Izuku Yagi - The New Yamato W...

By FatedGil

82.3K 1.2K 848

Izuku Yagi, tormented by the Bakugo twins for something he couldn't control, his only solace from this bullyi... More

Characters' Bio
Prologue: Quirk Test
Chapter 2: Yamato and Training
Chapter 3: Izuku's Vengeance
Chapter 4: 10 months later, UA entrance exam
Interlude: Katsumi, Izumi, and Shoka designs
Chapter 5: Apprehension test and Heroics Class Part One
Chapter 6: Heroics Class Part Two; Ryoshi's Fun and Izuku's Hell on Earth
Chapter 7: Panic Attack
Chapter 8: The LoV's First Move
Chapter 9: Yakuza Elimination Plans
Chapter 10: UA Sports Festival
Chapter 11: Sports Festival Battles Round Two
Chapter 12: Sports Festival Battles; Round Three and Final Round
Chapter 13: The Yakuza Dies Tonight.
Chapter 14: Aftermath and a Conversation With a Friend
Chapter 15: Kidnapping
Chapter 16: Internships
Chapter 17: Stain and a New Devil!
Chapter 18: Finishing Internships
Chapter 19: Off to the Training Camp
Chapter 20: First Official Day at the Training Camp!
Chapter 21: Betrayal?
Chapter 22: Kamino Ward
Chapter 23: Closing Hours
Chapter 24: Big Chicken? Archer?
Chapter 25: Retiring the Number 1 Hero

Chapter 1: Aldera

5.4K 91 78
By FatedGil

Gil: *Sigh* I hate this school.
N: Agreed. Izuku was basically tortured here, and the teachers did nothing.
Gil: Mhm. Enjoy the new chapter... What's that alarm?






Another early morning for young Izuku, now fourteen years of age, as he sits up in bed, his arms and back screaming out in pain. Damn Bakugo twins and their quirks, now I'm in pain all over whenever I move, these explosion injuries take a while to heal huh. Izuku was snapped out of his muttering by his still beeping alarm





Izuku: "Ugh, better get ready before everyone else wakes up."

After stopping his alarm, Izuku moves to freshen up, and gets dressed in his Aldera uniform he moves quietly past his parents room, so as to not wake them up, and goes down to the kitchen to make a smoothie. Turning on the lights, he pulls out a blender and grabs an assortment of berries from the fridge.

2 cup Swiss Chard. 1/4 Beet, raw. 1/2 cup Blueberries, frozen. 1/2 cup Strawberries, frozen. 1/2 cup Water. 1 cup Coconut Water. 1 tbsp Almond Butter, no added salt. 1/2 tbsp Cacao Powder.

Muttering to himself as he puts the ingredients into the blender. 

Gil: If you want the recipe yourself, here's the link; https://www.nutribullet.com/recipe/2063/berry-delight/

After pouring the smoothie into the cup, he makes a second one for Izumi. Izumi then walked down the stairs into the kitchen just  as Izuku finished pouring the smoothie. He looked up, seeing Izumi, Izuku put a grin on his face, hiding the pain in his joints and muscles, passing her the drink and her bag. Surprised, Izumi took her bag and the smoothie, as the two went to walk to school.

𝛙 • 𝛙 • 𝛙 • 𝛙 • 𝛙

Shoka: "Morning, Izuku, Izumi!"

Izuku: "Morning, you two!"

Izumi: "Good morning, Shoka, Shoto!"

Shoto: "Morning."

Izumi: "Shoto! You sound like a zombie!"

Shoto: "Yeah, I was up training all night."

Izuku: "At least Endeavour is no longer isolating you from the others."

Shoto : "Yeah, thanks again for that Izuku."

They all giggled remembering how Izuku managed to get Endeavour to warm up to him by following him around all day constantly asking for his autograph. He also managed to make Enji and Rei become aunts and uncles, due to how close the Yagi twins were to the Todoroki twins. The full family includes the Todoroki and Bakugo family, as well as Principal Nezu, who had a real liking to the broccoli boy after Nezu came to Aldera to look through the students to see how many were planning to apply for UA. Izuku's quirk analysis books caught Nezu's attention because of how in depth they were, not only did it show what the quirk was and how it works, it also had the advantages and disadvantages of the quirk and its user.

(Izuku POV)

Teacher: "...But why bother, you all want to go down the hero path."

I must have dozed off, the teacher is talking about what we want to do in the future.

Katsuki: "Don't lump us in with the rest of these extras, teach!"

Katsumi: "Yeah, these guys would be lucky to end up as a sidekick to a busted D-Lister!"

Katsuki: "Especially that useless DEKU!"

Katsuki said this whilst setting off explosions in his hand, making me flinch. All the students were complaining about the Bakugo twins' attitude and cockiness, until the teacher spoke up.

Teacher :"Oh yes, you two are going to UA aren't you?"

Everyone's jaw dropped at this revelation. UA was the national school, and had such a high entry bar. I knew what was coming next.

Teacher: "Come to think of it, six of you want to go to UA. Shoto, Shoka, Katsuki, Katsumi, Izumi, and Izuku"


Izuku: "I-I-It's been my dream t-to get into UA, and they abolished the rule about quirks a while back."

*BOOM* I was flung into a wall from the force of Katsuki's explosion.


Katsuki got up in my sister's face.

Katsuki: "I'm showing that quirkless reject his place."

The air around us got significantly colder, the tell-tale sign of the Todoroki twins quirk. Before anything could happen, the final bell rang.

Katsuki: "Tch, whatever."

Everyone else started to leave the classroom but the teacher told me to stay behind and clean up the messy classroom. I told my friends to wait outside for me because I wouldn't be that long. Oh how wrong I am. An explosion went off behind me and I flinched at the sound, as if I knew what was coming next. Another explosion went off and this one hit me and yet again, I was flung into a wall.

Katsuki: "You think you're better than us Deku?"

Katsumi: "You think you can get into UA?"

They didn't let me reply, they started torturing me with their quirk. From the constant torturing from when I was four, I had an overly high pain tolerance. But even that has its limits.

(Izumi POV)

I heard a scream coming from the school. I turned to look at Shoto, who had already turned and ran towards the noise. Shoka and I followed suit. Hearing explosions coming from the classroom we hurriedly opened the door. Oh the horror we saw. Izuku was curled in the corner in the foetal position, bleeding all over while Katsuki and Katsumi tortured him with their quirks. hearing us enter, Katsuki picked up Izuku by the arm and threw him at us like a sack of potatoes. As he was thrown we heard a loud pop, and a small whine of pain came from Izuku. I used my telekinesis power to put him down gently. 

Katsuki: "Heh, I've already had my fun for today, but I have some wisdom on how to get you a quirk Deku." 

Izuku looked hopeful.

Katsuki: "Take a swan dive off the roof, and hope for a quirk in your next life."

Before the Bakugo twins could even react, the entire classroom froze and they were trapped up to their necks in ice. I sensed pure malice emanating from the Todoroki twins.

Shoto: "Fuck you..."

Shoka "...Katsuki"


I had to stop them before they burned down the whole building, as both of their fire sides had started to flare.

Izuku: "I'm fine. Calm down you two."

The twins stopped and turned to care for Izuku, which allowed Katsumi to break out by setting an explosion off above where the ice was, then she freed Katsuki and they both ran off. Izuku stood up and I almost threw up, his right shoulder was dislocated. He then turned and ran shoulder first into a wall, with a loud pop and a sigh of relief, Izuku slid down the wall.

Shoka: "How does that not hurt?"

Izuku didn't answer, he just ripped his already torn shirt off, showing us all the explosion scars he had all over his body. I was horrified, there was even one in the shape of a hand on his sternum. He then pulled out some first aid gear from his bag and started to patch himself up.

Shoto: "I swear, I'm gonna kill that son of a bi-"

Shoka slapped him before he could finish the thought. I looked over at Izuku, whose eyes no longer had that happy, joyous light in them. Now they just looked on with hate and despair.

Izumi: "Izuku... Come here."

I embrace my brother, I feel him shaking in my arms. I feel my shirt getting wet as he starts crying, finally letting out all of that pent up anger and sadness, he started shouting loudly into my chest.


We didn't move for a while. Shoto and Shota joined the hug. Izuku just stayed still, sobbing for a few minutes before we all left. I kept my arm around my brother as we walked home. I turned to look at him, and I saw him staring at the Devil Forest, then he mouthed one word. 


𝛙 • 𝛙 • 𝛙 • 𝛙 • 𝛙

(3rd POV)

Izuku had told them everything. The ten years of torture. Constant verbal and mental abuse. Realisation dawned on Izumi's face realising why Izuku always flinched whenever explosions went off in the movies or hero videos they watched.

Gil: Sadly.

Izumi watched as Izuku climbed onto the roof and silently entered his room through the window as he still didn't have a shirt . Izumi walked through the front door and saw her dumbass father Toshinori standing there with a huge grin on his face.

Toshinori: "It's time for me to tell you what I do for a living."

Izumi: "What do you do for a living dad?"

The room started to fill with smoke and Izumi could no longer see her father. once the smoke dissipated, Izumi was shocked at the sight she saw

All Might : "I am here, young Izumi"

Izumi: "A-A-All Might?!"

All Might: "That's right daughter. It is I, All Might, the Number One Hero in Japan!"

Izumi was shocked. How could All Might of all people be a neglectful parent! She suddenly felt worried about what would happen if Izuku found out.

All Might: "I am telling you this today so you can inherit my quirk One For All!"

Izumi: "One For All... Wait, inherit?!"

All Might: "Correct, my quirk has been passed down generations!"

All Might proceeded to give the explanation of OFA to Izumi.

Izumi: "Why don't you give the quirk to Izuku?"

All Might: "Because, Izuku doesn't have the true heart of a hero."

'He what? Izuku's a hundred times more heroic than you All Might.'

Izumi: Let me think about this overnight. This is a big decision.

All Might: "Alright Izumi."

All Might shrunk back to his skinny form and they met Inko for dinner. Izumi kept trying to remind them about Izuku, to no avail. After dinner, Izumi walked up the stairs to head to her bedroom, when she saw him standing there, face red with rage. Izumi hugged her brother telling him that she will convince Toshinori to give him the quirk instead of her. Izuku pulled away and held her at arm's length.

Izuku: "No Izumi, I have a plan to gain a quirk anyway, and I don't need help from Ass Might of all people."

Izumi: "Izuku! Don't do it! Don't think for a second they were right!"

Izuku: "No no no, that's not what I mean."

Izuku told Izumi about the presence calling to him from the devil forest, a forest they always pass on the way home. It told him it had the power he was wishing for, he would have to pass the forest's test first.

Izuku: "I'm going after those sorry excuses for my parents go to sleep. I'm going to tell Uncle Nezu about this, as well as ask if he can give me a temporary residence somewhere. I will call you to catch up with you. But the next time I see you will be at the UA Entrance exams."

Izumi: "All right Izuku. Just wake me up before you go, so I can say goodbye."

Izuku: "I will."

Izuku had a sinister smile on his face, as if he was planning something. After hugging her brother again, Izumi changed and went to sleep. She woke up to the sound of collectible figures being smashed with a baseball bat. Izumi rushed into Izuku's room seeing all the All Might posters ripped down and figures smashed everywhere. Where the words power had been drawn all over his walls with red marker.

Izuku: "Ah, Izumi, I see you heard my wake up call. Nezu has booked an apartment for me for 10 months, so I am now able to leave this hellhole. Then when we get into UA, we will be staying in the dorms provided."

Izumi: "Did you have to cause this destruction?"

Izuku shrugged: "Needed to get my anger out one way or the other."

He walked forward and hugged Izumi, saying goodbye.

Izuku: "I'll see you in 10 months at the UA entrance exam, ok? Promise me."

A tearful Izumi replies: "I promise you brother. See you in ten months."

Izuku walked to the window and opened it.

Izuku: "There is a letter on my desk, explaining everything. When Nezu and detective Tsukauchi come over in three days, use some excuse like, where is Izuku, then come in here and call the others to come see. this will help be proof."

Izuku hopped out the window and walked down the street, waving at Izumi. 

(Izuku POV)

I finally fully realised what a line from my favourite song meant. 

Izuku: "Cast aside, there's no coming home"

When you're happy, you enjoy the song, and when you're sad, you understand the lyrics.

I walked into the forest and stopped, sensing a demonic energy emitting from the centre of the forest. walking towards it, I slipped on a patch of moss and fell on my face, just as a log trap flew over my head. 'this must be what they meant by the test.' I thought to myself. I kept walking towards the centre of the forest until I entered a clearing. Seeing that there was nothing in the clearing I was confused. until I felt the demonic energy was much stronger further south from my current position. I pushed forward jumping over spike pits, dodging log traps and knife traps. 'The traps are getting more dangerous and common...that must mean I'm getting closer.' I thought to myself. I dodged another log trap and jumped over another spike pit, then there was nothing. No more traps. Then I saw it, laying there on a rock. A huge grin broke out on my face.

Izuku: "Yamato."

Gil: First official chapter done, and guess what? We hit the goal! I managed to get over 2000 words. Now, a warning. My updates may not be stable, as I have a lot of schoolwork, so, sorry in advance. I will try to update every Monday afternoon, or whatever time it is where you are. See you all in the next one :)

Word Count: (2287)

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