Togetherness again ✅

By taekooker301

41.1K 2.4K 243

In life there are many things we wish for earnestly, but we don't end up gaining everything unless we are des... More

New book
New book 2


1.3K 87 6
By taekooker301

"Sleep baby!", Jungkook tucked Chanyeol into bed and gently caressed his head till he drifted to sleep again. He went to his room and changed into his night clothes. It was half past eleven, but he wasn't sleepy at all. He picked one of his favorite books and settled down on his bed with it and began to read, but was constantly distracted by Taehyung's thoughts.

'It's not a dream I promise...' Taehyung's words echoed in his ears. He shut his book and leaned on the pillows, completely lost in the memories of the amazing evening he spent with Taehyung. He had never felt this desired and admired by anyone as much he felt today. All the time he unknowingly twisted and played with a hair strand a residual smile played on his lips each time Taehyung's words crossed his mind.


Taehyung tossed and turned as he lay sleepless on his giant bed. Unable to sleep, he got up and stepped out into his balcony feeling the cool air. He looked up at the shining moon and laughed recollecting his half said words to Jungkook. He was just about to confess his love when Chanyeol called out.

"Actually, I'd rather do this differently!", Taehyung murmured to himself and hurried back to his room. He pulled out a pullover from the closet and grabbed his car keys before he dashed out of his apartment. After having picked up certain things, in no time he reached Jungkook's apartment.


It was about half past one and suddenly Jungkook's phone buzzed to life.

He picked up his phone and read the text message he received from Taehyung. It read 'Good Night! And...'

Jungkook chuckled reading his message and replied 'And...?' He was suddenly feeling like a college going teenager while replying to his text messages but there was a different kind of joy he was experiencing in it.

After almost half a minute his phone buzzed to life again flashing Taehyung's name as the sender of yet another text message. He blushed reading the message that read, 'You are still up? Thinking about me?'

Finding all this very funny and unrealistic he laughed again. He did not want to reply further and so put his phone aside, but unable to sustain his curiosity, he replied back, 'And...?'

Taehyung smiled reading his message. He looked around him and checked once last again for all the efforts he had taken in a short time and was hoping that no one was wide awake at this hour peeking out of any window. He replied, 'Step out onto your balcony and look down...'

Jungkook read the message and squealed in surprise, he jumped out of his bed, throwing the duvet aside. He ignored the slippers below his feet and ran bare footed to the balcony door. He slowly slid the door open, letting the cool wind inside. He shivered as he took tiny steps on the cold floor towards the railing. He clutched the cold railing and leaned a little to catch a glimpse of the view below. He gasped in astonishment as he could not believe what he saw. Taehyung had lit 100s of candles that read
I 💜 U. Taehyung stood proudly with both his hands on his hips inside the little heart. He was looking up in the direction of Jungkook's balcony. Taehyung definitely could not figure out his expressions, but was certain that he had amazed the boy. The sparkling and shining candles glowed in the dark and not one candle was blown out, the wind had suddenly mellowed and the sight looked beautiful from the 20th floor, where he stood and saw.

Jungkook's eyes sparkled with the reflection of all the lit candles and brimmed with tears blurring the breathtaking sight in front of his eyes. His phone buzzed once again and he rushed to answer the call. He answered on the second ring but remained silent, letting his uneven breath and loudly pounding heart do the talking.

"I knew you did not sleep!'' Taehyung said softly into the phone. He heard nothing from his except his breathing and his heartbeats.

"Won't you say anything bun?", Taehyung whispered.

Jungkook was too overwhelmed and was lost for words with Taehyung's confession of love and that too in the most unexpected way. He had seen this in dramas and read this in books but had never ever expected someone to do all this for him. He blushed as he looked at those glowing candles once again and tried hard to say something but was tongue tied.

"I'm waiting bun!", Taehyung said softly urging him to say something. He knew that the younger was amazed and too thrilled to speak anything as his silence spoke about it, but he wished to hear it from him.

Gaining control over his flurry of emotions Jungkook spoke, "Good Night tae!'' his voice laced with joy and contentment. Taehyung knew he was smiling as he could sense that from the tone of his voice. Jungkook suppressed his smile and said, ''Got an early day tomorrow...You too need some sleep after tiring yourself by doing something this beautiful. Good night."

Taehyung laughed a little and said, "Alright! Good night!" and hung up. He was convinced his efforts had hit the right chord in Jungkook's heart. He did not have the heart to blow away the candles that were depicting his burning desire and love for jungkook but understanding that it's not his dreamland, but a residential apartment, he blew out the candles and collected them emptying the premises, leaving a trail of his love in the form of melted wax. He dumped them in the bin and turned one last time to catch a glimpse of his love standing 20 floors above waving at him happily.

He waved back at him and drove off smiling and humming a song cheerfully. He had finally confessed his feelings for him and felt very ecstatic about it.

The mystical sight remained captured in Jungkook's thoughts all the time till he drifted to sleep in the wee hours of the morning.

He woke up to a bright morning and a smiled appeared instantly on his lips as he recollected the late night incident. He remembered every bit of it and was certain that it wasn't any dream, but was nothing less compared to a fairy tale.

He pushed himself out of bed and got dressed for work and engaged himself in his daily chores lined up one after another which started with waking up Chanyeol for school.

After finishing all his work he hurriedly packed his lunch and grabbed his handbag and said, "eomma, I'll finish all the remaining arrangements for the birthday today after work. So I'll be home a little late."

"Okay son just be careful and slow. Don't stress so much." Mrs. Park said.

Jungkook hugged her and closed the door behind him. He took the elevator and reached the ground floor quickly and was sprinting towards the parking when his eyes fell on the traces of wax in the same place where Taehyung had lit 100s of candles for him. He glanced at it sideways and smiled but soon ran to his car as he was running late and drove off.


Kim Industries

"Rosy, I suppose you have shortlisted the names of the candidates?'' , Taehyung asked Rosy over the intercom. He was up early in the morning and reached his office to finalize a candidate to handle his business in the other states of South Korea.

Rosy had shortlisted three candidates suiting best to the profile and arranged for a meeting with them immediately as per Taehyung's instructions. Taehyung's business was fast expanding and he needed potential candidates to shoulder his responsibility.

After a brief meeting with each, Taehyung took some time off to finish his other pending work he had to wind up before he left for Daegu.

"Oops! I forgot to inform Rosy about the change in my travel plan'', Taehyung said to himself and immediately picked the intercom and hit extension number to Rosy's desk.

"Yes Sir", Rosy answered politely.

"Could you please come in and note down a letter?", Taehyung said.

Rosy promptly arrived to his cabin within minutes and stood in front of him with the notepad and pen to jot down Taehyung's notes.

"Rosy, I want you to cancel my ticket to Daegu for Tuesday and book me on an early morning flight on Wednesday." Taehyung said.

"Okay Sir!"

"Good", Taehyung said and continued to flip through the pages of the file when he realized Rosy still stood there. He looked up and asked her, "Yes?"

"Sir, you told me to write down a letter?" Rosy answered a little confused.

Taehyung recollected that he had to respond to a mail and politely apologized for forgetting about it, "Sorry, yes, please write down"

Taehyung rattled out words and Rosy noted them quickly. She was very efficient and knew well to keep pace with her boss. She finished writing the entire letter as dictated by Taehyung and excused herself. Taehyung put his head back on the chair and relaxed for a while. He ran his fingers through his silky hair thinking about his last night's adventure. He laughed as he imagined Jungkook's dumbfound expression, widened doe eyes and his blush.

Rosy knocked gently on the door and entered when she heard, "Come In"

Taehyung was still lost in his thoughts and did not notice Rosy's presence.

"Sir, the contact person is Mr. Lee Jungkook?'', Rosy asked and her voice filled the room. Taehyung heard her voice and only caught the name 'Jungkook'. He immediately answered back, "Its, Jeon Jungkook"

Rosy was confused with his answer as the signed copy of the contract reads Lee Jungkook. She hesitantly asked him again to verify, "Sir...It's Lee Jungkook as per the signature here and moreover I don't remember any Jeon Jungkook, sir."

Taehyung did not answer till Rosy cleared her throat and asked a little louder to gain Taehyung's attention, "Sir!?" Taehyung suddenly jerked and looked in Rosy's direction. He flushed and composed himself and said, "Sorry, What did you ask?"

Rosy suppressed her smile and was surprised to see her boss' love struck expressions and asked innocently, "Is the contact person Mr. Jeon Jungkook?" stressing on Jeon. Taehyung looked up suddenly and gave her a cold stare. Rosy nervously asked further , "Or is it Lee Jungkook?"

Looking at Rosy's serious face Taehyung broke into laughter and said, "Its Mr. Lee Jungkook." Rosy nodded and smiled at Taehyung before she turned to return to her desk when Taehyung stopped her, "Rosy any meetings lined up for today?"

Rosy gave a pleasant smile and said, "Nothing really important, I'll manage the schedule." Taehyung stood up and grabbed his suit and said, "Thanks sweetheart!" and winked at her before he dashed out of the office.

Rosy charmed by Taehyung giggled and went back to her desk to rearrange Taehyung's schedule as promised.


Fakeu Cake Shop, Busan

"Sir, any message you want on the cake?", the young boy at the counter asked.

"Yes, Happy Birthday Chanyeol." Jungkook answered politely and said further, "when should I come and collect the cake tomorrow?"

"Around 6.30"

"Oh great, I'll collect it myself and how much do I pay now?" Jungkook asked.

"It's four hundred as advance payment and four hundred on delivery", the boy replied. He smiled and turned to join the line for making the payment. He stopped and turned as something caught his attention. He saw a delicious caked that was ready with, "Happy birthday KTH" written on it. He hit his head, and muttered something to himself before he turned away and joined the line to make the payment.

Jungkook stepped out of the shop and headed to his car in the parking. He took out the little to do list he had made for Chanyeol's birthday.

"Balloons and ribbons - checked''

''Snacks and cold drinks -Checked"

"Cake - Checked"

"Return Gifts -Oh yes...return gifts are remaining."

He mentally made a note of other things he wanted to pick from the mall and drove towards the Forum Value Mall.


Forum Value Mall, Busan

Jungkook pulled up into the parking of the mall and stepped out of the car. Recollecting the list once again, he began walking towards the entrance of the mall passing rows and rows of cars parked while he put the keys into the purse.

"Yes...I will look into the matter, Mr.lee", he heard Taehyung's voice. He turned around to confirm and saw Taehyung standing near his car. He looked relaxed, perhaps looked like he was taking a break after a hectic day. His shirt's sleeves rolled up, his tie not in place and first two buttons undone. He had his phone in one hand and a lighted cigarette in the other. He took a puff of the cigarette and pushed his hair up.

The sight was enough to provoke Jungkook. He was fuming with anger when he saw Taehyung smoking and hurried to him quickly taking large steps at a time. He stood in front of Taehyung and snatched the cigarette from his hand and threw it on the ground with disgust. Taehyung was stunned to see Jungkook, "I'll call you back''; he said and disconnected the call. He was gaping at jungkook and looked guilty like a child who was caught copying in an examination. Jungkook glared at him and stomped off immediately.

Taehyung caught Jungkook's wrist instantly and stammered, "I...I...I am really sorry bun."
Jungkook tried to free his hand from Taehyung's and said, "Taehyung, please leave my hand, I don't want to talk to you." He managed to free his hand and began walking swiftly. Taehyung jogged to keep pace with him and walked besides his pleading, "bun... I'm really sorry! I...I wasn't smoking..."

Jungkook stopped on his way and looked at him and snapped, "You don't think I am blind right? Or did your saxophone that you were playing turned into a cigarette when it saw me?'' Getting no answer from Taehyung he continued walking again.

Taehyung punched his hand to the palm of other hand in frustration and sighed as he was truly guilty and repented about it. He followed him again completely determined to apologize and said, "I promise I won't smoke again. Please...give me one last chance bun."

Jungkook just looked at him in disapproval and entered the mall and strode to the elevator. Taehyung followed him, but missed the elevator and took the stairs immediately. Jungkook saw him taking the stairs and giggled to see him making efforts to apologize to him.

He soon retained his stern look and did not show any signs of forgiving him. He stepped out on the 1st Floor and pulled a trolley before heading towards the first section. Taehyung came running from behind and followed him to stop him, "bun, listen to me please!"

Jungkook stopped and crossed his arms, "What is it Taehyung?"

Taehyung looked at his cute face, his eyes fierce, Taehyung found it cute and instead of apologizing he said, "I did not hear from you after last night?''

Jungkook smiled instantly and immediately turned away to hide his smile and spoke a little angrily, ''I suppose you were here to apologize?"

Taehyung bit his tongue and innocently said, "Oh, yes!'' but he did notice the smile that appeared instantly on his face.

Jungkook raised his eyebrow and said curtly, "So you first need to convince me that why I should forgive you and then expect any reply from me."

Jungkook went about collecting things from his list one after another, but also kept an eye on Taehyung. He wasn't seen for a while so he was a little disappointed. Jungkook turned around to look behind the 2nd row but did not find him even there. Slowly he turned back and got scared when Taehyung suddenly appeared in front of him with a big 'Sorry Card' that he bought from the card and gifts section. He opened it and held it for jungkook to read.

"I know I've hurt you and I wish I could undo the wrong, but I promise I won't repeat it again"

Jungkook read it and took it from him and put in the trolley and said, "You promised me last time too Taehyung. How can I believe you won't repeat it again?"

Taehyung felt a little dejected as he was not successful in convincing Jungkook but he did not give up, he was determined to do anything to apologize and convince him that he would not do it again. He thought hard and in the mean time Jungkook picked up some grocery and other household items. He looked at Taehyung from the corner of his eye once again and took the elevator to the next floor.

Taehyung followed him to the next floor and spotted him at the toy section. He walked up to him but, there were a lot of people around so he could not speak anything to him. He quietly stood by him helping him pick up the Rubik's cubes as one of the return gifts. Taehyung pleaded him through his eyes, but in vain.

Jungkook glanced through some of the books and color books and picked up a couple of them for Chanyeol. Taehyung picked up a teddy with a 'sorry' tag and quietly placed it in Jungkook's trolley. Taehyung looked at jungkook expectantly with his puppy eyes, Jungkook felt like melting on the spot he was weak for those eyes but he played tough and put the teddy back on the rack and dismissed his plea.

They both walked in silence to the counter for billing for toys. Taehyung waited all the while silently beside him, but was distracted by a tap on his shoulder, "Sir, you left behind your pen after signing the credit card statement sometime back.''

Taehyung took the pen from him and said, "Oh yes! Thank you."

Jungkook heard this and looked at Taehyung and asked surprisingly, "Toys?"

Taehyung nodded and said, ''Yes, for someone special!''

"Sir, your card, please sign here", the cashier said. Taehyung immediately offered Jungkook his pen to sign. While he tapped his fingers on the counter table and waited for jungkook to finish paying he noticed a pack of cigarettes on the edge of the counter. He slowly picked it up from the counter and asked, "You boys are so young and you smoke?"

The boys at the counter looked at one another nervously and looked down. Jungkook watched Taehyung as he spoke further, "I too am addicted, but trust me it's not a good thing for health. Even a single cigarette is injurious to health. I know being a smoker myself, I have no rights to talk about all this but when I look at you, I realise that tomorrow when my son will be of your age and he would take to smoking, then I won't be able to stop him as I will be one of the many he would look up to and learn such things from."

The boys looked sorry and so did Taehyung, he looked at jungkook who was smiling and looking at him in admiration and said, "I am quitting smoking today for my son and I want you to do it too for your parents."

The boys nodded and said together, "We promise Sir, we won't smoke henceforth. Not a single cigarette!!" One of the boys took the pack from Taehyung's hands and discarded into the dustbin. Taehyung and Jungkook smiled and wished them luck and picked up the bags that were packed and turned to exit.

Jungkook was deeply moved and convinced with Taehyung and was sure that he would never have to fight with Taehyung over smoking again. Taehyung had finally managed to convince him, but he remained tight lipped about it.

Taehyung noticed that Jungkook was not that upset and had given up on his anger and so he helped him with the other purchases without bothering him much. Jungkook was fascinated to see Taehyung moving about the mall and picking vegetables, noodles and sauces as per the list. He had never seen him participative in something as common as shopping for daily life needs. Taehyung noticed him admiring him and turning cold again when he tried to speak to him.

Together they finished the shopping and headed to the parking lot. Taehyung helped him carrying the bulky bags to his car. Jungkook opened the back seat and dumped his bags and held it open for taehyung to put the remaining bags away.

He shut the door and turned to look at Taehyung dusting his hands and his shirt and said, "Umm...Thanks for all the help.'

"You're most welcome'', Taehyung replied courteously.

Jungkook turned to open the driver's door, but Taehyung grabbed his hand and said, "I'm genuinely very sorry bun. I promise that I'll never hurt you and break my promise. I swear on me..." Jungkook put his hand on his mouth and stopped him. He knew Taehyung was serious and would never break his promise to him. Every word that he spoke to the boys was real and Jungkook was proud of him.

"I know you are sorry and I also know that you will keep up your word this time. I am just worried about your health and..." He paused.

Taehyung's eyes captured his and both exchanged concern for one another. Taehyung's gaze was magnetic and it was always difficult for jungkook to look away from those beautiful almond eyes.

"You are in love with me bun" , Taehyung said confidently. Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts and blushed. He hurriedly turned away to escape his eyes, but Taehyung caught his wrist and twisted it behind him back and pinned him to the car. Jungkook took a shallow breath and looked down to avoid Taehyung's piercing eyes on him. Taehyung stood very close to him and rested his other hand on the car top beside Jungkook, his shoulder covering him completely and asked, "So can I expect a reply now?"

Not getting any response from Jungkook except his cheeks turning pink and a soft smile on her lips, he tightened his grip on his hand and said, "I won't let you go unless I get a reply from you."

Jungkook slowly lifted his eyes to meet Taehyung's. He had to look up a little more than usual to meet his eyes as Taehyung stood very close to him and also him being shorter to Taehyung by a good two inches made him lift her head high. He cleared his throat and spoke with a slight attitude, "You haven't posed any question to me as yet Mr. Kim so how can you expect me to reply?''

Taehyung laughed as he understood what the sassy bunny was getting to. He leaned a little closer to him and Jungkook squirmed as Taehyung neared him closing the distance between the two. Jungkook shut his eyes and could smell his cologne and feel his warm breath. Taehyung's hair brushed his cheek and he instantly turned his face to avoid the tickling it caused.

"Shall I pose the question right away?'' Taehyung whispered softly in his ears. He slowly distanced himself from Jungkook and watched him closely. From the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest, he guessed younger's heart to be beating faster than normal. Suddenly Jungkook felt the grip on his hand loosen up and he immediately opened his eyes.

Taehyung stood a little away from him with his arms crossed. Jungkook looked confused and so Taehyung pointed his thumb towards a gentleman approaching towards the car parked right beside Jungkook's.

"Sir, after you'', the gentleman said.

Jungkook bit his lip to avoid laughing looking at Taehyung's irritated looks. He looked very upset for that man had spoilt his moment. Jungkook sat into his car and ignited the engine. He rolled down the glass and looked at Taehyung and said, "See you tomorrow at 7. We all shall await your gracious presence." He winked at Taehyung and waved at him as he drove off.

The last sentence brought a big smile on Taehyung's face. He saw the boy driving away and walked to his car waiting for him in the other direction.


Mr.Park answered the door and helped Jungkook with all the bags he was carrying. He put them on the couch and collapsed alongside taking a deep breath. Chanyeol came running to him from his room and hugged him. Looking at so many things he asked excitedly, "All this is for me Papa?"

Jungkook planted a kiss on his cheek and said, ''Yes, baby, all yours!"

Chanyeol grabbed a couple of bags and opened them one after another. He could not contain his excitement as he opened one bag after another.

"Appa where is eomma?'', Jungkook asked Mr.Park.

"She is in the room. Gossiping!'' he said and winked.

Jungkook laughed with his father- in- law and got up to go meet her. He wanted to inform her about the party arrangements.

He found the door open and was about to knock but he unintentionally stood there listening to his mother-in-law speak to someone about some random person.

"After the guy betrayed him and after all that happened to the boy and his parents, marriage was least expected... but I'm glad the elder brother stepped in and stood up for the family. I guess marrying the boy was the best he could do."

Jungkook was still listening to her, but finding it to be nothing of his concern he thought to come back later, but his mother-in-law's further words rooted him to the spot.

"I know Mrs.hong, at least he made up for all the guilt. His concern and sympathies gave new life to the boy. I just hope this compromise will eventually lead the two to fall in love and live happily. God bless him..."

Jungkook was stunned to listen to all that his mother in law spoke. ''Guilt, concern, sympathies...'' the words echoed in his ears loudly and he took small steps backward till his back hit the wall. Tears rolled down his eyes silently and Jungkook suddenly felt that same bitter reality hit him hard and his dreams shattered.

What is going on in Jungkook's coconut head? Any guesses?

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