The Assistant [MxM]

By InfinitiAkira

154K 11.8K 23.7K

It wasn't until his boss gave him a chance and purpose in life once he was on edge, and giving up. Not knowi... More

8. |part one|
8. |part two|
10. |filler chapter|
13. |filler chapter|
18. |part one|
18. |part two|
20. |filler chapter|
22. |part one|
22. |part two|
28. |filler chapter|
32. |filler chapter|
37. |filler chapter|


2.7K 188 460
By InfinitiAkira


"So, this will be your room and you're welcome to anything in here." Sincere told Mason— they had landed back home this morning and Mason no longer wanted Sincere out of his sight after learning about his childhood and his suicidal attempts. He couldn't live alone by himself and that was why he was staying with the aunt and uncle so Sincere offered him the second bedroom inside of the pool house.

Mason sat his bags down and looked at Sincere, "You're sure Shakur is okay with me staying back here? He doesn't seem to like me that much."

"He told me you couldn't stay here at all, honestly but this place is in my name so he really can't do anything about it, he doesn't like anyone really."

"I just don't understand what I did to upset the man,"

Sincere chuckled, "Maybe never coming to see me when I was nearly beat to death?"

He watched his dads face soften, "I'm sorry about that son— I was hurt you chose that boy over us and the only time you ever called was when he beat on you and then you'd turn right back around and shut us out when you went back. As a father— I couldn't understand why you'd settle for something like that but learning about your past I could see why he was familiar to you and you thought what you two shared was normal or even love... I should have picked up on signs, I'm sorry your mother and I failed you."

"It's crazy how that stopped you when it never stopped you' from being by your wife's side. We both were repeating a cycle— guess the drunk was the better option? Atleast I ain't die right, a win is a win." He shrugged. Mason frowned.

Mason bit his tongue and just nodded his head and with that Sincere turned to head out of the home— he was headed to see Joshua and he couldn't wait to see him. He missed him and wanted to give him a well needed hug after he had expressed his hurt that had hurt Sincere to his core.

At Joshua's place he and Kennedy laid up under one another while Josiah slept peacefully in his room. The two had just finished having sex— for the last two days it seemed as if Joshua had turned a switch on inside of Kennedy because she had been all over him each time their son took a nap and he napped a whole lot. He knew that Kennedy used to be bad with wanting sex but it seemed that her drive had gotten higher not that he was complaining at all. He was just exhausted today from school and leaving practice to head straight to work. However after Kennedy had sucked him how she did he found a burst of energy.

"The sex is cool' and all but what are we?" Joshua asked after they caught their breaths. "You still fuçk with what's his name?"

Kennedy chuckled, "You know his name— and no. You and my dad made sure of that,"

Joshua laughed, "I ain't do nothing. How was I supposed to know that me venting to my pops would be the reason Shakur blurted that out?"

"Boy— you know what you were doing. Let's be honest here,"

Joshua kissed her lips before smirking down at her, "I don't know what you mean love,"

"Anyways.. what do you want us to be? I know that I messed up alot in our relationship from the whole keeping my disorder from you, letting someone touch me when I was pregnant, hitting you and all that. I do want us back together but first I want to apologize for all of that especially hitting you knowing what you've been through and I promise to never do that again,"

Joshua nodded, "I want us to be a family but I don't want to rush back into things or want you feeling that I'm only using you for sex."

"Does that mean you're going to keep seeing Isis or those other girls?" She asked lowly while staring at the side of his face. "I get it if you do but we haven't used protection so.."

"The moment I got to have you again they were cut off," he told her honestly. "You're the only girl I've not used protection with. You on birth control right?"

Kennedy let out a breath, "Yeah— my dad made sure of that even when we weren't talking. He made Cassidy take me. You still pulled out though right?"

"I mean.. once or four times I might've filled you up."

Kennedy frowned, "We're buying condoms. I'll never have another baby. I'll send it to God,"

"You let me hit raw already— I'll never use another condom. I got a good job now so abortion money is nothing to me."

They both hurst into laughter, "I love you Joshua."

"I love you too,"

After a moment of silence Joshua felt tears hit his chest and soon heard Kennedy start to sob. "What's wrong?" He sat up and sat her up with him, he wiped her tears and stared at her. "Talk to me baby,"

She wiped at her eyes and explained why she had moved back with her dad and why she had been at Joshua's while her dad was gone. She explained that the reason she had been hesitant about sleeping with him at first was because her mothers boyfriend had completely threw her off and she no longer felt comfortable with the thought of sex because all she could think about was what if. That night and morning had shook her to her core especially after never experiencing something like that.

Looking into Joshua's eyes she seen the anger flash through them as he carefully stood and tossed his shorts on. If he had known that he would have never initiated sex with Kennedy and would have instead been there for her, she assured him that he didn't pressure her or anything but he couldn't help but to feel as if he had and he was drunk that night too. For all he know she only did it because she was afraid. He would have never fucked her drunk or now if he had know Cassidy's boyfriend pushed up on her. It pissed him off.

He never played about Kennedy even back when she swore up and down he didn't care about her. He'd fight a bear for her and their son. Those two were his family and he wouldn't let anyone mess with them or take that from him.

"Joshua just calm down," Kennedy had slipped her robe on and followed him down the stairs.

"I am calm," he told her while searching for his keys.

"You're not about to go over there! Just please," Kennedy pleaded.

She'd never seen Joshua fight before up until she had seen him beat Kameron and right then she knew why he never resorted to violence. He had terrified her that day and she never wanted to see that side of him again— she couldn't let him go to Cassidy's house and confront the man. He had too much to lose and a son to think about.

"You think a nigga trying to rape you is going to be okay with me? Fuck all that."

Kennedy was about to respond before a knock sounded on the door— Joshua was so pissed he snatched it open and Kennedy could have died seeing her dad stand there. His eyes quickly shot to her and she knew the fact that her hair was all over the place, she had on only a robe and all the passion marks on her was the reason he let out chuckle and turned to walk back to his car.

Sincere scratched the back of his head, "I'll let you two get decent?" He focused on Joshua who's back was now turned towards the door and his eyes widened at the many scratches that decorated his back and he too had passion marks over his chest and neck. Maybe he should have let him know they were back instead of popping up. He didn't think the two were back on those terms so he didn't see the issue at first but he did now.

He closed the door and went to follow behind Shakur who was ready to pull off. Even though Kennedy had birthed his grandson he would never be okay with the fact that his baby girl was sexually active. It pissed him off each time and to see the two marked up how he did had made his stomach turn— he didn't want to see or think of his child being sexed like that. He wanted to whoop her ass but he knew that it wouldn't help anything.

"Oh my God," she groaned quickly making her way up the stairs to make herself look decent. "Are you going to put on a shirt?" She asked Joshua.

"I pay the bills here, Shakur ain't my dad nor do I care about what he may feel. We share a child— it's no secret that I'm fuçking you."

Kennedy's eyes widened, "What's your issue?"

"That momma of yours and that nigga' and the fact I know you did something with my keys."

Kennedy let out a breath before hearing Josiah start to cry, "Can you just put on a shirt and let them in? I'll get our son."

Joshua mugged her but tossed a shirt on and then went back to the door to let Sincere know that they could come in. He laughed when Sincere ran to him and gave him a big hug, that had calmed him down a whole lot. He didn't know how much he needed a hug from Sincere until now— he was thankful Sincere was even here to be able to hug him after the whole suicide attempt. Josh wouldn't know what to do without him.

"I missed you," Joshua told him, "Why you didn't tell me you were out of the hospital and back?"

"I missed you too— and I wanted to surprise you but I'm the one surprised hell." He eyed him and even after all the shit he had just talked, Joshua avoided eye contact with him and let out a chuckle. "Anywho— we'll chat about that later,"

Sincere hugged him again and took a seat on the couch, "It's cool to sit right here?" He asked after he'd sat.

Joshua laughed and ignored him— if he was being honest it wasn't really safe to be anywhere right now after the way Kennedy had squirted over just about everything. "Yeah, you straight pops. Can we not though, it's kind of awkward for you to ask questions like that."

"Imagine me seeing you all marked up how I be marking dudes up? That's awkward to see and know that you must be ahead of your age group." He gagged, "Are you using protection?"

Letting out a sigh and rubbing his hands down his face Joshua smacked his lips, "We about to do this right now?"

Kennedy had made her way down the stairs and Joshua almost laughed at the look on her face. "My dad wants to talk to me outside— I'm taking the baby with me in case he might try and kill me." She told him— looking to Sincere she looked away and Sincere sighed, she still wasn't talking to him.

Once she made it out of the door Sincere stared at Joshua, "We didn't use protection but she is on birth control,"

"That's not always effective— did you.. you know?"

"Yeah— for the most part,"

"It's either you did or you didn't?"

Joshua groaned, "Sometimes I did, other times I didn't?"

Sincere shook his head, "You're doing good right now, you don't need to add another kid on at the moment. You have a lot going for you and I'd hate to see you throw all of that way because you're being reckless, one is hard enough to balance so I couldn't imagine you with two. The feeling may be pure bliss but don't let that feeling get you caught up, condoms were invented for a reason. For yours and her safety."

Joshua dropped his head, "and besides I know you're not only sleeping with just her.. are you playing it safe with others?"

"Absolutely," he responded quickly making Sincere side eye him. "I'm serious, I really am."

It was silent for a while before Sincere spoke up again, "Are you two a thing again? I love you both and I'm not trying to have neither of you hurt. Sex can complicate things."

"I guess you can say we're going to work on things,"


Joshua chuckled, "If this is what having an active male role model feels like then I wasn't missing nothing," he joked making Sincere mug him. "I'm just kidding— it means that we take time and get to know eachother again. She doesn't talk to anyone right now and I cut off everyone the other night and yes— regardless of what happened she is what I want pops. We're going to work it all out."

"Okay, I won't pry too much then. Just wanted to see where your head was at. One more thing,"

"Aw hell," Joshua mumbled.

"I don't appreciate the fact you hung up on me the other day but I really don't appreciate the fact that you were drunk and not even that you were drunk driving."

Laying his head back Joshua listened to the lecture Sincere had gave him about drinking and driving under the influence. He understood where Sincere was coming from and accepted the fact that he took his car keys back from him— Sincere would be his way back and forth for a while and although he was being punished he was grateful that Sincere's form of punishment hadn't been physical.

After the talk the front door had opened and Shakur walked in holding Josiah as Kennedy trailed behind him with a look of embarrassment and irritation on her face. Joshua smirked at her because she mugged him and stomped up the stairs— one thing Kennedy hated was talking about sex with her father. It made her cringe and Shakur was so damn blunt he didn't sugar coat anything or beat around the bush. She was over it when he had asked her how many niggas she fucked and is Joshua "hitting it raw" she felt like that could have been worded differently to get his point across. He'd even asked if she sucked dick and how many and after that she was completely embarrassed and he also let her know he'd be taking her to get checked out and how to properly take care of her body/oral hygiene.

She'd only got out of the conversation because she asked him if he had took care of his orally hygiene since he was giving oral to a man. That right there made him put her out of his car— she was thankful.

Shakur spoke to Joshua and Joshua gave him a simple head nod before standing and heading towards the kitchen. Shakur sighed and rubbed his hands down his face— he made a mental note to speak with Joshua about the night he had threatened him and put him out. He really didn't mean to hurt him how he did and he loved the kid so he wanted to atleast work on repairing the bond they once shared.

"Why are you staring at me creep?" Sincere asked as Shakur had his eyes trained on him while he rocked Josiah back to sleep.

"Cause' I can. I can't look at you now?"

Sincere blushed and put his head down and continued to scroll on Instagram. "You make me nervous when you do," he admitted.

"You just so beautiful baby,"

He smirked seeing Sincere slowly look to him and bite his bottom lip, "you ready to go?"


Sincere held around Shakur's neck tightly while he sucked on his sweet spot and let out moans of pleasure as Shakur had both of his legs in his forearms and put Sincere's back against the wall while he moved in and out of him, "Oh! Right there," Sincere moaned.

Shakur hissed when Sin bit down on his neck before swirling his tongue around the sensitive area he had bit.

"I missed you," Shakur whispered in his ear and placed kisses on his neck. "You so fuçking ' sexy." He pulled back so he could watch the love faces that Sincere made. "Look at me pretty' can you do that for me?"

Sincere's dick twitched as he opened his eyes and lifted his head to look Shakur into the eyes, "I— I missed you too." He choked out blinking back his tears. "I'm about to cum,"

His legs shook while Shakur pulled out of him and laid him on the bed— he took one of Sincere's legs a wrapped it around his waist while putting the other on his shoulder. Sin sucked in a breath as Shakur slid back into him slowly and swirled his tongue around his big toe before placing it into his mouth.

"Oh my.." Sincere's back arched off the bed.

His toes being sucked always sent him over the edge, it was one of his kinks and he didn't take Shakur as the type so he never mentioned it.

Shakur chuckled as he sucked on the rest of his toes, tears fell from Sincere's eyes and once Shakur sped up his movements and grabbed his dick rubbing over his tip it was then Sincere let out a loud and dragged out moan— he had came without warning. Shooting his nut on Shakur's chest.

"Damn baby," Shakur moaned out and closed his eyes feeling himself near as he moved faster in and out of Sincere.

Sincere's chest heaved up and down, "Look at me handsome, please look at me while you cum."

Once Shakur's eyes opened and stared at him Sincere felt his dick get back hard, "Be a good' boy and make yourself cum with me. I can get another one out of you..  ain't that right pretty?"

Sincere grabbed ahold of his dick and Shakur slowed down his movements so he could give Sincere time to pleasure himself and build his nut up. "Y— yes sir," Sincere answered him.

Shakur let out a shaky breath, he wrapped his arm around Sincere's neck and started back moving in and out of him faster. "I love you," he told him.

"I love you too daddy," Sincere moaned feeling another orgasm approaching.

Shakur noticed and smirked, "you ready baby?"

Sincere nodded, "Can you choke me harder— slap me— talk to me," he bit his bottom lip.

He felt Shakur cum into the condom without warning and he moaned out when Shakur's grip on his neck tightened making his legs shake.

"I knew you liked that shît— you like a little pain huh baby boy? You lied to me?"

His hand moved faster up and down his dick— it wasn't until Shakur slapped him he had came again. He hadn't slapped him too hard or too soft just enough pressure how he knew Sincere had liked. He was surprised to hear him ask him to do it— being Sincere had told him he didn't know exactly how he felt about that from the night they shared in the sex room. Sincere shocked himself too, but he couldn't lie like that night hadn't brung out some new kinks for him during sex that he didn't know was there before.

"Such a good boy," Shakur praised him and watched the smile appear on Sincere's face. He pulled out of him and leaned down to peck his lips. "I think I'm creating a' monster."

Sincere chuckled, "Only if you knew." He mumbled as Shakur headed to the bathroom to run him a bath.

The sex was great— but it was the aftercare that Sincere looked forward too the most.


"I'm ready for the talk now," Sincere had carefully turned towards Shakur who was holding him and watching a movie. Sin was snuggled into his bear that Shakur had got him for his birthday.

After what was supposed to be a simple bath, he had forced Shakur to get in with him and that turned into Sincere being bent over the tub and fucked so good that his whole entire lower half had ached now. He noted to never invite Shakur into a bath with him again, the mans sex drive was something he couldn't compete with. He could cum and be back hard seconds later— he definitely had stamina.

"Let me go first," Sincere also added— Shakur nodded and turned the TV off giving him his undivided attention.

Sincere let out a nervous breath, "Starting with a few apologies— months ago when you came to my office and I said those hurtful things to you? I didn't mean any of it and you didn't deserve to be hurt like that when you were finally giving me the time and attention I had been wanting. All the comparing you to my ex and uncle was so wrong and for that I truly am sorry Shakur— that was the first time that I knew I broke your heart and I never meant to do that. I also want to apologize for flaunting Mike in your face when I knew it was you I truly wanted and then for getting mad when you did you even though I was still fuçking him. It was childish of me to play all those games when you finally showed me it was me that you wanted. Also putting my hands on you on different occasions— I'm not sure where the need of me laying hands came from when I never had that same energy with neither of my abusers. You've worked so hard on yourself and I haven't been meeting you halfway at all. I guess I waited around for so long that when I finally got to have you it felt all too good to be true so I tried sabotaging it," he paused for a second.

"Like you said I can't keep holding you choking me out that day over your head when I was the one who continued with us... and I can't let that be the reason I lay hands on you first because I expect you to snap one day. I spiraled once I learned about my mom— that brung up my childhood trauma and turned me into somebody I didn't recognize which caused me to push you away. I was one hundred percent wrong and I apologize for it all."

Sincere watched Shakur closely as he anticipated his response, "I forgive you,"

"Are you forreal or just saying that' because you know that's what I want to hear?"

Shakur chuckled, "I'm serious, I know how it is to lash out about what happened to you. It was the reason why I lashed out on you so much over the years and I too want to genuinely apologize for everything— the name calling, insults, threats and choking you out that day all because I was fighting the feelings and emotions I gained for you over the years. My pastor instilled so much into my head that when a thought about me still being into the same sex came about I hated it, myself and you because it was you who made those feelings resurface after years. When it was him who I should have hated— you didn't deserve the shît I put you through. Me playing on your feelings days I'd flirt with you then turn around and diss you," he sighed and rubbed his hands down his face.

Speaking on his feelings outloud was still a bit foreign to him.

"I was confused and trying to fight it, when Cassidy introduced us a few years back and you shook my hand and eyed me how you did? I felt the need to have you right then but images of my past flashed through my mind and it was why all of a sudden that next week she was going to fire you until I learned why you needed the job and I told her to keep you and pay you more," he chuckled, "I been on you bad since then. Just didn't know how to come to terms with that. I've always looked out for you rather I wanted to admit that I liked you or not,"

Sincere blushed, "I never questioned the pay or why she gave me chance after chance and I wasn't even that qualified back then."

"Yeah— once she started to look for a new assistant was when I pushed for her to keep you. It was the only way I could see you time to time without actually having to admit my like towards a man. I knew one day I'd have the courage but I didn't think I'd traumatize you before that. I' am sorry for my actions Sincere. Especially choking you and saying' I'd put you out your misery— shit wasn't cool at all."

Shakur pulled him closer and kissed his lips, "I'm so ready for you to be mine,"

"I'm ready for that too but we both still have a lot to work on. I really want us to be the best version of ourselves, and you're technically still a married man."

"I don't know what to do to get her to sign them papers— without her taking my son."

At the mention of that Sincere had sighed and put space between them, "I forgot that she's having your child."

"Is that a deal breaker for you? That's what I wanted to talk about and the fact that you told Michael you loved him the night of your' birthday. That's all I can think about now that I know you're going on a business trip with him' what kind of love did you mean? Be honest with me too' and let me know right now if my son' or that nigga gonna hinder us?"

Sincere opened his mouth but then closed it back, they stared into eachothers eyes waiting on his response. The answer to two questions that can make them or finally break them.


Thoughts? What stood out the most?

Let me know what you think Sincere's response will be to both questions 🫣👀 have my bookies finally come to an end? 🙂

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