Nobody Meets Somebody

By XxRoughLoverxX

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To Adriana Colton, Drew was a nobody till a few weeks ago. Now his arrogant, stupid, famous, and undeniably h... More

Hello to you too
Towel Boy
Day 2 and Counting
Red, Drenched, and Shopping
Shopping with Mr.MoneyBags
2 Boys and One Drink
Sitting Pretty on my Stupidity
Victoria Secret got nothing on this shit
Damn Interesting Knock
Two Dates, One Kiss...What's next?
Someone forgot to take their anti-hulk pills.

Um.. Here comes the fun..

164 5 6
By XxRoughLoverxX

Chapter 8:

Maybe you think love is sweet. That you float on some cloud. Cloud Nine, or whatever you want to call it. No, I'm not being pessimistic. I'm being realistic, because suddenly you feel vulnerable. You gave them that power to make or break you. And sooner or later, it will happen. So maybe, a little of you makes you wish life had a little more to it. But no, you move on to emptiness, farther into nowhere you go. hoping for something better. Hey.. remember 'god'. He so called, killed him for our shit. 

And those were the thoughts going through my head when I woke up, because no. No one was holding my hand, waiting for me to wake up. No the only thing to break the silence was the beep of the monitor. I couldn't stop crying. It hurt to. But was the only way, the thing I could. It felt inevitable that this would happen. I could feel what was going on within me, I was falling and I was landing on nothing but the cold hard ground. I had only seconds to repair myself. I have a second chance to fix what've done. 

"Adriana.." I looked to my side at saw my mother her eyes full of tears but I also saw the healing bruise oh her face. She ran to me and enveloped me. How could be so stupid? I had so much lying on this. I didn't even work. I was get him girls. I wanted to slap myself several sometimes to realize what I've done.

"Are you okay?" She said pulling me by the shoulders up to meet her body in quick tight hug, that caused more pain then comfort.

"Yeah, I heard getting hit by a motorcycle is even more relaxing then a massage." I told her, with more sarcasm in my voice then pain. "So I tried it out." She pushed me back giving me a strict look.

"What the hell have you done, Adriana?" She asked me. I looked deep into her brown eyes and looked away. "I fell for him. I fell for him and in the end I finally faced reality. Or better the truck that hit me." I said stabbing my nails into my skin to stop myself from crying. Because if she saw me cry, she would know I was vulnerable at that moment. The cut o my heart that I healed for so long was one to point that the blood couldn't rush fast enough out of it. Everything happens for a reason they say. I didn't want to say it out loud but I wanted that truck to kill me. As bad that may have sounded it was the 'easiest way out'. 

"So stupid girl this what you've done to yourself?" He looked at me with a scowl on his face. "And how are we supposed to pay for this?" My dad everyone. The town drunk himself came to give me a welcoming gesture to me for getting from the afterlife. The amazing he is himself, I mean he could drink as much vodka as a camel drinking water that would last to him a year. Well he was right, for the first time. His blue eyes stared at my brown eyes, I should say pink blue eyes. Because there his eyes were more bloodshot then blue. He shaved, aw for me? Ha ha, no. For his job, he probably smoked an extra pack of weed before coming in here. So sweet, right? He pushed aside my mom to get to me. He pulled the IV out as my mom shouted out to him to stop. Well, all we need is some theme music. 

"What the hell is going here?"  

"What the hell is he doing Adriana?"

"Jayden and Drew, well welcome to the fun." I said both giving them bitter smile. Drew looked away with guilt. And Jayden surprised me by taking me away from my suit clad father. And hell my dad gave him a fight. Drew came to take a step towards me to help. I watched him to step toward me and his then his guilt catching him first. I had a bandage around my head and my arms. So when I walked I looked like some legit mummy. I step out of Jayden hold and 'walked' my way to Drew holding his chin up with my finger. I held up my fist and gave him all my pain in one punch. I kept pounding him with my fist oh chest. And I pushed my hair from my face and stepped back. He stared at me with shock, this time his face having a very nice bruise under his eye. I smiled at him. A genuine, real smile.

"Thank you." I didn't need to say another word to him. Jayden scooped my up bridal style and took me outside with many nurse telling him to stop. He told them his name and they stopped. I looked at the side of his face and saw mysteries. So there's more there. This should be fun. He looked at me and smirked. I looked at him confused, and again with the smirks...

"What the hell is the reason for that smirk?" I asked with my brows furrowed.

"That was a pretty awesome punch you threw back there." He said making eye contact with me as he put my in the passenger seat of the black car. And buckled me up, his face not a breath away from my lips. I held my breath in fear my breath would stink. What? I am a girl. I care about this stuff. His green eyes stared it my brown eyes, then I had no problem holding my breath then. I could no longer breath when he looked at my lips then back to eyes. He moved slowly closer and moved back smoothly. I closed my eyes and took in a huge deep breath as he walked to his seat. I pushed the mirror down so it was eye level and tried to take of my bandage I winced with every movement. I saw Jayden start to hold in laughter as he drove.

I ignored him. I took off my arm bandage give up on my head bandage. I didn't look as I took them off. I knew I would look like smurf there. I saw Jayden looked from the corner of his eyes and then turned with anger in his eyes. I looked forget smurfs I looked like a fucking eggplant. At least I feel as bad as I look. My arms hurt as removed the bandage from my head. The car all of a sudden stopped. I stared at Jayden door as he closed it and walked to my side. He opened the door and came a breath away from my lips as he removed the bandage from my head. My hands still on my head, he kissed each of them till he got them all the way down. He looked me in the eyes with the intensity that caused my eyes to tear. He removed the bandage. He kissed my head down to my nose, I had my eyes closed tears running down my face. He held my face his thumbs stroking my face. I opened my eyes and rested my forehead against his.

"What have you done to yourself?" He asked I looked at him. I couldn't understand what his green eyes were saying. It hurt and it felt good. I felt the cloud nine and felt the falling. But this time I knew that I wouldn't crash land. I closed my eyes. His warm breath met my breath mixing. His lips met mine, I wrapped my arms around his neck. My fingers finding his hair. I pulled and smiled nto the kiss. He pushed me down on the seat of the chair. He moved his lips from mine smiling. He placed  kissed all over my face. He pulled up and looked at me with his smirk and intensity. 

"I more than want you."

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