Invisiable Feelings (Rowan La...

By Late-Night_Outsider

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[Slow-burn, fluff but also angst] You are the new girl at Nevermore Academy, and your ability is unique from... More

Hello! :D
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 5

181 6 13
By Late-Night_Outsider

 Rowan's POV: 

  So Xavier asked (Y/n) to go to the carnival with him? And she wanted me to go with them? I don't know if I should feel thankful or annoyed about the whole thing.

  Going to the carnival wasn't exactly my favorite thing, but of course id go if (Y/n) wanted to. I just wish Xavier wasn't going. I wish he hadn't asked her first. I would have asked before him, but to be truthful I had forgotten about the carnival.

  The first part of the school day went how it has for the last few days, me and (Y/n) would sit together during classes and talk during the class transitions. This time though, we where going to participate in fencing, which was new to her.

  Once inside the elaborate room after getting dressed, I quickly asked (Y/n) to be my sparing partner. She agreed and asked that I go easy on her. Of course, that was my plan. 

  The first couple rounds was mostly me helping her practice. She was learning fast, and after a while I had to stay on my toes if I wanted to beat her, which I did a few rounds. She beat me on the last one, and I heard her giggle. Her laugh is adorable.

  The coach had everyone switch partners, and somehow immediately I saw her partnered with Xavier.

  I groaned on the inside. Of course.

  I tried to pay attention to what my partner was doing, but I kept glancing over at (Y/n) and Xavier. I lost multiple times, but I didnt care. 

  The coach reminded everyone of the carnival, then dismissed us. I rushed over to where (Y/n) and Xavier where standing, taking their fencing masks off. I heard Xavier complementing her, and I grimaced before taking my own mask off. I took out my inhaler.

  (Y/n) grinned and looked at both of us, "whew, that was pretty fun. I didnt realize I could be so good at fencing," She gave a breathy laugh, "I think im going to go get freshened up for tonight. Where should I meet up with you guys later?"

  "At the main entrance." Xavier and I said in unison. I gave him the side-eye.

  "Meet us there at about six." Xavier added.

  (Y/n) nodded, "A-alright, see you then!"

  Xavier and I said nothing to eachother on our way to the mens washroom, but I could feel Xavier's stare boring into the back of my head. 

  Hopefully neither of us say or do anything stupid tonight, especially with (Y/n) around.


   (Y/n)'s POV:

  I got dressed in a cute but comfortable outfit for tonight, excited that I'll be able to show off my own sense of style since I wont have to wear my school uniform. Bianca even commented on my fashion sense.

  "So, im guessing your going to the carnival with Rowan?" Serprisingly she didnt seem irritated.

  "Well, yes, but Xavier is coming with us. You know him right? Hes pretty nice." 

  Okey, now she seemed irritated. "Whats the deal with him hanging out with you guys lately?"

  I didn't know how to respond, "um, is it wrong that he hangs out with us? Why does it matter?" Hopefully my tone didnt sound too offensive.

  Bianca sat on her bed and sighed. "It doesn't matter. It shouldn't anyway." She said the words softly.

  I looked at the time on my phone, it was was about time for me to meet up with them so that we can take the same shuttle. "Bianca, are you coming?"

  "Yeah, Divina, Kent, and I are going together."

  I nodded and headed downstairs to the school entrance. I was so excited to see Rowan. If I was honest with myself, id say I was starting to catch feelings for him, which is why I couldn't just go with Xavier. I appreciated Xavier's friendship, but I had a soft spot for Rowan. He made me so happy. I wonder if he would ever come to feel the same for me.

  I spotted them from the top of the steps and ran down to join them. "Ready to go?"

  Ending their conversation, they both smiled at me and nodded. Rowan's smile is so cuuuute! I want to squish his cheeks!......​......Shut up shut up shut up.

  We entered the bus that would take students to the carnival, hoping know one could see me blushing. I noticed that Rowan stayed super close to me, and when I sat next to the window he immediately took the seat beside me. Xavier frowned and sat on the seat across from us.

  When we arrived, Xavier was quick to get out in front of us, then after getting off the bus he held his hand out to help me down. I took it only to be polite, but didn't look him in the eye.

  The carnival was pretty busy which heightened my nervousness, so I was thankful to have my two "bodyguards". Xavier was the one showing me around and telling me about the games and rides. Rowan would sneek a glance at me every once in a while and smile at me. Id smile back.

  A giant plush (favorite animal) was hanging up on one of the game booths. I tugged on Rowan's arm and pointed, "OoohmiGOSH I want that plushhiiee! Come ooon!" Xavier heard me squeal and followed as well.

  I tryed my best to win at the game, but it seemed hopeless after multiple trys. I started to get irritated. Even Xavier tryed it once, but failed after getting so close. "Maybe we can come back to it. I kind of want to ride that mini roller coaster over there, would you guys like to come?"

  "Yes! As looong as it does not go t-too high. Rowan, are you coming?"

  He seemed unsure, then said, "No thank you, you guys go ahead, I'll wait here for you."

  I didn't want to miss the opportunity to go on the ride, so I just nodded and followed Xavier.


   Rowan's POV:

  After watching them leave and trying not to feel too jealous, I went right over to the game that (Y/n) was trying to win. After a few trys, I got the highest score, and the game operator asked which prize I wanted. I pointed to the giant stuffed animal that (Y/n) had gushed over. As the operator handed it to me, he winked and said, "Its for that cute gal ain't it? That was the right thing to do champ."

  I grinned at him, then, with the giant plushy in my arms, went to sit at the bench closest to the roller coaster.

  After a number of minutes I saw them walking back from the ride. I waved them over, and right when (Y/n) looked my way, her eyes went wide and she stood gaping. What she did next took me by surprise. She ran and wrapped her arms around me really tight, squealing, "Rowaaaan you won my soft squishy babyyy! Thank you thank you thank you!" 

  I was so shocked that I didnt even get the chance to hug her back, but the defeated look on Xavier's face was worth it. (Y/n) now had the plushy in her arms and hugged it while jumping up and down. 

  Now I just had to prepare myself for the conversation that I knew would take place in my and Xavier's dorm tonight.

  I met Xavier's glare stare for stare.

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