The Return Of Joyboy!

By TheIntrovertRin

142K 5.1K 1.7K

The front cover's not ours! Co-creator: @Defectivedecoy Updated every Sunday! "What do you mean by 'Nika'?"... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
A/n Notes

Chapter 1

15.3K 295 96
By TheIntrovertRin

Dragon was looking over the vast ocean of the Grand Line from his ship. Like the waves in the ocean, his mind was also drifting to the events which had occurred a while ago. The World Government's brutality which was hidden from the common civilians felt like a crushing weight on his shoulders and the ones who knew the truth but were almost helpless. That's why he created an organization to stop the injustice of the World Government and liberate the ones who suffer due to them.

Dragon had talked to his father, the vice admiral, Monkey D. Garp, countless times about the wrongdoings of the World Government. He had even screamed when he felt his frustration and anger getting the best of him due to his 'ignorant' father but the only thing in reply which he would get was the same words repeated over and over.

'It's my duty that I'll choose and the justice of my will that I will follow.'

Dragon knew that his father was not responsible for the events that occurred in Ohara, Flevance, Baterilla and many other places whose story is just lost in the vast world. But Dragon really couldn't find it in his heart to forgive the ones who knew the truth yet chose to be silent and turn a blind eye towards it. He hated people like that but there was also the fact that his father knew something that he didn't.

The last time he had met Roger, he had offered him protection, he had known about his incurable disease. He knew about the man's quench for adventure. He knew his love for the sea. But the man said something which left him thinking about how much he knew about the world.

'I'm not the one who will change the world. Someone will come soon, who will shake the world to its core and unravel the truth for the world to see.'

Roger had laughed it off when Dragon had asked about the Void Century, saying that the chosen one will have all the answers to his questions. Dragon refused to ask any questions further but he soon regretted when he heard about what occurred in Baterilla. He would have loved to save the unborn child from the wrath of the Navy. But all he could do was regret and feel sad when the news of women and infants getting slaughtered reached him.

Dragon looked over to the vast stretch of the ocean in front of him. The wind was howling, the full moon above him glowed like a pearl and the sea, which had been calm a few seconds ago, was now dancing as if she was celebrating something, which he didn't know about. He doesn't know what came to him that moment but he declared the heavy thoughts of his heart and the burdens that he felt on his shoulders, for the howling winds to listen. He shouted out his fury for the World Government and with each word of his, the winds and waves rampaged as if they were agreeing to his words. He ended his declaration with a vow to end the tyranny of the World Government for mother nature to hear.

But the next thing he knew was a huge wave engulfing him and his right-hand bleeding. Drops of blood from his arm were falling into the ocean, some on the railing and some on the deck near his leg. Before he could take a look at his wound, he heard the sounds of drums and the waves coming back to him to engulf him once again.

On instinct, Dragon stepped back as the waves licked the blood from the railing and the deck, leaving a baby, who was sleeping with a smile on his face. The sounds of drums were getting louder and louder with the soft melody that the winds were playing. Calm waves were dancing in the ocean and in the middle of this he saw the baby opening his eyes slowly and staring at him.

Dragon's breath was caught in his throat as he saw the baby stare directly into his eyes. It felt as if he knew, as if he was seeing through his soul.

It was a joke! It was a joke to think that the 'World's Most Wanted Criminal' was scared of a little baby, which looked too adorable! Dragon gulped when he saw the baby suddenly smile, his smile reaching his eyes, which was impossible! He would have called it creepy but the adorable squishy face had no such thing.

Dragon didn't know when he moved, when he held the baby in his arms and when a smile on his own face came up. The smile on the baby's face was damn too infectious! It was as if he was enchanted by the baby completely.

He already felt that he wanted to take care of the baby, take him under his wing and protect him from the terrible and cruel world. Dragon felt a shiver run through him when a cool, freezing wind blew past him and the baby, ruffling the baby's hair in the process as if it was kissing and giving its blessings to the infant.

Dragon looked at the sea.

Calm, too calm for the Grand Line!

The sounds of the drums ceased when the baby fell asleep in his arms. The small being was not afraid of the stoic face that Dragon had worn earlier. He hadn't cried like most of the infants would do!

Dragon made his way inside the cabin and laid the baby on the bed, fortifying him with pillows to protect the newborn. With that done, he went to pick up some towels to dry him. But to his astonishment the baby was completely dry! It was as if he was never in the ocean in the first place.

Dragon's shocks were increasing every minute as he watched the mysterious baby. Why was the baby in the ocean in the first place? Should he keep it? Is it his son now? Whatever might be the answer, he wasn't ready to face it.

His thoughts were broken by his right-hand man, who chose this time to enter his cabin. The violet-haired Okama queen stopped in his tracks when he saw the most wanted criminal, his best friend, his boss, the coldest person he has ever seen, cradling a baby!!!

"Dragon-boy...?" The Okama queen questioned, not knowing what to even ask.

Dragon didn't know what he should do, but he felt attached to the baby and in a sense he felt he was a father to the little infant. He felt proud. He felt happy to have a son. He wanted to protect the baby, his newly claimed son. He picked the baby in his arms and kissed his forehead lovingly, making the baby open his sleepy eyes in the process. The baby giggled, making Dragon's cold heart suddenly fill with warmth. He smiled as the next words slipped from his mouth.

"Monkey D. Luffy!"

The baby giggled in joy and laughed. The sounds resonating through his body as Dragon heard it. The winds seemed to play a tune and the moonlight illuminated the room, falling on Luffy's face. The baby was smiling widely and was trying to reach with his little hands to grab the large finger of Dragon. Once he had his little hands on the larger finger, a brilliant smile lit on the baby's face as he cuddled closer to it and closed his eyes, going back to sleep.

The smile never left the little face! How was that even possible? How can an infant smile in his sleep? Do every baby do this? How did the baby get to him? There were more questions than answers. But one thing was sure, the ocean, the sea, the waves have given him a child to take care of.

"He is my son," Dragon looked to Ivankov for the first time since the said okama had entered the room, with a smile on his face, which was too rare for anyone to see.

Ivankov stood there shocked for a while, not believing the words that this man could ever have a baby. But the proof was in front of him. He made his way to the infant and saw the smiling face. His heart stopped for a moment. He was so freaking adorable. Ivankov couldn't help himself from cooing at the newborn.

"Can I hold him?" Ivankov asked, his large hands ready to carry the little one in his arms.

Dragon smiled at his right-hand man and handed his son to him carefully. Ivankov touched the soft cheeks of the baby using his giant thumb, causing the baby to open his eyes slowly. The little one gave a small yawn before blinking at Ivankov. The baby cutely tilted his head a little to the side, making Ivankov stop, and stared into the eyes of the Revolutionary for a few seconds before bursting into a cute happy giggle.

Ivankov felt his heart had stopped working when he felt the intense gaze of the baby. Something inside him told him, this baby was not ordinary.

"I- What was that?" Ivankov uttered, not even realizing that he spoke.

"I don't know," Dragon simply shrugged it off, knowing full well what his friend wanted to ask. But he himself doesn't know what that was. He had felt it once.

Dragon didn't know how having a son was going to change his life but he loved the boy, his cute giggles and smiles had already made their way to his heart. He didn't have the will to send the boy to a safer place. He didn't even want to allow him to go even a few inches away from him. He wanted to shield the boy from everything.

Even if the thought about the safety of his son concerned him, he couldn't think of doing that. He can't give him to his father, not right now. But the 'revolution' was not an idle place for a child to grow. He wants his child to have a proper upbringing and choose what he wants to do in the future without any pressure. He wants to give his child whatever he wants.

The infant didn't know that he had already wrapped the leader of the Revolutionary Army in his fingers in just a few moments with his sunny smile.


It has been a year since Dragon had left the Revolutionary base and hid in West Blue, with Ivankov by his side. But he was still carrying on with his Revolutionary work, ordering his fellow comrades through denden mushi, leading the revolution quietly, and keeping it still going. He knew that he couldn't be the center of the revolution while taking care of his baby boy.

He wants to protect Luffy from the World Government. He wants him to never dirty his hands as he had done with his own. He wants him to always smile as he does. The smile which is equivalent to the sun. Luffy is his sun. His treasure. He gave him all his love and attention. He gave everything Luffy wanted, spoiling the little brat to the fullest. He never told anyone about Luffy's existence, except Ivankov, who was there with him in those moments when he first got his little hatching.

Right now, they were sitting idly by a beach on an Island in the West Blue, seeing the sunset. The little toddler was doing his best to get out of the grasp of Dragon who was holding him. Even for a year old child, Luffy was an energetic brat, always wanting to explore everything. His curious, innocent eyes would always shine like stars whenever he found something new.

Right now, he was pouting when he felt he can't crawl or run on the rough sand and play with it. The adorable puppy eyes, which he was making, could have broken Dragon's resolve within a second, if not for the fact that the Revolutionary Army leader refused to meet those eyes. But it had already shattered Ivankov's resolve as he sided with the spoiled brat.

"Dragon-boy, let him play. We are here, he won't get away."

Dragon sighed as he looked at the adorable face which was grinning widely at Ivankov, as if agreeing with the okama and letting a cute giggle.

That was the last blow to Dragon's resolve.

"Alright," Dragon smiled as he finally placed the toddler on the sand.

He could see the boy running towards the water with his wobbly legs. Without thinking, he stood up, following his baby boy, ready to pick him up if Luffy got too close to the shoreline. Luffy looked so happy as he ran his way to the shore, giggling repeatedly as if someone was calling him or telling him something funny. That was when Dragon saw the water leaving the shoreline and rapidly rushing toward the giggling and babbling baby.

Dragon without hesitation picked up the boy, who began whining at it. He saw the water rising upwards and splashing itself on them, which was technically impossible!!! He took his steps back, afraid that his brat would get sick, afraid that he would feel difficulty in breathing. But he was left amazed when he saw that Luffy was not wet at all! He was not breathless! He was smiling and giggling, not whining like before. His sunshine smile which could light up his worse days was in full force on his little face as he looked at the waters.

He was left awestruck. It was the second time this has ever happened. Dragon couldn't place or form a single sentence about what had just happened.

Ivankov came running towards Dragon, checking the toddler instantly for any signs of damage. But he also was left stunned when he felt the baby dry and giggling and babbling happily.

"What was that...?" Ivankov managed to croak despite their shock, looking at the waters, which seemed to be dancing as if it got the most precious thing it can ever get.

Dragon shrugged not knowing what to say at all. He was happy Luffy was fine. That he was safe. But that didn't answer what the heck had happened. He saw the boy smiling wider than before as if he found a part of himself.

"Pa!" Dragon literally dropped the little menace after hearing his first words while Ivankov literally stumbled on his feet. Their hearts were racing thousands of kilometers per hour.

The little boy's face scrunched a little, as if he was thinking something and then with a full force smile, another word was uttered by the little sunshine.

"! Papa! Papa!" Luffy smiled and kept on chanting the words as he looked at his father.

Dragon found a smile creeping on his face. He pressed his lips on Luffy's crown. He was so proud of his little boy that he didn't even notice the water imprints on the baby's forehead, he was too engrossed in the words spilling out from the toddler's mouth. He felt as if he was on the ninth cloud.

"Papa! Papa!" Luffy kept on babbling cutely.

Dragon and Iva found their hearts melting at that. All the worries of the world were forgotten as if they never existed in the first place. All they could hear was the cute voice and the adorable giggling. The brilliant smile, which challenged the sun, on the face of the toddler looked absolutely mesmerizing.

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