A Forest on Fire (KuramaxOc)

By kayle315

3.9K 131 11

10 years ago, the psychic, Genkai used her powers to create the only cure for the 'pulse' curse. a terrible... More

Ch 1: The Assessment
Ch 2: Preparations
Ch 3: A Fox in Human Skin
Ch 4: Introductions
Ch 5: The Library
Ch 6: The Rooftop
Ch 7: Conditions
Ch 8: Weekend at Genkai's
Ch 9: The Competition Begins!!
Ch 10: Revelations
Ch: 11 Choices Made
Ch 12: To Trap A Fox
Ch 13: New Beginnings
Ch 14: Adjusting
Ch 16: Valentine's Day
Ch 17: Team Up! The Missions Begin!
Ch: 18 Familiar scents
Ch 19: Ruminations
Ch 20: The Dog
Ch 21: Consequences
Ch 22: Moving forward
Ch 23: Sleepover!!!
Ch 24: Territorial Demon Men!!!
Ch 25: Double Date
Ch 26: Showtime!!
Ch: 27: Sixteen
Ch 28: The Letter
Ch 29: Gates of Betrayal
Ch 30: Gift of the Forest
Ch 31: Kuwabara's Bright Idea!!!
Ch 32: Sheer Dumb Luck
Ch 33: Fire and Ice
Ch 34: Battle at the High Rise: Kenji's Final Stand!
Ch 35: The Trap
Ch 36: Detonation
Ch 37: Aftermath
Ch 38: The Gift
Ch 39: New Mission: Rescue the Ice Maiden Yukina!!!
Ch. 40: The Invitation
Ch 41: The Cabin
Ch. 42: The Glade
Bonus Chapter: Show Me
Ch. 43: The Calm Before The Storm
Ch. 44: Sunday
Ch 45: Foxfire
Ch 46. Preparations
Chapter 47: Departure
Ch. 48: The Uremeshi Team Sets Sail!

Ch 15: Girl's Day Out!!!

77 3 0
By kayle315

School had finally let out, and true to his word, Shuichi had handed Yumiko a shining bank card, and given her permission to spend as much as she would like! Miss Kaoru had watched in pure awe and admiration, noting she should become an exchange student to so someone would pay for her shopping!

Before he allowed the girls out of his sight, Shuichi turned to Kaoru.

"Miss Kaoru, I'm sure you have nothing but pure intentions with miss Sayo. Please take good care of her today, and feel free to use my card as well for the day, as a thank you for showing miss Sayo such kindness after everything that's happened." He offered.

He had never actually thanked the girl for betraying her former friend when Jinkuri had locked Yumiko on that rooftop, and he felt it was the least he could do. After all, how much damage could two teenage girls do, right?

Yumiko and Kauru looked at the platinum card wide eyed before Kaoru gave him a skeptical look.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked, as Yumiko turned the card over in her hand. She looked up at him still uncertain.

"Um... how much are we allowed to spend?" She asked somewhat nervously. Shuichi gave her a gentle smile and shook his head.

"No limit. I'm fairly certain you two couldn't bankrupt me in a single outing. There should be more than enough to cover your expenses."

After a little more reassurances, and after making the girls promise to call him if there was any trouble, Shuichi took his leave, intending to check in on a certain fire demon now that he had some free time.


Yumiko and Kaoru spent the entire walk into town talking about anything and everything they could think of!! Apparently, Kaoru had a younger brother who was half her age, as well as an older sister who had just started university! Yumi told her all about her adopted siblings, leaving out the parts of them being demons of course, which got them talking about boys.

"Ben's had a crush on me ever since he was old enough to talk, but he's so irritating I can hardly stand to be in the same room with him! Maru on the other hand... it's a shame he doesn't like people, he could give Shuichi a run for his money if he ever entered school!" She giggled, then went on.

"He hates crowds though. He was really upset the entire time the competition was going on. He sees the temple as 'our' space, and really doesn't like outsiders that much. I was shocked to see him having so much fun with Kenji! He might be Maru's first friend outside the family!"

Kaoru had started swooning after that, her face flushing slightly and her eyes gleaming in the afternoon light.

"Kenji has that effect on just about anybody! He's super handsome, and super nice! Most boys are either one or the other. And then there's Shuichi, who is super polite, but I wouldn't say he's exactly friendly..." she said, putting a finger to her chin in thought.

"Come to think of it, before you joined our class he really didn't talk to anyone unless they talked to him first... though I think he was afraid of Jinkuri doing something to anyone he talked to. She was delusional that one! I'm sorry for what she did to you, but I'm glad I was able to help!"

At some point during the girl's long-winded ramblings Yumi spaced out a bit, imagining what it must have been like for Shuichi in those days. She was contemplating what it might have been like if Kenji had been her guide instead, when Kaoru stopped in front of her.

"Okay! Since chocolates tend to melt pretty quick, we should probably leave picking out ingredients for last. Have you ever had sushi Yumi? There's a REALLY yummy sushi place on the next corner that my mom absolutely raves about! Shuichi did tell us to get food while we were out!!"


Dinner had been delicious!!! They had ordered two fancy rolls, a few nigiri, and an order of shumai to split. Kaoru refused to let Yumiko see the bill, and took care of it all with Shuichi's card as they had been instructed. The food had been incredible, and Yumi groaned as she rubbed her stomach afterwards.

"What should we do next? Should we go clothes shopping?" She asked. She had been smiling since they had set out, and she couldn't remember ever being so happy! Even now, she could feel the warmth of her bond, and she had no doubt he was sharing in her joy as well. She had never imagined having a human friend could be this incredible, and she was slowly ticking off the boxes of the things she had wanted to do for years!

Kaoru put a finger to her chin the way she often did when in thought, and looked up at the still bright sky. "The weather should be warming up soon... Do you have any spring outfits yet Yumi? We could try on some dresses... oh! There's a place at the mall that has an assortment of fabrics for ribbons and bows like you wear, that could be fun!"

Yumi's face lit up at the idea of new ribbons, and off they went! The mall was absolutely amazing!! They went into store after store for the better part of two hours!

Yumi had convinced Kaoru to try on different ribbons and bows in one shop, and had found a large red ribbon that was absolutely perfect for her hair!! She had picked out a Smokey purple one for herself, and a few simple tie-ribbons for when she didn't feel like going through the trouble of a bow.

They had tried on dresses in a few shops, each buying some simple sundresses for the coming spring, and Kaoru picking out a lovely festive kimono for "an upcoming festival" although she wouldn't say which one. Yumiko had found a powder blue sun hat that would match her favorite dress perfectly and had been so ecstatic she hadn't even looked at the price before buying it!

By the time they left the mall and reached the Hanaki family's pastry shop, the sun had already started it's decent. Yumiko felt a twinge of nerves as she considered the time; Mako usually liked her home before dark... but he had also wanted her to make friends right?

A sudden chill ran down her spine as a strange, yet somehow familiar scent ht her nose and she snapped her head towards a seemingly empty alleyway.

"That's odd..." She mumbled, taking a step closer. She could have swore there had been a pair of grey eyes there just a moment ago... She took another step, Kaoru taking notice, and calling out from behind her.

"Hmm? Oh, what is it Yumi?" Kaoru peered around her shoulder as Yumiko took another step closer, only to halt, sheer panic rising in her throat as a low, cruel growl sounded from the shadows.

Slate grey eyes flashed open as a large black dog, with matted, ratty fur stepped out of the shadows. His fangs glinted in the fading light as he bared them at the girls, that growl quickly changing into a snarl as he stalked towards them.

"Dog... D-Demon..." Yumiko whispered, a strange hiss coming from the back of her throat as the panic took over. She took a step back as Kaoru grabbed her wrist and pushed her way in front of the terrified girl.

Kaoru had dropped her packages the moment the creature had growled, and now fished in her pockets for a strange small cylinder. She pressed down on the top of it as a red, burning fog erupted from the canister, straight into the dog's eyes and mouth. It shrieked and whimpered in pain before turning tail and fleeing back down the alleyway.

"Damned strays!! They're really becoming a problem in this city!!" The brunette exclaimed as she returned the strange cylinder to her pocket, and turned to find Yumiko kneeling on the ground, pale, and surrounded by their boxes and bags.

"Yumi? Hey, it's okay! It was just a dog, look, it's gone now... see?" Koaru knelt in front of the scared girl, who looked so much younger as she trembled, still staring down the alleyway.

"I-It was j-just a dog..." Yumi repeated in a small voice, as she felt the connection between her and her bonded open.

'Yumiko?' The voice was strong and secure in her mind, wrapping around her like an encompassing hug. 'Yumiko what's happened, are you alright?'


Shuichi had been studying in the library, working on the essay they had been given when he felt a wave of sheer panic turn his blood to ice. Something was wrong! He immediately felt for their connection, but nearly collapsed as that wave of terror slammed into him.

'Yumiko!!' He pushed through the barrier of fear, desperate to reach her, and felt a jolt as he did so. 'Yumiko, what's happened, are you alright?'

The question was met with images of a snarling dog, followed swiftly by flooding images of dog-demons in a forested village before he was slammed back out of her mind. The connection shut off for only a moment however, and he gasped as he felt a tug so deep through his soul, he thought it would rip him open, moments before a nearly overwhelming since of calm washed through him.

'I'm fine.. I just got a little frightened. I'm sorry for worrying you.'


'I'm sorry for worrying you.' She sent through the bond, ashamed of how she had reacted as Kaoru brushed her hair back from her face.

"You must really dislike dogs, huh Yumi?" The brunette asked gently, tucking the strands of tri-colored hair back being her friend's ear.

Yumiko felt her lip quiver as she nodded, trying desperately to pull herself back together. "Y-yeah... bad memories..." she managed, before Kaoru helped haul her to her feet, and began picking up their packages.

'Are you certain you're alright? I can come-'
'I promise, Shuichi, I'm fine.' Yumiko prepared for him to press again, but was pleasantly surprised when he simply thought, 'Alright. If you're certain.' She was pulled from the mental conversation when Kaoru dropped several boxes and packages back into the girl's hands, grinning as she somehow quickly forgot the dog as if it were the most normal thing on earth.

"Come on, Yumi!! If we don't hurry we won't have time to make the chocolates!!" Kaoru called as she pushed open the doors to the shop, carefully balancing all of her purchases to do so.

"Oh my goodness!! Kaoru, where on earth did you get all of this?" Mrs. Hanaki near shrieked at the sight of all the bags and boxes, but Kaoru was quick to respond.

"Don't worry mom! A friend of mine paid for everything!! Remember how I said we got a new transfer student? This is her! I'm spending the night over at her house so I can teach her how to make chocolates for tomorrow!" She rattled off the information quickly, and Yumi couldn't help but smile, wondering if Kaoru used this tactic often when she wanted to change the subject.

They spent nearly an hour in the shop going over all of the delicacies for sale, and picking out the ingredients for their homemade chocolates.

Yumiko waited until miss Kaoru was distracted in the back of the store, and picked out a delicious looking, three layer strawberry and chocolate treat for the girl, asking her father to quickly wrap it, and hide it in her order. The old man had beamed, catching on quickly, and threw in a small, rather simple looking matcha treat that he whispered had always been the girl's favorite!

She then picked out a few small hazelnut Chocolates for Suni, to give to her next time she was at the temple, a few random chocolates for Ben, and some matcha treats for Genkai.

"Do you have any spicy chocolates?" She asked thoughtfully, wanting to get something special for Maru as well. In response, Mr. Hanaki handed her a pouch of what looked like chocolate covered nuts of some sort.

"Be careful with these, and wash your hands well after touching them. They're the hottest thing in the store!!"

By the time they were finished, everything rang in and packed up, they girls finally took a look at the bill, which totaled to about 57,000yen!!!

"Well... he did say there was no limit!" Kaoru nervously giggled as they gathered up their belongings.

"Hold on girls!" Mr. Hanaki called before the reached the doorway.
"It's getting late! Give me a moment to grab the keys and I'll drive you to miss Sayo's. There's no reason for you two to be walking alone after dark."


Mako: Is she with you???

Mako's text arrived just after 6:30 as the sun dipped below the horizon. Shuichi wasn't surprised to receive the text, and carefully reached along his connection to the girl to ensure her safety. In truth, he was more grateful for the bond than words could describe. It had been difficult to let her out of his sight before, but even if she hid her thoughts from him, he could still discern her mood with the bond, and he could feel her joy radiating within his mind.

'Yumi, Mako is wondering when you will be home. It is quite late after all.'

He sent to her and she responded almost at once. 'Tell him that I might be able to let him know when I'm running late if he got me a cellphone!!!'

He snorted, causing the fire demon who sat beside him in the park to glare in his direction from the side. He was unused to her speaking so sharply at all, much less to him, and he smiled. Oh yes, this shopping trip was exactly what the little firebrand had needed.

"You're pathetic..." The imp at his side grumbled, thoroughly disgusted by the human display before disappearing, his speed leaving nothing but a blur as he vanished into the trees. The red-haired boy chuckled at that, always amused at how Hiei viewed the world his greed had gotten him trapped in, then turned his attention to the phone in his hands.

Shuichi: She's with a friend from school. She's safe Mako. If I feel any hint of unease I'll go to her at once. She also says you could text her yourself if you got her a cellphone.

The reply didn't come for several moments, but he snorted once more as it did.

Mako: That brat... She's your pet... You buy the damn thing!!

Shuichi: I suppose that would be my task now, wouldn't it.

He took a mental picture of the text, then projected the image to the girl in question. 'You have my permission to pick whichever phone you desire.'


'You have my permission to pick whichever phone you desire.'

Yumiko had to bite her tongue to keep from snorting as she heard Shuichi's voice in her mind, and saw the texts as plain as day as well.

"Excuse me, Mr. Hanaki?"
"Hm, yes miss Sayo?"
"Could we stop at a cell phone shop on the way? I was supposed to pick one out today but I completely forgot!" She fibbed slightly, but the old man didn't catch it, and nodded as he turned onto a new street.

"There's actually a very reputable shop about a block down. I'll drop you girls off and Kaoru can text me when you're ready."

She thanked him with a gracious smile as they got out of the car, and excitedly rushed into the shop, though Kaoru looked a bit dubious as they approached the counter.

"Are you sure this is okay? We've already spent a lot, won't Shuichi be annoyed?"

Yumiko shook her head with a grin. "Actually, he really did agree to buy me a phone. Mako keeps putting it off, but then complains when I don't let him know I'll be late, the grumpy old tom!"

Kaoru gasped incredulously, her eyes wide as Yumi giggled in response. "You call your brother a grumpy cat???"
It took everything Yumi had not to burst into laughter as she nodded, trying to pull herself together for the approaching sales rep.

They spent a few moments going over the options, and she finally picked out a rather expensive phone with "The newest camera available! It can even compare to professional grade photography!" She doubted that very much, but it was still a very nice phone. She got it set up with a plan, and then looked at the cases available. She had almost decided on a pink and blue case with a rather majestic unicorn, when a simple russet color caught her eye.

Picking up the case, she turned it in her hand and gasped! It was a russet base, but it had been hand painted with the image of a fox curled around a yellow and gold flower, a whirl of Sakura leaves encircling the image. It was absolutely stunning, and she had the odd sensation it had been waiting for her all along. "T-this one...."


By the time the girls had finally managed to drag all of their purchases up to the top floor of the apartment building and knocked on Yumiko's front door, it was already nearing 7:30! Sunset had been nearly an hour ago, and Mako was ready to bite the girl's head off as he swung the door open, only to find an absolute tower of bags and boxes hiding the two small girls on the other side of it!

He blinked twice, taking in the sight before keeling over in a hysterical fit of laughter.

"HAHAHAHA!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!! OH I CANT WAIT TO SEE THE LOOK ON HIS FACE!!" He could see some of the price tags sticking out, and desperately wished he could be there to see the look on Yoko's face when he found out the boy had handed his fortune to two teenage girls with no consideration for the damage they could do!

Every bit of annoyance left him as he carried boxes inside until he could see the two beaming girls they had hidden!

"I suppose we might have gone a bit overboard..." Yumiko spoke softly, for the first time beginning to truly wonder if she might have been unfair to spend so much, but he had told her to spend as much as they liked...

"Anyways, it's okay for miss Kaoru to spend the night, right?"

Mako was still snickering as he nodded his head, pure, unchecked glee in those ice blue eyes. "Of course!"

Just a short, fun chapter! Shuichi is going to learn why not to let teenage girls shop alone real quick!! What will Yoko have to say when he sees the final total? Next time: Valentine's Day is here!!!]

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