3am (Eminem / Slim Shady Fanf...

By shadysnightmare19946

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️: smut, violence and very questionable consent or lack of consent altogether... Also, this... More

1. 3am
2. Stay Wide Awake
3. Seduction
4. Kill You
5. Monster
6. Buffalo Bill Part 1
7. Buffalo Bill Part 2
8. Insane
9. Hell Breaks Loose
11. Crazy In Love
12. My Darling
13. Guilty Conscience
14. Bad Meets Evil
15. Role Model
16. Venom
17. Man Down Part 1
18. Man Down Part 2
19. Man Down Part 3
20. Framed
21. Berzerk
22. Stan
23. The Real Slim Shady
24. Discombobulated
25. Wicked Ways
26. Love Me
27. Backstabber
28. 25 To Life
29. As The World Turns
30. Same Song And Dance (Final Chapter)

10. Evil Twin

424 10 35
By shadysnightmare19946

Robyn's P.O.V.

I think my mind was simply not able to deal with everything that was going on at this point...

I've heard about stuff like this before, I think, might've been at my classes at the university. Sometimes a person's brain could shut down when not being able to process trauma.

And that day was just too much for me.

Barely escaping from my crazy deranged boyfriend and his murderous split personality.

Only to get taken hostage by this other, possible as deranged guy who apparently has a grudge against my man and is willing to violate me just to get back at him.

The minute my clothes were starting to get ripped from my body, I passed out.

"Robyn," a familiar voice says as I look around.

I'm surrounded by total darkness, all I can really see is this like... cage?! A few feet away from me.

I walk up to it and see Marshall. Trapped behind bars.

"Robyn, you gotta run," he urges me.

"Marshall?! What the hell is going on?" I ask frantically, my fingers clasping at the lock on the cage. "Where are the keys to this shit?!" I exclaim, starting to panic.

He looks sadly at me from behind bars.

"Shady's got the keys, baby," he states, grabbing at my hand from behind bars. "Shady tricked me," he continues to explain it all to me. "Yo, Robyn, you gotta listen to me. Once he gets rid of those dudes threatening you, you gotta find a way to break free and get away from him. Cause Shady's crazy..."

Well damn, Marshall, tell me something I don't already know...

"What are you going to do?" I ask stupidly. Part of me realizes that everything that's happening right now is only a dream after all. Just like that time I envisioned him digging that grave right in front of his house.

Just as Marshall is about to respond, I'm suddenly pulled from him and back to reality...

My eyes fly wide open as I feel a heavy pressure on me. As well as unwanted touch, arms roaming all over me.

That disgusting dude, Eric, or whatever his name is.

Ripping my clothes off of me, while I just lay there bound and gagged.

Suddenly, this force pulls Eric off of me though.

I blink a few times, struggling to focus. I still feel disoriented.

Once I do realize what's happening though, I see Marshall. Flinging Eric off of me like it's nothing.

Marshall throws Eric across the room and rushes up to him. Grabbing him by the back of his neck, he proceeds to bash his face into the ground repeatedly.

"Fuck you, you piece of shit," Marshall states coldly. "You. Do. Not. Touch. Something. That. Belongs. To. Me. Ever," with each word he lets out he smashes the guy's face into the floor. "Got it?! DID YOU GET THAT, MOTHERFUCKER?!" His voice dropping a few octaves, getting really low and deep, Marshall lifts Eric's face once more, if you can even call it a face at this point, it just looks like ground meat, then smashes it back into the ground.

I don't think Eric is alive anymore...

I roll onto my side and feel like I'm literally going to vomit. My fingers desperately trying to work on the rope tied tightly around my wrists, but it's all futile. I cannot undo these knots...

Marshall straightens up, breathing heavily as his gaze meets mine while I lay on the floor.

His eyes are pitch black. Like Slim Shady's eyes usually are.

But that cannot be right, can it? It's not 3am right now.

"Yo, fuck this!!" One of Eric's henchmen then exclaims, inadvertently bringing Marshall's (or is it Slim Shady, no, it can't be!!) attention to him. "Listen my nigga," he continues to talk. "Ain't none of us here bear you or your girl any ill will. Eric, he hired us to help snatch her up cause he's got a personal grudge against you. Now Eric is dead. It ain't personal for any of us no more, and none of us want no smoke, so..."

Before he even gets to finish his sentence, Marshall pulls out a gun out of the waistband of his sweatpants and shoots the man right in the head.

"Oh fuck!!" One of the other dudes then exclaims.

Marshall then proceeds to shoot them both in cold blood as well.

He smirks and tucks the gun back into his pants, looking around him and making sure Eric didn't have anymore accomplices.

Once he's satisfied, he wipes the blood splattered on his face with the back of his hand.

Then he makes his way over to me and crouches where I continue to lay helplessly.

And it's official then.

I am about to throw up.

Don't know exactly if it's from my nerves or the disgust at all of the carnage I witness right in front of me, but the buttom line is, I really am about to die from chocking on my own vomit, since with that tape over my mouth, it won't have no place to go...

In one quick motion, Marshall rips the duct tape off of my mouth then, causing me to wince in pain.

I then dry heave a few times. I open my mouth, but shockingly enough, nothing comes out, I don't throw up, even if I continue to feel like it.

Marshall smirks and pats my back roughly with one if his large hands.

"There, bitch. You are safe now. Or whatever other shit I'm supposed to say in this situation."

"Marshall?!" I gasp as he frowns.

"Nah, think again," he smirks, reaching behind me and untying the ropes binding my wrists swiftly, apparently he is a whole lot better at this than I am.

A thought occurres to me but it's way too absurd to be true.

"I'm Shady," he confirms, smirking again and pulling me to my feet.

"But how can you... it's not 3am right now!! Marshall said..."

"Marshall is gone," he interrupts me coldly. Just as that weird dream I just had comes back to the forefront of my mind. Marshall in that cage...

"No, he can't be!!" I shake my head frantically, just as he snatches me up by my arm and begins dragging me with him somewhere.

"Oh, but he is," Shady states evilly.

When I don't follow behind him fast enough, in fact, I continue to dig my heels into the ground, Shady turns around and slaps me across the face. He easily overpowers me and scoops me into his arms and continues to drag me along like a rag doll.

When we stop in front of his destination, Marshall's car, he pops the trunk and looks at me evilly once again.

"Get in there," he says evilly to me once again.

I look from him to the open trunk.

"Hell no!!" I exclaim, panicking.

Shady smiles.

"Bitch, you either get in there or I fucking stuff you in there," he states coldly. "Don't think I forgot that you tried to fucking run from me. Again."

"I'm not going to..." I start to say.

Right before he nonchalantly picks me up and throws me into the trunk, shutting it close on me.

After that, minutes pass like hours. It seems like forever to me until the car moves. I can't help but lay there contemplating my fate and also wondering what is it exactly that Shady is doing right now. Getting rid of the bodies, hiding evidence, trying to frame me as his accomplice once again, what?!

When I feel us moving, I feel almost relieved at this point. Even though I know that nothing but the worst could possibly be awaiting me at the end of this all...


The car ride eventually over, Shady is pulling me out and dragging me back inside the house as I continue to struggle against him.

Shutting the door closed behind us, he looks at me in exasperation.

"Do ya want the handcuffs again, Robyn?! Do I need to tie you up again?!" He barks, making me immediately stop moving.

"Please fucking don't, Slim," I whisper. "Because I honestly couldn't take it anymore!! If I have to be tied up another second of my life, I would rather just die!!" I flip out then, causing him to smirk amusedly.

His fingers cupping my jaw roughly, he leans into me, whispering in my ear.

"You gonna be a good girl and behave then?"

"Yes, Shady," I repeat back to him in defeat. At this point, I just SERIOUSLY don't want to be tied up again, can't take feeling helpless anymore.

He continues to smirk like this big sadistic grin that is frankly making me sick to my stomach.

What is wrong with him?!

"Maybe I SHOULD tie ya ass up though," he suggests. "Make you learn your lesson."

"Oh, I think I've learned it already," I roll my eyes in return.

"And what lesson is that?" He cocks an eyebrow at me, a dark brown eyebrow starkly contrasting with his blonde hair. He bites his lip, staring me down evilly.

"That there's no getting away from you, Shady," I sigh, looking away from him.

His grip tightens on my jaw and he forces me to look directly at him again.

"That's not exactly it, baby. But close enough for right now, I guess."

He then let's go of me and continues walking further inside the house. I follow him.

Shady makes his way casually into the kitchen, opens the freezer and pulls out some liquor bottle from it, calmly fixing two drinks.

"Where's... what's happened to Marshall?" I ask him tentatively, standing awkwardly at the kitchen isle.

He stares back at me completely emotionless.

"I been told ya," he states. "Marshall is gone. He ain't coming back. I own this body now," Shady hits himself in the chest. "And this body as well," he then puts his palm at the back of my waist, bringing me close to him, making me swallow hard.

"Does that upset you?" He studies my face.

"Not at all," I lie. "I'm just curious. "How?!"

"Don't worry about all that, baby," he smirks. "Here," he hands me one of the drinks he's fixed. "I think ya need it. After the fuck shit that's happened to you earlier."

"I um... I don't think I need to be drinking right now," I mumble, and his gaze immediately turns hostile.

"Drink. It." He demands angrily, placing the glass in my hands.

I then close my eyes and just throw the liquor back in two quick gulps.

"Good girl," Shady praises me, seeming pleased. He then finishes his own drink. "So now that Marshall is gone," he smirks again, leading me towards the leaving room couch. "There are gonna be some changes, Robyn. Ya understand that, right?"

I nod stiffly, allowing him to settle both of us on the couch.

"So, for one thing," he then continues. "I know Marshall was gonna run like the pussy he is, but that's done now, cause I ain't doing that, I ain't going nowhere," he looks at me pointedly, grabbing the back of my neck. "Number two, neither are you, girl. You ain't going nowhere. You belong to me now, and you ain't leaving me ever. Got it?"

I don't respond.

Just shut my eyes.

This can't be real...

"Answer me!!" His words come out as as angry possessive shout.

I take a deep breath.

"Why do you want me so bad, Shady?" I finally ask, opening my eyes.

He looks confused.

"Want you?! Bitch, I don't give a fuck about you!!" He roars in a deranged laughter.

"Well, just let me go then," I shrug, finally meeting his crazy ass evil eyes.

"Nah," he smirks, leaning back on the couch and regarding me.

"Why not?" I question him. "I'm nothing to you. Just some slut you don't give a fuck about."

"Bitch, if I was to let you go, we both know you'd go to the cops eventually!!"

"So? Thought you didn't care anyway?" I shrug. "Plus, you could aways kill me..."

"I don't wanna kill you," he says stubbornly. "Not yet anyway."

"Why not?" I continue to drill him and he smirks.

"Yo, Marshall ever tell you that you ask way too many questions, girl? What you should he doing is thanking me," he grins evilly, his already dark eyes darkening even more now. "I did save you, ya know. From those dudes. If it wasn't for me, then believe me, Robyn, them motherfuckers would've all violated the fuck out of you," Shady states angrily.

I barely stop myself from rolling my eyes. I guess it's only okay when HE violates me...

"Thank you, Shady," I say sweetly, telling him what he obviously wants to hear.

He bites his lip.

"You could do better than that," he says and pulls me onto his lap, his hands begin to roam all over me.

Jesus, is Marshall's alter ego ALWAYS horny?!

And yet, something is weird with me too. Every touch of his is strangely amplified. It's like, whatever he does to me, I feel tenfold.

"What did you do to me?!" I moan as Shady moves my hair to the side and begins kissing and sucking all over my neck.

His hand making his way inside my panties, he begins to rub his fingers all over me as I moan again. Can't help myself at this moment because it just feels way too good.

A realization hits me, but I don't even care at this point...

"Did you... did you put something in my drink?"

"I sure as fuck did, baby," he chuckles, making me sit in his lap and straddle him. "See Robyn, your problem is that you are way too in your head. You keep telling yourself that this is wrong, but let's face it. You DO like this shit. So, I just gave you a lil something to help losen you up is all. Take all that guilt you are apparently feeling away," he goes for my neck again, making his way down. He lifts my dress over my head and savagely attacks my breasts.

Before I know it, my fingers are in his short blonde hair and I'm bringing him closer.

"You are an asshole for this... Shady... Marshall... whatever your name is..." I whine, the whole room spinning around me. But everything he does to me feels so good...

"You want me to stop or something?" He asks me evilly, his actions completely opposite from his words and just from who he is period.

Like, really, Slim Shady, asking a woman for consent?! That would never happen.

I SHOULD want him to stop though.

"No, don't stop. Please don't stop..." The words spill out of me before I can stop them. Whatever he's put in my drink must be some really potent shit... Because this isn't me at all. I would never beg for it. Especially not from a guy that's practically holding me against my will... I hate Slim Shady with all my heart. Hell, I hate Marshall too. And I DO want to get away from the both of them.

Only right now I don't...

"Ya want me to tell you a secret, baby?" Shady whispers in my ear. "About who I really am?"

I nod absent-mindedly. I could care less about any of this right now, to be honest. I just want him to fuck me...

Grabbing my jaw, he forces my eyes on him again.

"Truth is, I'm Marshall's evil twin that had died in our bitch mother's womb. Cause that motherfucker ATE me in the womb. Like literally," Shady smirks. "I ain't gone away though. And I never would. And everything that's ever belonged to him now belongs to me. Including you."

He pushes me back on the couch and climbs on top of me this time, ripping my panties off violently.

"What are you even going on about?" I moan as he pushes himself inside of me and my eyes immediately roll into the back of my head...

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