Crimson Veins (Discontinued)

By XxHound_Of_BloodxX

619 22 17

Steven has begun his journey to find himself when his car is suddenly taken off the road. Unbeknownst to him... More

Chapter One The Mission
Chapter Two Experimentation
Chapter Three Escape
Chapter Four Finding Answers
Chapter Five Gentek
Chapter Six We Miss You
Chapter Eight Homeward Bound
Chapter Nine We Have No Hope
Important Announcement
New Passion

Chapter Seven Black Watch's Secret

53 1 2
By XxHound_Of_BloodxX

Narrator's POV:

Shallow breathing could be heard from a distant alleyway. Around the corner there he was, Steven Universe on the ground with blood soaking the ground below him.

Steven's POV:

I could feel blood pouring from all over my body. When I was discovered at Gentek, soldiers riddled my body with bullets from their rifles. My hand left my side as I held it out in front of me, blood coating it entirely. Oddly enough I didn't feel a thing, more like I felt winded, like a I just ran a marathon around the world. My hands had shifted back to normal by the time I had escaped from Black Watch. Even if I was started to get a handle on these powers, that was something else entirely.

My head felt like it was pounding out of my skull, my eyes closed tightly, listening to the sound of my heart beating violently against my chest. Now that they know I can disguise myself things were going become more difficult. Even now I hear Black Watch soldiers marching up and down the street, luckily this was the one place they haven't thought to look.

I looked down at my blood soaked body, but suddenly the dark red gem on my stomach glows brightly, I can feel my blood coursing back through my body and Veins, bullets dropping to the ground. The light had gone away as I noticed the pull of blood or any blood stains on my clothes or hands was completely gone.

As much as I hated who I've become, this was a useful thing to have. And who knows, might be my only way to stop Mercer when that time comes. For now I just need to keep my head low and think on another plan of how I was gonna get out of this mess.

Then it hit me, Beach City, those gems. Maybe they could be the answers that I need. All I knew was my name, but I'm sure they knew more, they have to. Something about them brings a warmth to my chest everytime I think about them like they are my.. family.

I slowly stand myself up and dawn my hood as I make my way out of the alley way into the busy streets of New York. People gave me weird looks, but payed no never mind, which was at least a good sign, right?

With my head down, I made my way down the street, passing soldiers left and right. As long as they couldn't see my face I was going to be okay. Even though I think I could take on a whole army by myself I wasn't going to chance it. They were on high alert because of me.

I noticed the crowds growing smaller and smaller around me before I knew it there was no one. My head raised up as I looked around at my surroundings. There was a barricade in front of me with the words, 'Infected Zone, Keep Out'.

Infected Zone? Wait.. that can't possibly mean.. my thoughts were cut off with a rifle pointed at my head.

"This is a restricted zone, I suggest you turn around and go back the way you came," A Black Watch soldier spoke, holding his finger over the trigger.

I said nothing and stood there, waiting for what he was going to do.

"Did you not hear me? I said this is a restricted zo!" He was cut off when I grabbed him by the scuff of his uniform, my hood lifting slightly to reveal my face.

Before he was able to make a word, my hand shifted into a claw and plunged through his chest, he made a few gurgles before he went limp as I dropped him on the ground. I leaped over the barricade and landed on the other side.

The very first thing I notice is Black tendrils, squeezing around a cab, the ground torn apart, broken with many cracks, even the buildings looked completely run down. What were they hiding? Did they test a whole city district with this virus?

My eyes glanced around at any sign of life as I walked down the broken street. Suddenly a scream from a woman startled me from my thoughts as I immediately sprinted in the direction, down an alley way I saw someone, no something hunched over someone. It was.. the woman who screamed, her lifeless eyes stared back into mine as I noticed the details of the attacker. Wait... oh god...

This wasn't a human, the sound of flesh being chewed on, bones being snapped in half as it ripped her arm off clean from it's socket, munching on it like a chicken leg. I was frozen in my tracks I could only watch it devour this woman in front of me.

Suddenly as I took a step back it stopped and immediately turned into my direction. It's clothes were torn and ripped, it's skin peeling off it's body, bloodshot eyes, pulsating tentacles coursing through it's body. Within a mere moment in broke into a manic sprint towards me, even running on all fours, making a loud nonhuman shriek.

I turned around to quickly take off out of the alleyway. That's when I noticed there was more.... way more... Too many my eyes could even count as I looked all around me. They were everywhere in all shapes and sizes. Suddenly I was tackled to the ground by a giant creature that roared in my face, it was completely blind with no eyes or sockets for eyes, dark pink skin. It's claws sunk into my arms as I let out a scream.

The other Infected were coming fast, I had to think quickly or this was all gonna end, they were gonna tear my body apart to a point I won't regenerate. Within a quick motion my hands morphed into claws as I stabbed them into the creatures chest, making it release me, as it let out a animalistic scream. I quickly shot off the ground and made a run for it.

I could hear them behind me, their screaming getting louder and louder before I noticed a barricade with barbed wire. With every bit of strength I had left I leaped over the barricade, not landing on my feet as I rolled. Their screeches and roars could be heard right on the other side, clawing and smashing against the barricade.

The only thought that was processing in my mind was: WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY DO?!

I sincerely hope this makes up for not publishing in a while. These were rapid chapters, that I did take the the time to write, even if it doesn't feel like it. I hope you enjoyed this action packed chapter, and hopefully are still here, looking forward for the next one, anyway I'll see you guys in the next one, laters. :)

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