im not yours

By mosiixx

5.4K 214 114

hyunjin and felix have always felt too strongly for each other. they knew what they had was different, and so... More

chapter one : the world thinks too shallowly for hwang hyunjin
chapter two : my treat
chapter three : me and felix are dating
chapter four : rushed coffee runs and unpurchased flowers
chapter five - mint choco
chapter seven - play along
chapter eight - you're welcome for pretending to kiss you and be your boyfriend
chapter nine - love
chapter ten - me and felix broke up
chapter eleven - memories
chapter twelve - i love you
chapter thirteen - love love, love you

chapter six - pretty skies

310 19 1
By mosiixx

his head was spinning, and his body was strangely achy when he finally laid down in bed. hyunjin had just dropped him off after getting ice cream. the day was long, but not enough to make felix feel this *bad.* he would just sleep it off, he told himself.

but of course, sleeping wasn't easy either. felix never slept very well at night. no mater how tired he was, something would always be keeping him up. so he would be stuck tired laying in bed but unable to completely fall asleep. music helped. not to make him fall asleep. but to keep him company while he was in bed, alone with his thoughts.

tonight, like many nights before, his thoughts were full of a certain pink haired boy.

why was he keeping up the act of dating felix? why did felix not mind it? did the other boy grab his hand because he called him pretty? or was it just part the act? why did it matter so much to felix? why did felix feel so weird when hari was smiling at hyunjin?

questions ran through felix's mind, and then he considered the car ride back to his place from the ice cream parlor. he kept questioning hyunjin's actions and the way he behaved but also his own feelings. all this thinking created a confusing whirlwind of thoughts, only making the pounding of his head worse.

"i'm going crazy.." felix whispered to himself, breathless for some reason. he got up out of bed, despite his body screaming at him to lay back down, and went into his kitchen to make himself a cup of tea. maybe he longed for the comforting warmth, or maybe he was hoping the chamomile would finally work to put him to sleep. either way, something worked because once he was done with it, he laid back in bed and finally got the repose he sought.

but just as quickly as he closed his eyes, he opened them to sunlight shining through his blinds and onto his eyes. he squinted as he awoke. the new day had come, but, oh my god, why was his body rejecting him right now? he sat up and immediately regretted his decision. he felt like someone stuck a stake into his right eye and through to his brain. not to mention his body was stupidly sore. he groaned and gently laid back down.

"i'm sorry for the late notice, but i don't think i can come into work today. i've gotten sick. i'll ask someone to cover my shift today." - felix

"okay. get well soon, felix." - mr. park (work)

who should he ask? he didn't know his coworkers schedules very well except seungmin, who he was friends with before getting the job there. actually seungmin was the one who recommended felix to mr. park and got him the job. they were long time friends from high school since their families were close. felix thought that seungmin would surely be busy today. it was his day off, so he probably had plans.

felix sighed in defeat when his head continued pounding. it wouldn't hurt to just ask right?

"minnie.." - felix

"yes" - seungminnie🤍

"i'm sick :c" - felix

"oh no" - seungminnie🤍

"do you need me to come by?" - seungminnie🤍

"no" - felix

"but" - felix

"do you think you can go in for my shift today?🙏🏼" - felix

"i know it's your day off i'm sorryㅠㅠ" - felix

"ahh" - seungminnie🤍

"don't worry felix" - seungminnie🤍

"i'm not busy today" - seungminnie🤍

"thank you soso much, min💙" - felix

"yeah yeah" seungminnie🤍

"you owe me." - seungminnie🤍

"just kidding" - seungminnie🤍

"ㅋㅋㅋㅋ" - seungminnie🤍

thank god for kim seungmin. now felix was free to lay back down. his hair spread erratically over his pillow and face when he plopped back down. and for once, felix slept almost immediately.


finally hyunjin was on break. he took off his apron and rolled his neck. listening to it crack dramatically. he groaned and it was echoed by minho also entering the back room.

"why does it feel so busy today? it's a random tuesday!" minho flipped up his hands. "why did everyone think to come on a tuesday for no reason?" hyunjin chuckled at his friends dramatization of their shift.

"heyy, go back out there. it's just us working today, and someone, someone is me by the way, is going on his break right now." minho rolled his eyes and let out another dramatic groan before returning to the front of the cafe. hyunjin turned his attention back to his locker, placing his apron inside and taking out a shirt. not his shirt, but felix's. he had forgotten it at his house the other day. when he slept over, he took a shower and borrowed hyunjin's shirt, and he failed to remember to take back his own. hyunjin closed his locker and held the shirt tightly in his hand as he walked out the back door of the cafe employee room.



hyunjin opened the door of the florist shop and was immediately met with the smell of fresh perfume like flowers. he took a deep breath in as a voice called out.

"welcome! i'll be out in just a minute!" the voice was familiar, but clearly not the voice of felix. hyunjin thought this was strange considering the flower shop usually only had one person working per shift, and felix was working today. hyunjin approached the counter, passing by a stand of lotuses, peonies, and daisies. he looked over each flower, taking them in. memorizing the placement of their petals. perhaps he would paint tonight.

"alright, how can i- oh! hey, hyunjin!" hyunjin's study of the flowers was halted, and he returned his attention to the boy at the counter. the boy was indeed not felix. his caramel brown hair shown in the light shining in from the completely glass exterior of the store.

"seungmin?" hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows. confused as to why seungmin was here.

"hyunjin?" seungmin furrowed his brows back. "what's with the face?" seungmin's eyes relaxed again as he leaned forward and placed his hands on the counter to brace himself.

"why are you here? felix is working today." hyunjin knew seungmin through felix. they weren't particularly close but we're comfortable enough to speak informally and such.

"clearly he isn't." hyunjin looked bored with seungmin. "okayokay sorry. he called in sick today, and he texted me to cover his shift. i would've checked on him before i came in if i had time, but he told me on pretty late notice. you know how he doesn't take off for no reason, it must be pretty bad." seungmin eyed the shirt in hyunjin's hand. "what's with the shirt?" hyunjin moved the shirt behind his body a little. strangely protective of it.

"it's nothing. i was just going to give it back to felix, but he's not here so-"

"back to felix? why do you have his shirt?" seungmin looked quite amused.

"it's not like that.." hyunjin's words faltered. was it like that?

"whatever," seungmin held back a laugh. "back to felix, i would check on him. you know how he can be, not wanting to bother people. drop off soup or something. i dunno." seungmin pushed himself back upright. "i'm assuming you don't want flowers, so i'm gonna go back to organizing our orders."

"thanks, seungmin." hyunjin waved to the other boy, and he turned over his shoulder to return the wave before ducking under the curtain leading to the back.

hyunjin walked back out onto the street, missing the fragrant flowers as he breathed in the fresh spring air. his break would be over in another twenty minutes or so. instead of returning to the cafe, he continued in the opposite direction, passing a stationary store, turning a corner, and stepping into a kimbap resturant.


the store owner did not at all mind hyunjin's request. soup wasn't hard to make at all. and the lady had grown fond of the two boys already, so she definitely didn't mind making a simple soup if it meant the blond boy would feel better and recover from his ailments.

"i get off of work at nine, so i'll probably get here around nine fifteen. if you could have it done by then, that'd be great, but if not i'm fine with waiting here until you are!" hyunjin couldn't help but smile at the owner. she was just such a sweet woman. her children, if she had any, must be very lucky.

"oh don't worry about waiting, i'll have this soup done in no time!" the lady hit his arm and beamed back at him. "anything i can do for the two of you is a pleasure of my own!"

"thank you again." hyunjin bowed one last time and exited the store. he checked his phone. just in time for him to return to the cafe.

hyunjin looked up at the sky. the sun shining clearly between clouds and the trees budding beautifully. a shame felix was to miss this.

"heard you got sick :c" - hyunjin

"i'll come by later! rest well until then♡" - hyunjin

*image attachment* - hyunjin

"the pretty skies are encouraging you to get better❣️" - hyunjin

he shoved his phone back in his pocket and walked briskly down the street. minho would be so mad if he got back late again.


felix woke up in a complete grog. how long had he went back to sleep for, my god? he scratched his head and his unwashed hair. his room was dark, illuminated by his phone screen, showing an incoming call.

"hello?" felix picked up without even looking at the caller, but he immediately recognized the voice that greeted him.

"lixie, are you feeling better? i'm on the way over now, i'll be there in fifteen or twenty minutes, okay?"

"are you coming over?" felix's voice was slightly hoarse and clearly groggy.

"ah, you just woke up, huh?" hyunjin chuckled over the phone. "yes, im coming over. we'll talk when im there, okay?"

"okay, hyun," felix nodded even though the other wasn't there to see. "bye." he let the other boy respond before he hung up.

he let the phone drop from his hand and he just laid, staring at the ceiling. his body was no longer aching at every move, but he didn't want to move anyway. and before he could help it, there he was again. laying in bed, staring at the eggshell ceiling above him, thoughts filled with hyunjin. you'd think he would run out of things to think about when it came to hyunjin, but somehow his mind was never tired of it.

he never got tired of his surprisingly soft hair, his sweet vanilla like smell, the way clothes seemed to sit on his body so perfectly, his perfectly plump lips- oh my god felix was sicker than he thought. he squeezed his eyes tightly shut and dragged his hands down his face as he let out a loud sigh. he sat back up and scratched his head. he felt disgusting. fifteen minutes right? felix groaned as he got up. he dragged his feet over to his bathroom and turned the shower as hot as the faucet would allow and waited patiently as the bathroom started filling with steam.


***knock knock***

hyunjin knocked twice, no more or less, as he always did.

"hold on!" a yell from the other side of the door said. he rocked back and forth on the ball and heel of his feet and puckered his lips (a habit he picked up from minho) as he waited. the door opened a crack and hyunjin saw a pair of eyes peeking out.

"hi bokkie!" hyunjin smiled brightly and bent down to meet the eyes peering out. the door further, revealing a very disheveled felix. messy wet hair, an incorrectly buttoned pajama shirt with mismatched bottoms, and squinted eyes on a tired face. hyunjin frowned. "not better?" felix raised one hand to rub his eye.

"how could you tell?" his voice was hoarse still and made his voice sound even deeper. felix stepped aside to let hyunjin in, and hyunjin did as offered.

"i brought you soup." hyunjin placed the paper bag onto felix's kitchen counter. "special made by mrs.." it occurred to him that they didn't know the name of the kimbap store owner. "huh, felix we never asked for her name. but anyways, the store owner that made the soup for changbin, i asked her to make soup for you as well." felix took out the contents of the bag, eager to eat his first meal of the day. he hadn't even realized how hungry he was until he smelt the aromatic soup. hyunjin just watched as felix drank up the soup. cooled from the drive, but still warm to the stomach. felix sighed in content as he finished the container of soup. he made a mental note to thank the store owner for both his and changbin's recovery soup.

"*now* are you better?" hyunjin pet felix's head from the other side of the counter. felix practically melted in his touch.

"i think so.." felix shut his eyes and just let hyunjin stroke his hair. he had done nothing all day, but he needed comforting now more than ever.

"my poor yongbok.." hyunjin walked around the counter and pulled felix into a hug.

"hey, heyy," felix tried to push him away, but with the little strength he had, he was easily overpowered. so he just stood there, in hyunjin's arms.

"i'm sorry, i should've just let you go home the other day.." hyunjin muttered into felix hair. "maybe you wouldn't have gotten as sick.." felix moved his head to look up at hyunjin. they locked eyes and suddenly this felt more intimate than they realized.

"it- it's not your fault, hyunjin" felix squirmed in his arms until the older let him go. "you probably shouldn't get so close.." hyunjin frowned deeper. "you might get sick, too, you know?" hyunjin sighed.

"right," the sudden tension between them could be cut with a knife. hyunjin didn't really know what to say or do. felix, as if he noticed that he made things kind of hard for hyunjin to continue from, spoke up.

"you can stay if you'd like," felix moved over to the couch, "we could watch a movie or-"

"no it's okay," hyunjin took the remote out of felix's hand and returned it to the coffee table in front of the couch. "you should rest more, i'll go home." hyunjin squeezed felix's hand a little before letting go. "oh right, i have your shirt. you left it at my house after you showered and borrowed mine." he explained as he pulled the shirt out from his bag.

"thank you, hyun." the two stared into each others' eyes as the shirt was handed off. their hands not quite touching through the fabric.

so many things to be said, but no words spoken.

"get well, felix." hyunjin dropped his hand back to his side. "goodnight." he curled his lips into a gentle smile before turning and walking to the door.

"night." felix said before hyunjin closed the door behind him.

god, what was wrong with him?


author's note
hello ahah. sorry for the unannounced break! after news of moonbin and recent events in my life, i was just very overwhelmed. im even more busy than before ahaha and my mental health has been getting bad again. i decided to take a break for the rest of april to focus my time on other things and also allow myself time to rest.
thank you for understanding ♡
i hope you continue to support this fic !!

xoxo mosii~

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