Before It All

Oleh MinajLively

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Simply before it all... Lebih Banyak

Before It All


1.4K 76 131
Oleh MinajLively

"So we're not going to talk about Danni now being the one who is never home." Fatima says catching everyone off guard.

"Wait woah where is this coming from?" Danni says nervously laughing

"'Mmm mm" Andi says as she ate out of her fruit salad

"You know exactly where this is coming from! You use to be on my case, so now I'm on yours. Where do you be?" Fatima ask putting all weight on one hip

"She be with her man" Andi says pulling the fork from her mouth

"Why you trying to keep secrets" Fatima ask

"I'm not oh my god!" Danni says

"So then where have you been laying your head at hoe?" Fatima ask

"At Pres's" Danni says. Both Andi and Fatima's eyes pop open

"Bitchhhhhh" Andi says putting for bowl on the table

"Finally down with the swirl" Fatima says laughing "I know he couldn't wait to get yo ass because all y'all have done is beat around the bush knowing y'all want eachother." Fatima says

Danni and Preston would text on and off. Ghosting eachother and just being inconsistent in their situation. Ever since they started taking communication seriously, the relationship they have grown has been one that they both have come to love.

"He's not fully white you know that" Danni says laughing

"We know he's a wigga" Fatima says

" Yeah his daddy dark as hell but Ms. P so pale. He's his momma's child" Andi says

"Not you calling Mr. Darryl dark as hell, that man is BLACK okay" Fatima says agreeing with Andi's statement.

"Can y'all leave my man and his black daddy alone" Danni says and couldn't help but laugh

"I'm just happy y'all done playing around, this been years at this point." Fatima says

"It's been years but he's wrapped around my finger so let's get into that" Danni says confidently

"Now he's wrap- this girl is crazy" Andi huffs laughing

"I know for a fact he gets you in line, he ain't no regular wigga. He got that nigga mentality." Fatima says

"Since we speaking on my man, he's hosting a game night tomorrow night." Danni says playfully rolling her eyes

"Oh yeah Robin told me earlier" Andi adds

"The gangs all together" Danni says shyly smiling as she looked at Fatima

"Yeah yeah whatever. I don't really want to be around him" Fatima says referring to Zac, Andi and Danni sucked their teeth

"Y'all literally get on my last nerves. One minute y'all cool, the next yall not" Andi complains

"We haven't been cool, that's the thing. We haven't been cool for months" Fatima says

"Months? Girl weren't you JUST with him. Like please" Andi flags her

"Can y'all not" Danni says trying to stop the energy that was brewing

"And we weren't cool then!" Fatima exclaimed

"So what you don't wanna go to the game night because he'll be there?" Andi ask with an attitude and not giving Fatima the chance to provide a response "That's so corny. I hate that you wanna act like you not in love with this man and that you hate him or something" Andi says

"Putting words in my mouth." Fatima says plainly

"No you just said you don't want to be around him. You know that he's Preston's friend and he's definitely going to be there" Andi says

"But I never said I didn't want to go, what is her issue!" Fatima says at a raised tone looking at Danni in confusion.

"I don't know where this took a turn at but I was just promoting the little event" Danni says with her hands up in defense laughing

"I'll be there" Fatima says to Danni

"That's probably not a good idea, God forbid you go somewhere Zac is and your not comfortable " Andi says frankly

"Why are you- whatever Andrea" Fatima says rolling her eyes

"Both of y'all shut the hell up. Everytime y'all decide to argue, it's dumb. Just like this, stupid as hell" Danni says

"She's the one that randomly started the shit I don't know why" Fatima says with her brows meeting in the middle

Truthfully, everyone was tired of the back and forth even Danni. Danni understood that just like her and Preston, that Fatima and Zac would move on their own timing. So if the toxicity was their way, then so be it. But it was sure that Andi was sick and tired of it.

"I'm about to leave, y'all have fun" Andi said grabbing her bag. It was the back she typically took when she she stayed with Robin

"Bye!" Fatima says harshly and matching the same energy Andi initially gave

All Andi did was turn and roll her eyes before leaving.

"Did you have to?" Danni ask

"Yes I did! You get what you give" Fatima says in defense "You saw that." She adds

"Y'all always want to argue you out of the blue-

"That wasn't me! That was all her" Fatima pleads

"I'm just saying. Now THATS something I personally hate. Y'all both need some dick" Danni says before disappearing in her room

The next night over at Preston's. Robin and Andi were the first to arrive from the crew. There were others there as well.

"Wassup y'all" Preston said answering the door with shots glasses in his hand

"Aww damn at the damn door" Robin says taking the glass and Andi laughs before taking it to the head

"You know to have the right tequila too" Andi says stepping in

"None of that cheap shit" Preston says "Grab a cup" Preston says

"Do it matter which one?" Andi says to the three different colored cups, there were labels near them but she wasn't paying attention.

"Like hell it do. Here you go with your red cup." Robin interjects handing her the cup. All Preston could do was laugh.

"You don't see what that says, taken, single and complicated. You're TAKEN." Robin emphasized

"My bad babe I didn't see that. Relax" Andi says

Red symbolized taken, green was single and blue meant that your relationship status is complicated.

Now knowing what the colored cups symbolized she eyed Preston's cup to make sure he was in line.

"Where's D?" Andi says " She should be here in a few, don't worry my cup is certainly red" Preston says raising his cup and dangling it.

"Mhm okay I see it" Andi says

"Where your brother at?" Preston ask and Robin looked down at his phone

"I'm not even gon hold you, he might be here later but I don't know though" Robin said to Preston and Andi subtly scrunched her face. She was curious especially with how Robin said it.

"I'll hit him up motherfucker didn't say no-"
Preston stopped in his tracks catching the eye contact Robin was giving. Good thing for his phone ringing in that exact moment, he was able to refocus his attention.

"Hold up y'all this D- here I come babe" Preston says stepping away on the phone.

"What was that?" Andi couldn't help but to ask about the weird exchange

"What was what?" Robin ask trying to play dumb

"Nevermind" she says


"NO YOU MADE IT DROP YOU GOTTA TAKE 3 SHOTS!"Danni says in excitement raising a little from Preston's lap

"Man y'all just want me to be drunk that ain't fair"
Robin says shaking his head trying to deny him losing

"Nigga you knocked that shit down you know that's all you, don't be a pussy" Zac antagonized him about the drunk jenga game that Robin lost

"Mannnn fuck out of here you was shaking the table" Robin says finding it hard to keep a straight face with his lie

"Babe it's okay don't be a sore loser I'll take one with you" Andi says grabbing the bottle to pour in her cup

"You slow your little ass down" Robin says to Andi as he grabbed the bottle from her. Andi had plenty to drink since they've been there and Robin knew if she didn't pace herself, he would have his work cut out for him with drunk Andi.

"Not you trying to police her cup" Danni says

"Y'all not the ones that's gonna have to deal with her ass" Robin says

"Nigga you talking too much! Take the shot! You're trying to find every reason" Zac says and everyone laughed

Just as Robin was about to take the shot, the door bell rang.

"Saved by the mother fucking bell" Robin says under his breath. Hopping up.

"Let me get that for you" he says energetically running to the door.

"This nigga man" Zac says shaking his head as he took another shot back.

"That's your brother" Danni says

"HEYYY T!" Robin said abnormally loud before embracing her in a hug before she could think.

"You just saved my life if you don't know" he whispers to her while he embraced her and she laughed

"The hell you do?" She ask

"Big Tima!" Preston says coming over to greet her

"Hey yall" Fatima says with her smile beaming

"Grab a cup, red is taken, green is single and blue is complicated." Preston says and Zac watched Fatima like a hawk from the door

She picked up the green cup and Zac's energy took a shift. Fatima had not seen Zac's face yet based on the position Robin and Preston were standing,
restricting her view.

"Ard everybody since somebody walked in, you know we gotta take another shot" Preston says handing Fatima a shot glass before they walked back over to the rest of the party.

"It took you forever" Danni says

"Had some things to do before I came here, I still made good time" Fatima says sitting down. If anyone was focusing on Zac, they would've noticed that he hadn't broke his focus on Fatima

"The gang is all here" Robin sang happily trying to keep the vibe up. The only one who's vibe was off was Zac's

"You still got an attitude with me?" Fatima ask Andi

"No. I don't." Andi says " Been waiting for you to get here since you ain't respond to my message" she says

"Ard yall let's another game" Preston says

The group played another game and the night progressed. Drunk Andi had arrived, Danni and Fatima weren't far behind her. Everyone was vibing and having a good time.

"Let me talk to you." Zac says walking up on Fatima

"Let you?" She asked with her lip turned

Zac sucked his teeth before he let out a response
"Bro come talk to me" he says

"What are we talking about, we're at a game night. Why do you always want to talk" she says as they walked away from group

"Why can't we talk?" He ask

"I'm asking YOU what do you want to talk about. I don't have nothing to talk about " she says to him and he blows his breath in frustration to her attitude. He watched her as she took a sip from her cup.

"So you single?" He ask

" Yes I'm single. What's up? Is that what you want to talk about? You see the cup" she says

"That's a lie though" he says

"Bro. I'm not doing this with you" Fatima says with her eyes rolled back

"I'm not doing nothing but talking real shit. You're not single, shit just complicated right now" he says

"There is nothing complicated in my life. I know and I am 100% sure that I am single. I don't know what you have going on in your life but that has nothing to do with me" Fatima says to him all in one breath.

"Fatima can we stop playing around" he asked looking at her

"Zachary. I am not playing with you and I was never playing with you. I'm tired of having these same conversations with you. You always want to talk at the most inconvenient times, only when it's convenient for you. That's selfish as fuck bro" Fatima expressed and she pulled her phone out sending a quick text

"How is this selfish or inconvenient. This is pretty damn convenient because when else am I going to see you face to face to talk to you because you don't answer my fucking calls like I told you to"he tells her

"Like you told me to?! Nigga you're not my damn daddy" Fatima says to him

"We're at a fucking game night and you want to pull me to the side to talk about whatever bullshit you got in your brain." She says as her patience began to wear thin.

"So we gon fix this or what. How we gon do anything if we ain't talking because shit, what the fuck. Like you on some cold shit with me." He says and Fatima blew her breath loudly.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?! Go worry about the bitches who want to chase you all day and night because I'm not doing that shit" Fatima tells him

"There isn't nobody cha-

"Can you move" Fatima says. She attempted to walk away while he talked but his stance blocked a way out

"Bro we talking. How are you gonna say some fly shit like that and then dip off." He says becoming just as irritated

"Ain't nobody chasing me and I never said I wanted you to do that-

"It's not what you say, it's what you do!" Fatima expressed

"What did I do Fatima! What did I do that makes you feel that I want you to chase me?" He ask

"I'm not in the mental space to have this conversation right now" Fatima says robotically and she moves around him to walk

"You always do this shit! You stay walking away like that shit so wack, why can't we just talk!" Zac says frustratedly

"I'm not talking to no one who has this kind of energy" She says completely leaving the room they were standing in. Zac followed behind.

"Hey y'all I'm getting ready to go" Fatima says to the others

"Yeah babe come on I wanna go" Andi says. Robin knew what that meant.

"You good T?" Danni ask reading her face

"Yeah my ride is about to be here." She responds

"WHO coming to get you?!" Drunk Andi ask and Danni redirected her so that there wouldn't be too much attention on the question but Zac wanted to know.

Just then Fatima got a notification which told her that her ride was outside. She said her goodbyes and walked toward the door.

"I'm walking you out" Zac says

"What for? I'm done talking to you." She says walking out

"How is it that you get to walk away from every conversation?" Zac ask following behind her

"It is literally ALWAYS some dumb shit with you and I know myself. If I don't walk away, I'll have to physically hurt you." She says as they stood waiting for the elevator

"You can't keep your hands to yourself, you don't have to do all of that is we're talking" he says

"Can you just go back to the game night. I don't need your services" Fatima says dismissively as the elevator reached their floor

"It's late, you been drinking. I'm walking you out" Zac says

"Here you go making me mad again" Fatima

"What are you getting mad for? I'm making sure you're safe and cool. What you don't want me to see who picking you up?" Zac says as they rode the elevator to the lobby

"At this point. I don't even care." Fatima says with an an increased pace out the front doors of the building

"I'm coming over when I leave here" Zac says

"No the fuck you're not Zachary" Fatima says busting through the front door of the building.

Anthony was standing outside of the car waiting for Fatima

"This the nigga picking you up?" Zac says with his body getting hot. " You fucking serious right now Fatima?" He says furiously

"Everything okay beautiful?" Anthony ask her as he opened the passenger door for her.

"Yes I'm fine" she says before getting in the car

Zac stood as a good distance with anger written all over his face.

"Aye Zac my man, you have a good night" Anthony says walking around to the driver's side

"You any nigga real talk" Zac says

"Be safe out here Zac" Anthony says before bending to get in his car.

If looks could kill, Anthony would've been disintegrated. Anytime Zac seen Anthony, he wanted off with his head. Seeing Fatima with him, just made it ten times worse.

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