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"Everything good with you?" Anthony ask Fatima as she sat in the passenger seat. It was between her stomach doing flips because of the liquor and her stomach doing flips because she was upset.

"I'm good why you asking me that?" She responds

"Because you was like in a rush to leave, I was just making sure" he says as he drove

"I'm fine" she replied

"You sure because I don't want to think since your ex nigga was there you wanted to leave"

"I didn't say that I just told you I was fine"

"You don't have to say it, I could see it but imma leave you alone before you start getting mad with me" Anthony says as he continued to drive

"I'm not getting mad with you" she mumbles to herself as she sat like a upset child in the passenger seat

"I just told you to let it be Fatima" he says to her.

Only a few minutes passed while they drove in the car.

"Do you want something from one of these stores before we get in the crib?" He ask

"No but you can take me home" she says instead

"Oh you're in your bag I see" he says "Bet, I'll take you home. I'm not on none of that with you" he says trying not to allow her energy kill his vibe

"None of what?" She ask now becoming offended by his words

"Bruh your whole energy switched and I'm cool. Imma take you home don't worry about it" he says not wanting to tussle about it. Yet again, Fatima sat in the passenger still upset.

"If that's what it's gon be anytime you see him with a chick, then I don-

"Please shut up because you don't even know what you're talking about" he says interrupting his words

"I do know what I'm talking about, you're not going to make me think I'm crazy because you want to be unreal with yourself" he says

"How am I being unreal Anthony?" She ask and he knew she was ready to snap on him.

"Look babe, imma just take you home. Don't worry about it" he says verbally flagging her off and she sat quiet until she started again

"Then where you going when you take me home?" She ask

"I'm going home Fatima, where else am I going?" He ask with irritation.

"Alright" she says with a tone

"What is the problem man?" He whined "Like we were vibing! Had a good time and now you on some shit with me like I did something to you" he says in confusion but not necessarily confused

"Just take me to your house" she blurts out and he places a hand over his forehead with his eyes popped while the other held onto the steering wheel

"Bro" he mouthed to himself

"Okay Fatima" he says without any other words and made a uturn back toward his place.

After a few moments

"Can we get pizza from that place" she shyly ask

"Didn't I ask you if you wanted something" he says frustratedly

"You did but- We don't have to get it whatever nevermind" she responds

"Stop that mean shit yo." He says sternly and she fixed herself in her chair.

When they pulled up to get the pizza, he came over and helped her out of the car

"I'm sorry" she says lowly "I don't want no apology just stop being mean. I didn't do anything to you" he says closing the door behind her

"Are you mad at me?" She ask as they walk

"No I'm not mad Fatima" he says

"Can I have a kiss?" She ask and he leaned over to peck her lips before they walked into the pizza place.

The next day had come and Anthony had to work so Fatima decided she'd go back to her place to check in on Andi.

"Well look who the fuck it isss" Danni says sitting on the couch as Fatima walked in

"I could say the same thing to you" she says hugging her "Ms Family Vacations" she adds

"Well atleast I'm out on the beach instead of trying to make families like you hussies" Danni says "I leave for a few weeks and you're popping plan bs?" She ask

"Hold on now. It was just one and it was just for precaution" Fatima defended

"CONDOM!" Danni sang

"Yes we use them but you know. You know" Fatima says

"Where's A ?" Fatima ask looking in the refrigerator

"She just got out of the shower but what brings you by?" Danni ask

"What brings me by? Bitch I live here too" Fatima says laughing

"I was under the impression you moved in with Ant man" Danni says

"Funny Ha Ha. No. And how are you going to say that and you haven't been here" Fatima ask her

"According to Momma Taylor in the back, neither have you" danni responds

"Well she's lying. I stay home with her sometimes" Fatima says

"Yeah. Some times" Andi says walking out into the living room

"You feeding this lady lies like we weren't just together last night" Fatima says to Andi

"Oh yeah how was that?" Danni ask switching her position on the couch ready to soak all the tea up

"It was all good until I started feeling sick" Andi says

"Yeah I had a good time" Fatima says trying to brush over the topic. Andi looked at Danni and gave it away.

"I call bullshit" Danni says looking at Andi who was talking with her eyes

"Was Zac there?" Danni ask

"Of course he was, you know he doesn't miss a cookout a party or any of that" Fatima says

"D you know he with Alaya?" Andi says and Danni gasps

"Say you swear?" She says in shock. Fatima rolled her eyes to herself

Andi nods

"Oh wow, that's interesting" Danni responds

"That's what I said" Andi says laughing

"What you gots to say about that one T?" Danni ask intentionally. She knew Fatima was irritated when the conversation first began

"I have nothing to say. What you want me to say?" She says sarcastically laughing "Keep him out of my face, I don't care who it is" she says

Andi and Danni look at eachother again

"Well glad that it was a good night, nobody got their ass beat right?" Danni ask

"No Danielle. No one was on any of that" Fatima responds

"I'm just saying because last time I heard it was on sight" she says punching the air and Andi fell out in a fit of laughter

"Well it wasn't. Next conversation please" Fatima says

"Oop" Danni says to herself and Andi snickers

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