By AndrewPeterkin

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Jared now in a post-apocalyptic Toronto realizes that the only way to fit into a society he has wanted to avo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (Part 1)
Chapter 10 (Part 2)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 5

213 15 16
By AndrewPeterkin

Bodies everywhere. So many of the students were already knocked out. Some of them were bleeding so much that I thought they may have been dead. Some of the students had already seemingly broken through. Well over one hundred students were taken out in the first few minutes. All four of us hurled ourselves behind a large tree stump that was bulky enough to hide a small bus.

"Whatever or whomever did this already left," Shaki said calmly.

"How do you know? I asked, my voice shaking.

"It's one of my powers. I can sense things," Shaki retorted.

"One of your powers, Shaki?!" Maverick said in disbelief.

"Yes! One. Let us not worry about that right now," Shaki said calmly.

"Yeah, let's not," Carlos replied.

"Well at least we can sense the beatdown coming our way," Maverick replied nervously.

"So much confidence," I replied as I rolled my eyes.

"It's ok. We will figure this out. How are you feeling, Jared?" Carlos asked.

"Honestly. I am not sure what to do. I have never seen this kind of carnage before. I mean, with humans yes, but never with Pariah. This is a nightmare," I responded as my eyes began to glisten.

"They will be ok, Jared. The Pariah Sanadores Magicos are on standby and they can heal from significant distances" Carlos said, measuredly.

"Oh great? So, we can get healed after we are near death. How the hell does that help me?" Maverick screamed.

"I thought you were the one who was always telling everyone to chill, Maverick?" I said.

"With the way things are going right now, I don't think we have much of a chance. Guess it's just time to get pummelled," Maverick said as he folded his arms and frowned.

"Wait, Maverick!" Shaki whispered loudly, "Listen to me now before you get blasted by me. Most of the students are beginning to stir already. They are getting healed. Once they get up, we can assess the situation. Let us see who is attacking them first and figure out a strategy from there".

"Sounds like a plan, Shaki," I responded quietly.

"Fine with me. Any idea where someone else is taking my licks and not me, I am all for," Maverick said with a smirk.

I crawled to the left so that I could get a better look at the situation. One of the students was able to stand and shake off the tragic beatdown he had received. He looked around and began to run straight forward into the forest. Nothing happened to him. It seemed in the moment we were in the clear. I noticed other students one by one begin to stand and run straight forward as well.

Then we all heard it. A loud scream and then nothing. The last student near the rear was thrown high up into the air and landed on a tree stump nearby. I felt something land on my face and I quickly wiped it off...blood. I turned to the other three who looked surprised except for Maverick. He was clearly horrified.

"Did you guys see what I saw?" Shaki asked as she gained her composure.

"I saw a man get thrown into the air to his possible death. What you mean if I saw anything?" Maverick yelled.

"No, not that you nitwit," Shaki replied in frustration.

I looked at Carlos and he looked at me. We both nodded our heads and turned back to Shaki.

"Good! So, we all saw what we saw," she whispered. She looked past the tree stump and turned back to us.

"What the hell am I missing here?" Maverick screamed.

"Relax, Maverick. We are trying to figure out what to do next," Carlos said.

"Maverick, I think you should stay here for this one. We will figure out what to do next. Our enemy has only seen you use your powers. He does not know what I am capable of and he can keep his distance from Carlos and Jared," Shaki said calmly.

"Right!" Both Carlos and I whispered.

"Also, you are kind of loud," Shaki said as she glared at Maverick.

"I don't need y'all anyways," Maverick replied as he looked on, folding his arms again.

"I have an idea," I said as all three turned to me. "Carlos and I can run forward in two different directions. Since you are able to sense us, Shaki, you can find us after everything is done."

"Sounds like a plan," Carlos said as he gave me the thumbs up.

Shaki folded her arms and looked to be deep in thought. "Yeah, only one problem. I sense Pariah. You Jared are not a Pariah. I am not able to sense where you are. You will just have to come and find us somehow. Although, I do not like the idea as it will leave you alone for some time. If this were an actual battle, I would say no. Seeing as we are able to be healed, I will have to be ok with it this time," Shaki replied.

"Didn't think of that," I said dejectedly.

"When do you ever think? Beep Beep!" 4536 piped in from my knapsack.

"Not many options guys. We just need to go through with it and hope for the best. Alright, let us get to it," Carlos jumped in as he put his hand out.

We all placed our hands on his except for Maverick who looked quite perturbed by the situation. It was understandable. It was the first fight. It was obvious he would also want to use his powers in battle. However, what Shaki had said made sense. The one who we were currently in confrontation with might know the limits of Maverick's power so far. I knew most of the officials did, and so there was not much he could do. A few people knew what I was capable of and incapable of. All people knew about Carlos was that he was highly intelligent when it came to technology, but that would not be helpful in the slightest.

"I can be of assistance, non-pariah creature."

"Not now, 4536," I spat.

"You should ask him what he wants. Maybe he can help," Carlos chimed in.

"I do not need help from a half-wit, broken down computer like this one," I argued.

"Have it your way. I will not tell you what to do," Carlos said with a shrug.

I looked at my knapsack straps and against my better judgement, took them off and pulled out my machine, laying it on top of my knapsack as Carlos and Shaki stood over me. Maverick was still leaning on the tree stump making extraordinarily little movement.

"Ok 4536, how can you help me?" I asked calmly.

"First apologize for being a brat. With exactly those words."

"How about I stuff your narrow behind down a..."

"Jared!" Shaki asserted strongly. "Enough!"

"Stupid machine," I mumbled.


"I apologize 4536 for being a brat," I said less than enthusiastically.

"Thank you. Although I would have given you the information regardless as it is my duty. I thank you for your kind words Non-Pariah."

I almost threw the machine across the field. If it were not for Shaki's quick reflexes, I am sure the machine would have broken into a million pieces.

"Listen. I am capable of many things. As you will not need me for sensory at this time because of Shaki, I can be of use in other ways. I can be turned into a tool that can see things from long distances. The old word for it was binoculars, but as of now, it is of a different name. Although my form is completely different from all other machines, I am capable of many of the same functions, even though I am not part of this system."

"Couldn't get any more clear than that," Maverick exclaimed as he rolled his eyes.

"Alright. Get to it then," I hastened.

"Don't rush me," 4536 replied.

The machine transformed before our eyes. It looked like nothing I had ever seen before. I picked it up but did not know what I should do with it. I noticed Shaki begin to open her mouth then she stopped and looked away. I turned my eyes towards the machine again and noticed an arrow on one side where two medium sized holes were. I placed this end over my eyes and felt like I was actually in the trees. I was able to adjust them, so it gave the appearance that I was there and walking on top of them, even though I knew I was still standing on the short, rugged, forest floor.

"Let me see," Maverick said.

"Didn't notice you there," I replied in disgust as I reluctantly handed the machine over to him.

"Oh wow. These are next level. I have never used something like this. Whoever gave you these must really love you. I feel like I am walking on the clouds. Hmmm... this seems more like technology made for a high up official and not for a human."

"Yeah. Seems like whoever you got those from really knows how to work with technology," Carlos said as he scratched his chin. "I wonder..."

"You wonder what?" Shaki asked.

"Nothing. No need to think too much about other things now. We do not have a lot of time to get to the other side," Carlos said immediately.

"Yes! I agree," Shaki said with a nod.

"Alright. Let us get to it. Maverick, stay behind. We may need back up," Shaki exclaimed.

All three of us went off in different directions. I handed the machine to Shaki who moved off into the shadows. She seemed to be particularly good at stealth movement as I had no idea where she went. Carlos moved further right and I went to the left. We stayed in sight so that whatever was attacking us could see us. We were waiting for the enemy to make a mistake. We could only hope that the plan went...well, according to plan. I stopped at a certain point between two large trees and waited.

"One hundred meteros," I mumbled to myself.

Carlos should have stopped at this point as well. If our plan were to be successful, he would have too. I sat there for a few minutes when I noticed it. Somewhere near where Carlos should have been, something was diving in fast. I ran towards him with my Guandaos at the ready. My hands and feet would not work here. I would need my weapons. The dark mass was descending rapidly, and I knew I would not get there in time.

If I did not, then Carlos would be done for. Then I noticed it. Something like a meteor shot up from the earth, headed straight towards the incoming object. No, not like a meteor. A ball of black flames. It seemed to pass through organic material, the trees and whatever else, headed towards its intended target.

I watched in silence and glee as the flame hit its anticipated target and combusted with a loud bang that sent me staggering backwards. I stood there for a moment, dumbfounded. When I gained my composure, I sprinted towards where Carlos should have been and finally broke through the foliage. On the other side sat Carlos, and Shaki was near him. Maverick had also finally caught up and he looked excited.

"Shaki! I did not know you had it like that. My girl. Did you see what you did? That whole...whoosh... then...Bang...Then...Boom. Man, whatever took that hit really took that hit. Blew it nearly into next week. First class flight to K.O. Ville. I would stay in bed for the next three years after that. Probably change my name and area code. Like sorry people I do not know who you are asking for. That man died a long time ago. Wear a mask everywhere I went because of the shame of this beat down!" Maverick prattled on with delight.

"Yeah well. I'm sure once you have a better understanding of your powers you will be able to do something similar," Shaki said calmly as if it were no big deal.

"I think at some point you all will..." 4536 spoke up, "Well, with the exception of Jared here, you will all be capable of amazing feats."

"Thanks 4536," I mumbled.

"No problem Non-Pariah."

"Go to he..."

"Alright... enough of that," Shaki snapped.

"So, we took out one guy," Maverick interrupted.

"Did you get a good look at him, Shaki?" I asked.

"Yes, I did. We should go over to where he is and check on him to see how he is doing. He fell further up there," Shaki responded as she pointed straight.

We all cautiously moved forward, keeping our eyes and our wits about us. We needed to be careful and assess the danger we were in. Just because we could be healed did not mean we were not in peril. We could lose points every time we were downed by an enemy. We could be downed a total of three times per day. The third time we were out. It seemed like an extremely easy task but not with Pariah officials.

Many of them were much more powerful than the ones I had faced off against. Many of the students had already been ousted in the first twenty minutes. They could easily tear us apart if they so choose. We did not even know if at this very moment we were still being watched from someone nearby. We moved beyond the next clearing and noticed something further ahead.

It was covered in a light mist. No! It was more like a light smoke, but I could not smell anything burning. There was a green light that covered whatever or whoever it was; a sign that this person was being healed by the Pariah who wielded a sort of healing power. Magic, as it was called. El Pariah Sanadores Magicos. We knew we had a limited amount of time to figure out who the assailant was. When we finally reached him, we realized it was not an official at all but a student. He sat up right and glared angrily at us. Shaki began to laugh hysterically, although he did not find it funny.

"Why did you hit me so hard? Damn it! I was just doing what I was told." Antonio smiled.

"Antonio Blackwing, is it?" Shaki asked as she grinned.

"Yeah," Antonio said as he nursed his arm.

"Why were you attacking us?" I asked.

"Because I was asked to give the students a difficult situation, as you may sometimes be fighting your own who have switched sides. You need to be ready for anything. If I knew I would have been attacked like this, I would have not been part of this experiment. Damn it! This pain is too much!"

"Hahahaha. Man, you got wrecked," Maverick said jokingly.

Antonio stared at Maverick then turned away from him and glared at Shaki. Shaki just continued to laugh while Antonio's face twisted into a painted picture of heated resentment.

"Man, you really should have sat this one out, bro," Maverick cried with laughter. "Cannot believe I was afraid of what you could do. You fell harder than the guys who try to talk to Shaki here."

Shaki seemed to nod in agreement as Antonio slowly stood up and leaned against a tree. The green light was still hovering over his body.

"Look! As much as I would love to stay here with you and have this conversation. I need to return to my superiors and let them know I was downed once. I will come back with support though and then I will get my revenge."

It was at this moment that Antonio began to change. His torso and upper body became as wide as a tree trunk and fur grew out of his neck and chest as well as his arms. His stomach became a grayish white color and his face like that of a bat. Not a regular bat. He looked like one of those fruit bats I had seen pictures of while reading in my pre-studies. His wings were the colour of black and silver and his legs tripled in size. With one swift movement his wings had him aloft, flying towards his destination at blinding speeds. We all looked on as he disappeared behind the foliage up above.

"Yeah, so I guess this is where we stay in one spot until he gets back, instead of winning this thing, huh, guys," Maverick said as he began moving.

"You are right Maverick. We should keep moving," Carlos replied, "We have a long way to go."

It was about six when we found ourselves working our way towards our destination. I, for one, kept my wits about me, hoping that we would not find another official that would ambush my team and I out of nowhere. My comrades were also keeping alert of their surroundings as they should be. I noticed a cold chill in the air that seemed to be coming from Maverick's direction and I rubbed my arms to keep warm.

"Hey. Just a question. Do you always have to be using your powers like that? It is not that warm right now."

"Yeah, I do actually" Maverick said in reply.

"So, are you going to explain or are we just going to have to endure this cold with no understanding as to why?" Shaki asked.

"Sorry. I usually do not talk about this as it brings up difficult emotions. As you can see, my skin and eyes are quite different. Although I have the appearance of one from the islands, my skin is bright white. You may have heard the term 'Albino'. People like me are not accepted here, often getting left to fend for ourselves, left to die.

As an official, to have children that look like me is severely frowned upon. By using my own power as a thin layer over my skin, I can reflect the rays of the sun so that my skin does not burn or become damaged because of the sun's rays. I really do not have a choice. Supposedly my body just does this on its own. It's like breathing. It is what keeps me alive. My family would prefer that I do not do it as it's not the most pleasant at functions we attend. Sometimes I wonder if they would care if...Yeah. Anyways. Enough of all that," Maverick said as snow began to fall from his cheeks.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Maverick," Carlos said sympathetically.

"Yup, sounds rough." I interjected with concern.

"Yeah. It is sad that we must face such predicaments. At least at this school we have each other. Hopefully when we leave, we remain the same," Maverick replied as he wiped his cheeks with his sleeve which only hardened his tears.

" that we know, where do we go next?" Shaki interrupted.

I motioned for the others to continue moving when we noticed a commotion before us. It was a group of students fighting school officials. We decided to get a closer look and slowly made our way forward, using the trees and bushes as covering. The officials were all the elemental type and they were giving the students a difficult time. We decided that we would avoid this confrontation and work our way to the right a few meteros and then continue going straight.

As we did so, we found a small cave hidden underneath a tree that held supplies such as water, food and beds. A place of respite set up by the school that was untouched. We sat down to eat and drink and as we did, I noticed a button near the entrance of the cave. I walked over and pushed it and a light came on. There was a neon-lit sign that said "SAFE ZONE".

We could rest here with assurance that we would not be attacked. As we readied for bed, I took in my surroundings and noticed the libraries of books that were stacked on the shelves of every corner. I picked one up and began to read as my comrades closed their eyes. It spoke of the weakness and strengths of each type of Pariah apart from the Akhir and Regeneracion Pariahs. There were no known weaknesses for their types. It also mentioned others such as organic types which could mimic other organisms in different ways once touched.

There was not much on regeneration types with the exception that these could be immensely powerful and known to recover from great amounts of damage. I thought how amazing this power would be if I could procure it somehow. It would be easy to recover from damage and continue fighting against any enemy that wished for my destruction. I could even face the Garwayways if possible. It was silly of me to think that being a non-pariah, any wish to defeat a Garwayway was nowhere near possible. I fell asleep with the book still in my hand and to the soft snores of my comrades who were taking this journey with me.

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