The Fairy Of Love And War

By Lazy_Sloth120

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She is the only daughter of Head Master Saladin of Red Foutain, and cousin of Helia. She is the Fairy of the... More

Character Profiles/Introductions
Character Introductions/Profiles PT.2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 + 10K Special Chapter

Chapter 7

865 30 4
By Lazy_Sloth120

"Can you tell me about Mom and her planet?"

The line on the other side remained silent, not even a single breath could be heard. I felt a pool of nerves begin to form in the pit of my stomach. Already regretting my decision of asking the question. However such feelings were put at ease when my dad spoke "what is that you want to know sweetheart?"

"Are you sure your okay to talk about this dad? I mean I know how much it hurt you to loose mum. If you don't want to then I'll drop this whole thing" I reassure, now scared that maybe I've pushed him too hard. I heard my dad sadly chuckle on the other end, my heart clenched as even though I couldn't see him I could still hear the pain he's feeling and it's all my fault.

"I'm okay sweetheart, it's been 15 years. If your mum found out I'm still mopping about after so long she would've scolded me so bad." Joked dad. "If anything I'm more curious as to what made you ask all of a sudden. Are you sure everything's alright?" Asks dad.

"I-I had a dream and mum was in it. She was talking to me." I confess, feeling tears prickling the back of eyes as I recall the dream. " She said you did a good job" I chuckle slightly, despite the water works already running down my face. My dad remains silent on the other end minus the few snuffle is could hear, and that only made me cry harder. It stayed like that for a bit. The two of us remaining silent, not speaking a single word to one another. All that could be really heard where the sobs and sniffles coming from us. However soon enough we began to slowly but surely calm down.

"D-Dad" I call out, rubbing away the tears in the eyes with the sleeves of my shirt. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. All these years you just wanted to know more bout your mother but I couldn't even do that for you. I was just too busy grieving over death, I'm so sorry for being such weak dad" Apologised my dad profusely, and even though I couldn't see him I knew that he was crying. His voice sounding so much more broken and his words being slurred.

"Dad, it isn't your fault. I knew how much loosing mum affected you, but she wouldn't us to continue on living like this. It's like she said, she'll always be with us whether we know it or not" I reassure, a sad smile on my face. "Your right, sweetheart. So what is that you want to know?" lightly chuckles my dad on the other line.

"Athena!" yells a voice, snapping me out of my thoughts. I flinch at the volume of the persons voice, and look up to see it was Miss Griselda. Peering down at me with her usual grouchy expression. "At first I was thinking of just letting you get off with the Headmistresses punishment, seeing as your actions where some what justified. But I've now changed my mind, due to your lack of manners. You shall now help the rest of your friends, clean up the corridors, stairs, classrooms and bathrooms of the castle." pointing her index finger to the file of cleaning supplies beside her. "Best get started ladies, you have lots to get on with" smugly stated the brunette teacher. Grabbing one of the brooms and handing it over to Stella. The blonde princess, looking at the thing in her hand with confusion.

"Oh what a strange object, let's see what my computer says about it" says Tecnas. Pulling out her hand held device, already typing away on the key board. I look at the pixie cut fairy fora second before letting out a small sigh, and lightly smacking my forehead witch the palm of my hand. Have these people seriously never heard of a broom before.

"Oh and one more thing" ,shutting the screen of the device with her finger, "No techno gadgets allowed" adds Griselda one hand on her hip. "Now that worries me" sighs Tecna with dejected look on her face. "Yeah it shops. The sad news has obviously upset you" jokes Musa. "Well by Tecnas standards she's actually been showing too much emotion" joined in Flora. "I know, ever since I met you guys I easily lose control" agrees the technology fairy, in a very serious tone and expression. Causing the other girls along with myself to start laughing.

"It wasn't a joke but a simple observation" protests Tecna. "It's okay Tec, showing emotions isn't a bad things. It's actually a good thing. It means your getting more comfortable around us" I comfort, slinging my arm over the said fairy's shoulder, Whilst also comically whipping away a tear, trying to prevent myself from laughing again as the girl looks at me with utter confusion.

"Young ladies" , calls out Griselda, hushing us immeadtly. "Tomorrow I'll conduct an inspection, everything better be clean. Now go" shoos Griselda, pushing us out of the door of her office. Also chucking out the cleaning supplies for us to catch. "Well be best get started now if we wanna get done by the end of today" says Flora. "Okay. Me, Musa and Stella will do one of the classrooms. And you three can start on the stairs" suggests Bloom. "Sounds good" agrees everyone.

We split in to our threes and began walking to our respective places. "You two go on ahead, Imma go change in to something much more comfy" I say, already walking off to our shared dorms. Not really waiting for wither of the two to reply. I know I might seems like little bit of bitch right now, but I really need to get some time for myself. Right after my call with my dad, We were immeadtly called into Miss Griselda's office. So I haven't found the time yet to fully comprehend all the new information.

Walking in to my dorm room, I went over to my closet and grabbed out a pair of shorts along with it's matching top and zip up hoodies. Also changing my boots in to some sneakers.

Once I finished changing I started to make my way back to Flora and Tecna to help them out with cleaning. In doing so I began to recall the phone call I ad with my dad. He told me about how my mum was the from the planet Sphyria, supposing me with the fact that she was actually the princess. Though despite being the one who was meant to originally inherit the throne from her parents, my mum instead gave it up to her younger brother -my uncle. Apparently, each member of the royal family either has green or blue eyes but the reason why is unknown to my dad. For some weird reason my mum always acted weirdly when ever the topic was brought up, so he never pried much.

My mum used to have the power of the shadows, a branch from the power of the Shadow-flames. The power was apparently a gift to the very First Queen of Sphyria from the Dragon Flame and Shadow Phoenix. I'm assuming that this power was Sphyria's gift from the Great Mythical Dragon, but I don't remember ever finding anything about the Shadow Phoenix ever in any of my textbooks. Making me curious as to what exactly it was. My dad had met my mum during one of his solo mission as a member of the Company of Light. He was sent to help defeat some S and A class level beasts that had began to infest the land.

My Grandparents didn't approve of their relationship and neither did my uncle. Forcing my mum to runaway with the man she loved to Lynphea. They had gotten married their and soon enough they had me. It was apparently 2 weeks before my 1st birthday when my mum got a distress call from one of her old time friends in Sphyria. After bring crowned the new King my uncle became so blinded by greed he attempted to take the power of the Shadow-Flame for himself. Unfortunately enough for him his body couldn't handle the intensity and power of the gift and he went berserk.

My mum returned to her home planet, to try and bring back her baby brother but it was no use. The power of the gift corrupted his soul beyond repair. Leaving my mum no other option but to destroy the gift, causing the death of the entire planet. Along with her self and my uncle.

I asked my dad on how I got the power of the Shadow-Flame, if my mum had supposedly destroyed it and what it meant if I had both green and blue eyes. But he didn't know himself. As frustrated as I was about the answered questions, I was still thankful for the information I did have. So I promised myself to start trying to find any more information of the Sphyria and it's royal bloodline. Alfea is said to have one of the best archives in the entirety of Magixs.

"Hey girls, I'm back. Sorry if I took to long" I apologise, walking up the group who were currently crowded in the middle of a classroom. All of the standing on the small, lifted, circular stage. Musa sitting on top of the desk; Stella sitting down on the floor with her back leaning against the desk. Whereas Bloom was laying down down flat on the ground, far from the rest. The three being notably soaked. "When did you get changed?" asked Musa but I ignored the girls as I looked around the room. It was an absolute disaster. Water splashed in every single corner of this room, stuff discarded across the room. It's current state being 100x dirtier than before.

"What the hell have you guys been doing?" I ask, rubbing my temples with my fingertips. "The three seemed to have decided to have a little competition instead of actually cleaning" answers Flora, equally frustrated as myself. And that was not a good thing, the usually smiley and cheerful Flora mad. You know it's bad. "We'll never be finished in time" voices Tecna.

"I dare say not." interrupts an all to familiar voice. Letting out a big tired sigh, I slowly turn around and see Ms Griselda standing by the entrance of the class room. Hands on her hips ans she stares at us in disappointment. "I'm here to let you know that this evening at the magic's auditorium, there will be concert. Which the whole of our school will attend" informs the teacher, stepping closer towards us. "Great I love concerts" says Stella, excited. But I could only pity the poor blonde princess, who is oblivious to the cruelty of Griselda.

"However you six will have to miss it, You haven't finished cleaning" announces the brunette teacher. "Noooo" Whines Musa, clearly upset. "Now get back to work" odors Griselda, walking off with her hands behind her back.

We all sadly watch out the window, as the last few pile in on the multiple buses waiting in the school courtyard. Once Miss Griselda stepped in, the doors shut and one by one the buses began to drive off. Leaving the six us in the empty castle. "Well they've all gone" sadly sighs Bloom, asking over the rest that stood in the middle of the empty hallways. I remain by the windows, leaning my back agaisnt it. "I always feel sad when the schools empty" says Musa, holding a broom in one hand and a bucket in the other. "Hey, what do you say we ask the boys join us?" suggests Stella. "Yeah, why not. Then when we get caught we'll be grounded to infinity" sarcastically replies Flora. "I think it's a great idea. Sure, they could help us with the cleaning" agrees Bloom. "But it's like cheating isn't it" says Tecna.

The red haired fairy shakes her head in disagreement, "Griselda said no magic, no techno gadgets. Did not say no Flesh and blood" says Bloom. Stella dramatically drops the broom and buckets that were in her hand and claps her hands together. "Of course and then when we're done cleaning we can have a nice party" cheers Stella. I chuckle a little, pushing my self up from my previous position by the wall. Walking over and putting my around bloom's shoulder. "Just admit that you're doing all this so you can both see your crushes" I joke, ruffling her hair.

"Come one, Athena. I'll ask them to bring in that blonde boy from earlier. He seemed quite interested in you" teases Stella, poking at my sides. I let outa small coughs into my fists and try my best to act cool. For some weird reason, I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach at the thought of Ezra liking me. "I-I mean if those muscle heads are any good at cleaning then I guess they could be of some use. We're gonna need all the help we can get if we wanna get done by tonight" I say, trying my best to calm down the redness on my cheeks. Much to my displeasure, it didn't go unnoticed by the blonde princess who began giggling.

"This is a wonderful idea, I can't wait!" cheers Musa, also dropping the things in hr hand on top of Stella's. Both her and Bloom jumping in the air in excitement.

The night sky began to take over ad that was when we heard the familiar noises of the wind riders closing in on the school. The girls rushed out the courtyard to greet he boys whilst I decided to stay back and finish the last bit of the staircase.

Letting outa big huff, I whipped out the tricking sweat on my forehead with the back of my arms. The sleeves of the hoodie being rolled up to my elbows. Then I heard a pair of heavy footsteps run over to me, curious I turned around and was surpassed to see Ezra. As I was about to open my mouth to say hi, the blonde, collided the front of his body with mine. Snaking one arm around the back of my waist as the other held my head into his chest. My ear pressed against the fabric of his clothes. I could hear the loud thumping of his heart. His arms tightened around me as he tired to bring me impossibly closer to him, acting as if tho I'd disappear the second he lets go.

I felt my body freeze upon his contact, alarmed by his sudden behaviour. This is the closest we've ever been and I don't even know what spared such behaviour. He buried his face into the top of my head, nuzzling it agaisnt the lock of my hair. Taking in the scent of my shampoo. We stayed like this for a bit and eventually I was wring up enough courage to ask. "Hey, Princy. It's good to see you too, but what's up?" I ask, pressing the palm of my hands flat agaisnt his chest, slightly pulling back. But it only caused his arm to tighten around my waist. Thankfully I was strong enough to pry back my head to get a look of his face.

"Hey, Whats up?" I ask softly, noticing the slightly scared and worried look on his face. "I was scared something bad had happened to you. You didn't show up for two mornings straight, and I got really worried. Then last night the guys came back after an errand and told me about you going to Cloud towers. You had bandages on your head and stomac-" he stopped his little rant, when a removed one of my hands from his chest to his cheeks. Cupping the side of his face in my hand, caressing it with my thumb. He wrapped his hand around my wrist, and nuzzled his face into my hand. And I couldn't help but lightly chuckle at how cute he looked. HOLD ON! DID I JUST SAY CUTE?!!

"I-I'm fine now Ezra,as you can see. I healed pretty quick, it was just a couple of scratches, the nurse just went a bit overboard." I reassure. "Are you sure? No bruises, cuts or anything left" asks Ezra, pulling away from me and twirling my figure around as he fully inspected my body for any visible injuries. "I told you I'm fine, I was able to rescue the girls and no one was harmed. So there's no ned top worry" I reassure again smiling at him. "What am I going to do with you firefly? Your too reckless for your own good" chuckled Ezra. "What can I say, I enjoy the fun. But I'm sorry if I worried you" I apologise. "It's all good, as long as your okay" he says, lifting my hand and kissing my knuckles.

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks and the tips of my ear, at the feeling of his lips. Out of reflex I quickly retract an hand and hold it behind my back, trying my best to act natural. "My, my quite the gentlemen aren't we" I joke. Ezra stares at me for a second before laughing at loud and I have a guess as to why. So I just let out a huff and punched the laughing blonde on the shoulder. Storming off to the rest of the group, who were at the main hall located at the entrance. The last and largest place that needs to be cleaned.

"Hey Athena, you finished the stairs?" Asks Musa. I nod at the girls as I walk closer to the group. "Yup, all done. Now all we have left is this" I say, taking my place beside Flora and Tecna who ere at the side a few feet away from the specialist. Ezra walked in a few moments later, joining the rest of the specialist in their little huddle. Throwing a small wink my way, which I pretended to not notice, but the pink tints on my cheeks seem to have given it away as I heard him slightly laugh to himself.

"Hey Sky, did the Wind Rider make it back in one piece?" I ask the brunette 'prince'. "Yeah, it seems you handled the mission perfectly well" replies Sky. "Of course I did, you boys underestimate me too much" I say, slightly a smug. "Oh yeah Athena how did you even manage to come and save us? Last I remember, the nurse said you had fractured some your ribs and even had a slight concussion, but you seem perfectly fine" wonders Tecna. "I did?" I say confused, completely unaware I even had such injuries. "I guess they weren't as serious cause when I woke up I was perfectly fine" I shrug, but the small warm feeling in my heart beings me comfort. Already aware that my mum had healed me completely.

"Enough of the chit chat, lets get started" cheers Stella, pumping her fist in the air.

Musa demonstrated to the boys how to work a mop, even creating a small beat to help motivate everyone. Surprisingly it worked, everyone helped and we were able to quickly clean up the remaining room. After were we done, we lead the boys to your apartment/dorm where we proceeded to party the night away. The girls changed outfits, whilst I decided to stay in the onw I'm currently wearing. Not really bothered to get changed again.

Musa threw the CDs in the music players and the group began to dance. Minus Timmy and Tecna who sat beside each other on the sofa's. Riven standing not so far from the two, leaning back agaisnt the pillar. "I had decided to stay back, feeling too tired t dance. Ezra joined me and we talked. He asked me about the fractured ribs and concussions but I reassured him that I completely and that they were exaggerating. It took a while but I was to stop the worry wart and we continued to talk about other topics. He told me about the recent training session that Head master Saladin made them go through, it seemed difficult from Ezra's description. But what do you expect from my dad, when I had asked him to train me he asked me multiply times if I was sure. at first I thought he was just being overprotective as usual but only one day in and I understood why. He had worked me to the bone, you though he'd go easy on his only daughter but nope. That old man is brutal.

As the party began to come to an end and everyone was just talking amongst each other, loud grumbles could be heard. At first Stella thought it was Prince Sky's stomach and offered him food. He declined and instead said he was thirsty. So the Blonde Princess poured him a cup of punch, but the brunette began to shake. The liquid missing the cup. Stella asked if the boy was nervous but he confirmed that he was complete calm and that it was the school shaking. Bloom exclaimed asking if it was an earthquake. Flora stating that it seemed to be coming from inside, whilst Stella contradicted saying that I was from outside. We all walked out to the balcony in the main room, looking around. Stella suggested that it was probably one of the students who left their Tv on really loud.

As if right on cue, the window right opposite us smashes into pieces. The girls began to panic in fear and Riven whistled for the boys wind riders, which lifted up into the air. The boys jumped from the balcony, landing on the wind riders perfectly. Driving the bikes to the en trace of Alfea, where the the commotion seems to be coming from. Me and the girls ran through the hallways to meet up with the boys.

Bloom let out a gasp of shock upon seeing the scene before us. The walls held very large claw marks, and the entire entrance was damaged and filled with fallen debris. Me and Tecna go closer to the claw marks, analysing it to try and figure out exactly what had caused such destruction.

"What kind of creature could do this kind of damage?" asks Timmy to no one in particular. "A big heavy creature" answers Tecna, fingers tracing the claw marks. "Oh golly, I never would've guessed" mocked Riven with his usual dickhead, personality. "It's two and a half meters tall and weighs close to a ton. It's furs bristly, it has horns and multiples clawed limbs. It also has a musky odor. Now is that better" snapped back Tecna. I snorted at Tecna's remark, proud that she stuck up for herself. "Way to go Tec" laughed Stella.

Then Stella let out a shriek of surprise as the ground beneath us rumbled again. "That was it" says Brandon turning is head in the direction of the big hole in the wall. "What are we waiting for?" says Riven, ready to go. "Lets go boys" smirks Ezra, grabbing onto his double swords. Ready to swing. He turns is head to the side, catching my eyes with his own. His devilish grin grin as he sends another flirtatious wink my way. I just roll my eyes at him, with a light chuckle.

Prince Sky was the first of the boys to walk through the massive hole, followed soon after by his blonde squire and Timmy. Just as Bloom made a step forward, to follow the boys Riven spoke "Stay where you are little fairies, this isn't a job for you" with his iconic shit eating, cocky smirk. "It's not like its's much of a job for you with little boy. Do you not remember the last two times? If not let me help you jog your memory real quick, I'll even do you a favour and say it in a way you'll understand." , I say in a sicky sweet tone, "You. Monster. Fail. You. Thrown like bouncy ball. Do you get it now?" I mock with a closed eyed smile.

I could hear the girls try to supress their fits of laughter behind me, which could only mean that it pissed off Riven. "You little bit-" I kept my calm was Riven lifted his clenched fist, ready to swing at me. I didn't make any attempt to move, nor did I flinch as his fist came closer to my cheeks. The girls behind me stared in horror at what was happening, then they let out a series of gaps. My own eyes widening in surprise of what happened. A larger hand, held on to the front of Riven's fist, stopping it only an inch away from me. I was Ezra. "That's enough from you Riven, you're taking it too far now" Warn Ezra, in a deadly serious tone.

Riven looked at the Blonde prince for a second surprised that he had intervened. Before reacting his fist and turning around on his heel. Storming off to follow the other three. Ezra Watched his teammate with furrowed eyebrows and unreadable expression on his face, before turning to me with concern written in clear bold letters all over his face. "You okay Firefly?" He asks, grabbing my chin in his hand and turning it to the side to inspect the cheeks that Riven missed. "Yeah, I'm fine. Dude didn't even hit me so there no need to worry" I sigh, removing his hand from my face.

The blonde male let outa big sigh himself before looking at the other girls behind me, who notably straightened when they realised Ezra's blue eye peering at them. "Why don't you girls go a check other places in the school for this monster? When you see it scream as loud as you can and run. You girls don't have you powers so be safe out there" With that he turns around at walks off, following the rest of his group.

We decided to Go with Ezra's suggestion and searched for the monster elsewhere. Jogging through hallways and walking up various different stairs. But no monster in sight.

As me and the girls were walking up our 7th staircase, we turned right and walked down the hallway. It was then that Musa, Who was walking at the front of the group, bumped into something. "Hang on a sec, there was never used to be wall in this corridor" says the pigtailed girl, confused. Turning and lifting her arms to try and feel as to what exactly there might be. Then the supposed 'wall' turned around and reveal its self to be the monster that we were looking for. A minotaur. The horned monster opened its mouth and let out a loud roar along with numerous large spits of saliva, which unfortunately hit the blonde princess.

Mad, she turned to face the creature. Rage taking over she began to yell "This is totally disgusting. Oh you are so gonna get it" she declared. Now butting heads with the creature. I begin to pat my clothes in a frantic manner, trying to feel for any sort of weapon but there were none. "Fuck I forgot to grab them" I curse under my breath. I turn back to the group and see tart Stella is still having her little stare down with the creature. Without much of a debate I turn my heel and begin running the direction of our shared dorm, hoping to grab some weapon's from my closet.

Running as fast as my legs could take me, being able to amke it to the dorm in 2 minutes. Slamming the door open ignoring the crashing sounds that followed, I dashed for the direction of my room. Flinging the doors of my closet open so hard, that i almost the broke the door of the the hinges. I scour the weapons and pull out the one I need.

I began to stumble as a loud roar from beneath me was released, causing the ground to shake. From the volume of that roar,it seems that it's directly 2 floors beneath me. Wasting no time. I head out to my balcony. Climbing over the Barricade, and climbing my way down. Now standing on the edge of the window sill breath my room, the next one down being the one where the minotaur is. So I carefully climb down, with only my arms holding onto the edge the prevent myself from falling. I start to swing my self back and forth, slowly brining up momentum.

With one final swing forward, I let go, and brace for impact as I flew in closer to the window break. Crossing my arms over the front of my body, as I use my right leg to break the glass. I Jump, with glass shards flying all over. Openign my eyes I see that the girls on side of the Minotaur, whilst the specialists are on the other. Both parties looking at me pure shock, which only fueled the adrenaline currently pumping through my veins.

Realising that I'll soon be falling to the ground I quickly devise plan in my mind. Looking between the two groups, I mentally agree with what I had to do. "Ezra! Give me a boost!" I yell to the blonde prince, who seems to have finally snapped out of whatever thoughts he was having. He ideally squatted down slightly, intertwining the fingers of his hands. Palms facing up, and ready to act as my rebound. My left foot being the one that landed on his hands. He smirked at me,as he began to lift his arms, flinging me into the air. Where I Twisted my body and quickly pulled out my weapon.

Shooting out the blade form the gun, hitting the Minotaur in the base of his neck. Trailing behind he blade was thick black cord, connecting the gun and the blade. I pull the arm that was the holding the gun back slightly. Causing me to be pulled coward, towards where the blade was as the cord began to shorten ch closer I got.

Once the Blade connected back to the gun, I grabbed the handle with both hands, Pulling the blade down with me. Using all my weight to do so. Dragging the blade diagonally across the chest of the beast. The minotaur let out a ear shattering roar in pain as I created a large gash going from the top right of its chest to the bottom left of it's hip. However the beast could still move, so I planted my feet down on it's thigh. Dragging the blade around so it was now on the side. With one big push down, the blade went down, from its upper thigh to its ankle.

Pulling out my blade, I get up and run over to its over leg. The intention of slashing it's other ankle in mind, but when I get ther I see that it's already been done for me. Ezra Stood their smugly, One blade resting on his shoulder whilst the other was held in his hand. Blood dripping down the blade. "Beat you to it Firefly" wink Ezra, with a slight chuckle.

I only feign annoyance and roll my eyes, shaking my head. "The best shouldn't be able to move now. So you boys can start chaining it up. Just don't try and loose it this time" I say turning on my heel 180, waving at them.

I walk over to the girls, who all immodestly pounce on me. All of them hugging me so tightly and suddenly, that I fall on to the ground with a loud yelp. "Athena! I thought you died!" cried Stella, hugging onto my waist. "We were so scared to see that you weren't with us" Adds Bloom. "Heck, even Tecna looked scared for a second" Lightly jokes Musa, pulling away and soon so do the others. I look at Tecna touched, "Awww, Tec" I coo, hugging the girl who doesn't show any sort of movement of returning it. "Well at least your safe now and that's all that matters now" Says Flora, and I nod in a agreement.

"But seriously can we talk about how badass Athena looked jumping through that window. That Ezra dude, couldn't keep his eyes off of you the entire time" teases Stella, placing her hand over her mouth. "Stella!" I yell in Protest, steam coming out of my ears. The girls all laugh at my flustered state, where as I mutter small curses at the group.

Once the boys were done chaining the beast, they joined us as we all inspected the unconscious bloody beast. All of us raising the question of where it exactly came from. Then from underneath the beast, an all too familiar purple duck popped out from underneath the monster. Suggesting that all this chaos was the work of none other than the Trix.

Bloom suggested that we head over to Miss Faragonda's office and use her crystal ball. Allowing us full view of everything in the castle, which in turn will help us catch our witchy friends. Though Flora and Tecna oppose to the idea, due to the fact that entering her office during a time she isn't in is strictly forbidden. However they were soon convinced when I said that if we just explain to Faragonda that we felt like we were in serve danger that she'll let it go.

So the we all walked over to Faragonda's office, which was pitch black not a single light source in sight. But not even a second later, Me, Riven ad Ezra heard someone coming. Out of Panic we all hide ourselves across the office. Soon the door opened and in come a floating ball of light, the Trix following up behind it. Icy then talks about trashing the place to find something but doesn't exactly specify what.

Having had enough, bloom comes out of hiding, jumping and then crouching on top of the Headmistresses desk. Taking the Trix's moment of surprise to my advantage, I then come in And land a kick on the side of Dracy's head, causing her to topple into Icy and then into stormy like a domino. It was my sort of revenge for last time. Riven turns on the light and the other begin to come out from their hiding places, all of us circling the fallen witches.

"What are you doing here?" Snarls Icy, glaring at the red headed fairy in front of her. The three witches rubbing the sore parts of their body. "No, What are you three doing here?" shot back Bloom, returning the glare. Darcy turns her head towards me Cursing me "You fucking bitch."

I only smile sweetly, closing my eyes and then slowly lift up the middle finger towards her. Irritating her further. However before anyone could say anything else the clack of heels were heard, soon followed by a familiar voice. "That's what I was going to ask you all. Up until a moment ago I thought this was my office" Faragonda's stern voice reaching evry corner of the room. As she stared us all down, clearly not pleased with the situation at hand.

After we explained everything to the headmistress, the boys loaded up the still unconscious beat in to a secure sphere transportation sphere, contingency it a wire which join it to the boy's wind riders. We all go to greet the boils farewell.

I stand beside Ezra as the boy puts on his helmet, the screen not yet covering his face. "Thanks for the help today, wasn't quite what you were expecting huh?" I joke lightly. Arms crossed over my chest as the cold night are starts to get to me. "One I won't forget that's for sure", chuck Ezra, "You looked absolutely stunning when fighting that beast Firefly, that's one thing I won't be forgetting for sure" he smirked. "What, you falling for me princy?" I tease, slightly challenging him. Leaning my face forward.

Before my brain can even register what is happening, Ezra grabs onto my wrist and pulls me towards me. Knocking my font in to his, he lean his face forward. Till his mouth is right next to my hear. He lets out a small breath, the feeling sending shiver down my spine. "Maybe" he whispers. Now pulling away and pulling down the screen of his helmet, not before letting me catch a sight of his smug face. With that he drives off with the rest of the boys back to Red Fountain, where I'm dad will surely catch wind of what happened.

Faragonda talks about sending Head Master Saladin a letter about thanking the boys for their help today, though I'm not sure what kind of help Riven was. The Headmistress then turns her attention towards the witches, lecturing them, about their behaviour and how tonight's events will be taken up to Direct Griffin. Then she sends them off back to Cloud Tower.

Soon it was out turn, but to our surprise we were not reprimanded. Instead, Headmistress Faragonda Prasied our capability of handling the situation without the use of our magic and gave us back our powers. We thanked the Headmistress and headed abck to our dorm to get some much needed rest.

As bid the rest of the girls goodnight, I entered my room and flipped down onto my bed. Not bothering to get changed, I just kicked off my shoes and rolled under my sheets. But much to my misfortune the universe seems to have something against cause my phone began to rang. At first I tried my best to ignore it and head back to my much needed sleep. But it just kept on ringing.

Letting out a loud frustrated groan, I rolled over and snatched my phone from the nightstand, the device still buzzing in hand. Without bothering to even check the contact name, I pressed the accept button and pressed the device against my ear. "What?!" I bark, venom laced in my tone.

To my surprise the person on the other end of the line only laughs out loud to my response. "Well hello to you too dear cuz. What's got you so cranky on such a fine night?" Asks a familiar annoying ass voice. I felt myself getting ticked off my the second by just hearing this dudes voice. "What the fuck do you want Helia? Hurry up and spit it out. I want to sleep" I say annoyed.

"Alright, alright. I was just gonna tell ask you if you wanted to hang out tomorrow? I'm free."

Authors Note:

Hey Guys! I'm back!!! I'm so glad to finally be done with my exams. And I'm excited to finally be back to updating this book again and I hope you all enjoy my updates.

I also really wanted to thank you guys for 3K+ reads. It seriously means to much to me. I'm so glad that you're all enjoying it and I promise to work hard and produce enjoyable chapters.

That's all I have to say. I wish you all I good rest of your day. Until next time.

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