The Experimental Jolteon (Jol...

By FatCatsareCool

2.1K 58 81

First of all I apologize for any grammatical errors. This is my first story so it might be horrible, I'm warn... More

Few Extra Announcements
Prologue:The Escape
Chapter 1 The Finding
Chapter 3: Introductions
Chapter 4: Metamorphosis
Chapter 5: The Battle
Chapter 6: Infection
Special Chapter 1: Volt
Chapter 7: Forest
Ask 1
Prologue Rewrite
Chapter 1+2 Rewrite
What to Do (Not a Story Chapter)

Chapter Two: Waking Up

214 8 17
By FatCatsareCool

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Coral POV

I nearly passed out on the beach when I realized who this jolteon is. "Plasma, is that you?", I whispered softly. Looking at him, I can see the resemblance now. His back had a large bruise on it and  his right wing and his back legs were in very unnatural positions. "How am I going to get you back home?", I thought. I ended up cutting down some palm trees with iron tail and freezing the branches together with aurora beam. After that, I took ahold of it with my tail and started dragging him back home.

It took me about an hour instead of the usual thirty minutes to get home. No one was home except for Corona, who was sleeping on the couch. I dragged him into the guest room and laid him on the bed. Then I went to the kitchen and got some bandages for his wounds. After I popped his legs back into place and bandaged everything that looked hurt up I set some water and some sitrus berries on the table next to the bed . I really want to be a doctor when I grow up, I've been training ever since Plasma died, wait I can't say died anymore, so disappeared.

I laid down on the other side of the room as I waited for both Plasma to wake up and the others to get back. When I heard everyone come into the house, I walked out of the guest room. Echo(espeon) saw me first. "Coral, what were you doing in the guest room?," she asked. "Well, I found something", I said, " I would like for all of you to come in the guest room". "The guest room?,"asked Nightshade (umbreon) .I nodded. Everyone walked through the door, me first, Cycle (glaceon) last. 

I walked a few feet from, Plasma's unconscious body, letting everyone see him. "What in the world is that!?!", everyone but me yelled in unison. "Well it's a jolteon, I guess", I said, "his name is Plasma". "Wait what do you mean Plasma!,", Corona exclaimed, " Plasma died three years ago!!". "Apparently not, if you want more conformation, look at what's on his neck", I sighed. Corona walked up to Plasma and found a tattoo placed halfway underneath his mane and read it. " Plasma, experiment I-D F86 property of Team Sylver: please call 123-456-7890 if found or else..."

"Where in the world has he been all this time?", Corona wondered. "Not to barge into your private conversation or anything, but what is your private conversation about?", Nightshade inquired. "Well, I guess we have to tell them, Corona", I sighed. He nodded. "This is our brother, Plasma", I said. "He", I started to say before I was interrupted by Banana. "But you said your older brother has been dead for three years!! How is he here ,  alive and, um, semi-well i guess", she yelled very loudly.

"That is the question of the day, I have no idea", I told her. "You're  telling me that my best friend who I thought was dead has been alive all of this time!! This guy has some explaining to do !!", Cycle nearly screamed. I nodded ,"He's been unconscious this whole time so he hasn't been able to tell anyone, not even me. I'm not sure he'll have any idea who I am in the first place, because I was still an eevee be" I started to say before I noticed something. "Guys, I think he's waking up", I said nervously.

Plasma POV

After some time in a tormented sleep I woke up. The first thing I saw was a unfamiliar shiny vaporeon sitting next to the bed I was on. Then I saw it. A sylveon. Eighty-five percent of sylveon are associated with Team Sylver, or at least that's what Sylver( sylveon from the prologue)told me. "No, please stay away from me! Don't make me go back! I can't go back!", I screamed at the top of my lungs as I used iron tail on the window behind me and dashed outside. I heard the vaporeon yell "please come back!"but I ignored her. I tried to take off at the first opportunity but my wings both twisted in a unnatural way and I fell to the ground. I heard footsteps behind me so I ran away as fast as I possibly could. I disappeared in a light green blur. But not for long as my legs gave out. I fell onto the ground and was quaking in fear as I heard footsteps approach. I saw that vaporeon again as well as a flareon. I recognized that flareon, he was my brother. I didn't have much time before I blacked out again. So all I could say was "". The last thing I saw was a feeler before everything went back.

Corona POV

"Coral, I think we have to take him back", I said. "But he recognized me, how does anyone else not realize how crazy that is, I evolved, like the vaporeon in that webcomic didn't recognize the jolteon after he evolved!", Coral exclaimed. "Well, I know psychic",Moon sighed. "I give you permission to take my brother home with psychic", I said. We walked for over ten minutes, seriously how fast is he now? Good thing his legs gave out ,or we would never had caught him and I would have lost my brother again.

We walked back into the house and everyone else sighed with relief when they saw we were okay. "Everyone, Coral and I are sleeping in the guest room tonight", I said. Me and Coral went and grabbed sleeping bags from the closet as Moon placed Plasma comfortably on his bed. "Flare, can you setup the sleeping bags while I go get the bandages for Plasma?",asked Coral. Ignore E.S., okay?  "First of all, why did you call me that, and second of all, yes", I said.

"You know that we all love that comic book around here, alright, see ya in a few minutes", Coral said. I walked over to the guest room, set up each sleeping bag on the opposite side of the room, and waited for Coral to come in. Coral came in a few minutes later with two things: her first-aid kit and her book, it was titled Anshul's notebook. She then put berries on Plasma's  wounds, I forget which ones, then she bandaged them up again.

The second she was finished, we heard Echo call, "dinner's ready!",from the kitchen. The first thing and only thing anyone said at the table was me saying , "no one other than Coral and I are allowed in the guest room , because he recognized us and we don't want him to run away again", I told them. After we all ate we all went our separate ways for the night. Coral and I decided to take shifts so on of us was awake at all times. Surprising,  Plasma began to stir during the first shift, which was mine . I swiftly got up to wake up Coral, before Plasma fully awakened.

Plasma POV

I slowly woke up in the same bed as before, but only the flareon and vaporeon were watching me. Then I remembered something. "Corona, Coral is that you two?" The flareon said yes, and immediately hugged me. Coral, however, was a completely different story. "Plasma, you have some explaining to do. We all  thought you were dead for three years, you know. Also what in the world happened to you?", Coral said. I instantaneously began involuntarily shuddering. "Coral, I think it's a little bit too fresh in his mind for him to talk about", Corona told her. "No, I will tell you, you deserve to know", I said. "Alright then, if you really want to, Plasma", he said. "Well, you remember those fairy types that attacked us three years ago? They are called Team Sylver, and they are also the ones who captured me. The leader of Team Sylver, Sylver the sylveon, creative, I know, forced me to battle very powerful Pokémon constantly. At first I lost, but they used heal pulse on me to force me to continue fighting", I told them that very, very, slowly.

"If you could beat them all, then why didn't you do that and come home?", Corona asked me.      " That's were the armband came in. First it didn't allow me to attack any fairy types, second it was resistant to all of my attacks. After about a year in that prison, the experiment began. They told me just before they thrust me in to the chamber, that I was the eighty-sixth mon to undergo this experiment, none have survived, so good luck. Their experiment was to create a sort of super soldier by merging typing, they started with dragon, because it is weak against them" I said sadly.

"As you can probably tell the experiment was successful and I spent the next two years slowly breaking the armband as they sent stronger and stronger Pokémon to attack me. But that's when it happened. They developed brain washing technology. Luckily by then my armband was one good thunder away from breaking. On my last night before they wiped my mind, I escaped, well almost. They always had my wings clipped unless I was in my cage, so I didn't know how to fly and since we were on a island, it had only one way out, the water. Why I was unconscious for so long was because Sylver hit me with a moonblast on the way out, so I am extremely lucky to still be alive. You guys know the rest of the story because that's the last thing I can remember. The reason I ran is because I saw that sylveon. I ran both because of P.T.S.D. and because eighty-five percent of sylveon are associated with Team Sylver" I said.

"I see you definitely went through a lot", said Coral, her eyes brimming with tears. No one heard the knocking at the door as I told my story. Only when the door slowly creaked open did we realize that anyone else was here. I instantly started shuddering the second I heard it. "someone else is here", I mumbled, barely audible even to Coral, who was sitting right next to me. The second I saw a pink feeler poking through the door, I hid under the bed, because I didn't have the energy to run away again.

* Coral POV

"Moon, I thought I told you not to come in here. You scared Plasma half to death!", I exclaimed. " He gets extremely scared whenever he sees a sylveon!" " Oh...", she said and walked out of the room. " Is it gone now?", Plasma asked from under the bed. "Yes, you can come out now. That sylveon is called Moon. She isn't associated with your captors; she has heard of them though. She was actually scared for you when you freaked out yesterday", I told him. He nodded, obviously still extremely skeptical. " You know, Plasma, we have to introduce you to the others today, don't we?", Corona said. "I guess we do have to, Plasma, how long do you need to recuperate?", I asked. "You have till the evening, since we definitely have to do it today. the others are really uncomfortable having a complete stranger in the house". " I guess we can do it over dinner, but will Moon be there?", Plasma asked. "Yes she will, you will have to get over your fear of her, though there are other Pokémon that you might be interested in", I told him . He nodded and laid down to go to sleep. Corona and I went to the kitchen where Echo and Nightshade were preparing breakfast.

"Good morning!", I said. "Has your brother woken up yet?", asked both Echo and Nightshade in unison. " Yes, we talked with him almost the entire night. He's asleep now, but he will introduce himself to the others tonight over dinner. He is really scared of Moon because of somemon who was involved with his captors", I said. "Could we have an extra serving of breakfast for Plasma when he wakes up?", Corona asked her. "For Corona, yes, and for Coral, ok", Nightshade said. " We're just having a berry pie, because we thought plasma might need something that will go down easily", Echo told us. At that moment Banana, Cycle, and Moon came into the room.

That was a very long chapter, at least for me. 2100 words wow! Has anyone else figured out the reference from the prologue? I'll give you a hint, it is from a forgotten land. Anyway, thanks for reading this, I already have seven votes and 42 reads!


Species: shiny glaceon



Ability: Ice Body 🧊 

Moves: hail, ice beam ice shard, shadow ball


Species: Espeon



Ability: Magic bounce 🪄 

Moves: Psychic, dazzling gleam, morning sun, shadow ball  


Species:  shiny umbreon



Ability: synchronize 🌑

Moves: dark pulse, light screen , reflect, moonlight

Siblings with Echo 

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