HIATUS | ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ pretty boy |...

By slaygaysonly

4.9K 116 465

requests are closed "even if my heart stops beating, you're the only thing i need with me.." - pretty boy by... More

requests ✎ (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉‧ ♡*.✧
im here for you
non requests ヽ(•‿•)ノ
would you kiss me again?
sorry sweetheart
the gift of the magi

still into you

1K 26 177
By slaygaysonly

requested by Vailen5 :D

summary: when 12 year old rui meets 12 year old y/n, they fall in love (but they're too young to understand that they're in love) and after rui leaves them to go to another high school, they're reunited once again

warnings: minor swearing, possibly ooc rui (???), a mention of rui being taller (BUT THATS ONLY BC THIS DUDE IS 180 CM-I DOUBT THAT MAJORITY OF PEOPLE READING ARENT TALLER 😭)

prns: gender neutral (can be interpreted with any pronouns)

also sorry if it felt rushed and unproportional-i had more ideas for the middle school section than the high school section 😭

i also wanted to say that i should be able to update more often BECAUSE MY SCHOOL IS FINALLY OVER!!!

(i'll most likely be editing this throughout after i publish)

"cause after all this time, i'm still into you.."
- still into you by paramore

"there's no one else i'd rather fall in love with, and that is my best friend in the world"
- best friend by laufey

"used to stick together, you're my best friend i'll love you forever"
- you get me so high by the neighborhood

"you took me by surprise, the way you walked into my darkened life"
- i <3 you by boy pablo

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫゜・。.

You couldn't even believe what you were seeing right now. Rui Kamishiro, the same guy who left you 15 months ago to go to another high school for 'elite scholars', was standing before you with that same cat like smile with his school bag on one shoulder, and another filled with machines and other robots on the other

Back in middle school, you of course had a few other friends, but you tended to keep more to yourself...that is until Rui came into your life of course

It all started in your first year, both of you were at the prime age of 12 years old

You were a little nervous, it was your first time having to change classes with different teachers for every class and you were starting to feel a little overwhelmed by the crowded hallways

Nervously clinging to your school bag, you stared at your schedule while trying to figure out where the classrooms were. All of the sudden, a faint buzzing sound whirled around you

'Huh?? I swear I can hear something-' you pondered before turning around to be met with a young boy who appeared to be around the same age as you holding a remote controller

His purple hair was cut short with two streaks of cyan at the front, it almost looked as it was dyed, and his height was roughly the same as yours (might've been an inch ish taller)

"Sorry about that, i'm just trying to test out my latest invention" he awkwardly smiles and moves the joystick on the remote

Just then, a grey colored drone flys by your head and next to his

"Woah, is that drone yours?" you asked curiously gesturing to it

"Yeah! I built it myself!" he gleams as he flys it into the palm of his hand

You peaked with interest as you admired the invention in his hand

Just as you were about to say something back, a hall monitor came by and drowned out what was on your mind

"Hey first years, I suggest that you get where you need to be going soon!" he harshly said as you both felt shivers go down your spine

"R-right!" you awkwardly spoke before turning back to the young boy

"I'm (l/n)(y/n), see you at lunch?" you question with a smile

Rui felt his heart skip a beat out of pure shock. Someone wanted to talk to him?? He was not about to pass this offer up

"Kamishiro Rui, how about the rooftop? I'm sure it will be less crowded than the cafeteria" he asked

"I'll see you then!" you turned back around to head to your classroom leaving him there with a smile creeping up his face

'What is this feeling? Happiness perhaps??' he couldn't get you out of his mind even in class

While the teacher was going through some classroom rules he couldn't help but day dream about finally making a friend that seemed to be interested in what he liked

He was so excited to tell you more about his inventions that when the lunch bell finally rang he sped down the halls to meet you at the rooftop

Once Rui reached the rooftop stairs he held on tightly to his bag and stepped up to the door

Opening the door, he was greeted by you sitting near the fence patiently waiting for him to show up

"Kamishiro-kun, you made it!" you gestured for him to come sit next to you

  His lips curled up as he jogged over to sit down next to you

  "Ooooh, what is that your holding?" you point to the blocky shaped item in his left arm while he sat his bag down along with his other inventions

  "This is actually another one of my inventions, I made him out of old wooden blocks I found in my attic from my earlier years!" he holds out the toy allowing you to see him more in detail

  "I can't believe you actually make all of this stuff by yourself" you peak with high interest as he sets the block man down

  "You should come over sometime, I can show you the garage I work in (and sleep in 💀) along with all the materials i use to make my inventions!" there's a hint of sparkle in his eyes as his body comes slightly closer to yours

  "Ooooh fun!!" you grin at him as he gets that strange and foreign feeling again

  The two of you remain on the rooftop as you eat your lunch while he rambles on and on about his robots


"That's the lunch bell.." you pause for a moment while Rui begins to pick his bag and robots up

  "Wait, Kamishiro-kun, you didn't eat anything" you turn towards him with slight concern

"I guess not..." he makes a silly thinking face while you start digging in your bag to pull out a bag of chips

"I know it's not much, but it's better than nothing!" you hand him the chips as he looks at you with wide eyes

He's caught off guard and hesitates before accepting the chip bag

"You're too kind (l/n)-kun" he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck

"Think of it as a thanks for giving me a mini show" you turn to face the door and begin to lead yourself out

He stands there the same way he did before when you went off to class the first time, slowly smiling as he looks down at the chip bag and trails not too far behind you back inside

Over the next few weeks, you two became closer and closer each second you spent with each other

Soon after becoming friends, he not only talked about robots and machines, but his passion and love for theater too

You were also pretty into theater yourself, but you mainly preferred to be part of the audience rather than being the one on stage performing for others

That's when he had a great idea. He decided to invite you over to his house for a sleepover to watch one of his favorites, The Little Mermaid.

It holds a special place in his heart from when him and his neighborhood friend, Kusanagi Nene, saw it together for the first time

Rui's parents definitely saw a change in their son's behavior and they were absolutely delighted when he asked them if he could bring a friend over to spend the night

2 days later, the two of you were walking to his house together after school sharing earbuds as you listened to some of your favorite songs the whole walk there

He didn't live too far away from the middle school, but it was still a good 15 ish minutes in walking distance

"Ah, we're here" Rui grinned as he walked up to the door and opened the door for you

"After you" you give him a small chuckle before walking into his house

The house was fairly lit as you walked further into the house with Rui trailing behind you

He guided you to the kitchen where what you assumed to be his parents were talking and eating lunch

"Oh my, you must be Rui's friend!" a lady with deeper purple hair got up from her seat to walk up to you

"Mom, this is (l/n), (l/n) this is my mom" he peaks out from behind your shoulder as he smiles to his mom

She gives you a warm smile before offering some snacks to you and him

Rui looked so happy when he spotted some soda candies and held onto your forearm as he pulled you along to get them

"Do you like these??" he asked you, gesturing to the small candies

You nodded gently before pointing to your favorite flavor

"These are my favorite flavor, but I like all of them" you explain

"Really?? Those are my favorite too! We can share them!" he beams before taking them and showing you the way to his room (his fucking garage 💀)

  His parents smile as they watch the two of you together. Rui finally making good friends was a real relief to them after all of these years of being alone made them worried for their son

  "Viola! This is my room" he opens the door to reveal a square shaped room with a couch, tv, a desk, and of course, lots of machines

  "Woahhh, your rooms so cool!" you set your bag down and take a good look at the room

  Rui also sets his bag down along with the sofa candies and walks over to his couch

  "My couch pulls out into a bed, we can sleep here!" he explains as he bends down to start folding out the couch into a bed


  At the time, it didn't really process to your 12 year old brain that you were going to sleep in the same bed as him so you just smiled and nodded before walking over to help him

  Once the bed was pulled out you walked over to his closet to get some blankets and pillows to sleep with

  All of the blankets had cute designs on them. For example, there was a green blanket with platypuses on it, and another with cartoon robots

  After you two made the bed, he showed you the way down the hall to the bathroom so you could change into your pajamas, or at least comfier clothes in general

  You decided since it was cooler in the season (because if they met first day of school-roughly in the fall/august time so a month ish from then would be cooler weather 🙏), you brought a more oversized t shirt and long pajama pants

  Once you came back to his room, you were greeted with him sitting on the edge of his bed putting on the musical with a pile of snacks next to him

  "I brought more snacks just incase you get hungry!" after hanging out with him for a while, you started to notice how much his face, more specifically his smile, really resembles the same features as a cat

  "Thanks! I'm excited to watch the musical version of The Little Mermaid, I've only seen the movie before" you shyly say as you walk over to the bed and get under the covers

  Rui gets up for a moment to dim the lights down before coming back and sitting next to you on his bed

  Throughout the musical, the both of you laughed and cried together as the events of the storyline occur

   He noticed that you were sort of staying farther away from him the whole time near the edge of the bed

  "Hey, you can come closer to me yknow? I don't bite" he laughs lightly as he holds out his arms just like how you would hold out your arms for a warm hug

  You hesitate for a moment before moving your body closer to his, allowing him to hug you


  It feels nice and warm that you can't help but relax too much and begin to lose focus in the video playing on screen and drift of to a deep slumber

  Rui notices that your breathing slowed down and can't help but feel sleepy himself

  He gently rests his head on yours and lets sleep overtake him as well

  It all was so pure and innocent to look at

Two 12 year olds who never got to truly experience what it was like to have a friend that cares about you, holding each other in a warm embrace as they fall asleep with a the faint sound of the musical playing in the background

Rui normally didn't sleep as much at night, always pulling all nighters one after the other

  But tonight was different, it felt so foreign and strange to him

  The moment his arms wrapped around you, he felt his body relax and immediately fall asleep

  Both of you were so dead asleep that you didn't even wake up to the camera shuttering sound when Rui's parents came in the room to get you up for breakfast the next morning

They chuckle to themselves looking at the sweet picture on their phone

You and Rui under his platypus blanket holding each other peacefully as you slept in the warmth of each other

After that day, it wasn't uncommon for you and Rui to be at each other's houses at least once a week for a sleepover

Your parents and his always thought you two were so cute together as you two continued to spend all of your time together throughout all three years of middle school

But all good things must come to an end, right?

That was one of the worst days of your life, worse than every time you've gotten made fun of. Worse than the times you witnessed Rui getting beat up at school.

It was more painful than any broken bone you've ever experienced

Seven words was all it took for your whole day to be absolutely crushed

"I'm not going to Kamiyama next year"

He spoke softly as you two ate lunch on the rooftop together, just like any other day

"W-what?" you turned to him with a pure look of shock

"I got accepted into Hyokan, that 'school for the elite' I was talking to you about at the beginning of the second semester..." he looked down at his feet with sadness in his eyes

"It's okay..." you paused before putting your hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up at you

"I'm happy for you, you can focus more on your studies now" you smile at him as your eyes begin to water

He felt your pain as his eyes started to water too

"I know, but it won't be the same without you.." he frowned as a tear rolled down his cheek before pulling you into a hug

"Hey, don't cry.." you hug him back and rub tiny circles into his back

"Think about it, we have a week left of school, then we'll have the whole summer"

"Just you and me" you gently speak as he cries into your shoulder

He finally takes his head off of your shoulder for a moment and looks into your eyes

"Promise??" he holds out his pinky finger like a child (i mean TECHNICALLY he's like 14-15 but)

"Promise" you chuckle as you interlock your pinky with his

  Summer break always tends to go by quickly, but this summer was like no other

  The two of you were inseparable, hanging out, having sleepovers, skating everyday non stop

  Neither one of you fully understood, but there was always a spark between you two and over the years it grew and grew

  Was it love? You weren't sure

  But who cares if you understand your feelings or not?

  All that mattered right to you the night before he transferred to his new school was that the Kamishiro Rui was kissing your forehead with tear filled eyes

  His lips felt so soft against your skin that you weren't sure whether to laugh or cry

  The feeling was bittersweet, that's the best way to describe it

  You were both young and inexperienced, not sure of what love really meant yet, but Rui poured all of his piled up feelings for you into a singular kiss to your forehead

  Your face dusted a light shade of pink in the evenings light as he pulled back to admire your face just for a moment before pulling you into a tight and warm embrace

  The two of you cried in each others arms at the possibility of losing the best friend that each of you ever had

  The friend who always stood up for the other when others would push them down and call them a freak show

  The friend that was there through each others ups and downs on a rollercoaster of emotions

  The friend that loved them so much that they struggled to swallow their feelings everyday just to keep things they were

  You both pulled away with a bittersweet smile before he held out his hand to you

  You interlocked fingers as he walked you all the way home for the last time, at least for a while

  His last words to you were a simple

  "Until we met again, (y/n)" he smiled as he called you by your first name for the very first time

  Your eyes widen for moment before softening again as you waved to him while he walked away

  "Get home safely Rui!" you called out

  Your houses weren't necessary far, but in terms of walking distance, it was about a 20 minute walk

  It always worked out perfectly to walk home from school, both of your houses were a 10 minute walk to and from school

  Most of the time you would always be together or someone's parents would come pick them up instead, so every time he walked you home you always worried about him getting home safely

  20 minutes sometimes could turn into 25 if he was waking slowly and it could be dangerous for a 14 year old to be walking alone at 7 pm

  You sighed as he was no longer in your sight before walking back inside your house and slumped on your couch

  School was going to be absolute hell

  New school, no friends, it's middle school all over again

  You begin to question if isolating yourself to being mainly just friends with Rui was a good idea, because now you're left all alone again to fend for yourself in a brand new school

  It didn't matter now, he was gone..

On the other hand, Rui's face was covered in tears as he dragged himself back home

He didn't want to go, he didn't want to leave you, he wanted to stay with you forever

You were his safe space, the thing the finally made his terrible life better after all of these years of not being recognized by anyone else his age

You saw the best in him instead of the 'freak' he was

You saw him as him, something someone before you had yet to see

He wasn't mentally ready to go to a new school where he'd know nobody

All he wanted was to be back in your arms again, but it was too late for that now

It was equally hard for both of you

  After a few weeks at Kamiyama, you met an obnoxiously loud kid who was in your homeroom named Tenma Tsukasa

  He was always enthusiastic and full of energy, it was what you needed after practically loosing the closest and only other friend you ever had

  Tsukasa would always be rambling about his future, of becoming the world's greatest star or his sister, Saki

  Since you were also into theater and production, the two of you clicked pretty quickly

  Although, it was a big adjustment for you to be accommodated to his uncanny loudness

For Rui, it was his childhood all over again

No friends to rely on or give support to him as his classmates threw him on the floor and stomped on his inventions right in front of him

He begged them to stop, but you know how high schoolers are, they're total assholes

All the replied with was a steam of insults at his crazy inventions and his lack of friends

  1st year of high school honestly went by pretty quickly for you, but painfully slow for him

  Throughout the year you also made new friends, courtesy to Tsukasa

  He was always so friendly towards everyone that he naturally ended up getting you to meet new people

  Life felt good, but something was missing

  Rui was like the final puzzle piece to you, your life didn't feel complete without him

  Every now and then you would stroll by his house and knock on the door, but every time there was no answer

  You began to wonder if he moved away to be closer to Hyokan, after all, it was a good 25 minute drive from his house

  Time flew by so quickly to you, before you knew it you were standing at the Kamiyama gates again for your second year of high school

  Just yesterday, it felt like Rui was leaving you all over again as the silent tears filled the atmosphere

  You hesitated for a brief moment before stepping onto the school grounds to find your homeroom for this year

  The hallways didn't change over the summer at all, same dull blue walls stared at you as you passed by

  You walked over to the one of the papers on the wall showing the homeroom alphabetical split (ik some schools in japan/in general do homerooms by either alphabetical order or academically but i'm not sure how they do it in pjsk 😭)

classroom 2-b

  Unsurprisingly, you ended up in the same lettered classroom as last year, just a year above

  Just as you began to walk away, you felt a shadow appearing behind you

  "Excuse me, do you by any chance know where classroom 2-b is?"

  A voice comes out from behind you, making you whip around

  But the moment you turned around, your eyes widened and your jaw almost dropped

  You couldn't even believe what you were seeing right now. Rui Kamishiro, the same guy who left you 15 months ago to go to another high school for 'elite scholars', was standing before you with that same cat like smile with his school bag on one shoulder, and another filled with machines and other robots on the other.

  "Ah, so my suspicions where correct after all.." he stood there towering over you as his smile slowly formed into more of a smirk (IM SORRY-IM ASSUMING THAT THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE READING THIS ARENT TALLER THAN 180 CM 😭)

  "Rui?!" you sputtered out looking at him in awe

  "Why yes, glad you haven't forgotten about me" he teases as he looks down at you

  "How could I? You're my best friend.." your face softens the more you continue to admire him

  He looked so...different now

  First of all, he was MUCH taller than he was the last time you saw him in middle school

  The two of you used to be roughly the same height,
but now, he's towering above you

  His hair was also different

  It seemed that he'd cut his long and grown out hair to something a little cleaner (lmao not rlly this dude looks like he just ran into a fucking tornado)

  But mainly his physique in general

  His jawline was visibly sharper and more defined, along with his soft cheek bones 

  His shoulders still remained on the thinner side but definitely broadened a little as well

  If he wasn't handsome before, then he was definitely handsome now

  "Sooooo, do you know where class 2-b is??" he awkwardly chuckled as he broke you out of your thoughts

  Oh god, were you staring at him for too long???

  "Y-yeah, we're in the same homeroom" you nervously blushed out of pure embarrassment before pivoting around and speed walking towards the classroom

  He chuckles at your panicked state before trailing not too far behind you

You didn't realize how much he affected you until now

You're life instantly seemed to become better the moment he came back

Things felt like they went back to the way they were, and you could feel yourself smiling so much more around him

You were falling in love with your best friend and there was nothing you could do to stop yourself but contain your feelings

It's nothing new though, you've always suppressed your true feelings for Rui since you felt yourself falling in love with him for the first time, back when love didn't make sense to both of you

Now that you were older, these feelings blossomed even faster into something stronger

You were finally understanding what it meant to truly love someone

Almost everyday the two of you were inseparable, always on the rooftop, always passing silly notes to each other in class, always walking home together, always getting takeout for dinner

It got to the point where some of your classmates assumed that you too were already dating

It didn't really bother you, but occasionally you would get a little embarrassed

To which Rui would always reply with something along the lines of,

"Oh well, let them think what they want to think" with a small shrug

But one fateful day at lunch, you and Rui sat upon the rooftop eating lunch as you enjoyed the scenery together in a comfortable silence

He broke the silence to pull out something from his pocket

A remote controller attached to a screen

"Huh? Is that for one of your drones??" you perked up to look at what he was holding

"Mhm, just wait and see" he grinned

Soon after, your friend, Tenma Tsukasa, walked into the frame as he ran through the school

"Hey, I know him, he's my friend" you spoke up as you watched Rui follow him with the drone

"Is he now?" he smirked and looked up at you

To which you gave him a slightly concerned look in return

"I told u that recently i've been going to that theme park Phoenix Wonderland, right?" he asks

"Yeah, you've been using your robots to perform on the streets" your expression didn't change

"Yesterday when I got chased out again, I saw him and this other girl watching my show..." he grins while continuing to follow Tsukasa around with his drone

  "And it seems to me that he's looking for me" he chuckled as he asked another student if he knew where he was

  "I wonder what he wants" you question as you take another bite of whatever you were eating

   A few minutes later he perks up and calls out to you

  "Oh my, it seems that he's coming to the rooftop" he stands up and walks over to you

  "You said you already knew him so this shouldn't be an issue" he extends his hand out to you, to which you accept and he pulls you up

  Just then, the door opens to be met with a familiar face

  "(l/n)? This is perfect, I was going to ask you next anyways!" he calls out to you

  "Ask me what?" you question him

  "You know Kamishiro Rui? Why didn't you tell me??" he pouts and runs over to you as he changes the topic for a moment

  "You never asked" you chuckle

  Long story short, turns out, he wanted to recruit new members for a production unit at Phoenix Wonderland

  Rui turned down his offer at first, but eventually caved in and accepted alongside you

The two of you from that point worked together on the Wonder Stage at Phoenix Wonderland

Even after the rollercoaster of ups and downs everything always worked out in the end

Miku and the others always helped everyone with their own individual problems to help keep the peace between WxS

Everything in your life felt so great at the moment

Performing on the small stage, singing and dancing everyday, you even reunited with your old friend Nene

Now that the two of you were both as close as ever, Rui thought it would be a great idea to have a sleepover, to bring back some nostalgia from your childhood memories together

  Of course you agreed, and the next thing you know you were on your way to his house after school

  The two of you sharing earbuds as you listened to your favorite, much like the way you were back then

  Except, it was much harder now that the two of you weren't exactly the same height

  "I'm starting to think maybe I should get some wireless ones, it's getting uncomfy to bend down like this. I'm going to develop premature back problems" he pouts looking at you

  "It's not my fault that you grew that tall, just shrink a little" you jokingly suggested

  "That's actually not a bad idea. Maybe I should invent a shrink machine" his pointer finger rises to his chin as he thinks about it

  He always still manages to look cute even when he's deep it thought you lightly smile to yourself as he begins to ramble about how he could make it possible to shrink himself to be shorter

  After a few minutes of his rambling, Rui began to gently hum along to the song that was currently playing and you couldn't help but blush a little

  He always had a nice talking voice, but his singing was a whole other story

  "Oh, are you enjoying my performance?" he turns to you with a teasing smile

  Oh lord, please help, day by day it was becoming harder and harder to contain your emotions

  "You're so embarrassing sometimes..." you avert your eyes from his to avoid any more of his teasing antics

  "Maybe...but you love me for it~" he grins before going to to humming along

  "Sureee" you playfully roll your eyes and listen to his gentle voice while you stroll along next to him

After a few more minutes you had reached his house as you took out your shared earbuds

  He walks up to the door to unlock it with his key

  "After you" you pulls open the door with a small bow, gesturing for you to walk inside

  You chuckle lightly before accepting his offer by walking inside the dimly lit house

  "Wow, after all this time not much changed did it??" you slowly admire the nostalgic house as he follows right behind you with a hand on your shoulder

"Nope! Still the same old house" he smiled as he guided you to his room

Nothing really changed in (a little over) a year, everything was still in the same place since the last time you came over

Only that there were even more inventions scattered everywhere

You put your stuff down by the door as something on his desk caught your eye

It was a thin black frame surrounding a picture

You walked over to his messy and unorganized desk to get a closer look before picking it up

Inside the frame was an old photograph of the first sleepover you and Rui ever had

The two of you were in a peaceful sleep, holding onto each other underneath his green platypus blanket

You couldn't help but smile, it was such a simple yet meaningful thing that completely made your day

Just then, a familiar shadow loomed over you from behind

  "I remember that moment so clearly.." his voice caused you to turn around

  "You know, that was the best i've ever slept in my whole life" he chuckles as he walks over to pull out his bed from the couch

  "Then I suppose we'll have to do it again. After all, our director needs to be getting his beauty rest" you tease jokingly as he gets an idea

  "I'll be right back I'm going to head to the-" before you could finish you feel hands grab at your waist and pull you down

  You land on his bed as he cages his arms around you

  "Just what do you think you're doing mister??" you blush as you start squirming to get out of his grip, but his arms hold you down

"You said that we could sleep in the same bed again so that's what we're doing" he pouts and brings you into his chest

  "Yes, but it's 4 in the fucking afternoon! I'm not going to bed now" you eventually get one arm out of his grasp and try to pull yourself off the bed/couch (??)

  "Okayyyyy, but what if we just lay down and relax AND THEN fall asleep" he flips you around to face him, causing you to stop for a moment

The two of you were so close that you have lightly feel his breath wavering near your face

"Fine, but i'm going to the bathroom first" you take this as an opportunity to sneak out from under his arms and head out, leaving him on the bed

The moment you stepped foot out of his bedroom your hands flew up to your warm face

'Oh my god, we were so close what the actual fuck' your legs quickly led you inside the bathroom before shutting the door

Your legs gave out as you started sliding your back down the door holding your head in your hands

Meanwhile, Rui just laid there frozen on his bed dumbfounded

'Perhaps I could use tonight as an opportunity..' he ponders as he extends his arm out to grab his phone to check the time

After 5 years of knowing you, by now he was sure that he was desperately in love with you. He also happened to pick up that there was a chance that maybe you felt the same way, but there was no was no way to confirm your feelings without confessing his

  While waiting for you to get back, he began to turn on the tv monitors so that the two of you could be more entertained while you laid down together

Although, Rui himself would be okay just laying there in a mutual silence with nothing playing in the background, but he wasn't 100% sure if you fully reciprocated his feelings

Well, there was only one way to find out...he decided to shoot his shot tonight

Your reaction could be a 50/50 gamble in his eyes

1: his suspicions of your mutual feelings were correct and the two of you continue on happily together


2: he was being delusional this whole time because you were only being friends with him and the two of you stop talking forever, ruining your friendship

Option 2 was definitely a scary thought, but he thought that if it was you, he could push through

Rui's internal battle was concluded with something along the lines of :

"If you truly love them, you'll let them go.."

He frowned at the thought and hoped that deep down inside you secretly liked him back

His thoughts were interrupted when his door opened, causing him to turn his head

"Ah, I've set up the tv monitors. What would you like to watch?" he kindly offers

"Hmmm what about _____ (movie/show)??" you dim the overhead lights a little before walking over to the bed

"You know, I was thinking the same thing!" he does his signature cat like smile before going over to his computer that was connected to the tv

You sat yourself down on the bed and began to get comfy while he was putting _____ (movie/show) on until he called out to you

"Hey, you didn't wait for me" he jokes as he puts on his best pouty face

"We were supposed to lay down together!" he presses play and scurries over towards the bed (HELPPPP WTFFFF IM LITERALLY IMAGINING THIS TALL ASS MAN SPEED TIP TOEING OVER TOWARDS YOU 💀)

You can't help but let out a small giggle as he lifts you off the bed to get on himself first

After seating himself, he places you down on his lap so that the two of you are facing the screen

Your face immediately lights up when you feel his cold hands find their to your waist and lift you off him

'SINCE WHEN WAS THIS GUY STRONG ENOUGH IN THE ARMS TO JUST PICK ME UP?!?' you internally panic while your body completely freezes up

"Hold on, I need to adjust my legs" he says softly into your right ear

He was so close that you could feel his hot breath touch the shell of your ear for a moment

"There we go~" he moved his legs into a criss cross position and placed you down gently in the empty space between his legs

Your face dusted with blush as he shifted to wrap his arms around your torso and pull you into his chest

"Get comfy, this is supposed to be relaxing you know" he teases as you don't dare to look back at him. The most you could give him was a tiny nod, to which he only chuckled

Eventually, you gave into the comfort and ended up leaning against his chest

'Cute...' he smiled as he watched you lean into his touch more subtly

This continued on the whole movie/show and occasionally he would comment on something or give a small laugh here and there and every time you couldn't help but crack a smile

Afterwards, you two decided on taking a break to eat dinner

He kindly offered to order in something and get it delivered to the house (he was paying like the gentleman he is)

After the food came, he carried it back to his bedroom to continue the movie/show/start a new one

You and Rui ate your dinner together on his floor (so that the place your sleeping wouldn't get dirty obviously) close to the tv as you two laughed over silly things the characters would say

"Are you sure you don't want me to pay you back, I have some money in my phone case-" you get up to go grab your

"No need, it's on me!" he suddenly grabs your hips and brings you back down

Your face heats up instantly as you look away from
his strong gaze

"You're feeling rather touchy today" you murmured out as your hands fly in attempt to hide your reddening face

But his keen vision allows him to see right through you as he scoots himself over

"Perhaps..." he takes your wrists away from your face

"But I know you love me for it~" he gives you a closed eye smile before pulling you back onto his lap

"It feels cold without you here" he pouts and leans his head on the top of yours

"Okayyyy, but we're on the floor. We need to get up, AND I need to change" you gently push him off of you to walk over to your school bag to get your pajamas

  "Fine" he frowns as you walk away to go change in the bathroom

  'My heart seriously CANNOT take this anymore!!' you take a look in the mirror to see your blushing face staring back at you

   After changing you walk back to his room but get literally jump scared by him the moment you walk in the room

  "I gotcha now!" he wrapped his whole 5'11 body over yours and took you down on the bed with him

  It left the two of you in a position where your hair sprawled out on the pillows laying under Rui as he caged his body around yours

  "You're mine for the night, you already promised me" he loosened his grip on you to let you breathe as you both relaxed in your positions (no sexualizing him he's like 16-17-i just mean like they're spending the night together and yn promised that they could cuddle and stuff 😭)

  You smile as you pull over the covers on top of you two knowing that he had clearly prepped the bed for this too

  The two of you laid on his bed together in a comfortable silence between the you guys with the faint sound of the tv playing in the background

  It was so peaceful that you thought he had fallen asleep, he deserves it after all. This guy does not sleep at all whatsoever

  But all of the sudden the silence was broken when he softly spoke up

  He lifted his head off your chest for a moment to look you feel in the eyes

  "Can I tell you something?" the dimly lit room allowed you to see his handsome face with his purple bangs sitting on top of his forehead and nose

  You chuckle to yourself lightly as he looks like a silly little lost cat

  "Of course, you can tell me anything" you smile back at him

  He comes closer to your face and dips down to your ear and softly whispers

  "Did you know that I'm in love with you and your pretty little face?" although you couldn't see his face, you could feel him smirk

  You lightly guide his face away from your ear so that your face to face again

  "Possibly. But, did you know that i'm also in love with YOUR pretty little face?" you tease back at him, mirroring his smirk

  "Oh my, you flatter me (y/n)~" he props himself up against you before leaning in

  "Does this mean i'm allowed to kiss you?" he gets even closer

  "Hmmm, I guess so..." you jokingly roll your eyes before leaning in too

  It felt so foreign to the both of you, but amazing all at once

  The kiss only lasted a moment as you pulled away, leaving him frowning

"I want another" he bluntly said to which it make you let out a small giggle before leaning back into his touch again

Once you pulled away again he gave to the same look and asked once again

"Another" you leaned in again

"Another" and again

"Longer, it was too short" he pouted as you cracked a small smile before giving him yet another kiss on the lips

This time you made sure to let your lips linger on his for longer, just as he had requested

You moved your hand into his hair and moved your lips against his to which he reciprocated immediately

It was almost as if you could feel him smile into the kiss against your own lips

The two of you never wanted to let your lips leave the other's

Everything just felt so good, so right

He had waited so long to finally get the chance to kiss you on the lips and now he finally got to

His heart felt like it had just exploded on the spot the first time your lips met his

It felt like it went on forever, just the two of you softly and gently moving your lips against one another while feeling the kiss with hand placement

Throughout, Rui would occasionally break the kiss to break or change his position, but of course that didn't stop him from going straight back to your lips

Once you both had to pull away for some ACTUAL air other than a millisecond, you smiled at each other lovingly as you looked into each other's eyes

He soon after broke the eye contact to lay himself back on your chest

Rui's hair tickled the base of your neck while his hot breathe lingered on your collarbone area

"Remind me to properly ask you to go on a date with me tomorrow, i'm about to pass out from exhaustion" he murmured so quietly that you almost didn't hear it

You sighed and gave him a kiss on the head

"Alright, I wont forget. I love you..." you rested your head back on the pillow

"I love you too, i'm so happy right now.." was the last thing you heard before sleep overtook both of you

You laid together in each other's arms underneath the green platypus blanket as the picture of the two two of you mirroring the same position sat on the desk ahead of you.

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫゜・。.

word count: 7549

goddamn it's 1:36 am i need to sleep

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