Purely Submissive

By SchemingxStoat

183K 5.8K 953

Shiloh spent his entire life focused on making his parents proud. He never took the time to discover himself... More

Author's Note
1 - Harrowing
2 - Disinter
3 - Trouvaille
4 - Confounding
5 - Serendipity
6 - Kicky
7 - Incipience
8 - Cosset
9 - Introspection
10 - Envisage
11 - Actify
12 - Exordium
13 - Assuage
14 - Rollick
15 - Unleash
16 - Descry
18 - Oboedire
19 - Elevate
20 - Caprice
21 - Congenial

17 - Acquiescent

6.2K 214 44
By SchemingxStoat

Shiloh woke slowly the next morning with a vague memory of being hand-fed fruit and water at some point with encouraging words before being tucked back between two bodies, but something was missing now. Warmth was only coming from one side causing them to cuddle in more.

"Come on, baby doll. It's time to wake up." The gravelly tone of Malin's morning voice sent chills down Shiloh's back. Shiloh ignored the request and curled tighter against the man. "None of that, breakfast is nearly done and I know how excited you've been for today."

With a soft whine, Shiloh pressed their face into the sheets, "Please, Kýrios"

The words came out muffled, but Malin could tell one of the words wasn't English. He laid back down and pulled Shiloh up onto his chef, "What was that?

Shiloh ran with the change and nuzzled into Malin's neck, "Hmm?"

"What did you say? Sounded like curious." Malin ran his hands over Shiloh's back.

"I... Oh... I didn't mean... Uhm" Shiloh mumbled the words but leaned back to look at Malin. "Kýrios" Malin bounced the word around in his head. It was similar to curious, but instead with an emphasis on key and ose. "It's Greek for master..."

Malin didn't show how excited he was by the given name, but he was sure Shiloh could feel from where they lay pressed against his body. "I didn't know you could speak Greek."

"I'm not completely fluent, but my first assignment lasted nearly three years and a majority of it was spent in Greece. I fell in love with the area and was determined to learn as much about the language and culture as possible. I haven't spoken it much since returning. You don't mind the name?"

"I love it, precious." Shiloh's face lit up at the name, giving Malin a large smile.

"Do you have a special name for Rhett?"

"Of course! I was thinking Kýrie, it means sir."

"How long have you been thinking about this?" Shiloh blushed hard at the question and diverted their eyes.

"Uhm, since I started researching BDSM after that first trip to the club?"

"That long?"

"Mmhhmm, I was curious... and then interested... and then you two..." Shiloh went to hide their face again, but before they could Malin was flipping them so Shiloh was pinned under him.

"I wish I could put into words how happy that makes me, but Rhett has always been the one who's better with words." Malin placed a chaste kiss on Shiloh's lips. "I just hope today doesn't chase you away." He slipped away before Shiloh could react. "Out of bed, doll."

Shiloh took advantage to stretch, hands above their head and toes pointed as they twisted this way and that. When they were satisfied with the pops and cracks, they finally crawled from the bed and threw on Rhett's shirt.

"Come on, Kýrios!" Shiloh pulled Malin from the room as if the man hadn't just spent fifteen minutes coaxing them from bed.

Shiloh was so excited to be able to call them the names they had been thinking about for so long. They were concerned the two men would be upset by the different language. They remembered vividly the first time their father heard them speaking Greek. They had just returned back with the client and Father had arrived to pick them both up from the airport. The two were conversing easily in the new language the entire ride. When the client had been dropped off and they are returned to the office, Shiloh was put through grueling training and sparring matches. It was over 48 hours before they were finally allowed to sleep and their body was bruised and aching. They didn't speak the language in front of Father again.

Shiloh was brought out of their thoughts by hands gripping their hips, "Easy baby. No need to rush."

They looked up at a grinning Rhett, "Hi, Kýrie"

"Hmm, what's that?" Rhett leaned down and kissed Shiloh lightly on the lips.

"Sir in Greek. Malin's Kýrios."

"You speak Greek, huh?"

"Mmhhmm, only for a couple of years though and I haven't been speaking it lately, so I'm probably pretty rusty now." 

"Well, you can talk to me in Greek whenever you want. I might not be able to understand, but I'd love to just listen. I'm sure MJ feels the same."

Shiloh grinned, cheeks a pale red. The moment was broken by the rumbling of Shiloh's stomach causing their blush to darken. "Well, it's a good thing breakfast is done. Come on, cutie."

Shiloh happily followed Rhett to the table and was stunned by the various foods laid out. Before they could slide into one of the chairs, Rhett scooped them up and onto his lap. Before Shiloh could get a word out, Rhett was shushing them. "Hush, Baby. Let me feed you."

Not wanting to be a burden Shiloh contemplated arguing, but with one of his hands rubbing small circles on their stomach and the other alternating between feeding himself and Shiloh, they couldn't help but relax happily and accept the care. Too focused on watching Rhett cut up some fruit, Shiloh didn't see Malin's look of hope and excitement as he watched the two.

The trio ate in near silence, the only sound being Shiloh's happy hums.

"Do you remember what we told you about today?"

"Mmhmm. You're going to behave as you normally would with a submissive, I'll be punished and rewarded depending on how I respond to commands, and if at any time I'm overwhelmed I need to communicate it or use my safe word." As nervous as they were, they were also excited and curious.

"Good, Baby Doll. Just remember, we don't want to make you uncomfortable. Just like how you might come to need to submit, we need this. If you don't like it, that's completely okay. Now, go with Rhett, he'll pick out your clothes." Shiloh nodded and pecked Malin on the cheek before practically bouncing to the bedroom.

Before Rhett could follow, Malin stopped him. "Do you really think they can handle it?"

"I think they're going to surprise you." With a quick hug, Rhett was gone and leaving Malin to clean up breakfast.

Rhett walked into the bedroom to see Shiloh sitting on the bed waiting patiently, "Good baby. Go take a shower, no longer than 10 minutes. I'll have your clothes ready for you."

Shiloh nodded and hopped off the bed only to be stopped in their tracks by Rhett's voice, "Words, baby. We'll always expect a verbal response."

"Yes, Kýrie. I'll be right back." Shiloh was off to the bathroom while Rhett shuffled through the different pieces of clothes before finally settling on an outfit. He relaxed back on the bed as he waited. Shiloh emerged from the bathroom surrounded by steam and wrapped tightly in a towel,

"Come here." Shiloh approached obediently and was baffled when Rhett gripped the towel and gently dried them off, rubbing the soft fabric all over. Shiloh blushed brightly as Rhett gently dried between their legs. Next, their hair was dyed until it was only lightly damp.

"Thank you, Kýrie" Shiloh smiled shyly.

"You're so very welcome, baby." Rhett caressed Shiloh's face lightly, fingers just brushing over their cheekbone. He handed Shiloh a small stack of folded clothes, "Here's your clothes. When you're done getting ready, meet us in the living room."

"Yes, sir." They took the stack and moved out of the way for Rhett to leave. Shiloh spread the outfit on the bed to see the soft grey cloth shorts and matching cropped hoodie, the only thing missing was a pair of underwear. Thinking it was just overlooked, they grabbed a plain pair of boxer briefs and slipped them off before putting on the rest of the outfit. They shook out their hair, brushed their teeth, and headed for the living room.

Shiloh stood in the doorway, twisting nervously, "Hi!"

"Hi, Precious. Come here." Shiloh shuffled over, feet sliding through the soft carpet until they were standing between Malin's spread legs. Malin slid his hands from the sides of Shiloh's knees and up their thighs, sliding under the shorts and heading for their hips. However, he paused when they came in contact with the tight pair of clothing underneath. "What is this, doll?"

"U-underwear..." Shiloh's gaze dropped, unsure of what was going on.

"Were these in your pile?"

"No... I just thought they were overlooked. I'll take them off, Kýrios. I'm sorry."

"When we give you something or tell you something, it's for a certain reason. If we had already gone over the rules, you'd be getting 5 spanks right now. But for now, I want to see you take it off."

"Slowly." Shiloh jumped at Rhett's voice coming from behind them. They looked back to see the tall man sprawled across the loveseat.

Shiloh stepped back into the center of the room and let the shorts fall from their hips. Shiloh slips their thumbs into the waistband of the briefs and slowly slides them down their thighs until they are bent in half and the briefs are finally on the ground. They wiggle their butt teasingly at Rhett and peak up at Malin. They finally step back into the shorts and just as slowly pulled them back up.

"You're such a tease, Rhett." Shiloh giggled at Malin's grumble. The man's darkened eyes look all of them in with a heated look. "Alright, Doll, where do you want to sit? In the chair or would you rather kneel?"

"May I kneel?"

"Of course. Who would you like to sit with?"

"Could you, maybe, sit together?"

Rhett grinned and crossed the living room, giving Shiloh's butt a light slap as he passed causing them to pout, before collapsing next to Malin dramatically. "Anything for my baby."

Shiloh blushed at the claim as they made their way to the spot between the two men's legs and easily sunk to their knees.

Malin's hand easily found its way into Shiloh's still-damp hair while Rhett took a loose grip on their neck. The touches gave Shiloh a sense of relief even though they didn't understand, but they didn't question it and instead melted into their hands.

"When it comes to the rules, the biggest thing to remember is to ask. We both thrive on control, we want you to ask for even the smallest things. Ninety-nine percent of the time we're likely already be told to do the small things from getting dressed to having a meal to when to go to bed. But if you make a friend and they want your number, we want you to ask. If Rhett picks out your clothes and you want something different, ask. Same goes for food. We both understand that this is a lot, there's been subs who thought they could handle it and found they couldn't. If you have any reservations about this type of dynamic please tell us. Don't try to force yourself to like it."

"I like structure... I've always had structure, knowing what to do and when to do it. Anytime I was between assignments I never really knew what to do, I was always lacking in something whether it is staying in bed too long, missing meals, or just not leaving the house. There were too many options and choices, things to do, and decisions to make, and I couldn't make sense of any of it. I don't know how to... It might be a little bit of a transition because I've gotten so used to how you've behaved beforehand. I'm sorry you had to act differently because of me...."

"We didn't want to make you uncomfortable. You weren't our submissive and although all our instincts were telling us to claim you, with everything going on it just wasn't the right time. But your ours for as long as you want to be."

"I'll still get to go places right? And see people? And work?"

"Of course. We don't want to isolate you. However, you will not be going back to work for your father. We'd prefer if you didn't continue security work, but if it's something you enjoy we won't stop you."

"I don't want to you. I'd like to focus on my drawing if that's okay. I can find a simpler full-time job to help with expenses and such. I've never done anything besides security before, so it might take me a while to find something."

"Precious, one part of being our submissive is we take care of you, and that includes money. We have more than enough to do or give you anything you could ever dream of. Money is not something we need help with. All we ask is that you do something you enjoy. If it earns you money, it goes into your account. We don't touch it."

"We want to know the people you're talking to or wanting to see because we don't trust the people in this world. We don't want you getting hurt because someone is trying to hurt us. You've already done enough of that." Shiloh could feel Rhett's grip tighten briefly at the reminder.

"And I don't regret it." Shiloh pressed back into the two hands, trying to convey their feelings. "I'm going to mess up. As much as I'm used to following commands, I'm also used to fending for myself. Some things I'll find easier to listen to like sleeping and things to do with people, but when it comes to clothes and eating... What kind of punishments will there be?"

"It'll be things like corner time, spankings, lines, orgasm denial. Depending on what you're being punished for we might restrict who you can talk to, when, and how much. Are there any punishments that are a hard limit?"

It was silent for a moment as Shiloh thought it over, "Please don't ignore me or stop touching me, lock me in a room, kneel in salt, and forced workouts. I'd like to have workouts built into my schedule, but I'd prefer if there weren't additional time due to something I do wrong. Uhm... please don't take away sleep or destroy any of my items... I think there's more, Father got creative with his punishments..." The last sentence was an unconscious sentence as Shiloh shuffled through the various punishments they had received over the years.

"Rice... sleep... I don't..." Rhett was at a loss for words as he stared at Rhett

Malin was in front of Shiloh before they could even blink, "Shiloh. I need you to listen to what we are going to tell you very very carefully. Whether we stay your dominants or not, no one, and I mean no one, has the right to cause you physical or mental harm. No one. Not even your father. Do you understand?" Shiloh's eyes watered as they processed what exactly Malin was telling them.

"It wasn't okay..."

"Not at all, baby doll." The first tear fell at Malin's answer and Shiloh began to process their childhood. Malin wrapped his arms tightly around Shiloh, holding them tightly.

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