Astrid Hofferson x Male Reader

By Hauntez

148K 3.1K 614

How to train your dragon movies with the older brother of Hiccup. Y/n Haddock. ---------- How to train your d... More

Love Interest
How to train your dragon
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
How to train your dragon 2
Chapter 1
Chpater 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
The Hidden World
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Homecoming: Chapter

Chapter 7

2.4K 65 37
By Hauntez

Dragon Mountain

(Y/n reattaches his flight suit while standing on a ledge overlooking the utopian nest, teeming with dragons. Several babies race in to hassle Raiden and Toothless as they nap)

Y/n: Well, bud, we can't wait around for Drago to attack this place. We've gotta find him first. Hiccup, you ready to go?

Hiccup: Yeah. Let's go.

(Suddenly, thick hands clamp down over Hiccup's and Y/n's faces, muffling their screams! Raiden and Toothless whirl around to find Stoick, towering over Y/n and Hiccup. He calms Toothless and Raiden and releases Y/n and Hiccup)

Stoick: Easy now.

Y/n: For the love of, Thor. Dad!

Hiccup: Are you kidding me? How'd you get in here?

Stoick: The same way we're getting you out.

Y/n: We?

(Gobber appears in the arch of a tunnel)

Gobber: All clear!

Stoick: Toothless. Raiden. Come.

(They hurry back into the winding corridor)

Hiccup: Dad! There's something you need to know!

Stoick: Yeah, yeah, tell me on the way.

Y/n: Dad. This isn't an on-the-way type of an update, actually...

Stoick: I've heard ENOUGH.

Y/n: ...more of the earth-shattering development variety.

Stoick: Yeah, just add it to the pile.

Hiccup: Dad, unlike most surprises we sometimes springon you, this is one you'll like. I promise! You just have to handle it delicately, so...

(They round a tight bend in the corridor to find Gobber staring blankly at something unseen in the next chamber. He shuffles past Stoick, Y/n and Hiccup, dazed)

Gobber: Uh, you might want to take this one. Oh, boy.

(Stoick draws his sword, then braves into the chamber ahead)

Y/n: No. Dad, don't

Hiccup: Dad, can you put the sword away... please?

(Stoick gasps as if seeing a ghost and drops his sword witha clatter. Valka stands some twenty paces ahead of him, blocking the path. She lets out an audible shudder upon seeing him. He removes his helmet slowly as Y/n, Hiccup, Gobber, Raiden and Toothless appear at Stoick's side)

Valka: I know what you're going to say, Stoick. How could I have done this? Stayed away all of these years. Andwhy didn't I come back to you? To our sons.

(Stoick steps towards her, wide-eyed and speechless. Dragons emerge from the recesses behind Valka, hissing protectively)

Valka: Well, what sign did I have that you could change, Stoick? That anyoneon Berk could? I pleaded so many times to stop the fighting, to find another answer, but did any of you listen?

Gobber: This is why I never married. This and one other reason.

Y/n: Shh.

(Stoick continues to close the gap, mesmerized. With every step, Valka becomes increasingly flustered. She backs into an ice wall, with nowhere to go, and Stoick just a few paces away)

Valka: I know that I left you to raise Y/n and Hiccup alone... but I thought they would be better off without me. And I was wrong, I see that now, but...

(Stoick gently reaches a hand toward her face)

Valka: Oh stop being so stoic, Stoick. Goon... SHOUT, SCREAM, SAY SOMETHING!

Stoick: You're as beautiful as the day I lost you.

(His words snuff her retort, rendering her speechless. She softens despite herself, yielding her cheek to his palm. He caresses her skin as a reluctant tear runs through his fingers. He pulls her into a kiss. She resists briefly, then gives in. The surrounding dragons softly retreat in kind. Hiccup and Y/n smile, warmed by the sight of their parents reunited)

-----Time Skip-----

Ice Channel

(Drago's massive flagship leads the flotilla, pulled along forcefully by whatever's at the other end of the enormous chain. Drago whacks the chain with his bullhook, spurring it forward)

Drago's Ship

(Eret, Hilda, Astrid, and the Gang are escorted to the stern, surrounded by several of Drago's soldiers. Wrists bound. Spear tips pressed into their backs)

Snotlout: Could this day get any worse?

Tuffnut: Uh, let me see. You'll jump into freezing cold water and then die from drowning.

(They reach the gang plank. Eret peers overboard at the deep, icy water below)

Eret: Looks refreshing.

(He turns to Astrid and Hilda, meeting their glares with mock chivalry)

Eret: Please, ladies first.

(A pair of soldiers grab Astrid by the arms)

Astrid: I swear I'm gonna kill you. You steaming heap of dragon-

Eret: Duck.

(Eret whirls around, round-housing both soldiers. They go down, heavily. He catches one of their spears with his bound hands and slices his ropes free. They fall away as he catches the other spear, twirling both in invitation)

Soldier: Warn the others!

(One soldier runs to send up the alarm while the last two raise blow dart tubes. Eret swipes the first off of his legs, sending the dart into the neck of the second)

Ruffnut: Get 'em, you son of an Eret!

(As the downed soldiers scramble to their feet, Fishlegs falls over, crushing them under his weight. Eret catches the falling tube from the second soldier and blows the dart at the fleeing third. The soldier drops, unconscious, just shy of the Captain's Quarters)

Ruffnut: Okay, I love you again.

(Ruffnut skips past Snotlout on her way to Eret. Snotlout watches, crestfallen)

Tuffnut: Ugh. Pathetic. You can still jump.

(Eret avoids Ruffnut and turns to Astrid and Hilda)

Eret: So? Are we going to save your dragons and get out of here or not?

(Astrid and Hilda narrow their eyes, not knowing what to make of him. He reclaims his sword and dagger from the unconscious soldier who took them and cuts Tuffnut free)

Eret: Check every trap. They're here somewhere.

Astrid: If you do anything. And I mean ANYTHING. I swear, I will snap your neck.

Eret: R-R-Right.

-----Time Skip-----

(Hilda slips under a tarp and cranks open a metal trap. She peers between its massive iron teeth, discovering Meatlug within, bound and chained to its base as bait)

Hilda: Meatlug?

(Meanwhile, Eret carefully cranking another trap, wincing at the sound. The iron jaws of the trap open wider with every click)

Eret: Anyone coming?

(Ruffnut "stands guard," fixated on Eret's rippling biceps)

Ruffnut: I don't know. You just keep doing what you're doing. Keep crankin'...

(Eret squeezes between the cocked teeth, finding Tanis within, muzzled and chained. She looks up at Eret, calming immediately. He pauses, then approaches slowly. Eret carefully reaches out and strokes Stormfly's muzzle)

Eret: Thank you for saving my life. Now let me return the favor.

Dragon Mountain

(As Toothless, Raiden and Cloudjumper hover for scraps, Stoick and Valka prepare skewers of fish. She's overwhelmed, lost in her thoughts, and covering it up poorly)

Hiccup: Mom, you'd never recognize it! Where we used to make weapons, we now build saddles, wing slings, we even fix dragon teeth! You wouldn't believe how much everything's changed!

Y/n: Yeah, I guess we did change Berk alot.

(Valka offers a skittish half-smile and hands him a plate)

Stoick: Our sons have changed Berk for the better. I think we did well with these ones, Val.

Hiccup: Thanks, Dad.

(Stoick places his hands on Valka's shoulders. She flinches, dropping the plate. Raiden and Cloudjumper steal the fish before Toothless can get to it. Toothless whimpers, and as a sign of acceptance, Cloudjumper regurgitates the fish so Toothless can have some but Raiden just eats his)

Valka: I'm... a little out of practice.

Stoick: Well, y'know... I didn't marry you for your cooking.

Gobber: I hope not. Her meatballs could kill more beasts than a battle axe. I've still got a few knocking around in here. Ha ha!

Y/n: I know that feeling...

(Gobber takes a bite, gags, and dump the entire plate of fishskewers into Grump's mouth like a trash can)

Hiccup: And once you move back in, with allof your dragons, Drago won't even stand a chance. Everything will be okay!

(Stoick can see that Valka is overwhelmed. He lays a hand upon Hiccup's shoulder, calming him)

Stoick: Slow down, son. It's a lot to take in.

Y/n: Yeah, let's not overwhelm her.

Hiccup: Oh. Gotcha.

(Valka crosses the room to fill a flask with water, back turned to the group, as Stoick eyes her sympathetically. He decides on a different approach, and whistles a familiar tune. Valka's eyes widen, stirred, recognizing the melody. She turns away from Stoick, as the water overflows from the flask)

Gobber: Oh, I love this one!

(Stoick approaches her delicately)

Stoick: Remember our song, Val?

(Y/n and Hiccup watch him, curious, as Stoick fumbles through the first verse of an old Viking courting song)

Stoick: I'll swim and sail on savage seas, with never a fear of drowning. And gladly ride the waves of life, if you will marry me.

(Valka avoids his gaze, wallowing in a mess of emotions)

Stoick: No scorching sun, nor freezing cold will-

Gobber: Will stop me on my journey! Sorry.

(Stoick scowls at him, then returns his attention to Valka)

Stoick: If you will promise me your heart...

(Stoick pauses, setting Valka up for her part of the duet)

Stoick: And love...

(Stoick hangs eagerly, awaiting her words, but Valka closes her eyes, rejecting his invitation. He lets out a heavy hearted sigh. But nostalgia gets the better of Valka. She softly sings her part)

Valka: And love me for eternity.

(Stoick beams. She brushes past him, setting into the center of the chamber and holding her forearm aloft in invitation. Stoick crosses his forearm against hers, initiating a beautiful dance to accompany the song)

Valka: My dearest one, my darling dear, you mighty words astound me. But I've no need of mighty deeds, when I feel your arms around me.

(The dance is full of charming missteps as Stoick and Valka recreate a moment from their past, before Y/n and Hiccup's wonder struck eyes)

Stoick: But I would bring you rings of gold. I'd even sing you poetry. And I would keep you from all harm, if you'd stay here beside me.

Valka: I have no use for rings of gold. I care not for your poetry. I only want your hand to hold. I only want you near me.

(Gobber can't help himself. He drags Y/n and Hiccup onto their feet so that they can join in the dancing, too)

Gobber: C'mon, kids!

Valka and Stoick: To love and kiss, to sweetly hold. For the dancing and the dreaming. Through all life's sorrows and delights, I'll keep your love inside me.

(Y/n and Hiccup are amazed by the sight of their giddy parents, spinning and laughing in each others' arms, reunited)

Valka, Stoick and Gobber: I'll swim and sail through savage seas, with never a fear of drowning. And gladly ride the waves of life, if you will marry me!

(Gobber carries the last note)

Gobber: I'm still going...

(Y/n taps him)

Y/n: Gobber!

Hiccup: Will you stop!

Gobber: I'm done.

(Valka and Stoick slow to a stop, winded and laughing)

Stoick: Ah... I thought I'd have to diebefore we'd have that dance again.

Valka: No need for drastic measures.

Stoick: For you, my dear... anything.

(Valka smiles sweetly. Stoick's eyes well with tears. He goes down on one knee, proposing to her anew)

Stoick: Will you come home, Val? Will you be my wife once again?

(Raiden nudges Valka closer to Stoick. They laugh as Y/n and Hiccup join them. Stoick throws his arm around them)

Stoick: We can be a family! What do yousay?

(Valka, between tears and laughter, turns to Hiccup and Y/n)

Valka: Yes!

(Gobber pops his head in)

Gobber: Great! I'll do the cooking!

Y/n: What?! No. I'm cooking! No one else here is touching a kitchen.

(They all laugh)

Stoick: Thank Odin you didn't listen to me, boys. We never would have found each other. And now Val, you can witness Y/n's wedding.

(Valka looks at Stoick with wide eyes before turning to Y/n)

Valka: Wedding? You are getting married?

Y/n: Well, hopefully soon. Yeah.

(Valka laughs and hugs Y/n. Suddenly, Raiden, Toothless and Cloudjumper perk up, sensing something unheard. Hiccup notices)

Hiccup: Toothless?

(Dragons swarm past Valka's chamber, racing toward some unknown disturbance)

Y/n: What's happening?

(They're answered by subsequent heavy booms that reverberate through the fortress)




Word Count: 1893

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