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By OliviaJackson454

14.3K 395 260

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1.3K 48 27
By OliviaJackson454


𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮

A few days later, Stella was still with Negan and the saviours. Negan and Stella hasn't spoken after what the man admitted, the girl had quickly urged him to leave the room and he reluctantly did. He hadn't been back to check on her since.

Her hand was still healing, the cut had a clean scab over the top and the bruising on her knuckles was slowly going down.

The girl had been given a new room that was somewhat close to Negan's and so far, she hadn't left it. It was a fairly nice room, similar to the other one, the bed wasn't that bad, it was quite comfy.

The room was pretty large and it had a nice chair in the corner, bookshelves against the wall and a wardrobe in another corner. It had a bright en-suite that had an amazing shower, the water was always warm somehow.

She'd been given some clean, fresh clothes, in the form of some ripped jeans, a blue flannel shirt and some new under wear. The girl decided to keep her hat on, finding small amounts of comfort in the item, her uncle Shane had brought it for her on her tenth birthday and when he'd brought it, it was far to big for the girl however she eventually grew into it.

He was another person she missed, despite turning into someone unpredictable, she could never forget the good memories she had with him before the apocalypse like playing with the sirens in his car, getting ice cream and going to baseball games.

The girl hadn't explored any more of the sanctuary, she'd stay in the room the whole time, she didn't want to see Negan and she was too scared to see Daryl.

Despite Negan bringing her here to 'give her a fuckin' good meal', Stella hadn't touched the food they'd given her. She just wanted to go home and be with her family and friends. She missed going out riding with Jesus, going on runs with Aaron, playing with Judith and going hunting with Daryl.

She was thinking about them a lot right now, she missed them terribly. A knock on her door broke her out of her thoughts, she sighed before going over to the door and opening it slightly.

Negan stood on the other side smiling widely, "good afternoon darlin', I've got somethin' for you to see." The man expressed cheerily.

Stella huffed out a laugh, not believing that the man was talking to her as if nothing happened a few days prior.

The girl grumbled out a small "afternoon", before turning around and grabbing her hat from the bed and putting it on her head. The girl pulled on her black converse before turning back around to see Negan leaning on the door frame watching her intently.

His eyes were fixed on her backside as she was bent over pulling on her shoes and he smirked when she'd turned and caught him. She sent a glare his way and he only chuckled and ran his right hand over his beard.

"Come with me sweetheart, I want you to look at something," the man smiled gently, it was a genuine smile and that made Stella nervous slightly. The girl reluctantly followed the man through the sanctuary and for once she actually looked around and took notice of her surroundings.

She'd noticed there was a stairwell leading up to the roof and she made a mental note to check it out later tonight. Negan had ended up leading her outside and over to a truck, the man opened the back and gestured to the pile of stuff before looking at the girl and smiling.

"Help yourself sweetheart." The man ordered kindly. Stella frowned slightly, not believing the man, he chuckled before he gently put his hand on her shoulder and carefully pushed her towards the van.

"Go on darling," the nickname sent shivers through her spine as she glanced up at the man, in this moment, he didn't seem as scary. Instead he seemed caring and gentle, some might even go as far as saying kind.

Stella's eyes scanned over the stuff in the truck, Negan stood and watched her, thinking she would go for something most young girls would like makeup or jewellery. Instead, his eyebrows rose when he saw her reach out for a cort core-oc mahogany acoustic guitar.

He watched her grasp the neck of the guitar and hold it in front of her, inspecting it closely. He was surprised when she looked up at him and smiled gently, satisfied with her choice.

Negan was in awe of this girl, there was so much stuff in the back of the truck and she seemed over the moon with the little guitar. "Is that all you want?" The man quizzed. The girl nodded and smiled slightly before glancing up at the man.

"Thanks." The girl spoke timidly, Negan smiled gently before gesturing back to the sanctuary.

"No problem darling, you be careful now." He ordered with amusement behind his voice, the girl nodded and swiftly made her way back to her room.

The guitar the girl had picked out sadly was set up to be played right handed, through being left handed, this was an issue. Luckily though, Stella was good at changing the string around and so for the next forty minutes she sat in her room.. no not her room, the room she'd been given, and changed the strings around and tuned it perfectly.

She sat for another hour or two, just messing around with some chords and having fun. For the first time since she'd been here, she actually felt somewhat happy. She'd decided to take a walk with her new guitar around the sanctuary and she soon made her way to the stairs she'd seen earlier, she made her way up the stairs and opened the door at the end.

Sure enough, the door opened up to the main roof, no one else was up here and it actually looked as if no one had been up here recently. Stella left the door to the roof ajar, thinking about if it shut and she couldn't get it open again.

The girl ambled over to the edge before carefully sitting down with the guitar in her lap. She strummed it a few times, ensuring it was still in tune, a smile came to her face at finding out it was. She began strumming a familiar tune, a soft smile on her face as she closed her eyes and focused on what what was doing.

She began to sing, the words leaving her lips with such ease it was incredible. Due to the fact she left the stairwell door open, her voice could be heard by the person who was waking past at the time.

Negan paused at the sound of the girls voice, he knew it was her, he could hear the guitar. A smile graced his lips as he quietly made his way up the stairs and over to the door, not wanting to get caught.

Negan had never heard the song before, it was a sad song and Stella's voice complimented it beautifully, he'd guessed the girl had written it herself. The man was leaning against the door frame, watching the girl with a gentle smile on his lips, he'd never smiled like this since the start of the apocalypse.

There was something about the girl that captivated him, she was so talented, beautiful and he loved the way she wasn't afraid to talk back to him. Despite just meeting her, he really did like her.

She finished the song and let out a small sigh, she placed the guitar down on the floor before she stood up and turned around before freezing at the sight of the smiling man. "Hey darlin'." The man greeted as she stared at him bewildered.

"H-how long we're you there?" The girl stuttered, not believing she'd been caught. She wasn't scared of the repercussions for being up here, in fact it was quite different. She was scared because she was always in her most vulnerable state when she sang and she'd been caught in that predicament.

"A while. You've got a fuckin' great voice sweetheart." The man complimented as he looked at her gently. The girl stiffened at his words and smile.

"Go away." The girl hissed before pushing the man's chest slightly, wanting him to leave her alone.

Her little hands sat on his pecs and sent sparks through both of their bodies, Negan gently brought his hands up to hold her own. She tried pulling back but he held her hands tighter, however he made sure he wasn't hurting her.

"Get your hands off of me." She growled out, Negan reluctantly let go of her, not wanting to upset her. Stella angrily picked up her guitar before stomping past him, she made sure to knock into his shoulder before she hurriedly went down the stairs and back to her room.

Negan stood still on the roof, his hands on his hips as he let out a sigh. He lifted his right hand and ran it over his face, he looked around the roof before he turned back around and made his way through the door, shutting it behind him.

He stalked through the sanctuary and made his way outside and down to one of the trucks, he opened the back door before he began rummaging through the stuff frantically. Luckily, no one was around due to the fact it was late and everyone was asleep, but if anyone was awake, they'd think he was crazy by the way he was acting.

He's seen something when he was watching Stella earlier that day looking at the guitar, right now, he was determined to find it again. He let out a small happy chuckle when he'd found the item, he held them in his hand before making his way back up to the roof and getting to work.

The next morning, a knock of the door pulled Stella out of her thoughts, she'd been awake for an hour or so and she couldn't get back to sleep. Instead, she'd gotten changed for the day and was currently sitting on her bed messing around with her guitar.

She placed the instrument down on her bed before making her way over to the door, she opened it cautiously. On the other side, a smiling Negan stood, "good morning sweetheart."

The nickname sent butterflies erupting in the girls stomach, she attempted to fight off a smile however she failed and a small one made its way to her face at the sight of the man. "Mornin'." She drawled out.

"There's some more trucks waitin' outside, i was gonna let you look through em'." The man admitted as he stared at the girl who was brushing down her black hat before placing it on her head.

Stella looked up at the man and frowned, "why do you care?" She quizzed, despite having butterflies at the sight of the man, she still couldn't forget what he'd done to her family.

"I want you to have nice things." The man shrugged. The girl sighed before looking down at her hands that were in her lap while she sat on the bed.

"I had nice things back home. Take me home." The girl growled out. Negan sighed at the girls angry tone, he knew she had a reason to be angry at him, but he didn't like her being angry at him.

"Tell you what, come check out the trucks then I might consider it." The man almost begged, sincerity in his eyes. Stella groaned before reluctantly nodding her head.

"Okay fine. What ever you want boss man." The girl sarcastically mumbled as she pushed past the man and made her way out of the room, she rolled her eyes when she heard him chuckle.

They made their way out to the supply trucks, Negan went to open the door before turning back to his men.

"Okay boys, let's get this haul unloaded and inside. I want to get back in there and unload a little myself." The man ordered with a smirk on his lips, Stella scoffed and rolled her eyes at the man's innuendos.

"Negan, need to talk to you about redirect." A man stepped forward.

"What about the redirect?" The leader quizzed, Lucille slung over his shoulder and he stood next to Stella.

"It got screwed up. We're on it now but it's a mess out there." The man admitted.

"And whose job was that?" The man questioned with a raised brow, all of a sudden, gun fire emerged from one of the trucks, Negan placed himself in front of Stella, covering her small body with his large one.

The girl peeped around the man's body when the gun fire stopped and her eyes widened at who emerged from the truck. "Stay back! Drop your weapons." Carl ordered as he held the gun up to all of the men.

"I only want Negan. He killed my friends and took my sister. No one else needs to die." The boy challenged, Negan's whistling caused Carl to turn his head and lock eyes with the man.

The boys blood boiled when he saw that the man had his arm slung over his sisters shoulder, the girl was still shocked to see Carl there and she thought of her dad back home and how worried he must be.

"Damn." The man breathed out, "you are adorable, did you pick that gun 'cause it looks cool?" He quizzed as he pulled one of his man to standing in front of him and Stella. Although he knew the boy wouldn't shoot his sister, his finger may accidentally slip and cause a bullet to hit her.

"You totally did, right? Kid, I ain't gonna lie, you scare the shit outta me." Negan chuckled, a man lunged forwards and went to grab the gun causing Carl to shoot him. Dwight dived forwards and tackled Carl to the ground, Stella went to run at the man however a soft hand stopped her.

Carl got a good punch to Dwight before the man managed to pin him down, he held the gun to his face and Stella fought against Negan's grasp. "Kid."

"You shoot him, I will cut your nuts off and shove them so far up your ass you'd be able to smell em'." The girl growled out, from the corner of her eye she was Daryl coming up to the fence, watching on with a somewhat nervous expression.

"Dwight, back off." The man ordered before releasing his hold on Stella. Dwight got up and took the boys knife before standing back as Negan made his way over. The man held his hand out to the boy.

"Is that any way to treat our new guest?" Carl looked nervously up at the man, "come on kid, I will show you around."

Carl only glared at the man towering above him, "you know, you do the same damn stink-eye as your dad, except it's only half as good 'cause, well you know, you're missing an eye." The man chuckled.

"Really. You're really not gonna take my hand? 'Cause you're lucky you even still have a hand. Same as your boy Daryl over here now that I think about it." Negan span around and looked over to Daryl.

"How's the job going, Daryl? Hot enough for you? Yeah. It'd be tough with one arm." The man chuckled before looking back down to Carl, the boy reluctantly took his hand and Negan pulled him up.

"Haha, smart kid, now come with me. Dwighty- boy, why don't you grab Daryl, take him to the kitchen, do a little grub prep. New plan boys, let's burn the dead, unload the truck later. Damn I am not gonna have time to screw any of my wives today." Negan paused before smirking slightly, "I mean, maybe one." The man rambled as he held up one finger.

Stella locked eyes with her brother, the boy stood tall and before he knew it, he was being embraced by his sister. The girl quickly pulled back and hit the boys shoulder, "you are a bloody idiot, you know that. Brave, but stupid." The girl chuckled out as she released a breath.

Carl smiled "I had to learn from someone." The boy chuckled before Negan pulled the siblings out of their moment. "Come on."

"What are you gonna do with me?" Carl queried.

Negan stopped walking and turned back to look at the boy, "number one, do not shatter my image of you. You're a bad ass, you're not scared of shit. Don't be scared of me. It's a disappointment. Number two, you really want me to ruin the surprise? Screw you kid. Seriously, screw you." Negan placed his hand on Carl's shoulder before putting the other around Stella, he led the two into the sanctuary and shut the door behind them.

They stood on the platform over head, watching all of the workers down below. Despite being at the sanctuary for a while, the girl hadn't explored and so this was all new to her, Negan stood next to her, keeping his arm over her shoulder whilst Carl stood in front of the pair.

"Check this out." Negan whispered to the boy before he removed his arm from around the girls shoulder and made his way to the edge of the cat walk. Carl and Stella watched on as all of the workers got down on their knees for the man.

A smirk made its way to the man's lips, loving the authority he held. "The saviours have gone out into the world and fought the dead and come back with some really good stuff. Some of that stuff can be yours if you work hard and play by the rules. Today, everybody gets fresh vegetables at dinner. No points needed." The man announced, the crowd below began applauding the man.

Negan turned back around to face the boy, "you see that? Respect. Cool, huh." He smirked, "they still on their knees?" The man quizzed, Carl didn't nod but Negan smirked widened.

"As you were!" The man ordered, his men followed suit and all stood back up, the man chuckled before walking past the two siblings.

The pair looked at each other before reluctantly following the man, he led then through the corridors and to a room. He opened the door and in the room, there were a number of pretty women all dressed in black dresses.

"Ladies." Negan greeted, "don't mind the kids." He chuckled. Stella noticed how all of the women looked somewhat unhappy to be there, the girl also noticed how her brother was looking around, clearly unsure on what to think.

"I know. Every woman where your from dresses like they do the books at an auto shop. You're gonna want to look at their titties. It's cool, I won't mind, they won't mine. Knock yourself out." Negan urged. Stella scoffed before turning to her brother.

"He might not mind, but I sure as hell do, you keep your eyes up Mr." she bossed, Negan chuckled at her protectiveness, finding it cute how much she cared.

"Can i talk to you for a minute, dear wife?" Negan asked a brunette who was comforting a blonde. The woman reluctantly got up from the sofa and stood over by the window.

"Make yourself comfortable, kid." The man urged before walking over to the brunette.

Carl turned to look at Stella, finding her watching the man and woman. She would never admit it, but she was somewhat jealous of the girl as Negan leaned in close to her when he spoke.

"Has he hurt you?" The boy quizzed, his sister tore her eyes off the man and shook her head.

"No, he hasn't touched me. Is everything okay back in Alexandria, Dads okay? Judith?" Stella whispered out her sisters name, not wanting Negan to hear and figure out the two had another sibling.

"Everyone's okay. Jesus was asking for you, he's worried." The boy smirked slightly, Stella shook her head before a presence was felt next to her, she turned her head and saw the tall man looming over her.

He placed the bottle of drink in Carls hand before going to sit in front of the blonde girl that was crying previously. The two siblings once again fell into conversation, the boy mainly asking his sister if she was okay and being fed.

Stella and Carl looked over when they heard the blonde girl tell Negan she loved him, however it was extremely forced and it made Stella cringe slightly.

The man then walked over to the brunette girl again and began kissing her, Stella watched on and had an unfamiliar feeling bubble up inside her. She watched on as Negan held his hand up and she frowned slightly before turning to see Daryl standing next to her along with Dwight.

Daryl locked eyes with the Grimes girl before their attention was re-directed go Negan. The man chuckled slightly and Stella looked over to see Dwight looking pretty pissed off. "Carl, will you grab this tray for me?" The man ordered, pointing to the tray of food in Daryl's hands.

The boy done as he was told and Stella was a little shocked when Daryl spoke up, his voice was raspier than normal. "Why do you got him here?"

"Woah! What we talk about when you're not here is none of your business. Do not make me put this toothpick through the only eye he has." Stella growled out at his threat.

"You do that and I'll kill you myself." The girl angrily spat. Negan smirked as he looked at the girl, a hard glare on her face. The leather clad man turned back to the redneck.

"You go with Dwight. He'll get you a mop. Dwighty boy, fire up that furnace. I'll be down in a few, time for a little deja vu." He smiled menacingly. "Come on kid."

He looked at the two Grimes children before leaving the room. Carl followed after him and Stella reluctantly did too, however she looked at Daryl, the pair locking eyes and silently telling each other how much they loved one another.

The girl wasn't used to seeing Daryl look so weak, he was usually so strong and brave but right now he looked scared and beat, it broke her heart.

The girl span back around and began following her brother and Negan through the halls of the sanctuary, they'd stopped outside a room and Negan opened the door.

Stella came in and stood beside the man as he shut the door, Carl nervously turned around, tray still in hand. "Are all of those women actually your..."

"Wives? Yeah. Always wanted to screw a whole bunch of different women, I mean why settle for just one? Why follow the same old rules? Why not make life better?" Negan smirked, Stella scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Speaking of, sit. Let's get started." The man made his way over to the couches in his room, he made sure Stella was sitting next to him whilst Carl sat opposite the pair.

"Started on what?" The boy quizzed as he placed the tray on the table and sat down.

"I want to get to know you a little better, Carl." The man spoke, smirking widely.

The one eyed boy frowned whilst Stella bit her lip nervously. "Why?" The teenage quizzed.

"Work it out. You're smart, in fact I'm gonna tell you just how smart you are in case you don't already know. See, I'd expect a kid your age to be moping around, not doing a damn thing except crying about missing the prom. But you... you go on a mission. You find me, you kill two of my men and you're smart enough to know that I'm not gonna let this slide." The man chuckled.

"Ah I can't... I can't do it. It's like talking to a birthday present. You got to take that crap off your face, I want to see what grandma got me." The man smiled teasingly, Stella stiffened from next to him, not liking where this was going.

"No." Carl growled out, Negan leaned forwards.

"Two men!" He shouted angrily, "two men." He growled out once more, slower this time to emphasise his point.

"Punishment. Do you really want to piss me off?" The man snarled, Stella glanced at her brother and saw him swallow thickly.

The boy sighed before taking off his hat and placing it on the table in front of him. He reached up again and began to untie the bandage from around his eye. Stella sighed while the man next to her chuckled.

"Almost there." He smirked, excited to see the result.

Carl took it off and his hair covered his eye. "Get that hair out of your face, let me see." Negan ordered, Carl reluctantly moved his hair to the side, exposing the wound.

Stella sighed as she looked at her brother, the boys bottom lip was quivering and he was shaking slightly.

"Christ!" Negan bellowed out, "that is disgusting. No wonder you cover that up. Have you seen it? I mean, have you looked in the mirror? That is gross as hell. I can see your socket." The man chuckled before continuing, "I want to touch it. Oh come on. Can I touch it?"

Stella was getting angry now, she could see how upset her brother was getting, "shut the fuck up." She growled out, her palms were sweating and red where her nails were digging into them and her brows were furrowed.

Negan looked at her and actually felt a little intimidated, he looked back over at Carl and sighed. "Damn. Holy hell, kid. Look, I just.. it's easy to forget that you're just a kid. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything. I- I was just screwing around."

"Just forget it." Carl sighed out, Stella was breathing heaving after her little outburst. Her hands were shaking from anger.

A knock on the door broke the three from their moment, "come in." Negan ordered after sighing.

The door opened and a man walked in nervously, "I'm sorry to interrupt sir, but, uh..you left Lucille out by the truck."

"Seriously?" Negan raised an eyebrow, "I never do that. I guess a kid firing a machine gun is a little bit of a distraction." This was partially true, Negan had actually forgotten the bat because his thoughts were mainly taken up by the beautiful blonde sitting next to him.

"All jokes aside, you look rad as hell. I wouldn't cover that shit up. It may not be a hit with the ladies, but I swear to you no one is gonna screw with you looking like that. No, sir." Negan spoke honestly, obviously trying to make the boy feel somewhat better.

"Fat Joseph, did you carry her all the way up here for me?" Negan questioned, turning to the man who was still stood by the door.

"Yes sir." He nodded.

"Where you gentle?" Negan pondered as he picked up the bat. "We're you kind?"

Joseph stuttered, clearly nervous. "Uhh."

"Did you treat her like a lady?" The man smirked, Stella scoffed at the irony considering he hardly treated women right himself.

"Mm, yes. Yes sir." The fat man nodded.

"Did you pet her little pussy like a lady?" The man smirked at Joseph's confused look, Negan chuckled.

"I'm just screwing around man, a baseball bat doesn't have a pussy." He laughed, Joseph began laughing as well whilst Stella shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"Get the hell out." Negan ordered, the man hurriedly left the room and Negan turned back to the siblings.

"Now, you see? That's what I'm talking about. Men breaking each other's balls. This is the shit your dad's supposed to be teaching you." Negan blabbed out, Carl looked at him nervously.

"What do you like to do for fun? You like music? I know Stella does." The man smirked as he looked over at the girl, she frowned and glared daggers at him.

"I want you to sing me a song." Negan smiled, turning back to the boy.

"What?" Carl frowned, unsure if he heard the man right.

"Yeah. You mowed down two of my men with a machine gun, I want something in return for that. Sing me a song." Negan smiled cheekily.

"I-I... I can't think of any." Carl stuttered out.

"Bullshit. What'd your mom used to sing you? What'd your dad play in the car?" Negan stood up and held the bat towards Carl, Stella tensed up and went to stand up however Negan held up a hand and in fear, she sat down.

"Start singing." The man ordered. Carl nodded and stuttered.

"Okay... okay. Okay. Uh." The boy began to nervously sing "you are my sunshine," and tears began to form in Stella's eyes at how nervous and scared he seemed. Negan urged him to keep singing as he paced around the room teasingly swinging the bat around.

Carl stopped singing and Negan turned to face him. "Do not let me distract you young man." The man bellowed out and Carl started to sing again.

Negan came and stood next to Stella, "that's pretty good. Lucille loves being sung to. It's about the only thing she loves more than bashing in brains. Weird, huh?" He chuckled before sitting down on the sofa next to Stella and in front of Carl.

"Did your mother sing that to you? Where is she now?" The man questioned the two gently. A stray tear ran down Stella's cheek and Carl sniffed at the thought of their mother.

"Damn. Dead, huh? You see it happen?" Negan quizzed the kids in a soft voice, genuinely sad for them. Carl sniffled once again and nodded.

"Stella shot her... before it could..." the boy admitted.

"Damn. No wonder you're both little serial killers in the making. That was an example of breaking balls, by the way." Negan smiled gently, a sight that actually brought comfort to the girl next to him.

"Come on, kid. Get up. It should be ready." The man stood up and made his way over to the door.

"What should be ready?" The boy asked with a frown.

"The iron." Negan admitted. Stella felt sick to her stomach at the thought and so she didn't move.

"You coming sweetheart?" Negan gently asked. The girl shook her head.

"No." Negan made his way over to her and gently put his hand under her chin and lifted her head so she was looking at him in the eyes.

"Okay sweetheart. You stay here and I'll come get you later, alright?" The man smiled. Stella moved his hand away and watched as her brother and Negan left the room.

The girl cleared her throat and smirked to herself at her acting skills before standing up and quietly following the pair. She made her way out the corridor and found a large group gathered around Negan and a man who was sitting in a chair.

The man in the chair was shouting out in pain as Negan held a hot iron to the side of his face, the man passed out from the pain and when negan brought the iron away from his skin, stella felt sick.

Some of his skin was stuck to the iron, Negan span around and chuckled. "Ah, that wasn't so bad, now, was it?" He handed the iron back to Dwight.

"Jesus. He pissed himself." The man sighed before making his way over to Daryl and standing behind him. "Clean that up." The man reluctantly complied.

"Doc. I'm all done. Do your thing," Negan ordered and a man in a white coat came through the crowd of people. "Well, the pussy passed out. But it's settled, we're square. Everything is cool. Let marks face be a daily reminder to him and to everyone else that the rules matter. I hope that we all learned something today because I don't even want to have to do that again."

Stella watched as the man made his way over to her brother and say something, yet she couldn't hear what he said. The man glanced around the room and made eye contact with the girl and smiled, he placed his hand over Carl's shoulders before leading him towards his sister, he placed his other arm around the girls waist and walked the pair through the halls of the sanctuary.

They made it back to the man's bedroom and Stella was sat back down in the chair next to Negan with Carl opposite them once more.

"Can I wrap up my face now?" The boy quizzed hopefully.

"No, you absolutely cannot." Negan smirked.

"Why the hell not." Carl frowned as he growled out.

"Look at this badass. You can't because I'm not done with you and I like looking at your disgusting, rad-ass, badass eye, so it's staying out." The man admitted.

Carl looked as if he had more to say however he held back, unsure if Negan would retaliate and hurt Stella.

"What, you got something to say?" Negan smirked as the boy looked torn.

"Why haven't you killed me? Or Stella, or my dad, or Daryl?" Carl hissed harshly.

"Daryl... is gonna make a good soldier for me." Negan smirked, "you see, he thinks he's holding it together, but you saw it. Your dad? He's already getting me great stuff. You, on the other hand... well, we shall see. It's more productive to break you. More fun too. You thinking that's stupid?" Negan quizzed, a threatening smile on his lips.

"I'm thinking we're different." Carl softly spoke, eye still boring into the man.

"Mm. You're a smart kid. What do you think I should do? You know I can't let you go. So, do I kill you? Iron your face? Chop off your arm? Tell me, what do you think?" Negan suggested, Stella frowned.

The girl jumped slightly when her brother stood up from his seat, looking down at the man next to her. "I think you should jump out the window to save me the trouble of killing you." The boy threatened.

Negan only chuckled, "oh! Now there's the kid that impressed the hell out of me."

"I think you're not saying what you're gonna do to me because you're not going to do anything. If you knew us, if you knew anything, you would kills us. But you can't." Carl acknowledge.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I can't." Negan smirked. "Let's go for a ride kid, you too gorgeous." Negan smiled at Stella before he led the two out the room and through the halls of the sanctuary.

They ambled down to the trucks parked outside, Negan opened the door to one for Stella and offered his hand to her as she climbed in. She scoffed and rolled her eyes and pulled herself in, Carl getting in next to her.

The boy shut the door before Negan got in the drivers side. He smiled at the fact he was sat next to the girl however she only folded her arms over her chest and attempted to move away from him.

Negan drove the truck to the gate before stopping and leaning out the window. "Daryl." Seconds later, the familiar face of Daryl appeared at the window, a tired look on his face.

"You seem worried so I'm taking the kid home. Stella's coming for a ride." Negan smirked.

"If you do anything to them.." Daryl began to threaten however Negan was quick to cut him off.

"Dwight, Daryl needs a time-out. Put him back in his box for a while." Negan ordered, Stella sighed sadly and watched as Daryl was dragged away by dickhead Dwight. Negan held up his middle finger to the redneck and let out a chuckle before starting the engine and driving off.

The girl wasn't sure how long they'd been driving for, but the three was sat in silence. Carl was awkwardly looking out the window whilst Stella looked straight ahead, not wanting to look at the man next to her.

Eventually, they pulled up to the gates of Alexandria and Negan had gone straight to Rick's house. He tapped on the glass with Lucille and a moment later, Olivia opened the door, a nervous expression on her face.

Negan barged his way past and whistled as he entered the home. "Great, great, great, great, great, great!" Negan hollered out as he looked around.

"Where's Rick?" He questioned the woman in front of him.

"Uh, I...I'm just." Olivia stuttered.

"Don't care." Negan sang out, "where's Rick?" He asked once again.

"Um, out scavenging for you." The woman admitted.

"Cool. I'll wait." Negan smiled, Stella came and stood next to the man, eyeing him in case he was going to do anything to Olivia.

"Um... he went out p-pretty far. They m-might not be b-back today. We're running really low on everything. We're practically starving here." Olivia whined. Stella's heart broke at that news, knowing that her family was struggling with food whilst she was given stuff and she wasn't even touching it.

Negan pulled a face at what Olivia had said, not believing her. "Starving? You? And by 'practically' you mean 'not really'?" Negan joked. Olivia turned around and began to cry, Negan turned to the two siblings and chuckled. "Really?"

The woman was sobbing loudly as Negan spoke to the Grimes children, "you people seriously don't have a sense of humour." Negan sighed and rubbed his face before slowly making his way back over to the crying woman.

"Excuse me. What's your name again." The man quizzed.

"Olivia" the woman growled out, still crying.

"Right. Olivia. I am sorry for having been so rude to you just now, and it looks like I'm gonna be here for a while awaiting your fearless leaders return. And if you'd like, I think it would be enjoyable to screw your brains out. I mean, if, you know, you're agreeable to it." Negan smirked but it was quickly replaced by a pained look as Olivia smacked his across the face.

Stella huffed out a laugh, glad the woman done that. However when Negan shook his head and moved closer to the woman, the Grines girl tensed up.

"I am about 50% more into you now." The man chuckled, "just sayin'. Alright well, I'm just gonna put my feet up and wait for my stuff to get here. Olivia, would you be a lamb and make us a little lemonade? Now I know I left y'all some of that good powdered stuff."

"Well.. I'm, im supposed to be with." Olivia began however Negan was quick to cut her off.

"Make it. Make it. Take your time. Make it good." Olivia quickly rushed past the man and out of the house, slamming the door behind her.

Negan smiled and turned to the two Grimes children. "Alright kids, take me on the grand tour." The man mused. Stella sighed and took her hat off, anxiously rubbing her fingers over her head before she placed the item back onto herself.

Carl led the man through the house and too a room with carpets, the two children watched on as Negan took off his shoes and socks and enjoyed the feeling of the fluffy texture. Negan smiled up at the pair and locked eyes with the girl who just rolled her eyes and moved on to the next room.

In the kitchen, Stella and Carl watched as Negan fiddled with the taps before moving onto the dart board. The man threw a dart and landed it directly in the centre, smirking as he did so.

"How bout this one?" Negan quizzed as he moved around the house and stood in front of a door. Stella froze slightly knowing what room this was, Carl sent her a quick panicked look before trying to divert Negan's attention.

"Oh, it's just a water heater." The boy played off.

"Are you serious, kid. Come on." Negan countered before opening the door.

"Oh-ho, my." Negan chuckled out as his eyes fell on the little girl standing up in her crib. Stella bit her lip nervously as she watched Negan hand Lucille to Carl and make his way over to Judith.

"Look at this little angel." Negan grinned as he picked up the baby. Judith relaxed in the man's arms however her older siblings were stood extremely tense. The man wandered through the house and made his way to the porch, sitting down on one of the chairs whilst still holding the baby.

"Oh this little girl is precious." The man mused. Stella was a little shocked to see that her sister was asleep in the man's arms, him holding her close to his chest. The older Grimes girl was a little ashamed to say that it made her smile seeing that Negan was so good with kids.

"Oh i like it here. I might just have to stay here. You know, I was thinking about what you said earlier, Carl. Maybe it is stupid keeping you guys alive. I mean, why am I trying so hard? Maybe I should just bury you all down in one of those flower beds." Negan chuckled, looking intently at a now awake Judith.

"And then I could just settle into the suburbs. What do you think about that?" He quizzed before leaning forwards and kissing the babies head. Stella tensed at the action, her hand reaching for the gun she had hidden in her pocket.



ʜᴇʏ ɢᴜʏs! ʜᴏᴡ ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴏᴋ?

ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏᴛ ᴀɴʏ sᴜɢɢᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs ғᴏʀ ʜᴏᴡ ɪ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴘᴏssɪʙʟʏ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜɪs ʙᴏᴏᴋ ᴀɴʏ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ?

ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɪᴅᴇᴀs!

ᴀsᴏ, ᴛʜᴇ sᴏɴɢ ғᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇᴅ ɪɴ ᴛʜɪs ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪs '𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞' ʙʏ 𝚌𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚘𝚗!

ᴏɴᴇ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛʜɪɴɢ, ɪᴍ ɴᴏᴛ sɪʀᴇ ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜɪs ʙᴏᴏᴋ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀs ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ғᴇᴡ (𝟹) ᴄᴏʟʟᴇɢᴇ ᴀssɪɢɴᴍᴇɴᴛs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴀʟsᴏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ. ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴅᴇғғᴏ ʙᴇ ᴄᴀʀʀʏɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪs ʙᴏᴏᴋ ᴏɴ ᴀs ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɴᴇɢᴀɴ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴏ ᴍᴀɴʏ ɪᴅᴇᴀs ɪɴ ᴍɪɴᴅ ᴏɴ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴ!

ᴀɴʏᴡᴀʏ, ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʟʟ ғᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɪᴍ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɪᴅᴇᴀs!


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