A Forest on Fire (KuramaxOc)

By kayle315

3.9K 131 11

10 years ago, the psychic, Genkai used her powers to create the only cure for the 'pulse' curse. a terrible... More

Ch 1: The Assessment
Ch 2: Preparations
Ch 3: A Fox in Human Skin
Ch 4: Introductions
Ch 5: The Library
Ch 6: The Rooftop
Ch 7: Conditions
Ch 8: Weekend at Genkai's
Ch 9: The Competition Begins!!
Ch 10: Revelations
Ch: 11 Choices Made
Ch 12: To Trap A Fox
Ch 14: Adjusting
Ch 15: Girl's Day Out!!!
Ch 16: Valentine's Day
Ch 17: Team Up! The Missions Begin!
Ch: 18 Familiar scents
Ch 19: Ruminations
Ch 20: The Dog
Ch 21: Consequences
Ch 22: Moving forward
Ch 23: Sleepover!!!
Ch 24: Territorial Demon Men!!!
Ch 25: Double Date
Ch 26: Showtime!!
Ch: 27: Sixteen
Ch 28: The Letter
Ch 29: Gates of Betrayal
Ch 30: Gift of the Forest
Ch 31: Kuwabara's Bright Idea!!!
Ch 32: Sheer Dumb Luck
Ch 33: Fire and Ice
Ch 34: Battle at the High Rise: Kenji's Final Stand!
Ch 35: The Trap
Ch 36: Detonation
Ch 37: Aftermath
Ch 38: The Gift
Ch 39: New Mission: Rescue the Ice Maiden Yukina!!!
Ch. 40: The Invitation
Ch 41: The Cabin
Ch. 42: The Glade
Bonus Chapter: Show Me
Ch. 43: The Calm Before The Storm
Ch. 44: Sunday
Ch 45: Foxfire
Ch 46. Preparations
Chapter 47: Departure
Ch. 48: The Uremeshi Team Sets Sail!

Ch 13: New Beginnings

117 2 0
By kayle315

The two firebrand kitsune sat in the clearing for what felt like hours! Yumiko told her mother all about her life for the past ten years, leaving nothing out! She told her about the daily training and studying. She told her about the first time she had managed to hit Mako in sparring, and how he had carried her through the temple for the rest of the day on his shoulders, bragging about her progress!

She told her about when he had brought a new child there, and how they had become friends! She even told her about Maru, and how he had tried to court her when she had been thirteen, and then she told her about Shuichi.

Suna listened with the warmest smile as her daughter gushed about her life in the living world, and the human boy she had met. Her daughter truly believed she had bonded to a fox-spirit, and the ache in the mother's heart made it impossible for her to tell the girl otherwise. In truth, as the two parents knew... Yoko and Shuichi were quite separate, even if they shared one form, and the young girl had yet to even meet his other half.

She laughed brightly as her daughter spoke of the library, and of the park. The boy seemed as much fox as human in spirit, and it made her smile in earnest. Finally, once the girl had run out of stories to tell, she raised a hand.

"My sweet kit, I'm afraid our time grows short, and there are things I must show you before you return to the living world."

Yumiko's eyes began to tear up immediately, but she bit her lip hard as a whimper tried to escape her. She knew of course... maybe not at first, but she had pieces it together.

"Can't I stay with you a little longer, mama?" She asked in a voice that was desperately small, but her mother simply shook her head.

"I'm afraid you've stayed far too long as it is, sweet girl."

She waited as her daughter fought back the sniffles that threatened to turn into full blown sobs again, and once the girl nodded, she lifted her hand to the kit's cheek. Immediately, images of her body laying in Shuichi's arms as they both slept against the kitchen island registered in her mind.

"Even with the temporary bond, you can now speak to your chosen through dreamspeak, as well as telepathy. You can send your thoughts to him at anytime, and can show him full memories through touch. This is how we communicate with our bonds, no matter how great the distance. As long as the two of you exist on the same realm, you will always be able to find each other."

Yumiko gasped at the images, as well as the lingering sensation of arms around her. She could feel the waking world tugging at her soul to return, her mother's task complete, but she wrapped her arms tighter around Suna, unwilling to let go just yet.

"I don't want to leave you..." she whispered, nuzzling her ears under the gentle kitsune's chin.

Suna gave a final, sad smile, and pulled her away.

"We'll see each other again, sweet girl... For now, go... Remember, this is only the temporary bond. You haven't claimed him just yet. It takes patience to catch a fox!" She grinned, and Yumiko couldn't help but return the smile as she caught the mischievous gleam in her mother's eye. She felt a pang in her core as the older kitsune began to fade, and that ethereal tugging grew stronger. With a final sniffling breath, she closed her eyes, and bid her mother farewell.


Somewhere in the city, a young man with coal black hair stalked through the entrance to a hole-in-the-wall tavern. He had changed his appearance upon leaving the apartment, and though he had remained silent since his exit, a miserable aura radiated off of him in waves.

A few people turned to look at him as he entered the bar, but no one said anything, simply returning to their own business. It was busier today, due to some sports game on the screen in the corner, but still... this bar was usually more quiet than most, and gave the tomcat a place to clear his head.

He had always known this was coming, but he was still just not prepared for the pain in his chest. The little fox was like the daughter he never had, and now, she was learning to stand on her own paws. He let out a sigh as he sat down at the bar, and raised a hand to get the barkeep's attention. He needed a drink....

"You look like you could use a drink more than I can!" A somewhat tired voice spoke next to him, and he glanced to the side to see a young woman with long strawberry blonde hair, and chocolate brown eyes. He grunted in greeting, not quite feeling up to talking.

She gave him a small, sympathetic smile and raised her own hand towards the barkeep. "What's your poison? I'll buy."

He glanced again, taking in her expression. Usually when humans tried to buy him a drink they wanted more than simple conversation, but this woman's tired eyes held little emotion at all, much less lust. He observed her for a moment longer, then resolved some simple company might serve him well.

"Bourbon... Mako." He said simply.

Her lip twitched up slightly, and she raised her hand again. "Hey Tyler! Two bourbons down here please!" Her voice was a strange mixture of exhaustion and sing-song as if she were someone trying quite hard to cling onto hope, but there was no desperation in her gaze.

"Hey, Shizuru!! Where ya been? It's been what, three weeks since we saw you?" The barkeep asked as he grabbed two glasses and began to pour.

The woman nodded, leaning an elbow against the bar and placing her head in her hand.

"Same old thing, trying to keep my idiot brother from getting expelled. Get this, he actually studied for a test! I thought he had gotten possessed..." She responded with that same tired voice, a similar smile on her face, though a flicker of emotion reached her eyes then.

'Was that pride?' He thought, watching her from the corner of his eye as he laid his head across his arms.

"Oh wow! You know, I hear his name talked about just about as much as that Uremeshi kid! One day they're gonna pick a fight with an adult and realize they've been stuck in the minor leagues!"

"Geez Ty, thanks for the vote of confidence..."

Mako couldn't help the snort that escaped his lips at her mix of monotone and sarcasm, and felt the edges of his lip twitch in the beginnings of a smile.

"Oh, you think that's funny huh?" The woman asked, taking the shot and drinking it down in one fluid motion before gesturing to the bartender for another. "You got kids?"

Despite himself, Mako let out a single chuckle and raised his own cup. "A sister, sixteen in a couple weeks, and half the time I can't decide if she's the best, or worst thing to ever happen in my life.."

He said dryly before slamming his own shot, and gesturing for another as well. For a moment, neither spoke, then the barkeep Tyler shrugged.

"Dead, or out of the picture?" He asked, and Mako could feel the woman's chocolate eyes on him as he sighed.

"Dead, for about ten years now. I'm all the kid's got..."

Tyler whistled, one long steady note, and the blonde reached for her glass again.

"I feel you.. I've been taking care of my little bro for going on six years. It's easy when they're little... but trying to take care of a teenager at 21 is not how I expected my life to go..." she paused, the glass raised to her lips, and gave him an appraising look. "How old are you anyways, you look pretty young to be caring for a kid for 10 years."

He laughed loud at that. A single loud bark, and replied, "24. Yeah I guess so.. we used to live with a friend of the family, This old bat called Genkai... but Yumi's been my responsibility the whole time.."

The woman seemed to choke on her shot, and pounded on her chest to clear it of the liquid before exclaiming, "Did you say you lived with Genkai? You weren't there yesterday, were you?"

"Hey, Shizuru, didn't you say your kid brother went to meet someone named Genkai? You think it was the same one?"

Mako blinked at them both, then took a second look at the woman's strawberry blonde hair and narrowed his eyes.
"Your... last name wouldn't be Kuwabara, would it?"

If a pen had dropped in that moment, they would have heard it outside the dingy little tavern. Shizuru blinked several times at him, and the barkeep, Tyler, simply stared like a fish.

"You... know my little brother?" She finally asked, taking another look at the man. She was sure they hadn't met before...

"Uh, not really... but my sis was there this weekend when the old hag chose her apprentice. She said some orange haired kid in a blue uniform got the crap knocked out of him, but that he came in third place."

Shizuru began to chuckle slightly as he finished, and emptied her shot, placing the glass on the bar.

"Yep, that would be my baby bro!"


Yumiko's head felt hot and fuzzy as she tried to blink her eyes open. Her hands gripped at fabric underneath her as she smelt the lilac scent of her pillow case... Pillow case???

She tried to jolt upright, but a hand on her shoulder gently pushed her back down into the bed.

"Shh, it's alright Yumi. Just rest..."

She blinked again as she gazed up into emerald eyes. Shuichi sat next to her on the edge of her bed... Her bright pink, old school 'my little pony' themed bed....

Yumi felt her face flush at once, but before she could even get out a single word the red-haired fox started chuckling.

"I suppose it will take time for you to get used to the thought projection..." He told her with a glint of amusement in his eye. "To be honest, I think your bedding is rather cute, like you, and I do apologize for entering your nest without permission, but I felt it would be unkind to allow you to sleep on the floor."

If Yumiko could turn any redder she certainly did then! 'HE JUST CALLED ME CUTE!!!' Her mind screeched, and she watched wide-eyed as he winced slightly.

He had gained Yoko's ability to project thoughts before he could even speak, and had quickly learned to control it, so he wasn't entirely prepared for the volume of the thoughts the little kitsune was unaware she was sending him. He smirked, and sent his own thought back, chuckling as she flinched.

Yumiko stared at his non-moving lips as his voice rang out clear in her head.'Indeed I did. You created a partial bond with me, little fox.. you'll have to get used to such things now...'

Yumiko flinched at the gravel that rang in the voice, as well as the mischievous, yet demanding look in her friend's eye. He looked as though he might try to devour her at any moment, and her core heated at the thought. She bit her bottom lip hard so as not to whimper, unused to being treated in such a way.

Shuichi watched her closely, taking in every minuscule change in her expression and demeanor. She seemed more nervous now than ever, but he supposed that was to be expected. He would have asked Yoko, but the demon had retreated so far into his mind he could hardly even feel his presence. Slowly he lifted a hand, allowing her to trace every movement with her eyes as he went to tuck a bit of hair out of her face in a gentle gesture. His fingers traced a path from her ear to linger on her chin, and he smiled as despite herself, she leaned slightly towards the touch.

"There's no need to fret, little fox. I may have the desires of a centuries old demon, but I also have the control that comes with those many years."

He paused for a moment, watching her eyes widen, dilating slightly as the blush crept even darker. He had to swallow hard as her own thoughts flooded his mind, and did his best to block out the images the little sylph likely did not even know she was sending. He felt the blush creeping up his neck, and cleared his throat before continuing, trying to keep his voice steady.

"When we first spoke, you told me your only wish was to know what it was like to live as a human girl. My desire, little fox... is to court you in the ways the humans do. To win your affection through dinners, walks in the park, trips to libraries, gardens, museums... I wish to truly earn that bond which you seem so willing to give away without a second thought. Do you understand?"

It was hard for the girl to understand anything!!! Shuichi was leaning only inches from her face, his eyes so intense as he told her of his plan, and that blush had begun to ache by the time he had asked her... What had he asked her again??? Oh, right..

"I-I understand..." She managed to whimper out, the noise a flustered thing. He smiled serenely at her, and by Kami's grace she thought she would melt under that smile! He leaned in further, and she closed her eyes expecting him to capture her lips again, but instead felt a warmth on her forehead.

He kissed her forehead, just between her ears, then made to stand. She couldn't help the tiny whine that escaped her throat as he moved away, and inwardly cursed herself for it.

Shuichi chuckled again, and grabbed the edge of her blanket, pulling it up to just below her chin. "You should rest now, Yumi... you've had a long day, and the bond is still settling into place. Will you be alright here until Mako returns?"

He was leaving??? Yumiko felt a high pitched whine forming in her throat, and she reached for him, trying to stop him from going, but even as she opened her mouth to speak, his thoughts cut into her mind.

'I'm sorry, little fox... but I really do have to go. I did not intend to spend long here today, and my mother will be waiting for me. I fear I am quite late for our dinner as it is, but I did not wish to leave until you had awakened.'

There was such a genuine smile on his face, his half-closed eyes holding nothing but kindness as he projected the thoughts to her. She saw images of a beautiful human woman with black hair, a gentle smile, and the most loving and warm eyes she had ever seen. 'She's beautiful...' she thought, and saw Shuichi nod at the thought. She was going to have to figure out how to prevent that, and quick!

"You should rest now." He repeated, and Yumiko couldn't fight the yawn that tried to escape from her for long. As her eyes grew heavy, she finally accepted that perhaps he was right. After only a moment more, she finally curled up in the bed, and relented. "Ok Shuichi... I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"I'll see you at school tomorrow." He replied before stepping through her bedroom door, and closing it behind him. He only felt a small pang of guilt for using a dream flower to put her to sleep.

He hadn't lied out right... he truly did have to get going. Beyond that however, he needed space away from the little firebrand to compose himself, and have a few words with the demon who seemed to be hiding from his conscious mind. He still was not entirely pleased with having the demon force his hand, but supposed there was no going back now..

He knew one thing for certain as the blush finally began to recede from his neck. He would have to find a way to teach the girl how not to project her thoughts and quickly! They had a test coming up in school, and he would not receive a failing grade because of her distracting thoughts racing through his mind!


(WARNING!!! The rest of this chapter will pertain to Tsume, and will be very dark. If you wish to skip this part of our story, then skip ahead to the author's note, or next chapter. Slight MA rating past this point.

Tsume let another shuddering sob rack through her body as she sat in the shallow bathing pool. Her bed-maid had just went to get more healing salve, her newest wounds no longer bleeding.

She flinched as the sound of the whip rang through her head again, and again... She had been a fool, a pathetically hopeful fool. For a moment, she had felt the tug of her Sylphan bond, and had seen her mate standing in the middle of the Sylphan glade.

She had tried so hard... She had reached out to him with every bit of strength she still had, but to no avail. She felt the pull fade once again, and in a moment of pure desperation, she had screamed out his name... She had screamed out the name just as the bedroom door opened, the false master standing in the doorway, a chocolate cake held in his hands...

He had intended to show her a rare moment of kindness. Another one of his attempts to win her over, but the moment she had said her old master's name, his eyes had hardened, and the air had began to boil.

Another sob racked her and she ran a hand over one of the bloody holes in her legs and arms, still slowly stitching themselves back together thanks to the work of his healers. She wanted to go home. Oh, how she wanted to go back to their little den... She never should have asked him to steal that flower, if not for that one moment, he would still be here, and the beast who held her captive would have died the first moment he laid eyes on her.

"I need to treat the... other... wounds miss..." the old healer with the crooked fingers spoke softly as she motioned to the low table nearby. Tsume nodded grimly and tried to get to her feet, but to no avail. Her legs would not hold her, and the pain in her abdomen was too severe for her to stand regardless.

The grey-haired wolf-demon crawled her way from the pool and laid with her stomach to the stone ground instead. The old healer gave a sorrowful sigh and set to work, pressing the salve against the girl's many wounds, then moved to heal the worst of them, a scowl in her face.

"Damn that demon for what he does to you girl... I still don't know why you haven't swallowed your own tongue by now..." the woman mumbled in her scratchy voice. She was one of the few humans in the encampment, but belonged to the master's employer, so was allowed to speak her mind, though little else.

Tsume shook her head sadly, a whimper escaping as she felt the healer's fingers press salve into the hole on her leg. "I can't allow myself to die, Mina.." she half-whimpered, her once strong, proud voice hardly more than a whisper now. "He's alive out there..."

Even as she hissed against the pain, the old healer tending to the worst of her injuries, a spark of hope filled her anew. "He's alive, and I know he'll find me... I just have to survive until then."


This chapter was mostly a blast!! It was a lot of fun figuring out how to introduce everyone to each other in different ways. I've always felt like Shizuru would be one of the few people who could genuinely understand where Mako is coming from, and can't wait to develop their friendship more!!

Now that the bond is in place, Yumiko can truly bloom without fear! Of course, she still has a lot to learn about her Sylphan bond, namely that she's been showing a certain fox every idea she's had since waking up!!

On the more somber side of things, a few more clues given as to the identity of Tsume's captor.
Any ideas who he might be yet?

Next time in a forest on fire, a human holiday is coming up, and Yumiko is determined to get this one right!! See you then!]

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