Straight 'A' Student

By srosee2000

39.8K 317 53


Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 11

927 10 0
By srosee2000

As the weeks went on, Summer and Connor were able to seem less phased by the break up. Were they over it, not in the slightest, but they could save face around each other.
When class ended, Summer left the building to wait for Avery. They were planning to head to the library together. She looked up from the text that Avery sent saying she was down the street just as a car pulled up.

It was Connor's Mercedes she knew that, but who would be driving it. Seconds later, Connor came out of building. He paused as he passed her, but thought it would be best not to say anything.

He opened the passenger door then went to the drivers side of the car to open it and let the woman out. The woman went to get in the car but Connor hesitated, looking past the car at Summer.

"Come on babe, lunch" the woman said getting his attention just as Summer turned away and walked to Avery's car.

"Yea, sorry".

"You okay?" Avery asked as Summer got in the car.

"That's Connors car" she said pointing to the Mercedes as it drove away "there was a woman".

"I mean it could be anyone".

"Very unlikely. I guess he's really moving on".

"Don't say it like that".

"No it's fine. I didn't expect him to wait around. I guess seeing it just stings a little. I'm okay".

"Still, I'm sorry".

"It's alright. You and Darren still staying out this weekend?"

"Yea, you know we're going to his work function. The invite is still open for you".

"You sure Darren won't mind?"

"Not at all, I'll check with him if it makes you feel better. Get sexy and come out with us".

"Why not" Summer shrugged.


"Hey, how was the flight?" Joshua asked as Connor got in the car after putting his bag in the backseat.

"Good. Glad I'm home for a little bit".

"Uh huh. How are you?"

"I'm fine".

"Connor, come on. I know how you felt about Summer".

"Maybe I was wrong to feel anyway about her. I can't stay hung up on her forever".

"So you're dating again?"

"Sort of. Went out with this girl, Jocelyn, a couple of times. Wouldn't call her a girlfriend, nor would I say I was interested in changing that. Yesterday I told her that I don't think it's gonna work".

"Connor, you don't have to date. What's your plan, to go out with anyone until you forget her?"

"I know I'm not gonna forget her, I fucking teach her, but that's the problem. I don't know why I got myself into this situation in the first place" Connor sighed.

"Because you like her. Alright, so her dad wasn't exactly fucking with the idea, but that doesn't mean you just give up on it. Now you're just gonna waste your time and money going on pointless dates with women that don't even interest you".

"He wasn't just not fucking with it Joshua, he hit me and he thinks I'm manipulating his daughter. Eventually one of them has to be like her".

"Like Summer?" Joshua asked.

"That's not how I meant it. I just mean eventually I'll find something to actually like in these women".

"Yea sure, and if you don't?"

"Joshua, I don't really want to talk about it anymore. Please".

"I guess that explains why you don't want to stay at your parents".

"I'm glad you caught on" Connor said as they continued to his place.


"You look so hot" Avery complimented as she joined Summer in the bathroom "I told Darren you were coming, he said you could meet a few of his coworkers and acquaintances".

"Ave, I don't want to try to force something. I just want a night out where I don't have to think about how shitty I feel".

"I won't make you force anything, but you feel shitty because of Connor and this is a good way to not think about Connor".

"I appreciate you trying to cheer me up, really" Summer smiled before hugging her "so I was thinking I'd drive myself and meet you guys there. That way Darren doesn't have to drive back here".

"He'll be fine, don't worry. Just ride with us" Avery said and Summer nodded.
They finished getting ready until Darren came to get them.

They walked into the bar where tens of people filled already. Summer walked with the two of them for a little bit, being vaguely introduced to a few men, before she headed to get a drink.

"Can I have a martini please?" She asked the bartender who nodded.

"Summer, right?" A man said sitting beside her.

"Yes, sorry, you are?"

"Thomas, I work with Darren. We briefly met, about half an hour ago".

"Oh of course. It's nice to meet you Thomas" she said as he held out his hand for her to shake.

"Likewise. So I know you're here with Darren and his girlfriend so you don't work in the company, what field are you in?"

"Software engineering, currently working on my masters".

"Are you in the same program as his girlfriend?"

"Avery, yes I am. I finish a little bit after her though".

"Wow, impressive" Thomas complimented so she turned her body towards him more.

"You think so?"

"Of course. You don't expect a woman so beautiful to be successful at a profession, especially engineering, and you are beautiful Summer".

"Um, okay".

"Okay? Did I say something wrong? I was expecting a thank you, that was a compliment".

"It was a condescending compliment at best and I would advise you to stop using it on women" Summer said before walking away.
She walked until she reached Avery.

"Hi, how's it going?" Avery asked while Darren had his own conversation.

"Um, it's fine. How's it going with you?"

"Eh, I usually just hang out while he talks and his coworkers ask me the same two questions about school: how's it going and how long until I graduate" Avery giggled a little "if you're really not enjoying yourself, we can go and just come back to get him".

"No it's okay. I needed alcohol at least so I'm not too miserable" Summer smiled holding up her martini.

They talked for a little bit longer until Darren turned to them.
"You remember Avery, this is her friend Summer. Summer this is Bryan" he introduced as Bryan reached out to shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you" Summer said to him.

"Nice to meet you as well Summer, beautiful name for a beautiful woman".

"Thank you" she said and Avery took note of her tone, very unimpressed. She was no where near over Connor.

"You're welcome. Can I get you a refill?"

"Sure, a martini".

"And can you get me a vodka tonic, babe" Avery said before Darren walked off with Bryan "okay so you're not gonna be into anyone if you compare them to Connor".

"What do you mean? I'm not comparing" Summer said almost defensively.

"You are. Connor gave you good compliments, you were able to have conversations without him mentioning your looks. These guys aren't even making you blush".

"That's not a comparison Avery, it's just a standard".

"You've dated guys like that before, Connor just became your new standard".

"Is that wrong?"

"No Summer, but I do hate seeing you all sad".

"I know and I'm not gonna be like this forever, it's been a couple of weeks. I'm okay".

"Alright" Avery smiled.


"I promised Eleanor I wouldn't cry so this is going to be short. I'll save the long one for the wedding" Tim, Eleanor's father started as he stood to give his toast "after I met Joshua for the first time I told my daughter 'don't get wrapped up in a boy this young, they don't know how to commit'. Luckily, I was wrong" he said, letting everyone laugh before continuing "I've truly never seen my daughter happier and that makes me the happiest man in this room. This time, your engagement, is supposed to fun and worry free so enjoy it, both of you. Let the rest of that come later. So let's all raise our glasses to congratulate my daughter Eleanor, and my new favorite son, Joshua" Tim laughed as everyone cheered and drank their champagne.

They received plenty of congratulations afterwards until people headed to dance.

"Hi" a woman said to Connor as he turned away from Josh to let him dance with Eleanor.


"Did you want to dance. Sorry I don't know if you're here with someone, my friends tell me I'm a very forward person".

"It's okay and uh no I'm not".

"Danielle" she said holding out her hand.


"So Connor, bride side of groom side?" Danielle asked as they danced.

"Groom mostly but I've grown pretty close with Eleanor. What about you?"

"Bride side adjacent. My sister is one of her friends, so I came with her. They say wedding festivities are a great place to meet a guy".

"You think that's true?"

"Well yes, you're able to get all dressed up and most guys will see a beautiful woman and try to go for it".

"Hm, interesting theory. Can I ask what you do work?"

"Oh um, I'm a school counselor" Danielle answered, sort of caught off guard.

"How do you like that?"

"It's a nice job, the kids take a minute to warm up to you but when they do it's much easier".

"That's psychology right?" Connor asked and she nodded "impressive, where did you go to school".

"UT Austin. I used to do pageants when I was a kid so in between school I worked at this local thing where they sort of coached pageant kids".

"Oh okay, that must've given you good insight on counseling kids".

"Um not really, but it translates well to Instagram" Danielle giggled but Connor felt himself roll his eyes.

"Sorry, I need a drink" he said letting her go.

"Did I say something?"

"No, not at all. Not one thing you said was worth hearing and I'm sorry, but I'm not looking for anything right now".

"Talk about worth hearing, the least you could do is call a girl beautiful or compliment me damn it. Especially after all the hints I gave".

"I heard the hints, I just wish they didn't hint to something to fucking shallow. Excuse me" he said before walking off to the bar, now caught up in his own thoughts.
'Shit, maybe I am comparing everyone to Summer. I loved how she lit up when I talked about being attracted to her mindset and her thoughts about everything. Of course I called her beautiful, she was as beautiful as it gets, but I could tell saying that didn't have the same effect on her'.

"Hey, congratulations" Connor said as Eleanor walked up to him a little while later then they hugged.

"Thank you".

"You look gorgeous and very happy".

"I am. Thanks for making it, I know Josh was really worried you wouldn't be able to".

"Of course I would. Kind of where the duties of a best man starts".

"Well still, with everything you have going on. It's nice to see you put us as a priority".

"Mhm. Why do I feel like this is a segue into something?" Connor said finishing the champagne in his glass.

"Josh said you broke up, wouldn't exactly say why".

"Uh, I met her parents. Her father didn't like me, he hit me. I broke up with her".

"Because her father hit you?" Eleanor asked.

"No, because her father was right to hit me".

"Which means? Come on, what is this secret that you two are so haphazard about?"

"Um Summer is one of my students. That has nothing to do with why I was with her, I genuinely cannot see past this woman, and she just so happens to be my student. It's stupid, I knew it was stupid the second I got involved but I couldn't help myself. He thinks I could compromise her position and her credibility in the program and the field and he's really not wrong. How could I say I care about her then put her entire future on the line?"

"So don't freak out, but it seems like you're in love Connor".

"I'm not in love. Our relationship meant a lot to me, but it hasn't been long enough. The point is that I can't do that to her so I just move on".

"Move on to what, the hundreds of girls between Kira and Summer who you never had feelings for? That would be a waste of all of our time".

"Summer can't be the only girl in the world that I get actual feelings for".

"That's kind of what having feelings does to you. Look, if you think she's better off without you, fine. But what about you?"

"Isn't that selfish?"

"Sometimes you have to be a little selfish to get what you want. If she is really what you want, don't just give it up" Eleanor said before hugging him.

"Stealing my fiancé?" Joshua laughed walking up to them.

"She's all yours, she's just talking my ear off anyways" Connor teased before she hit him playfully.

"Well, your mom told me to come find you guys for pictures".

"She finds you on purpose to see how you react" Eleanor laughed "so smiles both of you" she finished before walking back to their families while Connor and Josh followed.


"Hi mom" Summer said as Susanna answered her FaceTime.

"Hey honey, did I bother you?"

"No, no. I was showering".

"How was your day?"

"It was okay. I went to Darren's work function with him and Avery. It was nice to get out".

"Oh good. So you're doing better?" Susanna asked almost cautiously.


"Please" Susanna said before Summer sighed.

"Not at all, I feel like I'm not gonna be okay for a very long time".

"I'm sorry honey, I know your father feels horrible".

"He shouldn't. It's no one's fault really, I just wish things were different and I could just be happy without all the stress. Please let dad know that I'm not upset with him".

"Sure. So you really were happy?"

"Very and I get where you and dad are coming from, trust me, but that didn't change anything".

"So what would've been the plan Summer, to keep it a secret for years?" Susanna asked.

"I don't know but that didn't matter to me, I just wanted him. I know it seems like I was just living some fantasy, but that wasn't the case. It was real to us, me and him, but I guess facing reality made him realize it couldn't be real".

"Don't say that".

"I don't know what else you want me to say, mom" Summer said, frustration laced in her tone "that's what it feels like. Like something just clicked for him and everything I thought he felt for me was just turned off. I was naive".

"I'm really sorry you feel like this".

"It's whatever, I just have to move on".

"Why don't you come home this weekend. Your dad will find you a flight for the morning if you want and it can't hurt to skip class Monday".

"I shouldn't".

"You need a break, Summer. If I'm saying it, then it's true. Come home, relax, get your mind off of campus for a couple of days".

"Why not, thank you".

"You're welcome sweetheart. Spencer" Susanna shouted putting the phone on speaker.

"Yes" he said coming from the kitchen.

"Oh you're on the phone, sorry babe. Summers gonna come home for the weekend. Could you find a ticket for the morning when you get a chance?"

"Yes. Let me call you back" he said into the phone before hanging up and Susanna smiled. She just loved how quickly he always got to her requests, no matter what he was in the middle of.
"What about 650 in the morning, no layover. Everything after that, well until 3 in the afternoon, has a fairly lengthy layover" Spencer said.

"Sound okay honey?" Susanna asked Summer.

"Yea, thank you dad".

"You're welcome".

"Well I better pack and get some rest. I'll let you know when I get to the airport. Goodnight".

"Goodnight sweetheart" Spencer said then they hung up.
"What's she coming out here for?" He asked.

"Hopefully to get a break. Our daughter is heart broken, Spencer. I thought she was upset but this is more than that".

"Over her professor?"

"Over her boyfriend, yes. We both know she's not impulsive or immature, so why would we think her feelings are. I'm sure she thought about the consequences, maybe she didn't think it outweighed the benefit".

"You're thinking logically, I get it, and you know I hate seeing my daughter like this. But the reality of the situation is that he saw his student, our fucking daughter Susanna, and had thoughts beyond 'how can I make her successful in my classroom'. That's an abuse of power".

"I agree, or I would in any another case, but I'm not sure that's what this was".

"Can you be sure, Susanna?"

"No, I can't be sure".

"So then I'm not going to cosign a situation where she could be put in a bad position. What about her future, her career, her education? That's not worth a boyfriend".

"What about when you and I got together? You didn't care about your future or career when you blew off your boss at the end of the trial just to talk to me. Sometimes you can't help who or when you fall in love, but that doesn't mean things can't work out".

"So we just let her date her professor, Susanna?" Spencer asked sarcastically and a little angrily.

"I know we can't allow or prevent her from doing anything she doesn't want to. When she gets here, I'm just saying let's try to understand what's going on and what this is, even if it is over. We can't ignore it".


"Thank you".

"You're welcome, baby" Spencer said, kissing her and getting up again.


"El's sleep?" Connor asked as Joshua got downstairs.


"Do you work tomorrow?"

"I'm on call tomorrow night so hopefully it's a slow night. So" Joshua said with a lingering 'o'.


"We kind of heard through the grapevine that a few of the women you spoke to tonight didn't leave so satisfied. Probably every woman you talked to".

"What about it?"

"Not one of them made you think twice about them?"

"Not one and I know it's on me. I can't stop thinking about her".

"Did you try talking to her?"

"What good would that do, even if I wanted to? I'm still her professor and I'd still be screwing with her place at that university".

"Yes, but you'll also still be screwing yourself by letting go of something you want. I'm not going to rush you Connor, but I really don't want you to regret this" Joshua said.

"Regret is a strong word".

"I would say it's the perfect word. You regretted Kira and turned into this shallow, shell of a man towards women".

"Ouch. And I don't think I'm shallow or a shell. Each and every women I've been with can say I've treated them beyond what they asked for, even if it was just a fling and sex. Except Summer I guess, I kind of made her life harder".

"Here you go again with blaming yourself for every fucking thing. She's a student, sure, but Summer is a grown woman. At some point she made her own decision to be with you, despite the risks".

"So I'm just supposed to take that and run with it?"

"Yes Connor. I'm just saying, you haven't talked to her about it. You avoided it while you are together, so how do you know what she's feeling?" Joshua asked and Connor took a minute to think about his answer, he decided to change the subject instead.

"Our parents are having dinner at my parents house. Taylor said Mason invited us to his place for drinks. Kind of a two bird one stone thing".

"Alright, guess we're off that. Yea, why not. I'll drive with El but if I have to leave, can you just bring her home?"

"Yea of course. And thank you Joshua, I just need more time to uh figure everything out".

"I know man, I don't want you to rush into anything this time but I don't want you to settle. Good night Connor".

"Night, Josh" Connor said. Joshua went upstairs and Connor sat in the living room for a little while longer before going up to his guest room.


"Hi honey, how was your flight?" Susanna asked as Summer came inside with Spencer behind her. He had went out to grab her bag and greet her.

"Early, but not bad. How are you mom?" She asked as they hugged.

"I'm good. Now I have to go into the office today and your father has a meeting but if you go with him, he'll be finished first and I will meet you for lunch. I am just finishing up breakfast now".

"Mom relax. I'm not sick, you're treating me like a kid again" Summer laughed "I don't want to be in the way. Do your work, don't let me bother you".

"It's no bother sweetheart. Come on, the guys like seeing you" Spencer said and Summer nodded to agree.

They sat and ate breakfast then Summer waited while Spencer got ready for the day.
"Do you need to stay and work, we can tell mom we'll meet for a late lunch?" She asked as they drove.

"Oh no, I took the day off but Cedric called this morning about one of the projects. It shouldn't be too long".


"So how've you been?"

"I've been okay, the workload preoccupies me enough".

"You shouldn't look to be preoccupied, you should be looking to be happy. I know it sounds like bullshit coming from me, but you have to know that I only want you to be happy and safe and successful. I reacted impulsively because it scared me".

"I get it dad and I told mom I wasn't angry with you. I'm not angry with anyone I just feel off".

"Let me ask you, what made it feel real to you?"

"We don't have to do this, dad" Summer said.

"I want to. I may not agree nor am I encouraging it but I want to understand where all of this is coming from".

"The way he talked to me. It was reassuring, it was kind, he never put me down, he spoke to me like I had my own thoughts, it wasn't superficial, he was encouraging. Look dad I know how you feel about him being-".

"We're not talking about me and we're not talking about your professional relationship. I want to understand how this became romantic. You went on dates?"

"Yea, a lot. We were dating dad, we went out to dinners and shows and the trip. He made time for me and he cared".

"Did you ever discuss the situation between you?" Spencer asked.

"Not really. It was obviously an unspoken rule, that on campus it strictly professional. Outside of that we just didn't mention it".

"Why not?"

"Well I think I was scared that he'd realize we couldn't do this. I guess after dinner, he did and that's why he broke up with me".

"Summer, from the time you got together you still had about a year left at MIT. You wanted him to keep you a secret for a year? Do you think your worth goes as far as a secret?"

"Dad I know you're trying to protect me, but the relationship was not just a secret. Did it have to be kept a secret from certain people? Yes, but outside of those people he made me feel like the most important thing in his world. I've never been someone to settle, you know that, so I wouldn't just take what I can get because it was scandalous and fun".

"You are the most important thing in my world Summer and I am trying to protect you. I just want you to think about your future before you put it all on the man you're with, any man. I love you and I'm sorry for how I handled things in Boston".

"I know. I love you too" Summer smiled.
They continued to Spencer's building with small talk and jokes like usual.

"Hopefully this meeting shouldn't take more than an hour, fingers crossed. Uh, here's this if you want anything. Feel free to go anywhere" Spencer said leaving his card on the table as she sat in his chair.

"Thank you. I'll probably order a drink or smoothie, want anything?"

"Um, I'm okay" he said and she nodded before the door opened.

"Hey kid, how are you?" Jack, Spencer's long time friend and employee, asked as he came inside. Summer got up to hug him.

"I'm alright uncle Jack, how are you?"

"Oh you know, the regular".

"How's Elaine and the kids?"

"They're off in North Dakota to see the grandparents. How long are you here?"

"Just the weekend. I leave Monday evening to go back to Boston".

"Yes of course, our little genius is about to get her masters" he smiled proudly.

"Yes she is" Spencer said with the same smile "is everyone in the conference room?"

"Yea, finishing up or eating lunch".

"That's fine, come on. See you in a bit sweetheart. Get an update from your mother, see where she wants to go" Spencer said then he and Jack left the room.

'Hi, how's the trip going?' Avery texted.

'Not bad. Sitting at my father's company until he finishes this meeting then we're meeting my mother for lunch'.

'Okay. So were you right, did they want to talk about Connor?'

'Yes they did, my dad at least. He asked about it on the way here'.

'Asked what?'

'How it became romantic and where my feelings were coming from. Sounded like he just wanted answers, not like he was changing his mind'.

'Do you want him to?'

'Of course I do, I hate when he's disappointed in me. But I don't know if that changes things between Connor and I'.

'You never know. Don't stress about it okay'.

'I'm trying. How's it going there?'

'Good, Darren and I are going to dinner in a few hours but I'm just here studying at the apartment'.


'I do miss you though. I was just checking up, but be safe and have fun'.

'I will. Love you'.

'Love you too' Avery sent.


"Thank you" Connor said as Mason finished pouring him a glass of scotch. The two of them and Joshua stood around the island in the kitchen.

"No problem".

"So how are things going with Tay?"

"They're going really well. I know your father had some things to say about it" Mason laughed "but um, things are good. We're planning a trip to the Bahamas next month hopefully".

"Yea I heard. She was telling me she needed to take time off for it".

"Mhm. I know you both told her to be careful getting back with me and that I'm very uh spontaneous, but I promise my feelings for Taylor outweigh all of that".

"I did say that, I also told her that it seemed like you've matured. Don't prove me wrong Mason".

"I will not".

"Hi, what's going on in here?" Taylor asked as she and Eleanor joined them in the kitchen.

"Just grabbing drinks babe".

"You're not drinking right?" Eleanor asked Joshua, teasing a bit.

"Don't tease me, I know I can't drink".

"So how long are you planning to be engaged?" Taylor asked.

"I want the wedding to be in October or late November the latest. Here in Texas that'll be like spring weather and I don't want to have to worry about sweating my makeup off" Eleanor laughed.

"That definitely makes sense. So about 9 months, that's good".

"Mhm, gives me time to plan and for you to take time off of work to help".

"Do I actually get to invite my coworkers?" Joshua laughed.

"Hey, I never said you couldn't. I said not to invite that nurse who so clearly has feelings for you".

"Who's this?" Mason asked.

"Angelica" Connor and Taylor answered and Eleanor nodded to confirm.

"Okay, relax. I never planned to invite her".

"Uh huh. As for the rest of your surgical team, yea go for it. The more the merrier as long as they bring gifts" Eleanor laughed.

"Well if you're just giving out invites, Connors gonna need a plus one" Taylor teased "some Sasha or Susie".

"Alright Tay, don't tease him" Joshua said as Connor threw back his head to finish his cup of scotch.

"He won't talk about it, all I can do is tease him".

"And I won't talk about it. Please stop".

"Fine, my bad. But you know you can" she said and Connor nodded.

"Shit. I've gotta head out" Joshua said "you're good to take her home right?"

"Yea. We'll see you in the morning" Connor said.


"Hey honey" Susanna said walking into the guest room "what you up to?"

"Just putting some things away. Don't wanna get too unpacked".

"It sucks that we get to see you for only a few days at a time. You've been at MIT for almost eight years".

"I know, I miss you guys too. I'll be home all summer though".

"Good. So I talked to your father, he said you spoke about Connor today" Susanna said sitting on the bed with Summer.

"Yea a little".

"He said he was glad you did".

"Why? You guys thought I was losing my mind?"

"No, not exactly. We were just worried that there could've been more to it".

"Connors not manipulative".

"I know and I know that you were genuinely happy".

"I really appreciate you and dad trying to understand and talk this out with me but there's no need anymore, there is nothing to understand. I just don't want to talk about him anymore" Summer shrugged before Susanna wrapped her arms around her.

"I get it. I love your resilience honey".

"I hope so, I get it from you. How was the rest of work?"

"It was good. Just finished a case so I'm taking a slow week for intakes. Don't plan on being in court this week".

"That's good. You could use some slow days".

"Yes, I will have to be busy before the trip though".

"I figured. Did dad decide where we're going?"

"Yes, he's renting a jet to Niagara Falls. We're gonna stay at the resort there".

"Sounds fun" Summer smiled, leaving out the part where she would be lonely the whole trip.

"It will be, trust me. Good night Summer".

"Good night mom, see you in the morning" Summer said then Susanna nodded and left her room.

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