๐๐„๐†-แด„แดส™ส€แด€ แด‹แด€ษช

By iiamsimp

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During high school, you would always get a love interest. You'll want them to love you back, want them to sho... More

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363 9 1
By iiamsimp

❝𝐻𝒆𝑦 𝒏𝑒𝑤 𝑏𝑜𝒚!❞

𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐘 was sitting around the LaRusso's pool, with Sam, Yasmine and Moon. Then a handful a kids from their school as well.

Tiffany was now fixing her bikini top, trying to adjust it correctly. "Yasmine, you were totally right. This is so much fun." She heard Sam say.

"Told you, it's better being the one throwing the party." Yasmine responded, holding onto a red plastic cup. "And Kyler been eye banging you all day." She added smirking.

All four girls turned their heads to face Kyler. Turns out, he was actually staring at Sam.

Sam chuckled softly, as her cheeks went pink then looked down at her feet. "Kyler though?" Tiffany says scrunching up her nose.

"What? He's cute." Sam shrugs her shoulders glancing back up at the boy. "Hey Rory!" Moon called out, as she stood up grabbing onto her phone.

"Do your flip again, I wanna get it on my channel." Moon says holding up her phone side ways. Rory jumped on the trampoline again, before doing a flip into the pool.

Everyone cheered, either holding up their red plastic cups or just clapping. Moon showed everyone that was cheering, when the camera made it towards Tiffany. She blew a kiss at it, with a wink following behind it.

"Hey, hey, hey! What the hells going on?" They heard. Tiffany turned her head to reveal Mr.LaRusso. "Sam, I thought you said your parents would be here later?" Yasmine asks.

"I thought they did too." Sam mumbled getting up, walking towards her dad. Mr.LaRusso turned off the music box, before announcing. "Okay, everyone get out of here."

Tiffany and Yasmine gave each other a look, as they slowly got up. Everyone begin to leave, while Sam looked embarrassed having her arms crossed.

Tiffany walked over to the girl, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Sam chill out, at least we had fun." She told the girl. "But my dad embarrassed me in front of all my friends." Sam hissed.

"They aren't your friends Sam, we are but not them." Tiffany tells the girl, Sam scoffed in disbelief. "If you don't wanna hear the facts, learn those facts then." Tiffany added rolling her eyes.

She walked away slowly, glancing at Sam one last time before heading back to her own car.

"𝐈𝐌 home!" Tiffany yelled out, closing the front door. "Hey honey." Her mother Mavis greeted, walking down the stairs. "How was it?" Her mother asks.

"Good I guess, until Mr.LaRusso came home." Tiffany responded shrugging her shoulder, throwing her keys inside the bowl next to the front door.

"He wasn't there?" Mavis raised an eyebrow, eyeing her daughter. "Mom, we're old enough to watch ourselves." Tiffany groaned out, as she walked away.

"Hun, what happened if someone broke in. And—" Tiffany cut off her mother. "Mom, really? There's no what if's, if it didn't happened don't bring it up."

With that, Tiffany walked up the stairs and went straight to her room. She went to go take a shower, when she got out she dried her hair and picked out a pair of shorts with a over sized t-shirt.

She flopped down onto her bed, grabbing her phone from her nightstand. Unlocking it, going straight to her and Moons messages.

She asked Moon to send her that video from earlier when they was at Sam's house. She smiled seeing the video, saving it going to Instagram.

She mostly cropped the video of her blowing a kiss, and winking at the camera. She posted it as a boomerang.

She then went to go get up, walking towards her desk grabbing her laptop. She walked back to her bed, sitting the laptop in front of her opening it.

She seen an incoming face time call, she answered. Revealing a Sam, Yasmine and Moon. "Hey y'all." She greets her three friends.

"Hey Tiff." Sam was the first to greet her, then the two other girls doing the same. "I need one of you bitches to pick me up for school tomorrow." Yasmine stated.

"I can't believe your car still ready." Sam responded. "My dads getting me a new one. He felt bad about the deer, that jacked up the car." Yasmine says holding up quotation marks, grinning at the screen.

"We hit a deer?" Moon asks confusingly. "Moon, hun. We didn't hit a deer, we hit that car." Tiffany tells the girl.

"Oh, yeah." Moon nods her head in realization, smiling. Tiffany shook her head, chuckling at the girl.

"I still feel a little guilty about it, I feel bad for driving off." Sam says guiltily. "Honestly, it wasn't us who hit his car. It was Yasmine." Tiffany said shrugging her shoulders.

Yasmine scrunched up her face, glaring at the screen. "Oh, shut up." Yasmine said rolling her eyes.

"Anyways, if I didn't have done what I did. We could've been chained up in his basement right now." Yasmine says in disbelief.

"He was drunk, I couldn't believe—" The door to Tiffany's room has opened. "Hey Tiff, dinner is— oh, sorry." Her mom was quickly out of the door.

"Guys, I'll talk to y'all in the morning. Bye." She smiled at them before leaving the face time. She closed her laptop, before rubbing her face.

She slowly rises from her bed, walking towards her door. Opening it, then walking out. "Here I come."

𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐘 placed a thick black headband on her head, she smiled at her self in the mirror then flattening out her skirt once more. She realized what she was missing, her hand bag.

She quickly went to go look for her black hand bag, when she did she headed down stairs. The smell of fresh cooked bacon filled her nose, her mouth begin to water.

Tiffany entered the kitchen, revealing her mother at the stove. Moving around the sizzling bacon, then placing the ones that's done on a plate next to her.

Then her father, Javier stealing a piece of bacon. Her mother quickly caught her husband, smacking his hand the spatula.

"Javier!" Tiffany's mother hissed, eyeing her husband. "This is for your daughter, it's her first day of school."

Javier quickly stole another one, the second he seen his wife turn around he ran off. He didn't wanna get spiked again by his wife, even without the spatula her hits still hurt.

"Morning Tiff." Javier greeted his only daughter. "Hey dad." Tiffany greets him back, smiling softly at him.

She made her way to the island that was inside her kitchen, she sat down on one of the high stools.

"Are you ready for the first day of sophomore year?" Mavis asks her daughter, sitting a plate full of bacon, eggs, and chocolate pancakes.

"I guess you can say that." Tiffany responded grabbing some syrup, drizzling it on her pancakes.

"Not excited making new friends? You should be excited making new friends." Javier said pointing at her daughter, sipping his coffee.

"You're only saying that because you didn't have friends in high school, I have enough already." Tiffany says teasingly. "I had friends!" Javier defended himself.

"The school librarian doesn't count." Mavis said with a raised eyebrow, placing a cup of orange juice in front of her daughter.

"Okay, I didn't know today was bully dad day." Javier grumbled, playfully rolling his eyes. Mavis laughed at her husband, walking back to the sink to wash her hands.

"Hurry up and eat, you still need to drive to that school." Her mom pointed out. "Why can't you drive me?" Tiffany whined.

"Because, when you leave, me and your dad can get some alone time." Her mother purred. Tiffany scrunched up her face in disgust, while her dad choked on his coffee.

"Ew, okay. I lost my appetite, I see y'all later." Tiffany says standing up from the stool. "Honey, your mother was joking." Javier said watching his daughter leave.

"Nope, y'all can do whatever y'all want. I'll be in school when it happens." Was all they heard before the front door closed.

𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐘 loved lunch time, people wouldn't be minding your busniess because how loud the cafeteria was. It was her time to be herself, without anyone worrying about her and her friends.

The girls were walking by many tables to get to theirs, settling at one table they always been sitting at.

As the girls begin to talk, they don't realize the four sets of eyes staring down at them.

"Dude, don't torture yourself. Those are the rich girls." The pale sarcastic boy said to Miguel, as he watched the girls walked past him.

"Do you ever talk to them or..?" Miguel asked, not taking his eyes off of them. Mostly eyeing one, then glancing at the girl next to her.

"Oh yeah, all the time. We hang out after school make out, give each other hand jobs. Eli here is the homecoming king, gets laid more than anyone. Isn't that right, Eli?" Demetri replied sarcastically, as Eli looked down flustered.

"October here, she hooks up with all the boys here. The count is longer than their wang." Demetri adds. October gave the boy a smile, as she went to go sip her juice box.

"Talk to them? You realize what table you're sitting at right? You've pretty much signed away all hopes of losing your virginity before college."

"Oh shit, Yasmine's looking at us. Probably just making fun of me." Eli's soft voice spoked, as he began to cover his face with his hand.

"I don't think she's making fun of you I mean, just because they're hot doesn't mean they're mean." Miguel spoke, but oh was he wrong,

"Oh, my god, you guys see that guy over there who looks like he went down on a lawnmower. He's literally wearing the most ugliest sweater." Yasmine says laughing, with Moon joining in.

"That is so wrong." Sam responded, trying to fake laugh. "Yasmine, that's my friend. Shut the fuck up, okay?" Tiffany glared at the girl.

"I was just joking, jeez." Yasmine scoffed before looking away. "Speaking of wrong, check out Fug-lisha. She looks like she ate a picnic table." Yasmine begin to laugh once again.

The girls begin to laugh along with Yasmine again, making Tiffany turned attention to look at Aisha.

"Oh, look, check out a fucking porcupine. She's sitting with us." Tiffany turns her head to face Yasmine. "Stop talking about people Yasmine."

"Tiffany is the only one over there that actually hangs out with us." Demetri tells the Hispanic boy. "Which one is that?" Miguel asks.

"That one right there, wearing that white turtle neck." Demetri says pointing at the girl. Miguel eyes scanned the table, realizing he was staring at the girl already.

His lips parted, as he watched her turn her head to face the blonde girl that sat with them. "So, she's friends with you guys?" Miguel asks, glancing at the trio.

"Mhm." October responded. "I don't care if Yasmine is the meanest girl at school. I'd kill all three of you, including Tiff. To get her to spit in my face." Demetri tell them, staring in awe at the mean girl.

"Yeah, well, if you don't make the first move, you're never going to get a shot with her." Miguel said, his eyes glancing back and forth between the two girls that sat over there.

"True, but I'll also never suffer a humiliating rejection. Im at peace with my depression, the last thing I need to be is suicidal."

Miguel soon stood up from his seat, with his Sensei voice lingering in his mind. "What are you doing?" Demetri asks the tan boy.

"Striking first." Miguel spoke with confidence. He felt a bit intimidated on how Tiffany's resting face looked, his eyes went back to Samantha. He still felt confident enough, to start walking over to them.

Everything was ruined within a second, due to Kyler and idiotic friends flooded the table making the boy stop a few steps away.

Tiffany rolled her eyes at the boys who had just came over to the table, her eyes finding their way to a tan boy who was standing a few steps away.

She looked him up and down, before giving him a soft smile that would make millions fall in love with. She then gave him a small wave, as the boy breath hitched.

"See you later, 'Rhea." Kyler smirked, Miguel had a small frown on his face. Making him turn around, walking back to his table.

Tiffany frowned at Kyler, before glancing back at the boy. Who sat down with her other friends, she mad eye contact with October.

October smiled at the girl, Tiffany also sent her a wave and her signature smile. She then turned her attention back at Kyler, before kicking him under the table.

"Ow, Tiffany! What the hell?" Kyler cried out, looking at the girl. "Stop being such a cunt." She barked.

𝐈𝐓 was the last class for Tiffany, she walked in groaning it was now math time. She walked inside her class, glancing around to find an empty seat.

Her eyes landed on the same familiar boy from lunch, the same one that sat with her friends.

She smirked, walking past the partnered up tables going straight to the empty one next to the Hispanic boy.

She sat down next to him, adjusting herself onto the chair. The boy turned his head to see the person who had sat next to him.

His eyes slightly widen, as his lips parted once again being lost at words. "Hey, I'm Tiffany." She smiled at the boy, holding out her hand for the boy to shake.

"I'm— uh— well, I'm Miguel." He stuttered out, he looked down at the girls hand before putting his hand onto hers then shaking it.

"Nice to meet you Miguel." She said letting go of his hand. "Nice to uhm, meet you too." He nodded his head, before looking away mentally cussing at himself

"I'm guessing you've met my friends. Demetri and them?" She asks the boy next to her, making him snap his head towards her.

"Um yeah, they're really nice." He replied shaking his head. "Was Demetri being sarcastic?" She asks him another question.

"Yeah, is he always that sarcastic?" Miguel asks. "Yep, but that's what I love about my friend." She smiled.

"Here, whoever friends with Eli and them are my friends." She says pulling out her notebook from her bookbag, she opened it ripping a piece of paper out of it.

She then took out her pen and begin to write her number on it. She folded it, then handing it to Miguel. "Text me whenever, just to talk, or want me to comfort you. I'll give you my most honest opinion on things."

Miguel nodded his head, smiling at the girl. He grabbed the folded piece of paper, putting it in his book bag.

"I'll take that as consideration."

𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆! Miggy.Diaz has followed you.
𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆! Miggy.Diaz has liked your story.

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