Forced Marriage To The Billio...

By YourPsychodreams

34.8K 1.9K 147

"I need you to get the hell out of my presence!" Lorena screamed, her whole body trembling with rage. Makris... More

Authors note
Prologue: The Stranger
Chapter 1: The Storm
Chapter 2: The Tabloid
Chapter 3: The debit card
Chapter 4: The declaration
Chapter 5: The Fiancée's Newsletter
Chapter 6: The Uproar Quarrel
Chapter 7: The Husbandly Candidate
Chapter 8: The Final Decision
Chapter 9: The arrival negotiations
Chapter 10: The cocky husband
Chapter 11: The Brashness
Chapter 13: The Tragic lovestory
Chapter 14: The Nemesis
Chapter 15: The Prideful Trash
Chapter 16: The Humiliation
Chapter 17: The Bridal Shoot
Chapter 18: The Peeving Husband
Chapter 19: The Act
Chapter 20: The heat
Chapter 21: The Defense
Chapter 22: The dictum
Chapter 23: The Protection
Chapter 24: The Bombshell
Chapter 25: The Golden
Chapter 26: The Drama
Chapter 27: The Favour
Chapter 28: The Remembrance
Chapter 29: The Critique
Chapter 30: The Bachelorette
Chapter 31: The Nuptials
Chapter 32: The Scary Hours
Chapter 33: The Preparation
Chapter 34: The Missing Bride
Epilogue: The Chase

Chapter 12: The Luncheon

683 45 0
By YourPsychodreams

"This is not funny, Signor! What are you doing in my room?" She said, covering her body with her hands.

That action alone drew his attention from her ethereal face to her body. He didn't know what color that dress was, but it was divine on her. He had never seen anything like it before, never seen a woman like her before.

He laughed, amused by the pure fire her eyes were spitting toward him. His soon-to-be wife had some wildfire in her, but even the heavens knew she was beautiful.

"Trying to help with your zipper." The sarcasm dripped out of his tongue, further enraging her.

"Like hell, you will!"She bit her tongue immediately.

If her father heard her speaking so vulgarly, he would have her whipped. However, she couldn't help the rage Makris always sparked in her.

"You can't go to the luncheon with your zipper down." He winked and began to walk towards her.

"Stay right where you are." She warned, taking a step back.

"Oh, common Emerald. Why do you have to be so mean?" He pouted momentarily, then his lip spread into a lopsided grin, and his eyes twinkled with mischief.

"It's Lorena!" She took a big step back. Her leg cut between her dress, and she landed on the bed. He was within her in seconds.

"Move!" Were the only words that could escape from her trembling lips.

"Relax," he crouched until he was levelheaded with her. "I'm just trying to help." He said, running a finger across her cheeks. She followed the direction of his hands, hating how soothing it felt.

Lorena felt her control slip a little as her body relaxed at the feel of his hands on her cheeks. It was not bad at all. Hell, it calmed her nerves.

"No!" She suddenly jumped, slipping away from his touch.

He gave her a quizzical look and said. "What?"

"Nothing. You need to leave. This doesn't seem right." Her lips quivered as she wondered why she had easily let her guard down. Makris wasn't the kind of man you did that with. Not only was he a pompous ass, but she had come to understand he was also manipulative.

"Again, what?" He scratched his head in bewilderment. Watching her face was like watching volatile weather. It changed from peaceful to irritated in the most enigmatic ways.

"Are you hard of hearing? I said this doesn't seem right." She said, finally finding her strength again.

To her surprise, he threw his head back and burst into a feat of laughter. She was momentarily taken aback as she watched the transformation in his face. For the first time since she met him, there was no hidden intention in his eyes.

It was just pure male laughter. Alarm bells began to ring in her head. She could fight the vulgar man he was, but this human side may as well be her most dangerous opponent yet.

"I want to be clear on something. Me helping you with your zipper is not right? According to who exactly?" The laughter in his voice had been replaced with a hint of curiosity.

"According to my tradition. You're not supposed to even be in my room." She shrugged. She knew she had just made that up, but it couldn't be too far from the truth. I mean, she was aware of her conservative roots. There could be a rule like that.

"Hmmmm," He stroked his chin, deep in thought. She used that moment to study his face from the corner of her eyes.

Unconsciously, she found herself comparing his features to Marcielo's. Both are huge men but from very different backgrounds. She wondered if that was a factor in shaping their looks. While Marcielo had tanner skin, probably from working under the sun, Makris was more plump and healthy. He was flawless.

"Okay." He raised his head quickly and caught her staring. He laughed and threw her a wink.

Lorena quickly threw her face away, wishing the ground could open up and swallow her at this moment. She had just given the arrogant prick another reason to feel important. Damn him for being so handsome!

"I'll leave you to it then. But be down in thirty minutes. We don't want to be late." He said, and without waiting for a response, walked away.

Lorena let out a sigh of relief. Still, she felt like she had lost this battle. The power dynamics between them were too much in his favor. She needed to tilt it in her direction a bit, but how?
She was still deep in thought when she heard a knock on her door, followed by Tanika announcing herself.

"Come in."

Tanika, followed closely by Maria, came into the room. They spent the next twenty minutes fitting her into the dress while Tanika helped with her hair.

"You look so breathtaking, my lady!" Tanika gasped when they were done.

"Like a fairy princess," Maria whispered breathlessly. She couldn't have asked for a better person to bring her floral sundress to life.

"Really?" Lorena laughed and got up to see what the whole fuss was about. She stumbled a bit when she caught her reflection in the mirror. She could barely recognize herself, mainly because it had been a while since she played dress-up.

"This dress is adorable, Maria!" She twirled, and the girls clapped in appreciation of her exquisite beauty.

"Thank you." Maria blushed and hung her face. She was the one grateful to have Lorena Cicero wearing her dress.

"And Tanika, you did well with my hair."

"Thank you, my lady." Tanika bowed.

"I've told you not to do that." Lorena rolled her eyes, but a smile quickly followed it. The girls had won her over, and she hoped they would feel the same after she rewarded them.

"Sorry, my lady."

"It's okay. Maria?"

"Yes, my lady."

"Put down your account details with Tanika. I'll send you your payment when I'm back for the luncheon. Also, don't worry. I'll let everyone know you designed this dress." She smiled, stepping into her shoes.

"No, madam. You don't have to pay. The exposure is enough." Maria's eyes bulged, a sting of tears appearing just at the corner.

"Oh, don't be silly dear. You came through for me today and deserve to be rewarded in every way."

"Thank you, Lady Lorena. Thank you so much!" Maria bowed, unable to hide her excitement.

"That's okay. Tanika dear, could you tell Makris I'm ready?"

"Yes, ma'am." Tanika grabbed Maria and hurriedly Left to relax about the news.
Lorena sighed, prepping herself for another faceoff with Makris. She took one last look at herself in the mirror.

Satisfied with everything, she took her purse and exited her room. When she got down, she was informed Makris was already waiting for her in the car.

"He can't even behave like a gentleman." She thought, rolling her eyes. She proceeded to meet him in the car. A standby man was waiting to pull open the car door for her.

"Nice of you to finally join me," Makris said as she sat. Her nose flared in anger, but she bit her lip, suppressing the urge to engage in any banter with him.

Other men, men like her sweet Marcielo, would have told her how beautiful she looked, and he wasn't even her boyfriend.

Yet, her husband-to-be was being an ass. Her eyes caught the time on the dashboard, and they were a whole thirty minutes early. This further strengthened her resolve not to engage him. He was fishing for a fight.

"I see we're playing the silence game." He said, starting the car. He smiled when she still did not respond but threw her face away. He studied her as he drove. Just when he thought she couldn't get any more beautiful, she proved him wrong. She looked like a vision, and he wanted her so much.

The need was so great. He had to adjust his trousers occasionally. Her scent filled him with nirvana. His pride was the only thing stopping him from pulling over by the side of the road and begging her for just a taste of her.

They finally reached the Villa Corlatta. The security men directed him to the spot where he parked his car.

"Shall we?" He stretched his hands, but she was out of the car before he could finish his sentence.

"σκύλα!" He muttered between his teeth and hopped out of the car too.

"You know we need to go in together. It will raise suspicion if you keep acting like that." He said, his voice laced with irritation.

"Just because we need to go in together doesn't mean I have to speak to you."

"Fine, suit yourself." He raised his hand, and she linked hers across his.

Together, they walked into the Villa Corlatta. A collective gasp was heard as the couple walked in. They were such a pleasing aesthetic. The men couldn't stop staring at Lorena while the women openly gawked at Makris.

Lorena spotted her father, and not even the fake smile she had conjured for their entry could help her anger toward him. It looked like Makris had seen him, too, as they began to walk in his direction.

"Why are we heading towards my father." She said through her teeth, the fake smile still plastered on her face.

"Because he is with my father, and we must show our respect." Makris teased, poking her. He knew she didn't want to talk to her father, which was precisely what she would do. Two could play her game.

Just before they reached their fathers, someone intercepted them.

"Verona!" Lorena called in a high-pitched voice. She had never been happier to see someone. Now she could use talking to her sister as an excuse to escape her father.

"We need to talk. Please excuse us, Signor." Without waiting for his response, she dragged her sister away.

"What is it, Sorella? You're hurting me." Lorena pulled away from her when they were safely out of earshot.

"I needed to warn you, Lorena," Verona said, catching her breath.

"Warn me about what?" Lorena frowned, rubbing her hurting arm.

"It's Marcielo. He is here, and it's not looking good."

"What?" Lorena's eyes shot, a million questions swirling in her head.

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