Helping Gwen 10

By AnimeEagleScout

192K 4.9K 2.3K

Ben is driving a while after the final battle in Ultimate Alien and ends up in a portal to another world. Ben... More

Random Portal
Family and Smoothies
Home and Work
Play with Fire
Wrinkle Brain thinking
I thought of it First
Null and Void
don't fuck with Terra [maybe a chapter?]
Grampa Proud
Human Race
Noticable Difference
it's a placeholder title
Malling About
What Grey-Matters
Galvin's Life
Kevin's Reward
Helping Out
Draining Work
Plastic Straws
The Think Tank
The Big Think
start running now. [not canon]
back on the grind.
After Shock
Week Off part 1
Week Off part 2
Week Off Part 3
Week Off Part 4
Week Off Part 5
Week Off Part 6
Week Off Part 7
Week Off Part 8
Week Off Part 9
Week Off Part 10
Week Off Part 11
Week Off Part 12
Week Off Part 13
Week Off Part 14
Back Home
This is it Part 1
This is It Part 2
Incomprehension[what if]
turtle soup
Time slipping
Birthday Part 2
Birthday Part 3
Birthday part 4
Chapter Title
Ultimate Omniverse Pilot
Jade-s Christ-al
My Greatest Enemy
Ultra's End Goal [Not a Chapter]


1.5K 47 14
By AnimeEagleScout

"You don't need 20 friends you just need 3 Motherfucker to take over a country."

Tetrax Ship

Sitting in his chair polishing the Heart Crystal while Gluto flew the Petrosapien spoke to it.

"I'm sorry...all of you. I have someone to make it right. He has an Omnitrix...I hope." Tetrax says as Gluto makes a few noises.

"Hu?" Tetrax says as something is approaching Retribution at extreme speed. Like FTL tracer round speeds.

The pilot had let out the noise that translated to hang on to the Petrosapien.

A large white creature had been keeping pace with the ship at approaching hyper space jump.

Tetrax hated when these jumps started without a highway gate. The Retribution wasn't exactly the highest quality.

Through hyperspace the creature had seem to keep up.

Gluto shouted they needed to pull out of hyperspace or they'd burn out their fuel.

The everloving shit had been scared out of both of them when it flew ahead of them and got within flight path.

A message appeared on the coms just before a green flash happened.

Suddenly the massive creature vanished and a black dot seem to phased through the ship.

When Gluto had pulled out of hyperspace they were safe as far as readings were saying.

Then the monitor started going fuzzy and static. A voice echoed through the message.

"Hey." Hey hey hey.

"Tetrax." Tetrax Tetrax Tetrax.

"Where is that coming from?" Tetrax asked his pilot.

Gluto trembled and said 'Inside the ship.'

"Show yourself!" Tetrax shouted as his arms spiked up and looking around.

Floating out the floor was a black and blue ghost-like entity.

"Sup Trax." It said "Scared ya didn't I?"

"Ben?" Tetrax asked.

"In the flesh...kinda." Ben said.

Tetrax didn't move as he tried process what just happened.

Ben reached out and poked Tetrax sending a jolt through him. "Boop."

"I'm not scared." Tetrax said.

Ben let out a yawn opening his mouth and Tetrax had scrambled back holding up a crystal arm ready to fire.

"Wouldn't do jack buddy." Ben floated over him "You can't even touch me."

"Ben stop scaring the walking chandelier." Trixie said.

"It ain't the first time he's seen a ghost." Ben said.

"Ain't that the truth." Tetrax said.

"Just having some fun. Ghostfreak was just awesome till..." Ben dragged off before shaking his head and changing into Ultimate Chromastone.

Tetrax looked up at the Evolved Version of Sugalite and the Heart Crystal floated out of Tetrax hand.

A a white glow from Ben's eyes had been followed by the gem glowing back.

"Hello everyone." The voice of Sugalite said holding the gem "I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you."

The gem to Tetrax was silent but Ben nodded and muttered as if having a full conversation.

"Yes... yes thank you Diamonius I shall." Sugalite said "Tetrax Shard, I offer you a chance to redeem yourself to Petropia and all her people."

A red fragment from Ultimate Chromastone was removed and offered to Tetrax.

"Whatever it takes to fix what I did." Tetrax said reaching out.

The red gem was placed into Tetrax chest and he started screaming as red spikes shot out his body.

Gluto was cowering behind the console as Tetrax was feeling a great pain...more then he felt watching the death of his people.

"What'" Tetrax struggled to speak.

Tetrax was watching Vilgax Ship level Petropia but not from the perspective of the ship. Again and again as if he was seeing...

"Their last day, Shard. You are living the memories last saved by this gem as Petropia fell." Ultimate Chromastone said.

"Why..." Tetrax said before Ultimate Chromastone palmstruck Tetrax shattering him to pieces.

"Welcome to the land of the living Sugalite." Ben said as he waved his hand and reassembled Tetrax.

"That was a very rude thing to do Ben." Sugalite said helping Tetrax up.

"What just happened?" Tetrax said raising his hand to his head.

"Ben used you as a vessel to resurrect me." Sugalite said "The Sugalite from his dimension."

"How am I alive?" Tetrax asked feeling his body. Having been shattered to dust and reassembled.

"Ben's Ultimate Chromastone is designed by me for controlling Petropia's Crystals." Sugalite said "Your new form will be crucial for the resurrection."

Tetrax looked down at his hands.

"Be calm, child of Petropia. You have saved our home in one land as we shall again." Sugalite voice rang in his head. "You have been designated as a Man of the Crystal. And all the power associated with it. Brother Shard." As the constructed God put a hand on his shoulder.

Tetrax looked down at his fingers as Ben turned into a Opticoid and blasted him.

"Wait hold-" Raising his hand Tetrax felt the energy enter his hand and gather in his chest. "Whoa."

"We have much to do. Firstly, Ben I request you put me through the Ultimizer with Diamondhead." Sugalite said breaking off 2 pieces of himself and handing one to Ben.

Turning into Diamondhead the gem burrowed into Ben's Petrosapien form before the transformation happened again.

"Ultimate Diamondhead." Ben said.

The crystal was then returned to Sugalite and his form changed.

"For 2 million years I've had time to reflect on my failures." Ultimate Sugalite said floating there and a bright light shown. Tetrax feeling the voice of 10 million as one determination to put the world back together.

"What's the plan?" Tetrax said looking at the floating entity.

"We need the Primodial of Petropia, the Heart Crystal and Gwen's Carbonite Form." Sugalite said "We don't have to wait for the alignment of the 3 Sun's since we have Ben."

"We shall retrieve the primordial, your luminous." Tetrax bowed but was scolded for it by the voice of Sugalite from the Heart Crystal.

"I have to handle with Ben." Sugalite said "A small favor for his deeds in our dimension."

"We shall be ready, brother of the Crystal." Sugalite said.

"You know you don't have to if your needed elsewhere." Ultimate Diamondhead said testing a light projection power to make Light illusions.

"My help is needed elsewhere." Sugalite said "You will need me in Ledgerdomain."

Ben turned into Ben and Tetrax could sense something. "Ben...I sense...a kinship...I...I think I can hear something."

"Your sensing Ben's Data Cluster." Trixie said.

"No touching." Tetrax 'heard' shouted from the gemstone "Ben's meatbag is enough a stock Petrosapien shouldn't hear it and trust me it's best you try ignoring me. Name's Ultra."

Ben's eyes flashed and a girl's voice said "New Transformation added. Ultimate Chromastone (Purple) added to Playlist."

We'll see you guys when you get the parts ready." Ben said "I gotta go fight a wizard."

"WE gotta fight a wizard." Ultimatw Sugalite said handing Tetrax a gem which burrowed into him turning one of his spikes purple. "I shall keep communication through the tethering of my crystal. Let your clarity not fail you Brother Shard."

"Thank you." Tetrax said "I won't fail Petropia again."

Ben grinned as they headed to the airlock and Ben saluted as he hit the door.

Ben managed to keep his breathing exhaling and controlled for 30 seconds before Trixie auto turned into Jetray.

"You know you really should be careful doing that." Sugalite said.

"Hey I was trained for it." Ultra said sending the Ultimizer.

Ben grabbed Sugalite and just pulled him through slip space pulling out by Venus heading towards earth.

"Such a lovely planet. Would you mind if I set up a colony there once Petropia is returned?" Sugalite asked.

"Sure thing but you gotta help get it human ready too." Ben said "Also if your cool with it I wanna resurrect a few people from your heart crystal? I have a few plans for Mars."

Entering Terra's atmosphere Ben landed in the desert and turned into Chromastone. "Race ya there."

Sugalite smiled as he said "321GO!"

Hex's Tower

Hex had heard the knock on the door and grabbed his staff.

He wasn't expecting 2 crystal beings floating there.

"Sup Hex." One said.

Hex realized immediately "Druid?"

"Yep." Ben said turning into a dragon, then a gremlin, then a fire elemental, pixie then back into the crystal being. "Is 'Caroline' here?"

"She's meditating currently please come in." Hex said.

'This place...this man is-" Sugalite spoke directly to Ben's Data Cluster.

'Evil I know but we aren't helping him." Ben responded.

"So you truly plan to aid her in reclaiming Ledgerdomain?" Hex asked as a teapot levitated along with cups.

"Yes." Ben said flatly. Hex knew that face.

It was the one he saw his bother make shortly before his death as Hex had pulled Charmcaster out of Ledgerdomain.

"Oh sorry uh this is Sugalite." Ben said "He's an associate from one of my previous jobs."

"Really? Due tell." Hex said stirring his drink.

"Ben resurrected my planet." Sugalite said as Hex nearly choked on his tea.

"Excuse me?!" Hex shouted.

"You wanna tell it?" Ben asked, he then shifted his eyes as a Purple cat walked in.

Something in his...everything told him it was Hope.

"Mr Hexadecimal-"

"Hex." Hex interrupted "It's not short for anything."

"My Apologies." Sugalite said "Petropia was a planet born under 3 stars-"

"The people there as diverse as humans. All shapes, colors, sizes." Sugalite said "All living in the underground caves under it's crystal layer."

"Looks like a beautiful place." Hex said.

Sugalite closed his eye "It was- Oh by Gem it was...the horizon shown brighter then the stars."

Hex could see the great sadness on the creature.

"After years of infighting and blowing the planet up through war the numbers dwindle to about half earth's population." Sugalite said "It was then when the greatest minds of the planet had discovered the Primodial."

"The life blood of the planet's living gems. With this they could become God's."

Hex had leaned forward thinking exactly what Ben knew he would.

"But they had chosen to use this to stop the fighting." Sugalite said "With the greatest scientific minds, the 10,000 of the most righteous men and the Primodial a being was constructed...a being made to prevent the war that had leveled the planet and stopping infighting so they could rise beyond their standings."

"Are you telling me YOU are a Gem Golem Joshua?" Hex asked.

"Please do not compare me to your Christian Messiah." Sugalite said "Ben has spent 2 million years doing so."

"2 million..." Hex gasped as he looked at Ben.

"I have a machine that simulates DNA in 'The Worst Case Scenario'." Ben said "He experienced the million year corpse pile, twice."

" could you-"

"I had a duty to restore my home." Sugalite said sipping the tea "A couple million years of preparation...not that long a wait... honestly by the second million I was having fun."

Hex's jaw hit the floor as he had just stared at the crystal being.

"You...what did he offer-" Hex looked to Ben.

"I am simply returning a favor." Sugalite said "I see liberating Ledgerdomain of the Tyrent know as Addwaitya as fair compensation so I intend to aid Ben and Young Caroline in their goal of stopping him. No more no less."

The Purple cat left and Charmcaster walked in.

"You seriously brought a demigod to help me?" Charmcaster said.

"I was made by man. Not God nor devil." Sugalite said.

"I told you I'd help you." Ben said "I was short one badass and he fit the bill."

"With the Alpha Rune Addwaitya is a God in Ledgerdomain." Hex said "Are you sure he has the ability to handle it?"

"Yes." Ben said.

Hex looked at Sugalite who stood up and said "Hit me with your best shot."

"Eradiko." Hex said.

Sugalite shattered to pieces.

"Not much of a..."

Both magic users watched in shock as the floating being had reassembled into a form similar to Ben's then shifted back into the floating form.

"Wanna try again?" Sugalite asked.

"Adficio potentia!/Berdi Mordo Nata!" Charmcaster and Hex said blasting Sugalite.

Hex looked to Ben and and cast another spell that unlike the merciful Constructed God of Petropia retaliation was fair game.

Charmcaster giggled when Hex was hit with his own spells power.

"You all packed?" Ben asked her.

"Yep." Charmcaster said.

"Wait." Hex said as they walked to the door.

Hex held out the Staff of Ages.

"What?" Charmcaster asked.

"I will not join you but if you insist on this." Hex handed her the staff.

"Sugalite do you mind if I speak to Hex for a second?" Ben asked.

Charmcaster and Sugalite walked out and Ben said "I'm gonna make this quick. My goal is saving your brother because he's alot more valuable in fighting my real enemy."

"A due tell druid who may that be?" Hex asked.

Ben held up his hand and projected an image.

"Dagon" Ben said.

Hex's eyes widened "That...that's..."

His knees weakened as he watched Ben fight Dagon in another realm.

"I need people with Knowledge on shit like this. I need magic users who who their shit so..."

"You have my help." Hex said.

"Really?" Ben asked "No favors? no hesitation? The blood of my first born?"

"I plan to rule this world. I don't want a demon's interference." Hex said "What's the point of taking over when your just under the boot of another being?"

"Damn." Ben said "Also do you have anything to help with learning magic?"

"You seek to reach into the arcane instead of Primal?" Hex asks "I can check your mana pools and give you some books."

Ben turned human as Hex went and got something.

Hex pulled out a totem and waved it around Ben chanting in a different language.

"Humm." Hex hummed as he was examining the glow.

Ben stood and waited.

"This...this is strange." Hex said "Your Pools...they..."

"Could you please explain?"

"The energy in humans has 7 pools." Hex says "Each one flowing through one another, Like a river through a pond. But the ponds often get filled with muck. You However I've noticed the water is...skipping the rivers."

"Like all 7 are equal?" Ben asked.

"Kind of." Hex says "It's as if all the mana is distributing itself evenly through all of them."

"And that's..."

"Bad if you don't have any knowledge about casting." Hex says "The ability to cast without a focus should be lost to you."

"I see." Ben said.

"Magic requires Surges in pools. When your angry or scared you cause a spike in..." Hex tried to remember the scientific term.


"Yes. Mana in a body likes to separate and organize." Hex said "It is theoretically possible that once all 7 pools are of equal power and high enough you could destroy a body and live as pure energy. I've never seen one outside of Hope's mother."

"What did she look like?" Ben asked.

Hex reached into his pocket showing a gemstone. He tapped it and a single picture of Spellbinder and...

A Blue Anodite?!

"This was taken before I was even born." Hex said "My older brother held the Alpha Rune and it had ripped his hearts desire out of his head. A daughter to love and raise."

"Why did it require the Rune to do that?" Ben asked.

"My brother believed in his study before relationships." Hex said "He had been with Ledgerdomain for 20 years before Hope was conceived. And the second she was handed to Him Ledgerdomain's Form had faded back into the realm."

"How'd he take it?" Ben asked.

"My brother cried all night but had understood the deal was the child."

"So what exactly did the Rune Do?" Ben asked "I've seen it used as a spell thing but from what your saying it grants wishes?"

"The Rune has a safety feature so it can't be held onto for long." Hex said "It will compel you to tell it your deepest wish and once it grants it it fades back into Ledgerdomain for a few years. Give or take a hundred...or Thousand or so."

"Wait how long did Addwaitya have it?" Ben asked.

"He had arrived over 20,000 years ago according to records and his own gloating but his first time getting the Rune had granted his wish for his kind to not be burdened by threats that were Plaging them at the time." Hex said "He spent 9,000 years searching for the Rune again. Which happened to be in the hands of my brother the last time it reappeared. It reappeared about 18 years ago a year before Charmcaster had been brought into your realm."

"Woah." Ben said.

Hex nodded and walked off "Let me get you something to aid your learning."

Ben was handed a small book that he knew like he use to know the Omnitrix. An old friend but full of secrets.

It was Gwen's first spellbook.

"Thank you." Ben nodded accepting it "I hope I could figure it out."

Ben walked out.

'Ben I know it sucks to tell you this but male Anodite's..." Trixie started.

'Yeah..." Ben sniffed 'Grandma Verdona told me. Kaboom."

Trixie surged a few nanites making it feel like she was holding Ben's hand.

'Hey the normal way is still an option for you." Trixie said.

Ben was thinking about the words his grandmother told him when he asked if there were any male Anodite's.

"Their forms can't exist outside of Anodite or the gravity of stars or black holes." Grandma Verdona said "I honestly haven't even seen a full blooded male Anodite since...I think I was old enough to fly."

"When did you learn to fly?" Ben asked.

"5 years old."

Ben walked over to the others and they all flew off.

Galvan Prime 2.0

Azmuth Prime was thinking back on somethings. They were working on repairing the biosuit.

"Grey a question I've been wondering." Azmuth said "Why is Ben so driven to request an Anodite transformation?"

"Because it's a piece of him." Grey said "It's literally a 4th of his DNA that he's been told 'Sorry your shit out of luck kid'. He's fine with the Ultimatrix."

"If he is in possession of transformations capable enough what would a lack of an Anodite form cause?" Lesser Azmuth asked.

"His afterlife." Xeno said.

"Pardon?" Grey and Lesser Azmuth asked.

"Gwendolyn has been shown if her body is destroyed she will become a full Anodite." Azmuth Prime said "I don't put faith the same will happen for Ben but the failsafes should-"

"Your thinking of it as just death that's the worry." Grey says "Plumber training does tell you that humans don't have a predetermined afterlife like the majority of the cosmos. You are conditioned to behave because it's the right thing to do and just live instead of thinking about...after living."

"Ben's subconsciously worried when he goes he won't end up anywhere." Lesser Azmuth said "Seems reasonable."

"Oh it's far more then you think." Xenon said "Tell me what happens to the stored energy in an organic being when they die?"

"It is eaten by either animals, bacteria and degrades into it's base elements." Lesser Azmuth says.

"And the energy is released during the process." Grey says.

"Now what happens when it isn't matter holding the energy?" Xenon asked "What if the energy never leaves the material-"

"Well it could theoretically make a new element-" Lesser Azmuth started.

"-And the energy is living?" Xenon asked.

The 3 went quiet as they thought...

" you...there's no way it would..." Azmuth Prime and Grey got looks of horror when the wires were connecting.

"Are you suggesting Ben would remain conscious after death?!" Lesser Azmuth asked.

"Oh it happens all the time." Xenon said "Why do you think the Galvan's Pray to Mecha so much. Our mana is crystallized to be pulled back to its creator and recycled into a new life. Humans don't get that mercy and the ones with extraordinary powers..."

"They have enough to become aware of being dead." Grey said.

"DOES BEN KNOW THIS?!" Azmuth Prime shouted looking to Grey.

"No." Grey said weakly.

"This...we need to do something for Ben...and Gwen." Lesser Azmuth said.

"There are already the necessary counters for the Omnitrix weilders." Xenon said.

"Are you sure?!" Both Azmuth's asked worried.

"I'm fairly confident in my handiwork."

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