The Red Knight Season 2 (Rive...

By Dre0726

17.4K 592 148

After the shooting of Fred Andrews at POP's. Scott Wilson,AKA The Red Knight,will have to find out who is res... More

Chapter 14: A Kiss Before Dying (Part 1)
Chapter 14: A Kiss Before Dying (Part 2)
Chapter 14: A Kiss Before Dying (Part 3)
Chapter 15: Nighthawks (Part 1)
Chapter 15: Nighthawk (Part 2)
Chapter 15: Nighthawks (Part 3)
Chapter 16: The Watcher in the Woods (Part 1)
Chapter 16: The Watcher in the Woods (Part 2)
Chapter 16: The Watcher in the Woods (Part 3)
Chapter 17: The Town That Dreaded Sundown (Part 1)
Chapter 17: The Town That Dreaded Sundown (Part 2)
Chapter 17: The Town That Dreaded Sundown (Part 3)
Chapter 18: When a Starnger Calls (Part 1)
Chapter 18: When a Starnger Calls (Part 3)
Chapter 19: Death Proof (Part 1)
Chapter 19: Death Proof (Part 2)
Chapter 19: Death Proof (Part 3)

Chapter 18: When a Starnger Calls (Part 2)

553 30 5
By Dre0726

- - - - TAMAKI LODGE - - - -
   The next evening Scott, Angus, and Aaron are all standing in front of their "murder board". As Scott is telling them what Betty had told him, last night.

Angus: So, the Black Hood called the Cooper girl?

Scott: That's what she said, but I feel like she's not giving me the whole story. Why her of all people?

Aaron: Maybe he knows her parents are journalists and wants his story out there.

Scott: So why not blackmail her parents? Something is not right, here. There's a piece missing from this puzzle.

    Suddenly, Scott gets a ping from his phone. He pulls out and checks it and immediately groans as he remembers where he has to be that night.

Scott[cont.]: Ugh, right. I have to go.

Angus: Where are you going?

Scott: Gotta meet Veronica's old friend, from New York, I won't be long.

                  - - - - THE PEMBROKE - - - - 
    A few hours later, Scott arrives at the Pembroke. As Scott walks in the front door an unfamiliar voice is heard from his right ear. He looks over to see that the unfamiliar voice is attached to an unfamiliar face. This was The Lodges' new doorman/butler André.

André: Can I help you?

Scott: Yeah. Um, where's Smithers?

André: He's out of town. I'll be taking over front desk duties until he comes back.

   Before Scott could pry more out of André and exactly what was happening, he then looks over to see Veronica and her friend Nick St.Clair walking towards him, to greet him.

Veronica: Scott, you made it!

  Veronica leans in, to kiss Scott on the cheek. As he and Veronica share a kiss Scott's eyes look over to Nick St.Clair, who gives him a smug look. Scott was beginning to feel uneasy about this guy.

Veronica[cont.]: Scott, I'd like you to meet Nick St.Clair. Nick this is my knight in shining armor, Scott.

Scott: Nice to meet you.

Nick St.Clair: Charmed. Any friend of Ronnie, especially the lucky Chad who stole her heart is a friend of mine.

Veronica: Now, now. Play you two.

   Veronica then lead the two boys to the elevator, so they could return to her family's apartment and enjoy dinner. As Scott sat at the glass table, among the wealthy, he couldn't help but overhear the moving police sirens and alarm noises coming from outside. As much as he wanted to bolt up and run toward where he was most needed, he knew that Veronica would possibly never forgive him. After dinner, the two boys and Veronica go back to her room to continue the party,

Veronica: I'm so glad you two are getting this chance to meet. Although, your brown-nosing at dinner was over the top.

Nick: How dare you? I love your mother's flan.
Although, I still have room for more dessert.

Nick sprinkles a little bit of cocaine and his knuckles and puts it in front of Veronica, offering her some.

Veronica: No, thank you. I'm full.

Nick: Veronica Lodge turning down a bump. What a brave new world it is. How about it, Streaky?

Nick positing the cocaine in front of Scott, who doesn't say anything. Nick doesn't need any more words to see what Scotts' decision is, so he just takes the Coke and snorts it.

Nick St. Clair[cont.]: So, what is it that you country mice do for fun up here? Catch lightning bugs in Mason jars?

   Scott: Not really...                   Veronica: Basically.

    After Scott and Veronica share that awkward exchange, Nick walks over to Veronicas' nightstand and notices something that catches his eye. He picks up a pair of cat ears and begins to marvel at them.

Nick St. Clair: Ronnie, what kind of kink is this?

Veronica: I wear them when I'm playing with Josie and the Pussycats.

Nick: You're in a band... called the Pussycats? Just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any sexier.

    Scott does his best to try and pay it no mind, but deep inside he was seething with anger.

      - - - - TAMAKI LODGE - - - -
    Later that night, Scott enters his home and is greeted by Angus who is currently in the kitchen enjoying some beer.

Angus: So, how was your little dinner party?

Scott: Feel like I need to take a shower. Something just doesn't right, about that guy.

Angus: Most rich people have a slick of slime, oozing off of them.

Scott: Yeah. Maybe I'm just paranoid, I don't know.

   Although he hasn't known him that long, Angus could tell when something was on Scott's mind and something was definitely on his mind, this evening.

Angus: What's wrong, boyo?

Scott: Remember that cat burglar I told you about, this morning?

Angus: Yeah, why?

Scott: I know who she is

Angus: That's great. it makes it easier for us, to nab her.

Scott: That's not the only thing... She also knows who I am.

Angus: Wait, what?! How does she know?

Scott: We both left marks, on each other. Now she wants me to do some sorta "job" with her. She's blackmailing me. What do I do?

    Angus could tell that Scott was extremely troubled by this and was at a definite loss for what to do. In a way to comfort Scott, Angus places his arm over his shoulder to ease his fear.

Angus: What I can suggest to you, boyo, is if she wants to dance, you take the lead... not her.

    - - - - SOUTHSIDE HIGH/RED AND BLACK - - - -
The next day at school, Scott is sitting in the Red and Black, alone, as the words Angus said still ring in his head. As he sitting at the table, the office door opens and Sandra walks in.

Sandra: Toni said you wanted to talk, what's up?

Without saying a word, Scott extends his hand to a nearby chair for Sandra to sit in. She accepts the gesture and takes the empty chair and sits opposite Scott. There is massive tension between the two.

Scott: You need my help? Fine. But we're gonna set some rules, if we're gonna have this... partnership.

Sandra: I respect that. What'd you have in mind?

Scott: Rule one. None of our loved ones gets involved in this. The lives we live are too dangerous and the last thing I wanna see is my friends get hurt because of me. Do you see where I'm getting at here?

Sandra: Yeah, I think do.

Scott: Good. Rule two we don't discuss "work" in public places. That includes Schools, POPs, or any other public places.

Sandra: Why? Are you afraid people are gonna start talking? Worried this is gonna get back to that Lodge girl?

Scott then slams his fist on the table causing Sandra to jump back, a bit. She could see in Scotts' eyes that he was not playing around.

Scott: I'm trying to be nice.

Sandra: Fine. Anything else?

Scott: Yeah, one more thing. No more breaking the law.

Sandra: Are you kidding me?! Don't you break the law, every night?

Scott: I do it with good intentions. You do it, for kicks. If you want me to work with you, then we do things MY way. Understand?

Sandra: Yeah.

Scott: Good. Let's meet up tonight and let's discuss this thing you want me to help you with.

Sandra: Where are we gonna meet?

Scott: I'm sure you'll find me. Oh and wear your best suit.

After Scott walks into the hallway, not a moment later his phone begins to ring. He looks to see that Veronica is calling.

Scott[OTP]: Hello?

Veronica[OTP]: Hey, Scottykins. Nick is hosting a party, at the Five Seasons. You in?

Scott[OTP]: Sorry, Veronica. I'm gonna be busy, tonight. I'll talk to you later.

He quickly hangs up the phone as he had no time, as his mind was elsewhere. On the other end, Veronica is confused and wonders why Scott was so in a rush to get off the phone with her.

- - - - NORTHSIDE/NIGHT - - - -
   Later that night as the party is going on at the five seasons, The Red Knight is just a few buildings away watching the party, with binoculars, as he checks on his girlfriend. As he's deep into watching the party footsteps begin coming closer to him but it doesn't bother him as he knows who they belong to.

Masked Cat Burglar: Never thought of you as a stalker.

The Red Knight: You're late.

Masked Cat Burglar: Give me a break. You didn't give me a location, to find you, and besides it seems you're preoccupied, with other things. What were you looking at, exactly?

The Red Knight: Nothing. It's not important.

Masked Cat Burglar: Not important, my ass.

    She then snatched the binoculars out of his hand, causing the Red Knight to give an exasperated sigh.
As she looks through the binoculars, a devilish grin then appears on her face as she starts to put together why he's looking through the binoculars.

Masked Cat Burglar[cont.]: Oh, I see. Spying on your girlfriend and her pretentious friends?

The Red Knight: Don't worry about it. Now, what is it you want my help with?

Masked Cat Burglar: Jingle-Jangle has been plotting the streets. More kids are getting their hands on the stuff and there seems to be no trail.

The Red Knight: You check to see if the Serpents are handing them out?

Masked Cat Burglar: That's the first place, but I couldn't find anything connecting them.

The Red Knight ponders this question. This was a serious matter and if Jingle-Jangle has already spread like wildfire, on the Southside, it'll be only a matter of time before it gets to the Northside. As he begins to wonder where else could the drugs come from a thought then comes into his head, of a possible lead.

The Red Knight: What more do you know about the Ghoulies?

Masked Cat Burglar: Not much. Only rumors, here and there, and that they're rivals to the Serpents. Do you think they could be dealing?

The Red Knight: Wouldn't surprise me. If it's true what you say and it isn't the Serpents, that means it's either the Ghoulies or an outside party.

Masked Cat Burglar: Okay. Their headquarters isn't far from here. Let's go see what we can find out or do you still wanna play Stalker for a night?

The Red Knight looks over his shoulder and looks at the five seasons, as he wanted to stay and keep an eye on Veronica to make sure she's safe. But he knew something more dire needed his attention and he wasn't gonna let these drugs pollute the streets any longer.

The Red Knight: Let's go.

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