Ace of Spades βœ…

By Ferdeausee_

24.2K 5K 971

Copyright Β© 2023. All Rights Reserved. She exudes chaos, drawing it in like a moth to a flame. Everywhere sh... More

Author's Note + Aesthetics + Copyright
1; Cypher.
2; Hold the applause.
3; Things she never said.
4; Through the eyes of a child.
5; I was bored.
6; Mount Everest ain't got shit on me.
7; Little Miss Chaebol.
8; Beer, and bruised egos.
9; Ciao. Te Amo.
10; It's a siblings thing.
11; Black Diamond.
12; You Don't Know What It's Like.
13; You Follow the Rules. I make them.
14; With, or without you.
15; Baggage from the past.
16; Hate At First.
17; A sudden twist.
19; You should see me in a crown.
20; Don't talk to me.
21; Don't do that.
22; Love to hate you.
23; That's Not How this Works.
24; Tears of Gold.
25; Denial is a river in Egypt.
26; Something called love.
27; Partners for life.
28; My plea to you.
29; Wicked.
30; Broken Hearts & Shattered Souls.
31; Too good to be true.
32; Power Over Me.
33; Love, a soul that cares.
34; Fall in love alone.
35; Finale: De Una Vez.
Final Author's Note

18; Who is she really?

505 132 13
By Ferdeausee_

Four Years Ago.

Baita Cantonment, Bauchi State.

Captain Inaya Sa'id, the newly appointed Captain of Sector 16. The youngest female to rise up to the Captain position at the age of 23; recently transferred to Bauchi to handle Sector 16 of Baita Cantonment—a position that a lot had opposed to, only to fall on deaf ears.

Besides, Baita Cantonment is known for being male dominated. There were only a handful of women occupying high ranks, with about 60% of the total control belonging to the male soldiers, and they certainly take pride in it.

Having a new Captain of Sector 16—an outsider, and a woman for that isn't an issue that sits right with them. It didn't help that they have been meaning to put another man in the position, the man that goes by the name First Lieutenant Aadil Bashir Kari. He is upright, and has a promising future ahead of him.

Of course, his righteousness isn't something they want. They would rather have someone that will help them covet most of the funds supplied, so they could fill their pockets. However, Aadil's father, the then Chief Superintendent, was rumored to be next in line to be the Commissioner of Police.

He's no less any much of an upright person that his son is, only even more if possible. However, getting on his good sides will do them all good, despite him not being in the army. The man has connections, that will even take him to the position of the Inspector General if he desires, and, he does. That man holds his image in a very high regard.

He aims to be at the very top, and that includes holding up a clean slate all through. His son has the same clean image—making them the perfect example to follow. It's only right for Aadil to be promoted to the position of the Captain. You can say he's the golden boy.

But no, the higher ups just had to change everything and turn it upside down and bring in a person no one knows of, or even heard of before—a woman for that matter. Now, they only have one option—and that's to make her leave on her own.

They would make Sector 16 unbearable for her to the point that she will decide to leave on her own rather than to stay there. She thinks she can survive in a men dominated camp? They will make her regret her decision of ever taking the role.

Or so they thought.

Inaya's appearance at the camp was rather unpreceded. She was supposed to turn in the day afterwards and officially report for duty. She has no plans for starting work on that day. She would enjoy the last free day she has before she takes on the position and assume her role.

However, her sudden appearance wasn't something she planned, but doesn't regret as well. She wanted to leave a memorable first appearance to her colleagues, one that would serve as a preview of what they are to expect with her there.

She wants to believe she has pretty much done a good job, even if it wasn't what she planned. The look Aadil sported though the minute it came to light that she is his superior makes it so worth it.

Her lips slowly curled upwards into a satisfied grin, which looks borderline smirk. She could tell he was finding it hard to accept, because his gaze was pinned on the soldier that was still in the salute stance, not moving an inch as he was yet to be dismissed by her.

Sergeant Mahmoud recovered from the shock as well, and was quick to assume the same position though his mind was still clouded with surprise. She is really their new Captain? Well, this is news.

He could swear she looks nothing like a Captain, heck, she barely looks like a soldier in the slightest. She wasn't even dressed, or acting like one. Though, now that he thinks about it, her earlier actions did show that she wasn't scared of either of them in the slightest, unlike how normal civilians are.

Who in their right mind would piss off a soldier? A Nigerian soldier for that matter? The mere thought of something as simple as being made to frog jump knocks sense into them all.

But this woman didn't even bat an eyelid in the presence of both him, and First Lieutenant Aadil Kari, a man that has the reputation of making anyone feel intimidated—and that includes a few of his superiors as well. He didn't even have to put any effort into doing so. He has the looks, the reputation, the poise, and the background that gives him the strong image.

And yet, this woman that's a few inches shorter than him looked him in the eyes, and wordlessly mocked his actions and even dared to talk back at him. Certainly, she did so knowing she has the upper hand.

Irrespective of everything, the military isn't a playground. Ranks are respected by all, which leaves Aadil with absolutely no choice as long as he is there than to respect her as well.

Pushing the chair she was on back, she got on her feet and gave a curt nod to the soldier who instantly dropped his hand by the side, assuming the stiff stance with his hands behind his back. Her attention was barely on him—or on the Sergeant that dared to shift his gaze between her and Aadil—the brewing, electrifying animosity hard to miss.

Rather, she shifted her sly gaze to the man whose expression gave nothing away. His gaze wasn't on her, but still fixed on the soldier beside her. Unlike the others, he made no move follow their lead.

That's alright though to Inaya. There's plenty of time for that.

"Let's leave the formalities for tomorrow..." She said instead. "...I'd assume we're done here. But, before that..." She took a few steps towards him. "...Let me make this clear."

She could swear a look crossed his features then, but it didn't hold her back.

"--The next time you think of bring up the rules to me, remember. You follow the rules," She closed the distance between them, her tone dropping. "I make them."

Not waiting for a response for any of them, she turned around and instantly, both the soldier that came in and Sergeant Mahmoud were quick to pave the way for her to pass. She did so, not spare them a splitting second glance as she trudged out calmly like she owns the place. In a way, she does. That will be her turf come the day afterwards—and what she says will be law.

It wasn't until the door closed behind her that Aadil's expression cracked, and a bitter chuckle escaped his parted lips without even realizing it. His gaze slanted from the soldier to the door she disappeared behind, and yet again, he let out another scoff.

"You've got to be kidding me." He muttered under his breath, his tone laced with disbelief.

That did not just happen, did it? No. This has to be some sick joke.

A sick, fucking joke because ain't no way that just happened.


"I've looked into her as you requested, and I got a hold of her official documents from when she joined the army down to how she managed to secure a job at your division."

Aadil nodded slowly, though he knew the person on the other end of the call couldn't see him. Flexing his fingers slightly, his left hand which he used to steer the car's wheel tightened around it, as he drove his way back home.

His other hand reached out, his thumb swiping across his lower lip as his brows drew in—slightly squinted eyes now focused on the road. "Send it to my email." He declared, his tone monotonous. "I'll look into it when I get home."

The man on the other end, one of his fellow camaraderie in the higher position whom he asked for a little favor that involved getting information on the woman that showed up in his division sighed.

If it was someone else, he wouldn't have bothered to look into them. He never had a reason to look into such kind of people before, not wanting to get his hands dirty.

This time around, he couldn't help it. This woman...there's something about her that he couldn't point a finger at. It has been bothering him the entire day.

"Already did." Declared the man. "However, Aadil, do you mind if I ask you something?" Came his voice on the other end, sounding hesitant. How could he not? He knows Aadil well enough to predict a little bit of what his reaction to his question would be.

Aadil simply hummed, which served as an answer. He doesn't care, especially since the man just did him a favor. He could answer a question or two.

"This woman..." The man started, seemingly looking for the right words to use. "...this new Captain of yours. Why are you looking into her background?" He carefully picked out his words before voicing it.

Unconsciously, Aadil's fingers tightened around the steering wheel, before he let out a small, barely visible breath. His shoulders stiffened, his lips slanting into a deep frown. It took him a few seconds, just as the man on the other end thought he wouldn't get an answer, when it actually came.

"Something about her doesn't sit right with me." He stated simply, because there's a mirage of emotions he was having at the moment which can't be explained no matter how hard he thinks. This is all he can get out at the moment.

An instant hum came from the other end of the call. "'s not because she got the position you were expected to get?" It's not a secret that Aadil is supposed to be promoted to that position. It's long been expected. Only for this woman to appear out nowhere lane, crash the expectation street sign and stomp on it.

Turning the wheel to the side, Aadil took a turn down the lane that would take him to where he lives—his mind partially on the question hanging in the air. "No, it's not." He stated earnestly. "I'm not that narrow-minded." If she truly got the position because she deserves it, then he has a problem with it.

The issue he has is, it seems she won't make life for him, or his subordinates easy. She seems like the type who lives for trouble, and that isn't something he is willing to compromise with in the slightest. She could act like that all she wants when she is out of camp, but when she is there, and in Sector 16, he'd rather not have her flip the place upside down.

Not to mention, something is off about her. She tries to act nonchalant and carelessly. However, something tells him it isn't like that. He couldn't explain it in words, it's just a feeling he has. He couldn't get it out of his head, which is why he decided to just look into it all and get over the worries once and for all.

"—I just want to see whether my hunch on her is right or not." He added.

The man on the other end sighed, and his voice came almost instantly. "Well, I don't know where your suspicions of her sprout from, but let me just inform you beforehand, in case you get disappointed, that she's pretty legit. Your worries are for nothing. If anything, I think you might just get along well enough."

Aadil's brows crushed together. "What do you mean?"

"She's an orphan." Stated the man, taking the initiative to give an overview of the background check he ran on her. "I've checked the systems; she doesn't have any relative. There isn't a reason, but I guess they must've died in some sort of gruesome way hence why it wasn't mentioned there."

"And her work?"

"She joined the NDA at a pretty young age, the earliest age permitted, and has been doing pretty well since then. She rose to this position based on her own merit, she got it through her blood, sweat, and tears if that's what you're invested in knowing." He doesn't know her personally, but after looking into her backstory, he was already on her side. "She's pretty much lived a righteous life. Believe it or not."

At the mention of the word 'righteous', Aadil's brow quirked up slightly. If he remembers well, she herself made it clear that she is anything but. And yet, here is this man that doesn't know her personally other the things he saw on paper, already holding her in such high regard.

"You sound smitten." Though his tone held no amusement whatsoever, it was clear Aadil was making a subtle joke.

His friend scoffed on the other end. "Can you blame me? You saw her, didn't you? She is really beautiful, tabarakallah masha Allah. Even a blind man will be moved, much more me, who has two perfectly working eyes."

"I hear you." Aadil mumbled, not sounding interested in the slightest. Sporting his house in sight, his shoulder slumped slightly.

"Oh, and I've found something on her and that Rasheed guy. I think I know the reason she did that to him. You should look into it as well; it's quite...justified if you ask me." The mention of that had the tiniest bit of amusement in Aadil disappearing. "I've attached it to the email as well. Look at it and you'll realize what I mean."

No response came from Aadil, though he was more than aware of the response he'd gotten.

The man paused, suddenly sounding serious. "She seems like a good person, Aadil, really." He added, the intensity in his tone hard to miss. "Don't be quick to judge her."

Aadil didn't reply, as he pulled into his house and wordlessly ended the call, not before muttering a hesitant 'maybe' under his breath. Perhaps, it's like his friend said, maybe she isn't that bad. Maybe?

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