Their neko mate ( Weasley twi...

By werepet

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Bellatrix has had a hard life, a past she doesn't want to remember, a future she's trying to find out, and a... More

Chapter one Third person
Chapter two POV Snape
Chapter three POV Harry
Chapter five POC Lusius
Chapter six POV Draco
Chapter seven POV Fred
Chapter eight POV Bellatrix
Chapter nine POV Draco
Chapter ten POV Snape
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen POV Bellatrix
Chapter Sixteen POV Bellatrix
Chapter Seventeen POV Draco
Chapter Eighteen POV Draco

Chapter four POV Bellatrix

340 13 0
By werepet

I hid the shivers that consumed my body but I could not, unfortunately, hide to twitching of my tail and ears which immediately gave me away, uncle Sirius saw that and met me halfway up taking my truck and the empty cat carrier ( have you figured it out yet?) from me before announcing me as his niece, their stares were making me uncomfortable and the only thing keeping me from turning around and running away was the energy of two of my mates, those to whom I ran when something scared me, they were my safe place and I was keeping strong, for them and my uncles
    when I reached the bottom of the stairs I hid behind uncle Remus, who handed me a headband with holes for my ears so that other witches and wizards would think that my ears were just an enchanted headband, ( he was handling his shock much better than uncle Sirius had considering that this was his first time seeing me in my 'human' form )then we set off to dagonon alley to get our stuff, I was nervous so I don't remember much except getting my wand, it took quite a while to find the one, destroying half the shop in the process it was the strongest Mr. Oliver had ever made, dark wood, thirteen inches, core of Basilisk fang and phoenix feather, good for duels, it was a day to remember for sure, but me being me only remembered that unnecessary details, like the strange looks I got from the Weasleys and the other two, I wasn't  noticed by others people, the headband doing its job, but they wouldn't take their eyes off me and it was unnerving, anyway I was happy the way today went and couldn't wait to go to Hogwarts. Even if it would be hard to stay away from a certain potions professor, whose company i had grown to enjoy.....
"So Bella......."
We were back at home, I looked up from the book that I was reading, Ronald Weasley was standing in front of me noticing that he had my attention he blushed and started stammering
" Um.... how we have not......met um before.... um if your...."
While he was trying to form a sentence the other two came up to me
" He's asking why we've never met before, since your Sirius's niece"
Hermione asked for him
"Quite simple, even though I live here, Miss Granger, Mister Weasley and Mister Potter, you didn't notice me"
I went back to my book as they looked at each other in surprise, before Hermione walked up to Sirius and asked
" Was she here all this time?"
He nodded and I suppressed the urge to tell her that I could hear her, Sirius smirked as he came up to me putting a hand on my chair, the closest I would let him and uncle Remus everyone else I wouldn't let closer that a meter, except the twins...... and a certain professor, his magic had a calming effect on me it was familiar, he was always with my father though he didn't know that I existed, his magic would seek out mine every time I don't know if he felt it but I did, the feeling of safety that I never wanted to lose, I sighed and stood up we were leaving in five minutes, might as well get in the car, after a while they followed me, once they got in and Sirius was comfortable in the back in his dog form, Hermione turned to me
" So Bella, we talked, and I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I have to know, why are both Harry and Ron attracted to you?"
The boys turned red and the twins Suddenly coughed a couple times and tried to hide their evident anger at Hermione's disrespect to me
I smiled slightly the twins, they definitely knew that they we were mates, but , they didn't have to know that I knew yet
" Sorry, I have that affect on males, and some females, though it's affect is less on the happily mated"
The rest of the way to the train station we rode in silence, Sirius said bye to us in dog form, I let him rub against me and Remus hug me, not too tight, feeling another familiar and a less familiar but just as strong energy flow through mine, I was careful not to give away that I had felt it... The second to my dad and someone I didn't know, strange, It disappeared as soon as I stepped into the train, I wanted to find a compartment to myself but the Weasleys and Granger with potter circled me not letting me escape, I think I know what was going on, more questions, great, I was right, as soon as I sat down Granger asked a question
" How are we to know your not going to seduce the boys and get information out of them?"
I rolled my eyes before answering
" One, I know a lot more than you and two, I would kill myself before being unfaithful to my mates"
That and the death glare I sent her seemed to shut them up, I sighed and stood up, but not before noticing the proud smiles on the twins faces. I headed to the bathroom to change and then to find an empty compartment to read in undisturbed

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