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"So we're not going to talk about Danni now being the one who is never home." Fatima says catching everyone off guard.

"Wait woah where is this coming from?" Danni says nervously laughing

"'Mmm mm" Andi says as she ate out of her fruit salad

"You know exactly where this is coming from! You use to be on my case, so now I'm on yours. Where do you be?" Fatima ask putting all weight on one hip

"She be with her man" Andi says pulling the fork from her mouth

"Why you trying to keep secrets" Fatima ask

"I'm not oh my god!" Danni says

"So then where have you been laying your head at hoe?" Fatima ask

"At Pres's" Danni says. Both Andi and Fatima's eyes pop open

"Bitchhhhhh" Andi says putting for bowl on the table

"Finally down with the swirl" Fatima says laughing "I know he couldn't wait to get yo ass because all y'all have done is beat around the bush knowing y'all want eachother." Fatima says

Danni and Preston would text on and off. Ghosting eachother and just being inconsistent in their situation. Ever since they started taking communication seriously, the relationship they have grown has been one that they both have come to love.

"He's not fully white you know that" Danni says laughing

"We know he's a wigga" Fatima says

" Yeah his daddy dark as hell but Ms. P so pale. He's his momma's child" Andi says

"Not you calling Mr. Darryl dark as hell, that man is BLACK okay" Fatima says agreeing with Andi's statement.

"Can y'all leave my man and his black daddy alone" Danni says and couldn't help but laugh

"I'm just happy y'all done playing around, this been years at this point." Fatima says

"It's been years but he's wrapped around my finger so let's get into that" Danni says confidently

"Now he's wrap- this girl is crazy" Andi huffs laughing

"I know for a fact he gets you in line, he ain't no regular wigga. He got that nigga mentality." Fatima says

"Since we speaking on my man, he's hosting a game night tomorrow night." Danni says playfully rolling her eyes

"Oh yeah Robin told me earlier" Andi adds

"The gangs all together" Danni says shyly smiling as she looked at Fatima

"Yeah yeah whatever. I don't really want to be around him" Fatima says referring to Zac, Andi and Danni sucked their teeth

"Y'all literally get on my last nerves. One minute y'all cool, the next yall not" Andi complains

"We haven't been cool, that's the thing. We haven't been cool for months" Fatima says

"Months? Girl weren't you JUST with him. Like please" Andi flags her

"Can y'all not" Danni says trying to stop the energy that was brewing

"And we weren't cool then!" Fatima exclaimed

"So what you don't wanna go to the game night because he'll be there?" Andi ask with an attitude and not giving Fatima the chance to provide a response "That's so corny. I hate that you wanna act like you not in love with this man and that you hate him or something" Andi says

"Putting words in my mouth." Fatima says plainly

"No you just said you don't want to be around him. You know that he's Preston's friend and he's definitely going to be there" Andi says

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