COTE: Ayanokouji's Return

By tobi7th

134K 6.5K 5.1K

Description: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka spent his entire childhood in the White Room. Thanks to his extraordinary ac... More

Author's Notes
Chapter 1 - First Acquaintances
Chapter 2 - Bus Trouble
Chapter 3 - A Tattoo
Chapter 4 - The Chairman
Chapter 5 - S-System
Chapter 6 - Nagumo
Chapter 7 - Student Council
Chapter 8 - A Shoplifter
Chapter 9 - WinterDrop
Chapter 11 - The Professor
Chapter 12 - Horikita
Chapter 13 - A Bet
Chapter 14 - Fuka
Chapter 15 - The Affairs Of Class A
Chapter 16 - Henry Forger
Chapter 17 - Kiryuin Family's Circumstances
Chapter 18 - Disturbances During Lunch Break
Chapter 19 - Visit In Class A
Chapter 20 - Vice-President Ayanokouji
Chapter 21 - Mutual Benefits
Chapter 22 - Ryuuen
Chapter 23 - Food Trap
Chapter 24 - An Ally
Chapter 25 - Matsushita's suspicion
Chapter 26 - Sakayanagi
Chapter 27 - Birthday Party
Chapter 28 - The Interviews
Chapter 29 - Pool Accident
Chapter 30 - Lap Pillow
Chapter 31 - 1st May
Chapter 32 - Study Group
Chapter 33 - A Pawn

Chapter 10 - A Ghost

4.2K 228 186
By tobi7th

2nd April

Kiyotaka's POV

I woke up on the usual time and started my morning exercises.

After that I usually would go to the gym, but I still didn't know whereabouts of the one here.

I made a mental note to check it up later today.

While stretching myself, I started to think about my biggest dilemma today.

Namely, how I should behave towards class D and if I should share my findings with them.

A normal student would probably share everything at the first occasion and basked in the glory of success.

Such person would definitely be named as class leader or at least a key person in the class.

I would be quite popular and became center of attention not only in my class, but also in other classes.

At first glance it sounds great, but it's actually quite troublesome.

Popularity among masses was like double edged sword.

When you are doing good, they will like you. When you are doing bad, they will stop to like you, even start to hate you for worse results.

I would be judged for all of my behavior and actions. I would need to constantly care about my image in my classmates eyes.

I would also need to pay attention to all annoying things and people. They would put a responsibility on my back without my consent as if it was the most natural thing to do.

And that was something I disliked and would want to avoid.

I prefer my freedom much more. I wanted to use my private time to do things that I like or would be beneficial for me.

My contact with students from the other classes would also be very limited and probably would be misunderstood most of the time.

As class leader, meeting with enemy students in my free time would be considered as trying to spy and acquire information for the class competition or me trying to betray my class.

Just thinking about trouble I would get while meeting with Fuka or Masumi in such scenario gave me a headache.

As if I would give up on spending my time with them because of that.

I genuinely didn't have any interest in this competition.

My goal from the start was to make a lot of acquaintances and allies for the future. It would be hindered, if I was actively helping my class.

I didn't want to sacrifice possibility to befriend those 120 students for my 39 classmates.

But on the other hand I needed to make an individual reputation for myself.

For now many people will treat me as a member of the worst class and a defective student. Not a good start.

I couldn't afford to be looked down upon. It would be a detrimental for me and my plans.

Fortunately, an opportunity already showed itself for me to play a role that would make me respectable for other students, despite my class D student status.

I needed to become a member of Student Council, preferably a Vice-President.

Such position would give me attention, but I could still stay neutral. If I showed everyone that I have no ambition towards class competition, people would treat me as someone important, but not dangerous. At least to some degree.

I still would need to work, but I wouldn't be involved in my class affairs more than I wanted.

A perfect position to gain some recognition without being treated as enemy.

Also, it would be my biggest shield against that blonde donkey Nagumo.

Only by having the same position as him, I could stand against him without involving more people.

I could also observe him from close distance and have a good grasp of his abilities and influence. Maybe I could find some of his weakness or mistakes.

Becoming a Vice-President would also give me some repellent force for students from my year as well as senpais.

Picking a fight with defective that is looked down would be easy for anyone. But with Student Council Vice-President? Many would think twice before they would do that.

But to get that position I needed to prove to Horikita Manabu that I am worth of it.

I think he will contact me after the school ends investigation about breaking rules by Nagumo. Let's just wait and see his attitude towards me.

Assuming that I will get that position, my work for class D could be minimal.

But I didn't want my class to be treated as losers group.

I probably should give them some hints without giving myself out too much.

Or find someone who could do this in my stead.

Someone, who would take a job, but couldn't rat me out.

Someone, who could become a key person in the class without coercion.

I could give such a person some advises when needed, while being sure that he won't pull me into class competition nor reveal my part in it.

Having someone important in the class as my friend or at least as my pawn would be beneficial to me. I could influence some class decisions through him or her and avoid some dangers towards myself.

After all, I can't neglect the game, even if I don't want to participate.

For now, let's check things up without giving any help. After getting to know my classmates, I will decide what to do next. We have entire three years, there is no need to rush.

While convenient, let's observe Sae-sensei as well.

If I really wants to get closer to her on personal level, she needs to stop seeing me as just student. I somehow needs to destroy this student-teacher relationship, preferably by guiding her into doing it herself.

Her reaction back then was quite big and may be a hint.

Did she react like that because figuring out S-System on the first day was so unbelievable or was  there more to that?

She seemed ambitious. Considering class competition format, she probably would want our class to win.

My lack of action for the class despite my knowledge may be an opportunity to see how much she cares about winning and to get closer to her.

I also should try to contact with other classes as much as I can in this month before the competition will be known for everyone.

Masumi and Fuka may be a good way to befriend class A and class B. I should also contact with Nishino to make a way to class C.

If I manage to somehow anchor my presence in other classes, I could use my status as member of Student Council to stabilize my position after big revelation in the next month.

So much to do during this quiet month, but let's try to fish as many benefits as possible.

Figuring out my initial plan, I ended my exercises and went to take a shower.

Then I made myself a breakfast and a lunch box for later.

It was rather early, but I decided to go to the school.

Having a slow walk may be not bad to map up surroundings.

I already memorized the school map, but outside facilities are still mainly unknown to me.

I left the dorm and went to explore the area.

I paid attention to the facilities around as well as security cameras.

Although the monitoring area was big, I noticed several blind spots, but mainly in plain sight, like in parks.

I also spotted a gym. I decided to pay a visit there tomorrow.

While I was walking around for some time, the amount of students on their way to the school were growing.

Following the crowd, I suddenly noticed a familiar face.

It was Nishino Takeko, a student from class C and the only acquaintance that I didn't manage to befriend yesterday.

Seeing her alone I could guess that she didn't have an opportunity to make friends yesterday with anyone.

Or she was on the voyage through the area like me.

I came closer to her, so she could notice me.

She smiled slightly to me and waved. I waved back.

Kiyotaka: "Good morning, Nishino."

Nishino: "Good morning, Ayanokouji-kun. Are you on your way to the school?"

Kiyotaka: "Yes, I made some detour to check out some facilities here. After all, yesterday we didn't have much time to explore. I must say that I am impressed by the number of attractions here."

Nishino: "I see. I made a slight tour around yesterday and I had the same impression as you."

Kiyotaka: "This school is really great. I still can't believe that we received 100000 yen just like that."

Nishino looked at me for a second as if she was considering something. She also observed our surrounding, probably to confirm that no one is listening.

Nishino: "Hey, don't you think there may be a catch here? It's actually quite suspicious that the school would give so much money to students for free, even if it is backed by government."

Oh? Unexpected development.

I was planning to do some probing to see how much she deduced yesterday and if she would share some of her findings with me. To think she would make her move first.

Either she is like Fuka and found out some things, so she asked me to confirm what I know.

Either she is like Masumi and have some suspicious, so she asked me to brainstorm about rules.

At any rate, this is definitely some sort of inquiry to gauge my reaction and knowledge as well as probing my attitude towards her.

She is giving me a signal that she may know something and is trying to see, if I want to join this debate.

She plays it friendly, while also being wary of me. A clever girl.

Since I was planning to befriend her from the start, this is a good way to gain some of her trust.

I didn't even meet my own classmates, yet I am about to betray them for the third time. I am such a bastard.

But I didn't feel the slightest guilt. It's a reasonable sacrifice to gain friendship of three beautiful girls.

Kiyotaka: "Actually I also found it suspicious and asked my homeroom teacher about it. But she couldn't tell me how much money we are gonna have in the future. She said it was beyond her authority to answer. Quite a weird wording. But based on that I think we will not get 100000 yen in the future."

Nishino looked surprised by my answer.

Was it my cooperativeness that surprised her or did she not made the same conclusion as me about our income?

Nishino: "I asked Sakagami-sensei about the same thing and he answered in the same way as your teacher. It is really weird that teachers wouldn't answer about our income situation, if we would be getting the same amount of money every month."

Kiyotaka: "Maybe they didn't know because it will depend on some things, like our academic performance. It's a school after all."

Nishino: "I see. This may be true. But why would they hide it? Something like that should be clear from the beginning."

Kiyotaka: "Maybe it's a form of test as well. Didn't this school boast of 100% chance for college and employment after graduation? Maybe you need to pay some big amount of money in order to achieve that as a main test. After three years, either you get a money and graduate, either you didn't earn enough money and must drop out."

Nishino: "This may be true. I didn't think about it. You are really smart, Ayanokouji-kun."

Kiyotaka: "Thank you. You are smart as well, Nishino. You did notice that something is suspicious with this school."

She smiled slightly.

For now, I think this is good enough.

I probably earned some of Nishino's trust through honest conversation.

I didn't want to suggest her anything about the school competition, unless she would mention it herself. There wasn't any benefit in that.

I didn't have a deep understanding with her like with Fuka nor did I bond with her through some event like with Masumi.

There was also no guarantee that she wouldn't tell others about me, if I told her full truth.

But I wanted to know more about her. Not only because of my strategy, but also because I thought that Nishino was a pretty girl worth befriending. Pretty and smart.

Since a business time has ended, time for a pleasure time.

Kiyotaka: "Nishino, I remember you wanting to hang out with me after school. How about exchanging phone numbers now? We could contact each other and have some fun one of those days."

Nishino went a little stiff, then she put on a teasing smile.

Nishino: "Are you asking me out for a date? Aren't you a fast one, Ayanokouji-kun?"

Kiyotaka: "I remember you saying 'I also want to hang around with you after school, Ayanokouji-kun'. Did I interpret something wrong here?"

Nishino: "No, I did say that. But I didn't think you would boldly ask me out like that."

Kiyotaka: "Does that mean no?"

Nishino: "I will gladly hang out with you in my free time, Ayanokouji-kun."

Kiyotaka: "It's decided then. Thank you, Nishino. I was feeling so nervous while going to my class, yet I feel like I could go to even war zone right now."

Nishino smiled with a slight shade of red on her cheeks.

Nishino: "You are overreacting, Ayanokouji-kun. What's there to be nervous about? You will just meet with your classmates. It'll be easy for someone like you."

Kiyotaka: "Are you not nervous at all, Nishino? Because of the incident, we sure are left behind in terms of making new friends."

Nishino: "I am a little nervous, since it's a new environment, but that's all. I want to get along with my classmates, but I am not in rush to make friends. I don't feel comfortable hanging around with bigger groups. I prefer having a bit more freedom while being with less people."

Kiyotaka: "If you really are not in rush to make friends, yet you accepted my invitation, then I am even more happy for our future meeting. We are quite similar in that aspect. I am a type who would sacrifice a big group of acquaintances for one friend. I have a feeling that we will get along well, Nishino."

I smiled widely at her.

Nishino's slightly red cheeks became even more visible.

Nishino: "My intuition is telling me the same, Ayanokouji-kun. Please take care of me from now on."

Me and Nishino walked together to the school building, then we parted to get to our classrooms.

After walking for a few minutes, I saw the sign of class 1-D classroom.

I sighed.

Time to meet my classmates and figure out why the school put them in the defective class.

To be honest, after my encounters with representatives of the other classes, it's hard to say, what type of criteria the school used to divide students to the certain classes.

I hope it's not that bad as it seemed after my conversation with Sae-sensei.

I will probably get some attention because of my absence yesterday.

Now that I think about it, I don't even know where my seat is.

The school probably removed nameplates after lessons yesterday.

I need to ask someone about my seat.

??: "Umm.. Excuse me. Do you have some business with our class?"

It seems like I stood before the classroom long enough for someone else to come and consider me suspicious.

I turned around and saw a beauty.

She was blue-eyes elegant girl of average height with long brown hair that has bangs swept to the right.

She was quite lovely and had a model-like body figure. Especially her long legs and thighs were really worth attention.

She had a really pleasant voice as well.

She seemed friendly, although I could see that she was wary of me, a stranger.

When she saw my face, she tensed up a little and her eyes slightly shined.

It happened to me a few times.

Apparently this is a standard behavior of a girl who at first did not notice that she was talking to a hottie.

I put a smile on my face.

Kiyotaka: "Hi. My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. I am actually a member of the class 1-D, but I was absent yesterday because of unfortunate incident. Before coming to the classroom I noticed that I probably won't know, where is my seat unless someone would tell me, so I hesistated to enter. Would you mind helping me?"

??: "O-oh, so it was you. Some of us were wondering about the empty seat. There were even some theories about ghost or invisible human. You seat is in the rearmost near the window."

Kiyotaka: "Thank you, um..."

??: "Ah, I'm sorry. My name is Matsushita Chiaki. I am also a member of the class 1-D. Nice to meet you."

Matsushita? I have heard about this family.

Kiyotaka: "Nice to meet you, Matsushita. Tell me, did I miss much yesterday? I have meet with our homeroom teacher, Chabashira-sensei, who told me about school rules, but that's all."

Matsushita: "You didn't miss much, if you know about S-System. We were introducing ourselves on the class forum to get to know each other better. Although there were some that didn't want to do that and left."

Kiyotaka: "I see. I guess it isn't as bad as I thought. I'm glad. Though it's too bad that I missed an opportunity to know about my classmates. It will be harder to make some connections now."

Matsushita: "Hehe, relax Ayanokouji-kun. I think you will not have problems with making friends."

Kiyotaka: "It's the second time I have heard this today. Why did you think so, Matsushita?"

Matsushita: "Huh? Well, you seems friendly and nice. Somehow I just had this feeling."

Kiyotaka: "Thank you, Matsushita. Hearing it from a pretty girl like you sure is soothing my nerves. Especially since you have such beautiful voice."

Matsushita: "H-huh?!"

Matsushita's face turned red from my compliment.

Kiyotaka: "Did no one tell you that you have beautiful voice? It's really pleasant to hear it. Are you perhaps a singer?"

Matsushita: "T-thank you. People sometimes praise it. I am interested in music, but I don't sing. I can play a violin though."

Kiyotaka: "That's nice. I would like to hear it one day. I can play a piano, so maybe we could play a duet."

Matsushita: "Is that so? Maybe one day we could try."

??: "Good morning, Matsushita-san."

Just when I was half way to get Matsushita's phone number, another person came and greeted her.

It was pretty girl with short, beige hair and gradient crimson eyes. Her well-endowed figure was really eye catching. She had a bubble aura that could suggest friendly manner.

She looked at me and Matsushita with big smile.

Matsushita: "Oh, good morning, Kushida-san."

The girl named Kushida looked at me with interest.

Kushida: "Matsushita-san, is this your friend? Don't tell me.. a boyfriend?"

Matsushita: "N-no! It's not like that, Kushida-san. This is our class ghost that was absent yesterday."

Kiyotaka: "Nice to meet you. I am official class 1-D ghost, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

Kushida: "So the mystery of that empty seat has been solved. Nice to meet you, Ayanokouji-kun. I am Kushida Kikyo. We are gonna be classmates."

I take back my earlier suspicious about conspiracy of beautiful girls being everywhere but not in my class.

This school's girls level of beauty is really high.

Both Matsushita and Kushida were high-rank girls with different strong points.

Matsushita was elegant, pretty young lady type, while Kushida was really cute and lively.

Kiyotaka: "It seems like my absence has become one of this school mysteries. A short-lived one, but still."

Kushida: "Indeed. But I'm glad you joined us, Ayanokouji-kun. The more the merrier. I hope we will become good friends."

Matsushita: "Kushida-san told the class yesterday that her goal is to become friends with everyone. It wouldn't be fulfilled without you, Ghost-kun."

Kiyotaka: "I see. Since I am a little late with knowing everyone, a friend right now would be a big help. I shamelessly accept your offer, Kushida. If you don't mind, let's exchange phone numbers."

Kushida: "Hehe, you are funny one, Ayanokouji-kun. Thank you. I am happy that I got another friend. I don't mind giving you my phone number."

Kiyotaka: "I am also happy to get my first friend from my class. And to improve this happiness even further I will go ahead and shamelessly ask you for your phone number as well, Matsushita. Let's be friends."

Matsushita: "And you were troubled about going to the class. Sure, I don't mind, Ayanokouji-kun. Please take care of me in the future."

Kiyotaka: "Of course, I will. Getting two pretty girls phone numbers in the morning, this day couldn't start better. Thank you."

I put on my best smile.

Matsushita and Kushida became stunned. Their cheeks flushed with bright red color.

It seems like my deadly smile is quite effective. Though Masumi still wins award for the best reaction.

Kiyotaka: "Is something wrong?"

Kushida: "N-no, everything is fine, Ayanokouji-kun."

Matsushita: "T-that's right. Don't mind it, Ayanokouji-kun. Let's exchange phone numbers."

Both girls exchanged their phone numbers with me. Everything went according to my plan.

Right now my phone has five numbers of pretty girls from all four classes. What a lucky streak. I have a feeling that I am the first boy that managed to achieve such feat in such short time.

I must say that I sure have lucky encounters with women from the first school day.

Kushida: "Then excuse me, but I am going ahead to greet with my friends."

After saying it, Kushida opened the door to the classroom and went inside.

Matsushita: "Let's go as well, Ayanokouji-kun."

I nodded and we went inside the classroom.

The second I went in, I felt several pairs of eyes looking at me. But it wasn't all.

This feeling.. so there were cameras in this room as well. But unlike outside, they seems to be meticulously hidden. There must be a reason why.

I looked around the classroom for a moment, watching the cameras and people inside.

Matsushita's seat were in the centre of classroom, so she waved to me and left.

I went to my own seat. It was strategically the best possible place. I could see everything, while not many could see me.

Looks like my seatmate still wasn't around, so I had some time to observe my class more.

Both Kushida and Matsushita were talking with some girls in their own groups.

While Kushida seemed to be a centre of her group, in Matsushita's group a centre seemed to be a girl with waist-length blonde hair tied in a ponytail and purple eyes. Although blonde haired girl was cute, she looked prideful and feisty. Her actions were rather bossy.

Seeing girls that were already in the classroom, I thought that my luck was even better than I previously assumed.

Although there was no one here, who I would call ugly or even average, there was absolutely no discussion that the best looking ones were Kushida, Matsushita and the pony girl.

And I just became friends with the first two and even got their phone numbers.

I was about to monologue more about my great luck with girls, when the door to the classroom opened and another person went in.

It was well-built boy with above average height and straight shoulder-length blonde hair. He was giving aura of superiority and excellence. In his hand there was a mirror that he usually used to look at his perfect self.

What a surprise.

I stood up from my seat and went to this boy with smile.

After all, he was my friend.

Kiyotaka: "Long time no see, Rokusuke. You look as perfect as ever." I said extending my hand.

Rokusuke looked at me, a surprise flashed in his eyes. Then he put on a huge grin on his face.

Rokusuke: "Well, well, well. And here I was thinking that some lowly peasant blocked foolishly my way. It turned out to be His Excellency Demon Lord Kiyotaka himself. What a surprise, indeed."

He squeezed my hand tightly.

Koenji Rokusuke. Half Japanese, half American. A sole male heir to the Koenji Conglomerate, a giant corporation that is well know in Asia, America and even Europe. A weird narcissist, who think of himself as a perfect human. Though he really have abilities to boast about himself.

Me and him met two years ago during banquet made by his father that Christine took me with. He was attending a prestigious american middle school back then. Despite his specifical behaviour, we hit off rather well because of our high skills. He was also one of people, who taught me about interactions with girls and flirting.

I have heard that he came back to Japan, but I didn't think we would attend the same high school and even became classmates. Coincidences can be freaky.

Kiyotaka: "You didn't change one bit, Rokusuke. Still overlooking the world from the highest position, aren't you? Your narcissistic aura was so bright that I thought I would gone blind before I manage to walk up to you."

Rokusuke: "Hahaha, as always the sense of humour don't leave you, Kiyotaka Boy. But you are right, my perfect existence shines to the point that one could go blind. As expected of you to notice the full glow of my beauty." He flipped stylishly his long, flowing bangs.

Kiyotaka: "I'm sorry, I don't swing that way. Let's stay as friends. Also, please don't say things that people may misunderstand. I already got some girls numbers, so don't spoil opinion of me."

Rokusuke: "Ohoho, flaunting about your conquests already? But you are still deluding yourself, if you think you could beat my perfect existence. I already have phone numbers of over ten ladies that were attracted to my beauty. I will amuse myself with them for a while."

My pride and joy that I felt, when I was entering the classroom, crumbled. This fellow was still great in attracting women with his appearance and status. Poor souls don't know that they will go through perfect hell of this narcissist.

Kiyotaka: "I see you are doing good as always. Maybe between dates with your fanclub, you will find some time for me? I would like to talk with you."

Rokusuke: "Well, I am actually quite busy with getting to know my ladies, but I guess I could muster some time for you, Kiyotaka Boy."

Kiyotaka: "Alright. Let's exchange contact info, so we could stay in touch."

Rokusuke: "I only save numbers of girls. But I will reluctantly compromise and will let you know my phone number. You should be grateful by my generous decision, Kiyotaka Boy."

Kiyotaka: "Yeah, yeah, I am moved beyond tears. You better pick up, when I call you."

He showed me his contact info and then without more words he left me and sat on his seat.

I saved it in my phone. I could just memorize it to not break my lucky streak, but I decided to not act like this playboy.

I sat down on my seat.

While talking to Rokusuke I noticed that we got attention of everyone else, especially of girls.

Either they were interested in our conversation because we were handsome boys, either Rokusuke already made himself know for his antics and our classmates were wondering why a ghost is speaking with that weirdo. I would bet for the second option.

I sighed and started looking through the window to pass some time.

Soon the class should start. More people started to come to the classroom and fill empty seats.

Suddenly, I heard noise nearby. Looks like my neighbor finally arrived.

I turned a little and saw another beauty.

She had long black hair with one braid tied with a pink bow as well as gradient red eyes. She has a slim waist and quite big breasts that could probably fill perfectly my hands. Her face was really gorgeous, despite her stern look. She looked like a traditional japanese beauty. I bet she would look great in kimono.

I appreciated her body for a second and turned away my vision. For some reason I got a feeling that she looked familiar. But there's no way I would forget such pretty girl.

She also noticed me and were stealing a few glances at me, yet didn't greet me at all.

Suddenly a wild thought came to me. I decided to play a little trick on this girl.

I started looking at her, then at the rest of the class, then at the window. And I repeated this again and again. I did all of this without changing my expression to make myself look unimpressed by worldly affairs.

I could tell that black haired girl became bothered by my vision, but she still didn't say anything.

For the last time I looked at her for a few seconds, then I started to completely avoid looking at her and just focused on everything else.

Come on, girl. React to me.

Just when I started to lose hope, my neighbor opened her mouth.

??: "Hey. You were looking at me just now. Why?"

I pretended to not hear the girl and minded my own business.

??: "I am talking to you. Why were looking at me?"

I acted as if I was not hearing her, but decided to look at her naturally.

Our eyes meet and I acted as if I was surprised by her vision.

I broke eye contact and acted as if I was confused while sneaking a peek at her often.

??: "How rude. I was asking you a question. Why were you looking at me just now?"

I acted stunned by her question, then started to speak with trembling voice.

Kiyotaka: "Y-you.. you can see me?"

??: "Of course, I could see you looking at me. Why were you doing that? I dislike being watched, so I ask you to refrain yourself from now on."

I moved my body to resemble trembling. I made my face look as if I saw something unbelievable.

Kiyotaka: "You.. y-you really can see me? My heavens.. you really can see me. Finally.. after all those years.. someone can see me.."

??: "Huh? What are you babbling about?"

Kiyotaka: "Finally.. after thirty years.. I could be saved.. I could finally be free.."

The girl looked stunned by my reaction.

Kiyotaka: "P-please.. hear me out.. you must help me! I beg you.. please save me!"

??: "What.. are you talking about?"

The girl hesitated, not sure what exactly is going now.

Kiyotaka: "Please, hear me out.. long time ago.. I was also a student of this school.. but I died.. I was killed.. after I woke up.. I was here in this school.. I don't know why.. no one could see me.. no one could hear me.. I couldn't leave the school ground.. as if I was chained to this place.. thirty years.. I am stuck in this school for thirty years.. You are the first one.. to see me.. after all those years.. finally.. I beg you.. Please help me.."

I used a hoarse, emotional voice as if I was about to cry. I didn't rise my voice to not get any attention from others. My body was still trembling. I looked at the girl with a plea in my eyes.

The girl seemed to realize what was going on and frowned. She looked at me with an incredulous expression.

??: "What nonsense are you spouting about? Do you actually want me to believe you are ghost? Do you think I am a kid?"

As expected, the girl suspected my acting.

I decided to gamble using a scrap of information I got from Matsushita.

Kiyotaka: "P-please.. I beg you.. I am telling the truth.. you must believe me.. I was here yesterday.. just like always.. but no one saw me, even you.. Y-you.. left yesterday.. when others were introducing themselves.. without introducing yourself to the class.. "

The girl stiffened and looked at me with unbelievable expression.


It was time for the finale.

I turned around to directly face the girl. My face turned greatly pale. I slightly extended my hand towards her.

Kiyotaka: "Please.. you must believe me.. I am telling the truth.. it's so painful.. it's so lonely.. I beg you.. help me.. save me.. Please.."

My voice was getting colder and darker. I kept the eye contact with her, making myself look more and more mad and crazy.

I could see some fear in the girl's eyes. Her face paled slightly. She was looking at me intensively.

Kiyotaka: "Please, save me... otherwise.."

I moved my eyeballs greatly up so that only the whites were visible.

Then I used the darkest and the squeakiest voice to match the horror atmosphere.

Kiyotaka: "I will curse you."

??: "!!!"

Then the girl fainted and slid from the chair to the floor with huge ruckus.


Damn it, I went overboard.

To be continued..

Author's notes:

Hello. Thank you for reading this chapter.

To be honest I had other plans for Kiyotaka and Suzune's first encounter, but it somehow came to me to write this horror-like scene. It was a long chapter, but I hope you liked it.

As you can see, Kiyotaka met a few potential heroine candidates in class D, but I am still hesitant which one should I choose, apart from one. I think it will come to me while writing next chapters.

In this fanfic, Kiyotaka and Koenji will be friends. They will be a pair of weirdos though.

See you in the next chapter.

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