!"

He rushed at me, aiming a punch for my face. I ducked under his fist and grabbed his arm, twisting it to flip him sideways. Once he was on the ground, I smashed his head in with a foot to the face.

A couple of heroes dashed at me at once, a girl and a guy. The guy stuck out the pointer and middle fingers on his right hand, morphing them into a knife. He ran at me with his arm drawn back, attempting to stab me.

The girl, on the other hand, stayed back. She formed a circle with her pointer finger and thumb, holding it up to her mouth. Drawing a deep breath, she exhaled. Except, she breathed out a great plume of flames.

What the fuck? This lady can breathe fire?!

I was sure as hell surprised, but there was no time to dwell on it. I dropped into a middle split and flattened my body on the ground, effectively avoiding the hot fire.

I closed my legs and flipped my body around so I was facing the other hero on all fours. I extended my fist while springing myself up, uppercutting him. His teeth snapped together hard, drawing some blood.

I brought my foot around and kicked the side of his head. He fell unconscious as I started rushing at the fire breather.

She stopped using her ability, starting to pant from exhaustion. She didn't notice me approaching, so I used the opportunity to jump on her back like a monkey. She screamed, started to flail around in an effort to knock me off.

It was futile, though.

I grabbed her hair with my left hand, her chin with my right, and twisted her head, snapping her neck. There were still two more heroes, frozen in fear at witnessing me kill their comrades.

I turned my cold gaze to them, making them flinch. I disappeared in a instant. They started looking around frantically, unaware that I was now behind them.

I jumped just above their heads while flipping so I was upside down in the air. Twisting around, I put a hand on both of their heads and detached them from their necks with my momentum. Their heads flew away while I landed safely back on my feet.

I strolled over to the unconscious hero. He let out a small groan, starting to come to. I lifted my foot and brought it over his head.


I smashed his head in, just like the first hero. The few officers that were out there were frozen in shock. They shakily pointed their guns at me, afraid.

"F-freeze!" One yelled.

I sighed and calmly made my way over to them. "I said freeze!"

In the blink of an eye, all the officers had bleeding chests, holes where I had expertly removed their hearts.

The only thing left was the annoyingly loud whirr of the helicopter and the chatter coming from inside.

I tucked in the pinkie and ring finger on my right hand, forming a finger gun. I carefully aimed for the helicopter, closing my left eye.

Lightning started crackling around my hand and I fired, unleashing a huge lightning bolt at the helicopter.

The people inside screamed as the controls failed and they were electrocuted. It started spiraling towards the ground and burst into flames.

I started walking away from the fiery wreckage before someone landed in front of me.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" He yelled.

I looked up to see the buff blondie. "Oh hey, bunny boy! Not so nice to see you again."

I waved at him with a fake smile. "Sorry to cut this short, but I still got shit to do." I activated Godspeed.


"NOW HOLD ON-" But I was already gone.

As I dashed through the streets, my stomach grumbled.

Man, I'm hungry.


And finished! Hope everyone has a nice summer break, for those who haven't already started.

(Word Count: 3423)

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