Handsome pt.2

Galing kay loveuh90

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Dave and Amaria have moved on with life but have few bumps in the road, do you think they will work through t... Higit pa

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Galing kay loveuh90

Amaria's POV 

I laid in bed contemplating everything Fai had just told me. I couldn't stop thinking of this Kali girl, I wondered what she looked like, how much Dave liked her, or even worse if he loved her. I wondered if my worst nightmare was actually my reality and Dave was actually cheating on me with some girl from his past. My thoughts were interrupted by Dave shutting the bathroom from behind him as he had just got out the shower, I looked over at him as he walked in our room, he had a towel wrapped around his waist revealing his well built body, he had water dripping down his chest, which god knows turns me all the way on, but not in this moment, right now my heart felt shattered. I looked back up at the ceiling as everything Fai said repeated in my head constantly like a record player. 

I felt the bed dip as Dave got in bed, I felt him look over at me as I looked back at him with pure hurt all in my eyes, his eyes were filled with guilt like I've never seen before. This just confirmed my what I thought was 'irrational thoughts' but were very much the opposite. "Are you okay?" he asked me as I felt like smacking him across his dumb ass face and punching him in his throat and cutting off his balls, but instead I gave him a pitiful smile. "Yes, you?, anything you want to talk about?" I asked as he shook his head almost making me believe him. "How was your talk with my mom? Yall seemed to hug like forever before they left" he said. They ended up not spending the night as Fai thought it was best me and Dave had conversation about everything. "Oh our conversation..... it was very interesting" I say as he had a slight look of confusion. "Why?" he questioned as I shrugged. "You know your mom, she's a good story teller" I said as he chuckled, "You ain't wrong there, she can talk your ear off about all her stories" he says as I nodded. "Which one she tell you his time?" he asked me chuckling. "Oh, you know she repeats them all over and over again, anyways I'm tired, i'm going to get some sleep" I say as he agrees with me yawning, "I'm tired as shit, got shit to do tomorrow" he says rubbing his eyes. "You going to the studio again?" I asked as he nodded. "Yeah, but I won't be out too late, I'll be back before Messiah goes to sleep" he says as I nod. "Okay" I say turning over to face my back against him. 

"I thought you would be more happy" he said as I shrugged. "I am" I lie. I know y'all probably are wondering why I haven't light his ass on fire yet, the answer to that is I don't know. I guess im too scared to face the truth. 

"I love you baby girl" he says kissing my shoulder. "Me too" I say before his lamp shut off and felt him get more comfortable in the bed. When I heard him start to lightly snore I let the tears out and cried silently the whole night. 


-3 days later- 

We was currently out shopping, Messiah turned 9 months yesterday and he is getting so big that nearly none of his clothes fit, so we have to get him some new fits. We were in flight club as Dave wanted some new sneakers, I followed him around as he picked out shoes for himself and Messiah. This man had a huge collection of shoes, some he bought and some were sent by companies. His shoes collection is bigger than mine, but I ain't complaining because at least we get seperate walk-in closets. "You like these lil man" Dave said to Messiah showing him a pair of Yeezys as Messiah kicked his legs in the stroller making baby sounds. "Word? I was thinking the same thing man" he said making me smile at the two of them. 

Dave and I are still in argument and I'm honestly tired of it, he keeps trying to talk to me but I want to be left alone, he starts another argument with me and blows up when I don't give in to his bullshit. I just continue to stay quiet, I can't even look at him or even stand to be in the same room as him sometimes. Last night he slept in the guest room after we had another argument. This morning he came back to me apologising trying to be all over me but I wasn't having it, we just being cordial around Messiah though. 

I saw him pick out a pair of woman's shoes, they were a pair of Jordan 4s, he looked at the size as I did too. They were definitely not for me cause this person had some big ass feet. "Who is that for" I asked as Dave looked at me. "My mom" he said before going back to shopping. Whole time I was thinking that was for his side bitch, maybe it is I wouldn't know with his lying ass. 

He picked out a sweat suit for Messiah and a beanie passing it to the poor lady who was carrying all this shit. After Dave was done he paid and I made sure he gave the girl a big tip. "Thank you" she said to me as Dave was already walking out with Messiah in his arms as wells as four big bags filled with clothes and shoes. I got the stroller walking outside as I seen Dave talking to some girl. My eyebrows furrowed as I watched them. She was quite tall, long black inches, brown skin and thick. She looked about Davids age and her body was quite nice, basically what I have been trying to get back to after I had Messiah. I walked up out the store and her eyes diverted from Dave to me straight away, almost like she knew I was here, her face expressions were almost unreadable, happy but envy at the same time, at least that's what I just thought.

 "Oh you must be the baby mama" the girl said with a fake as smile. Who the fuck even says that shit. I looked up at Dave as he had this unexplainable expression on his face. "Wife" I said flashing my rock as she gave another fake smile. "Oh of course, my bad" she giggles. "Did you want a photo or something?" I asked as she laughed this laugh that would have really ticked anyones nerves off. "No not all, I'm just an old friend of D" she said looking up at Dave. "Oh I never heard of you" I said as she laughed nervously, "D you ain't tell your wife about me?" she says looking straight in my eye with a smile. "Must of slipped my mind" he says awkwardly. "Well my name is Kali, we used to know each other in high school" she said as I my blood started boiling and I felt myself wanting to kick the shit out of Dave. I already knew it was her from the moment I saw her, just a gut feeling. "Kali, well it was nice meeting you" I said giving her a fake smile as she returned the favour. "For sure, nice finally meeting D's wife, and it was nice seeing you again lil man" she said holding Messiah's hand as he giggled. AGAIN? WHAT THE FUCK!

"Bye D" she said to Dave before turning around on her heels and walking off. Dave sure did have a thing for thick girls. "Un fucking believable" I say as Dave looked down at me. "Ba-" "Shut up" I cut him off walking towards his Bentley. I left the stroller on the side walk for him to put back. I got in the front seat and got my phone out going on it. Dave put Messiah in the back and collapsed the stroller putting it in the trunk as well as putting his bags of clothes and shoes in the back seat on the other side of Messiahs care seat, before getting in the car. "Before you assume some shit, she is just a friend from high school" Dave lied as I rolled my eyes. "No the fuck she is not, she is your ex girlfriend from high school, take me the fuck home" I said sitting back and going back on my phone deciding to book a flight for me and Messiah to go to Atlanta, I miss my family and I'm fucking sick of Dave. 

Once we made it back home I breast fed Messiah as Dave was in his man cave, which is good because I want to be far away from him. Once Messiah fell asleep I placed him in his crib, then got out all of Messiah's new clothes we bought today as well as some of the old ones left that still fit him and took it with me to my room. I put his clothes on our bed and got out my suitcase packing his clothes in, I then went to my closet getting a few clothes for myself, packing it in. 

I packed both me and Messiah some shoes too. "What the fuck are you doing Ari" I heard Dave say from behind me, I ignored him continuing to pull out a few clothes I remembered to pack. I felt him grab my arm as I reached for a puffer jacket pulling it from the hanger. "Ari stop" he said. "SHE WAS NEAR MY FUCKING SON" I screamed in his face as he backed away. "How could you fucking do this shit to me? How dare you let her disrespect me in front of you? What kind of man does that?" I questioned as he just seemed speechless and surprised at my reaction. I rolled my eyes pulling down the puffer from the coat hanger and putting it in the suit case. 

Next I went to the bathroom packing all my makeup and hygiene things as well as my skincare products. "Ari what are you packing this shit for" Dave said being slow as he followed me to our bathroom. "We are going to Atlanta first thing tomorrow morning" I said. "We? who is we?" he asked stupidly. "Me and my son" I said looking at him as his eyebrows pushed together. "You can fucking leave if you want but you not about to take my son" he said as I scoffed. "I can do whatever the fuck I want, especially because you can't change one fucking diaper, you can't produce breast milk or cook, or clean or do half the shit I do for my son, so he is going with me" I yell walking past him and putting the last of my things in the suitcase and shutting it closed. 

Dave doesn't know how to do much, he was there for me when I was going through the after math of birth but as soon as I was better he didn't do anything, but feed Messiahs bottle or bathe him from time to time, but I never complained because he provided, and I live comfortably, with no stress of needing to bring in an income. 

"You can't just take my son away from me Ari" Dave explained frustrated from behind me. "We will be back in four days" I said. "Fuck no, listen to what the fuck I'm saying Ari" he said grabbing my wrist to turn me around. "No, I can't fucking stand to look at you or breathe the same air as you, or even listen to your stupid voice, every time I look at you I regret ever falling for you or ever meeting you, I wish you were non existent to me, I wish I was with someone who actually loves me and is honest and faithful to me and isn't a fucking hoe ass nigga who doesn't know how to keep it in there pants" I spat out "Ari don't say that, you know I love you, more than I love anyone in this world" he says sounding hurt. "I hate you with all my heart" I spat out another mean thing, but at his point I didn't care. "You don't mean that shit" he said as I shook my head laughing. "Please fucking believe me when I say I do, I hate you" I said snatching my wrist from his grip walking past him. 

I went to our room getting my phone off the bed side table. "What are you doing?" he asked me as I rolled my eyes, why can't he just stop following me. "Canceling the flight, cause you are trying to make it seem like I'm taking Messiah away from you when I'm not" I said cancelling the flight. Messiah needs me more than Dave and that's just the plain truth, he made me feel bad by saying "You can't take him away from me" so now I'm canceling the flight. 

"I'm staying at a hotel, from now on, you can come see him from there" I said walking past him to get my suitcase from the closet. "hold on Ari we gotta talk about this shit" he said. "What is there to talk about Dave?" I turned around crossing my arms truly confused. "everything, you blowing shit out of proportion" he said. "I never fucked her, she is just someone from the past, we hung out sometimes and got to know each other again, but thats all, trust me I never fucked her, on my son I never did" he said. "Did you kiss her?" I asked as he nodded his head. "Yeah we did a few times". "What the fuck else did you do?" I asked. "She came to the studio, we would chill there, we went out to eat a couple of times, thats all" he explained. "Why? Why hide this shit from me?" I question as he scrunched up his face. "What the fuck did you want me to say?" he asked me. "The fucking truth David, if you actually care about me you would be honest but I guess you lack that for me too" I roll my eyes. "Do you like her? do you have feelings for her? Do you love her?" I asked bombarding him with multiple questions at once. "Fuck no I don't love her, you the only woman I love" he said but I didn't believe that shit. "Do you have feelings for her?" I asked as he was now silent. "Woow that's fucked up" I said shaking my head. Knowing he had feelings for this bitch hurts more than him fucking her. I honestly wished he would have just fucked her because it would've  meant his heart wasn't truly in it. 

"I'm sorry baby, please just don't leave me" he said moving closer to me as I felt like crying. "No, fuck that, I want a divorce" I said as his whole face changed. "We ain't getting no fucking divorce, fuck you mean?" he said. I ignored him and got my suitcase walking out the room to Messiah's room, I picked him up gently as he was still sleep. I placed him in his carrier and placed his blanket over him. I rolled my suitcase with me in one hand and Messiah's carrier in the other and made my way down the stairs.

"Ari please, don't do this" Dave said following close behind me as I walked towards the elevator. "Dave stop following me, when you want to see Messiah text me, but other than that, I'm done with you" I said getting in the elevator as the doors opened for me to get in. I got in and the doors shut on Dave as he stood there and watched us hopelessly. 

Once I made it to the garage, I walked over to my car unlocking it, I placed Messiah in the backseat strapping him in and placing the one suit case in the trunk. I got in the car starting it up and as soon as I reversed out the parking spot Messiah woke up and started crying. "I know baby boy, I'm sorry" I say looking back at him every few second. I continued driving to the hotel hoping he would eventually stop but he never did until we pulled up at the hotel. I hoped out the drivers seat and made my way to Messiah's side in the backseat and picked him up kissing all over his cute little face. "I'm so sorry papa" I say patting his back gently to calm him down and he soon did. I handed my keys to the Valet and the door assistant helped me take in the suitcase as I was too occupied with Messiah. I checked in and as soon as I entered those hotel doors, I scanned the whole hotel room looking for anything sus, which probably is most unlikely because it was one of nicest ones in the city. As soon as everything checked out I got in bed with Messiah breastfeeding him until he fell asleep and I soon fell asleep with him.


Keeping it nice and short this chapter, I hope y'all liked it. 

What did y'all think of Kali, David and Amaria interaction? 

Do you think Dave is lying about not having sex with Kali? 

Is Ari right to take Messiah with her? 

Let me know all your thoughts and ill catch y'all in the next chapter xx

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