Behind Closed Doors

By devoyeur

2.5K 116 68

Sayaka Igarashi has a post-traumatic breakdown during the election. Identical twins Kirari and Ririka Momobam... More

Behind Closed Door #1
Behind Closed Door #2
Behind Closed Door #3
Behind Closed Door #4
Behind Closed Door #5
Behind Closed Door #6
Behind Closed Door #7
Behind Closed Door #8
Behind Closed Door #9
Behind Closed Door #10
Behind Closed Door #11
Behind Closed Door #12
Behind Closed Door #14
Behind Closed Door #15
Behind Closed Door #16
Is It Really You?
Behind Closed Doors.
Yes, Its Us!

Behind Closed Door #13

135 6 10
By devoyeur

    Doctor Sasaki decided that today she would just take a walk with Sayaka through the Momobami estate gardens. Sayaka was wearing a purple sleeveless summer dress while the Doctor wore a green blouse and a white skirt. She matched Sayaka's slow pace as they walked the pathway that led to the peach orchard. Sayaka was slowly recovering, being able to finish complete sentences now. Her blank stare was gone as soon as the line of trees with peach blossoms appeared before them. Soleste was pleased, she never underestimated the beauty of nature to bring life back even to someone so jaded.

    "I'm not your doctor today, Sayaka. I'm simply Soleste. I'd like to tell you that I'm very much like you. I straight."

    She looked at Doctor Soleste earnestly, "Not lesbian?"

    "No. But I have loved a woman. We've taken each other as wives."

    "H--how not to be lesbian but with woman?"

    "I never stopped admiring men. But I was faithful to my partner. Always. She used to be my teacher. We never had a relationship until I graduated."


    "Its understandable. But look at all these trees, Sayaka. They're all beautiful. But don't you notice that they're all different?"

    Sayaka nodded.

    "They're just like people too. We are all different. And so who is to say which way the branches should turn? That this trunk laying to the side is uglier than the one standing a little more upright? Should we try and twist them all into the same shape and form? That's not the way nature works."

    Sayaka shook her head and she smiled. Her eyes were opening up, little by little. The blank stare was gone, for today.

    "In the beginning, I fought my attraction to my teacher. I had many suitors at that time, mostly boys. And I was confused as well, as I've never seen a man look at me the way my wife had. It took years for me to even appreciate what we did together as wives in bed. My body still craved a man's touch, a man's smell. But because I loved my wife, I overcame everything to give her everything she needed as a lover. And her happiness was my own. We are more than our sexual preferences Sayaka. It is important in a relationship but its not everything. Now that my wife has passed on, I'm currently dating a man. Sex is not everything, Sayaka. I need you to understand this as a young girl. The only thing that matters is love, trust, honesty, and matter if you're dealing with a friend, a lover--male, female, or otherwise."

    "I want to give Kirari everything," Sayaka said, simply, "Even if I don't know how."

    "I know the feeling, Sayaka. Still, you should develop yourself first so that you can give her the things she needs. To understand her, you must understand yourself first. Being yourself is the first step. Dancers do not always intrude into each other's spaces, they need to keep the frame so they can dance together."

    She nodded, understanding since she had taken tap dancing as a child. She looked down, "I wanted to be Yumeko."

    "Your enemy?"

    "Kirari and Yumeko...the same. Understand each other. Jealous."

    "I've never heard her name from Kirari's lips. Whoever this Yumeko is. I only hear yours. Kirari really admires and loves you. But this is beside the point. I don't want you to focus on Yumeko. I want you to rebuild yourself. To be your own best friend. After you've become your own best friend, you can be a good friend to Kirari and to Ririka too. Friendship is a good strong foundation for any relationship. Nowadays, teenagers are lucky there are laws in government to prevent intimacy at too young an age. But back when Japan was a beginning country, arranged marriages for alliances started as early as twelve years old to fourteen years of age. These marriages are for economic and political reasons and girls are treated like cattle to be traded."

    "Nothing to give Kirari now...I failed her."

    "I've spoken with Kirari for several days and the truth is, Sayaka, she just wants to be around you."

    "I'm bad. Not good enough. Broken."

    "You haven't realized how lucky you are, Sayaka. Kirari wants you no matter if you're broken or not good enough, as you put it. She will stay by your side until the end."

    Tears begun to form in her eyes.

    "I'm not giving you false hope, Sayaka. Kirari warned me on our second meeting that she would terminate me if I tried to take you out of the manor. She only wants you nearby. But more than that, Kirari wants you to be yourself around her, Sayaka. Always yourself. Like a tree that has strong roots that do not bend in a typhoon or a strong wind."

    "But I'm a disgrace."

    "Look at this tree, Sayaka. See the leaves and the blossoms? The leaves represent our many challenges, our handicaps, our mistakes, our failures and shortcomings in life. Take note that no tree can grow without leaves. They are necessary, just as the other parts of the tree. The blossoms represent our victories and the fruits represent our legacies, our future children. But it isn't the whole tree. You and your family make up the roots. But you are also the trunk and the branches. The leaves wilt and decompose. They fertilize the soil where the roots draw nourishment. Just as we learn from our mistakes and challenges in life. The roots remain. The trunk remains. The branches remain. And they grow reaching for the sky, the sunlight, the rain, the air. I want you to always remember that, Sayaka. When you fail, think of these failures as the leaves fall, decompose, and nourish your roots. And always remember too that your victories are never permanent, just as the blossoms ripen. The fruits are picked. Someday we may have to give our children or our legacies to someone who may or may not deserve them. But even so, the fruit is plucked, sometimes too early, sometimes too late. But still, so as long as you remain in the roots, the trunk, and branches, you will grow more leaves, blossoms, and more fruit. Trying to stop one or the other is futile. Never hold on to them but give them up with joy and accept the changing of the seasons."

    She was silent for a long time. Then, she sat on the grass, touching the weeds, looking up at the tree. Doctor Sasaki respected her silence as she knew that she was taking time to process this lesson from nature. Their long silence together was interrupted by the galloping of a horse as Kirari rode up, wearing a dark brown and cream equestrian outfit while she sat in the double saddle strapped to a beautiful black stallion.

    Kirari's cheeks look flushed and her breathing was audible, "Are you two finished?"

    "Yes, we are done for the day," Doctor Soleste smiled back up at her and moved closer, trying to see if she could pet the horse but it retreated from her touch, moving backwards. Kirari steadied him.

    "Stay, Hades," She bent down and comforted her horse then spoke, "Sayaka, remember I told you we'd go horseback riding?"

    She turned to look at Kirari, her face less stoic than usual, "You lost bet. It rained. I want to go to the beach."

    "You are going tomorrow with Ririka. She made preparations with the student council for a beach party. Are you afraid of horses though? Is that why you won't ride with me?"

    She shook her head. Then she looked at Doctor Soleste first who nodded to her encouragingly. Sayaka stood up and Kirari got down from her horse. Kirari still looked flushed, almost embarrassed. She helped Sayaka to get on the saddle holding her hands together for Sayaka to step on. Then she placed Sayaka's sandaled feet inside the first pair of stirrups before Kirari expertly mounted herself onto the second half of the double saddle by putting one foot into one of the pair of the second stirrups with her hand on top of a horn attached to the front cantle. Hades danced uneasily and Kirari steadied him, pulling back on the reins and clucking her tongue. Sayaka instinctively placed her hands on top of the horn.

    "We're going, Doctor Sasaki," Kirari smiled and dug her heels into Hades, spurring him into a gallop. Soleste smiled as she watched them head towards the center of the orchard and then she turned around to head for the glass house. She had a session with Ririka. To her surprise, Ririka arrived with a horse of her own, also outfitted with a double saddle. Her horse was a white mare. She was in the same outfit as her twin except that she had a mask on. This mask was a little different, it had a garter.

    "Doctor Sasaki, have you seen my sister?"

    "Yes, she took Sayaka with her. Aren't we supposed to have a session today?"

    "Can I take a raincheck?"

    "No, you may not. But I can come back in the afternoon instead."

    "We'll be baking a cake and cooking in the afternoon."

    "I see. I advice against this. You can always excuse yourself and let Sayaka and Kirari do the baking."

    "I'm in charge of cooking the lamb chops and mojo potatoes. But perhaps, I can afterall do a quick interview, Doctor Sasaki," Ririka said and spurred her horse in a gallop, trying to catch her sister and Sayaka.

    Doctor Sasaki shook her head. They were inseparable. All three of them, unlike the twin boys she had treated who were very much interested in breaking their codepency. But for these twins, it was different and would need a little more investigation. They were not normal twins at all. It were as if one or both of them had been broken at such young ages to such a painfully devastating degree that the thought of a life without the other was unthinkable. They were carrying their prison cells around them wherever they went. And whoever tried to come between them that wasn't invited would get a door slammed in their face. Whether one or the other twin encouraged this codependency was something she needed more time to study. In the end, it would be pointless as neither one of them was seeking help. She needed to know though as it related to Sayaka Igarashi. This would all end badly if she could not solve the mystery of their twin dynamic. Her patient was still in danger. Doctor Soleste headed towards the glass house as Kirari had agreed to have a session with her after lunch. It was only Ririka that was reluctant to see her today, probably upset from their last session where she had pinned her down and exposed her feelings for Sayaka.

    Kirari was breathing hard, her equestrian outfit was too tight for her. It was getting to a point where she could feel the fabric against her nether regions. This was not intentional but the results gave her such a pleasurable experience and being so close to Sayaka also contributed to her excitement. They galloped across the vast peach orchard and Sayaka had moved her back closer to Kirari's front, seeking more balance as the horse ran faster. Kirari tucked her shoulder under her chin, giving her reassurance that she was closeby. At the edge of the Momobami estate was a lake where the horse slowed down to drink. There was also a small Japanese hut in the middle of the lake and a narrow bridge that led up to it.

    "Get down?" Sayaka asked Kirari.

    "No," Kirari smiled as she let the reins go and embraced her from behind, "I have you right where I want you, my one," She nibbled on Sayaka's ear which caused her to blush and giggle. Kirari moved forward and there it was again, the pressing of her tight slacks and she gasped as moving closer to Sayaka entailed pressing her front up against the curved part of the leather double saddle.

    "President? Okay?"

    "Yes, I am," She smiled as she moved even closer and her hands started to shake. They were locked around Sayaka's waist. Sayaka reached to place both hands over Kirari's. For comfort? Balance? Was it something more...Kirari wondered. Hades neighed, shook his head from side to side as he went back drinking from the lake. Kirari contented herself in smelling Sayaka's hair. Sayaka particularly liked anything infused with coconut oils. Her choice of shampoo, conditioner, soap, and lotion always carried the afterscent of coconuts. Paired with her signature perfume of lilies and sakuras, she was intoxicating to Kirari's sense of smell. She was perspiring from their ride, her natural pheromones baiting her rider who would follow her, even if it was off a cliff. Kirari wanted to taste the bead of sweat on the side of her cheek but restrained herself. She was already halfway to an orgasm from all that galloping with a tight pair of pants.

    "Why are you shaking, Kaichou?" Sayaka said and Kirari was pleased to hear her bring together sentences that sounded natural to the ears. Then suddenly, Hades lifted his head in the air, his ears twitching and his nose up high as if he were smelling something. His hooves danced nervously and Kirari let go of Sayaka to grab the horses reins that she had placed on top of the horn.

    "Wo-oh, boy. What is it?" Then, Hades reared his front legs up which almost caused Kirari and Sayaka to fall backwards if not for Kirari holding tightly to his reins and bending forwards to counterbalance. Sayaka's soft bottoms had slid into her side of the saddle and Kirari involuntarily climaxed when Sayaka's weight bore down and rubbed up against her over her tight slacks. Sayaka struggled in their seat trying to maintain her own balance which made her press back against Kirari several times, making Kirari involuntarily climax twice, "Aaaaaaah!" Kirari gasped over Sayaka's ear, her hands and lower body shaking without letting the reins go. The horse had turned wildly and broke off in a fast gallop which then threw them both off the double saddle and into the lake. Kirari could hear galloping at a distance, distinct from her own horse. She realized there was another rider nearby who could only be Ririka. The speed to which his powerful muscles spurred him away from them made Kirari realize that he had smelled Ririka's mare that was in heat. She laughed out loud then coughed, having swallowed a bit of the water. She got up and she was wet and dirty all over from having been thrown into the shallow part of the lake. She held out her hand to Sayaka who was also wet all the way. Her dress, legs, and arms covered in mud. They both laughed, and Kirari caught a glimpse of Sayaka's normal expression--the Sayaka she met in middleschool. Kirari pulled her close. And then, it was gone as she lapsed into seriousness.

    "President...I'm dirty."

    "So am I..." Kirari smiled, brushing her fingerless gloved hand over Sayaka's arm, leaving more mud trails. She pulled Sayaka close, holding her as her climax subsided, "Mmm," She pressed a kiss over her wet hair. She wanted so very badly to kiss her on the mouth but knew that it was Sayaka who had to initiate it. Kirari could only kiss Sayaka while she slept, at this point. The shaking of her body had died down when Ririka appeared with her mare and Hades following closeby, smelling his mate. Ririka brought her mare to a halt and Hades tried to mount the mare which caused Ririka to pull on her horse's reins, making it prance and dance nervously around much to the stallion's irritation.

    "Well what do we have here?" Ririka was laughing.

    "You chickenshit! Didn't you realize your mare is in heat? It drove Hades crazy, he threw Sayaka and I off his back. Aren't you supposed to have a session with Doctor Sasaki?"

    "I pushed it forward in the afternoon. Probably after yours."

    "Go back to the house and have the stable boys lock up Persephone. Have them bring another mare that isn't in heat, idiot."

    "I can't stay here long anyway. As you can see, your stallion inherited your libido."

    Sayaka started to blush, although she didn't know why. Kirari caught it and started to chuckle, knowing full well the word "libido" brought up a body memory from her subconscious mind.

    "'Ika, tell the laundry maids to give the stable boys clothes and a towel for Sayaka and I. We'll swim in the lake for a bit to get clean."

    "Rain," Sayaka said.

    "Its not going to rain," Kirari said and as if on cue, thick clouds suddenly obscured the sun.

    "One of you can ride with me back to the house," Ririka said, "Sayaka?"

    "I doubt that, Hades is persistently trying to ride Persephone. All three of you best be going. Sayaka and I will wait here until we get our clothes and towel. Better bring an extra umbrella too."

    "Fine," Ririka retorted and spurred Persephone into a gallop back towards the manor with Hades following closeby.

    "That's men for you, Sayaka. They can't think beyond their balls," Kirari giggled as she pulled Sayaka close, her eyes still hazy from pleasure.

    "I'm still dirty, President," Sayaka said.

    "Shall we swim in the lake?" Kirari reached down and removed her riding boots, throwing them on the grass nearby. She threw her dark brown riding vest off to the side as well leaving just her white shirt on. She took off her fingerless gloves for last.

    "Scared of water. Many Igarashi's drown."

    "You can hold on to my arms. I'm a great swimmer," Kirari coaxed her. Then she held out her hands. Sayaka bent and took off her sandals, threw them next to Kirari's boots. Then, she placed her hands in Kirari's, letting her lead them both into the water. Sayaka's purple eyes suddenly started to glow as soon as the water engulfed more than half of her body. As if being in the water brought out something magical. Kirari stared into them, fascinated. She tried to pull them into the deeper part but Sayaka stopped, her eyes once more retreating into herself, the glow vanishing. There was a point to which she refused to go. And Kirari stopped, "Will you be okay just standing here?"

    She nodded.

    "Okay, I'm going to enjoy the lake. I'll be right back," Kirari smiled as she dove into the water and reached down to unbutton her slacks and pull down the zipper as it was far too tight, giving her body involuntary pleasures she'd rather not have alone. She pulled her riding pants down her feet, bundled it and threw it towards the grassy area. Sayaka suddenly blushed, realizing Kirari was in her underwear. She looked away then turned around, walking back to the shallow end. She washed the mud off her arms and legs, using just her hands to rub them off as Kirari went about cleaning herself by swimming in the lake.

    Someday, Sayaka, I'll be free to do everything I want with you. But not right now...I want you to be the one to reach out for me, Kirari thought to herself. Thunder started to rumble and soon, rain started to pour. Kirari headed back, emerging from the water with just her underwear and riding shirt. Sayaka held her arms around her chest as her nipples were peeking out through her wet purple summer dress and her bra and she was aware of it. Kirari pulled her hands apart so she could see. Her blue eyes bright and smoldering.

    "President," Sayaka said and suddenly, she aggressively invaded Kirari's personal space. A rarity. But Kirari knew that it was to cover herself up by getting closer. Kirari wrapped her arms around Sayaka.

    "It's okay...Sayaka. I understand..." Kirari smiled, closed her eyes, kissed Sayaka's forehead and rested her chin over the top of Sayaka's head. The smell of her hair was musty, mixed in with the lake water. This was such a great start to the day, inspite of the gloomy weather. Kirari looked forward to baking their anniversary cake in the late afternoon and having dinner with her. They held each other under the rain, waiting for the stable hands to bring new clothes, a towel, an umbrella, and a more stable horse to ride back to the manor with. Kirari enjoyed her body heat as she radiated it between them. My portable sunshine, she thought to herself smiling.

    The stable hands arrived with mares, Demeter and Rhea. They also carried plastic bags filled with towels and clothes. She instructed them to leave them at the hut but never let Sayaka go as doing so would expose both of them with their shirts wet and their nipples standing out through the wet fabric. They did as they were told and left one of the mares. She let Sayaka go to the hut first to change and respectfully turned her back, holding the reins to the mare. When Sayaka returned, she handed her the reins and went to change in the hut. Later, they rode back on the mare that also had a double saddle and Sayaka held their umbrella up for them both while Kirari commandeered Rhea in a slow strut back towards the manor. Fortunately, the laundry maids gave Kirari casual clothing which was just the right fit for her lower body this time, preventing any more discomfort on her part. She was smiling and bent to whisper in Sayaka's ears.

    "I'm looking forward to a future with you, Sayaka."

    "Give more time, Kaichou. Still hurts."

    "I will," Kirari said simply, those two words bringing back the memory of their first night together and it was Sayaka who had first said them to her. Kirari smiled as she enjoyed the slow ride, prolonging their time together under the rain. Kirari embraced Sayaka from behind, her chin resting on Sayaka's shoulder as her hands held the reins.

Photo above: The Momobami Twins manor. Sayaka's room is at the center tower. Facing this photo, Ririka's quarters is to the right side South-west and Kirari's quarters is on the left side North-east. Missing from this photo is the adjoining hall between both Kirari and Ririka's attic that contain the surveillance rooms but its still the closest representation to the idea of the Momobami Twins manor. The peach orchards with the lake are to the south-eastern part of the parcel. It is almost impossible to comprehend the kind of wealth it takes to maintain the manor with servants working around the clock, let alone the kind of land the Bami family collectively own. Sayaka simply had no idea what she had gotten into the day she wanted to serve Kirari Momobami. 

[Next chapter--Behind Closed Door #14]

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